The Accidental Imperial Concubine

Chapter 47 Micro Understanding

Lu Yuan turned around and closed the door and saw Li Chen standing under the corridor.

Lu Yuan and Li Chen have many intersections these days. Li Chen is open and aboveboard and has excellent medical skills. Although he is a little indifferent to people, Lu Yuan still has a good impression on him. "Why don't you sleep so late?" Lu Yuan asked with a smile.

"The moonlight is good. Come out to see the moon. You haven't slept either." Li Chen looked at Lu Yuan jokingly.

Lu Yuan stretched out and stretched out his head to look at the night sky, "Well, the moonlight is really nice today. I also came out to enjoy the moon!" It's serious.

"The moonlight is indeed extremely beautiful, and this fragrant taste is very similar to the beauty tonight." Originally, he didn't mean to come here, but he only wanted to come here after smelling a strong fragrance in the air. This fragrance is also a rare thing, which has the effect of soothing people's mind. It is an extremely effective therapeutic drug. However, when used, people who smell it will be less alert. At this time, the mind is also the most vulnerable time. Once attacked and broken, it is also a kind of ectica. It is extremely difficult to refine. In recent years, it has only flowed from the world. Spread it.

He followed the cold fragrance and more or less heard a little conversation. The word love is really the most difficult thing in the world. Just like his master, Li Chen shook his head secretly.

Lu Yuan was not surprised to hear Li Chen's fragrance. He couldn't smell it. He was really ashamed of the sign of the medical fairy. He did use Lingxiang, which has not been used a little. He has long been immune to this thing. This time, he also wanted to capture her mental defense when she was weak in consciousness, so that she could really accept Ling. He didn't think it was so despicable. After all, if Yu Xi really doesn't like Ling, Lingxiang can't work no matter how effective it is. .

"If you want fragrance, I will definitely give you both hands." Lu Yuan left a sentence. People who want fragrance in this world are like crucian carp crossing the river, and they must be one of them.

Who knew that Li Chen faintly threw away a earth-shaking sentence, "No, I have a recipe to control it."

"What?! How can you have it?" Now Lu Yuan jumped his feet in a hurry. This fragrance was developed by himself. How can others have a prescription? The production of fragrance consumes more than a dozen different dew and fragrances, and the production method is very complicated. How can this Lichen have? How can you not shock him?

Li Chen probably guessed that Lu Yuan was the inventor of this recipe and said, "I even have Huang Quanluo's recipe. It's really hard for me to beat the little fragrance."

Lu Yuan couldn't help saying, "You, you..."

"What's wrong?" Li Chen glanced at him and asked casually. At the critical moment, he also had an angry essence.

"I,, you, you..." At this time, the little marquis Lu Yuan has been so angry that he has nothing to say. Although his medical skills are not good, he usually likes to study these side-door drugs. In the world, he dares to say the second, and everyone dares to recognize the first, but now the medicine he has been developed has been cracked. How can he do it? Not angry?

"Ah, the moon is really good today. Brother Lu is interested in drinking with the next moon?" Li Chen didn't look at Lu Yuan, lifted his robe, stopped, and went out of the courtyard.

"Li Chen, stop. How do you know the recipe of Lingxiang? Don't use it indiscriminately for me. Hey, stop!" Who would have thought that the Marquis Chengyuan, who has always been a fool, would lose his image one day?

The moonlight sprinkled on the slow-moving white figure, creating a hazy halo. The man in blue clothes chased after him with a murderous face and kept shouting, "Li Chen, tell me quickly!"

Ah, the stars are rare, and this day is getting more and more interesting day by day.

The next day, Yuxi woke up at five o'clock in the morning. This hour was really unusually early for her. Without sleepiness, she got up directly, dressed herself up, and went out. She has been lying on ** these days. She hasn't gone out for breath of fresh air, just now to go out for a walk. This is also a habit she has developed in modern times. When she encounters something she can't figure out, she often has unexpected gains.

The impact brought to her by the marquis's words yesterday is undoubtedly huge. It's time for her to sort out her mood.

It's really early. Everyone didn't get up, and Yuxi gently went out of the back door.

At dawn, some early street vendors began to set up stalls. Maybe they were afraid of waking up others, and their movements were easy.

I don't know where to go, Yuxi just walked forward casually. After emptying my thoughts and smelling the fresh air, I couldn't help but jump.

The surrounding shops are gradually starting to open, and the number of people on the street is gradually increasing.

"Oh--" The sudden cry pulled back Yuxi's thoughts, and he fixed his eyes and found that a man fell down on the roadside.

"Grandma, are you all right?" With that, Yuxi quickly walked over and helped the old woman up.

" dish!" As soon as the old woman was helped up, she squatted down to pick up the knocked-down dish.

Looking at the unstable figure of the old woman, Yu Xi quickly grabbed her, "Mother-in-law, don't move, I'll pick it up for you!" After saying that, he leaned over and picked up the basket of the scattered vegetables.

"Little girl, thank you!" The old woman patted Yuxi's hand. When you are old, you can't walk well. Hey... I'm glad you're here today."

"It doesn't matter. Well done, mother-in-law, why did you come out to sell vegetables at an old age? This is too dangerous. Where are your children? Since childhood, Yuxi has only lived with her grandfather, and her grandmother died in her early years, so she has a good impression on her grandfather's generation.

The old woman picked up the vegetable burden, "I don't have children, hey..."

Yuxi walked next to the old woman and followed her to the market. "I didn't know that. I'm sorry, mother-in-law, don't be sad."

"It's okay, I'm used to it. I'm waiting for my wife." As if she thought of something happy, the old woman's eyes were full of brilliance.

"Where did Grandpa go?" Yuxi asked curiously.

The old woman squeezed her lips and said, "For more than 40 years, he joined the army. When he left, he asked me to wait for him to come back. I have been waiting like this. I have been waiting for more than 40 years, but he hasn't come back yet."

Has your mother-in-law been waiting like this for more than 40 years? No news, no expectations, waiting for more than 40 years?

"Hasn't your mother-in-law thought that grandpa..." asked tentatively.

The old woman put down the burden and began to set up a stall. Yu Xi also squatted down to help sort it out.

While fiddling with vegetables skillfully, the old woman said with a smile, "Why didn't I think about it? When I was free, I was thinking about whether this person was gone or if he had a new person outside and forgot me as an old man. Ha..."

"Then you still..." Yuxi took the basket and put it on the ground, and continued to ask with a puzzled face. Why did she waste a good time waiting when she knew she couldn't get it?

The old woman looked at the sun in the distance, "Son, you are still young, you don't understand. He didn't have much ability, but I just liked him at that time and followed him with all my heart. I only married him for two years. Without children, he left. He told me at that time that he would come back no matter what happened. As for me, since I love him, I can definitely wait for him. I'm waiting for him here. Maybe he's lost. I'm turning on the light for him at home.

Is it true that you can wait these decades just because of love? Just because of love, even if you know that there is no hope, you can feel at ease and give yourself a hope and wait for him?

Seeing Yu Xi in a daze, the old woman smiled, "Son, when you also have someone you like, you won't be afraid of the past few decades. At that time, I couldn't think about him, so I kept thinking about getting married for two years. Don't mention it, I don't know what happened between us. At that time..."

The old woman was still talking about something, but Yuxi didn't hear anything at this time.

For 40 years, my mother-in-law has relied on their love, and their two-year memories have come here.

Can love really be so powerful? So, is it okay for her and the demons? She seems to understand a little.

"Hey... Grandma Li, how do you sell this vegetable? Or five copper coins per catty?" More and more people came out of the market.

"Yes, Feng's daughter-in-law, do you still want two catties? I'll wrap it up for you." With that, he gave two catties of green vegetables to the man.

"Little girl, why did you come out so early? Don't you go back yet?"

"Mother-in-law, hey, I'll come out for a walk. I have nothing to do. I'll help you sell vegetables. Anyway, I have nothing to do." Yuxi really hasn't done this, and suddenly wants to try it.

The old woman smiled and said, "The little girl is really a good person. Who married you must be your blessing."

"Ha ha, mother-in-law, don't laugh at me. I can't do anything. Whoever marries me is unlucky!" Another evil face appeared in front of him.

The old woman slapped the back of Yuxi's hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense! Little girl, let me tell you, tonight is the famous 'marriage party' in Fancheng. I don't think you are a local. You must not despise me for dinner with my old lady tonight. In the evening, let's go to the marriage party to have a look. It's very lively! To tell you the truth, he and I also met there. I think you are red, and the marriage is about to come!"

Seeing the hope on the old woman's face, Yu Xi had to be shy. What kind of marriage? If it's not an evil fate, she will be Ami Tofu!

"Come on, let's take a look at fresh vegetables, five copper plates per catty." The old woman smiled and then sold the vegetables. Yu Xi fought beside him.

After a while, more than half of the dishes were sold. Yuxi looked at the simplicity and enthusiasm among the villagers and warmed her heart.

When I lowered my head to clean up the vegetable leaves, I suddenly heard someone ask, "How much is this dish?"

"Five coppers per catty!" Yuxi blurted out and suddenly looked up into the familiar whirlpool.