The Accidental Imperial Concubine

Chapter 71 Lu Qin

Yuxi walked leisurely with the girl, during which she seemed to chat casually with the girl in front of her.

"Honger, how's your daughter's medicine? I just heard that there is only one medicine left.

Hong'er sighed, "Yes, it's just a medicine. Miss is very nice, but God is unfair. She has suffered so much.

"Well, I also heard that a medicine is a beautiful bead. Have you seen it?" Yuxi hurriedly asked, that's why she came here.

Hong'er thought for a moment and scratched her head, "I haven't seen that bead."

"Do you know where it is? I'm curious about this kind of thing!"

"It seems to be at Shui Gongzi's. Because the medicine is not collected, and those drugs are very precious and are kept by Mr. Shui.

"Water Prince? Is that the master?" The medicine is at that person's place, so you should go to his place to have a look.

"Yes! Mr. Shui is not only good at medicine, but also good at people. I have been helping sick servants see a doctor in the house, and I have no airs at all. Many maids in the house like to look for him. With that, Honger's face also turned red.

Yuxi saw this and joked, "Hong'er won't like that water boy either! So many of the girl came to see him to see him!" Yuxi, what are you talking about? How can people like us be worthy of Mr. Shui and can only watch from afar?

"That's it. Hey, Honger, I'm very interested in this man. Can you take me to see him?"

"How can this be!" Hong'er's tone suddenly became stronger.

"Well... I'm just curious about him, and I don't mean to cove him. Honger, don't be so excited! I'm definitely not your rival!" Yu Xi retorted righteously.

"That's not the case. The young master has issued a strict order, but he is afraid that we servants will disturb Mr. Shui again, so that we can't get close to Mr. Shui's yard. And you came to talk to the young lady, and I can't take you to see Mr. Shui. You'd better follow me to meet the young lady. Don't think about these things. Miss has eaten very little these days, and she has lost weight again, hey..."

"Okay, okay, I know." It seems that we can only look for another opportunity.

"Okay, there is the lady's boudoir in front of it. At this hour, the lady should be reading in the pavilion. I'll take you there."

Yuxi nodded and followed. The Yong'an Mansion is really big, and there is also a huge artificial lake. The willows by the lake are Yiyi, and the breeze blows on the lake, with ripples at the starting point. The afternoon sun sprinkles on the lake, stirring up broken light and shadow. There is a five-pointed pavilion in the center of the lake. The pavilion is covered with thick white veil, saying that it is to prevent the wind. Is this young lady's body really weak?

Red'er led Yuxi to walk on the trestle leading to the pavilion, which was not slow.

Lifting the veil, Honger blessed her body, "Miss, Marquis Yuan came to the house. The marquis was afraid that you would be bored, so he sent a considerate maidservant in the house to talk to you.

"Cough - I know, thank my cousin Yuan for me. What about the little girl?"

"Here, her name is Yuxi." Hong'er gave way and exposed Yuxi behind her.

"Hi, Miss Qin." Yuxi then had to see this lady.

Lu Qin lay on a noble concubine chair with mink hair on it, which looked very warm. The pavilion was lit with incense, and Yu Xi was very familiar with it. It was the kind of person who specialized in calming down. There are a few heartfels on the stone table, a pot of tea, and several books, all of which are poetry collections.

Looking at Lu Qin again, what comes to Yuxi's mind is the image of Lin Daiyu. Lu Qin's eyebrows are as thin as willows, slightly clenched, with a trace of flushing on her face, which should be the cause of the cough. There is no god in the eyes, and there are some tears in it. It's really in response to Sister Lin's two bends that seem to frown, and a pair of eyes that seem to be happy but not happy. The state is full of sorrow, and it is a disease that hits the body. Tears, delicate/breathing slightly. When you are idle, you are like a flower shining in the water, and you move like a weak willow to help the wind.

When Yuxi looked at her, Lu Qin was also observing Yuxi. The woman in front of her was very angry, and her whole body gave people a feeling of sunshine, with bright eyes and a little smile. Light makeup, fresh and elegant. On the contrary, she is a lively and flexible woman, not as weak as herself and boring.

Looking at her full of glory, she is not an ordinary maidservant. What does Yuan's cousin want to send her to say?

"Get up, thanks to my cousin Yuan's heart. Honger, go down first. I'll have a good talk with Yuxi. Lu Qin covered her mouth with a veil and coughed a few times, "Xiaoqing, go to my room and bring some of the preserves my brother gave me last time and give it to Yuxi a taste."

The two maids nodded and left the pavilion.

"Yuxi, please sit down."

"Hmm." Seeing that Lu Qin has left the subordinates, Yu Xi also thinks it's good, and the two of them can have a good conversation.

"Yuxi, did cousin Yuan ask you to come and tell me?" Lu Qin sat up and poured a cup of tea for Yuxi in person.

"The marquis asked me to chat with you, relieve boredom, and tell you about Ye Feiyun by the way." Yu Xi didn't want to be in trouble. He went straight in and pulled Ye Feiyun first, and then mentioned the medicine by the way.

"Flying cloud..." Lu Qin coughed violently and his mood fluctuated greatly.

Yu Xi hurried behind her and patted her on the back. Miss Qin, don't worry, don't worry."

Lu Qin recovered after a while, took a sip of tea and smiled apologetically, "It's an old problem."

"Miss, don't worry and relax. I'm here to send you a message. Ye Feiyun has nothing to do. He loves you very much. He said he won't give up on you."

"I know that Feiyun loves me, but there are too many barriers between us. Dad won't allow us to be together, and it's just a humiliation for him to come back. Besides, my body also stepped into the devil's door with half a foot, and we..." Lu Qin couldn't go on, and saw that tears were about to fall.

"Miss, don't cry! People think about the way, and there will always be. What should you do if you are so unconfidence and let Ye Feiyun do? You are so frustrated. Have you ever thought about Ye Feiyun's feelings? He likes you so much and keeps working hard for your love. How can you give up first? Lin Daiyu has worked hard for love. Besides, there are so many people who help you now. What are you afraid of? Yuxi was quite hateful and thought about it.

"I know, I know, but I'm afraid I can't get better."

"How could it be? Miss, I think your illness is a heart disease, coupled with a year-old depression and lack of exercise, so you are so weak. Yuxi saw Lu Qin's questioning face and continued, "You can relax, eat more, drink more, sleep more, and have a good rest these days. This disease is not urgent, not for you, but also for Ye Feiyun and your future!" You know, the body is the capital of the revolution!"

"Puff--" Lu Qin listened to Yuxi so serious at the beginning, but she didn't expect such a sentence to come out later and laugh directly.

"I now know why my cousin Yuan sent you here, Yuxi, you are so cute." Lu Qin smiled, very beautiful, and flashed Yuxi's eyes.

"Just laugh more. Look how beautiful you smile!"

"Thank you, Yuxi. I'm very happy today. I will live well for Feiyun!"

"Well, let me tell you, Ye Feiyun didn't give up. He also asked the marquis for help. The marquis is also contacting your brother Lu Qin. We should work together inside and outside. I'm not afraid that your father won't agree!"

"Ha ha, okay!"

When Xiaoqing came in, she happened to see her young lady's smile. Two beautiful women sat at the stone table and smiled happily. She hasn't seen such a pure smile for a long time. The young lady has also laughed before, but with a trace of far-fetchedness and helplessness. It turns out that a sincere smile can be so beautiful, as dazzling as the sun.

Yuxi and Lu Qin had a good chat, and the two girls chatted.

"Bright, Yuxi, how old are you? I think you are only 17 or 18 years old, but you seem to know everything.

Yuxi lost a preserve into her mouth, "Ha ha, thank you for praising me for being young. I'm 20 years old!"

"What? You are so big. I'm only 16 years old!"

"Ha? Are you only sixteen? Oh, my God." Yuxi was very speechless. He didn't expect that the man in front of him was sixteen. In the rainy season, he had fallen in love and got married. It seemed that the ancient woman was really precocious.

"Ha ha, yes, I'm 16 years old!"

"Look at you, it hurts spring and autumn again! Sixteen is good, a flower!" Yuxi looked at Lu Qin's frown and said helplessly. These women locked in the boudoir have been imprisoned in these courtyards. Fortunately, she was not born in ancient times, otherwise she would not be able to live this kind of life at all.

"Tin'er, let me tell you, sick people should bask in the sun more. You can't stay here. It's all bacteria."

"What are bacteria?" From time to time, a few words that she didn't know would burst out of Yuxi's mouth.

"Ah, nothing! Qiner, why don't you go out with me? Don't lock it here all the time. Today's sunshine is good! If you are afraid of the cold, how about asking Xiaoqing to put a coat on you?

Looking at the eager expression in Yuxi's eyes, Lu Qin agreed.

Xiaoqing thoughtfully put on the coat of Lu Qin's opinion, and listened to Yuxi's words and rolled up the veil surrounded by the pavilion.

The sun shines into the pavilion with a little warmth, which is very beautiful. Yu Xi squinted and felt the sunshine, stretched out, breathed the fresh air, and felt much better.

"Xin'er, let's go!"

"Hmm." Looking at the enjoyment on Yuxi's face, Lu Qin was also a little moved and pulled Yuxi out of the pavilion.

The two walked in the corridor, talking and laughing, very happily.

In late spring and early summer, the weather is very good, and the breeze blows on the face, giving people extreme gentleness.

Lu Qin seemed to be wandering well for the first time, and he couldn't remember many places.

Turning through the rockery and getting on an arch bridge, Yuxi lay on the pier and looked at the lake below.

The water is very clear, and even the water plants at the bottom of the lake are clearly visible. The fish swim happily in it.

"Xin'er, how do you feel?"

"The body is very comfortable and feels good." She rarely walked around like this, basking in the sun and blowing the wind. Her troubles seemed to be forgotten, and her burden seemed to be light.

"Don't just stay in your room every day. If you have a chance in the future, you should come out to bask in the sun, see the scenery and breathe fresh air, which is also good for your illness!"

"I know, and I will pay attention to it later."

After a while of rest, the two continued to walk forward and saw a small yard. The door of the yard opened, and you could see the flowers and plants planted in the small yard, which was very beautiful.

I was about to go in, but Xiaoqing stopped them.

"Miss, this small yard is Mr. Shui. He is quiet. Let's not disturb him."

Yuxi also has some condolence in her heart. Doesn't this mean that there is no place to break the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much time to come? She is just about to see this legendary Shui Gongzi!

"Xiaoqing, in fact, I am also a little good at medical science. I heard that this young man is good at medicine. I really want to discuss something with him. Why don't we go to see him?"

Although the girl chatted happily with her daughter, she also listened to the instructions above and did not disturb the water prince. Naturally, she wanted to stop it. Before she refused, she heard a warm voice from the yard, as crisp as a jade bead falling on a jade plate. "What is the girl going to discuss with Shui?"