The strongest chief

Chapter 32 Devouring

"Kill!" Thomson was the finale of Galile this time. It was impossible to show it easily, but in the face of such a situation, Galil panicked and released Thomson.

As soon as Thomson was released, he knew that it was time to perform. Everything about slaves belonged to the master. The master can buy and sell slaves at will and punish slaves. As long as the master is happy, he can be rewarded with countless glory, money, women, and even freedom.

How can you miss such an opportunity? Thomson didn't want to think about it. His dagger repeatedly knocked on the shield, rattling, walking frequently under his feet, and killing Shaw Pollard like lightning.

"Dog thief!" Jiulong stepped out, waved his dagger in his hand, shot at Thomson like an arrow away from the string, and shouted, "Your opponent is me!"

"Garbage! Looking for death!" Thomson was more arrogant than Hanif, shouting and killing Kowloon like a wind wheel.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Suddenly, the scene was in a mess, and all the gladiator's short sword shields hit each other, roaring, and crazy shouts resounded throughout the arena.

"Protect the owner, protect the owner!" Berber sat high above the flame lion and shot up with a thorn. With a thorn, the broad heavy sword on his back suddenly clenched in his hand, shaking in the air, and the fiery red fighting spirit flourished. Like the sun, the flame lion sat down and felt that the owner's panic was about to roar. With a bang, the fiery red light flashed and looked up to the sky. Roaring, keep roaring, powerful, and will fight on the spot!


All the warriors protected the Garrill regiment with lightning speed. It was not until this time that Galil breathed a sigh of relief, held the beautiful Delia, and stared at the battle on the field with burning eyes.


The Kowloon short sword roared, and the golden light was swallowed. Although it was not as bright as Thomson's fighting spirit, the bright gold was uniquely mysterious and looked at Gary and others.

The sword is heavy and light, the knife is heavy and steady, the knife is like a tiger, the sword is like a flying phoenix, the knife is black, and the sword is green. This is the key to using a sword. Kowloon studies "Imperial Dragon Road" day and night naturally knows these.

After such a long period of grinding and exploration, Kowloon has created its own unique way of fighting, that is, the combination of swords and the two paths traveling together.

"Try my infinite knife!" Kowloon naturally has the idea of sharpening his martial arts skills when he volunteered to fight against Thomson. Now the fight is approaching. If the combat skills he created are not proficient enough, he will lose his life in the cruel arena.

Suddenly, Jiulong took a step forward, his center of gravity sank, his left foot and right foot hurriedly and slowly, his body rotated to the right, his right hand grasped the hilt, the tiger's mouth pressed down, his wrist collapsed the sword, his wrists were the same waist high, and his buttocks curved, suddenly waved his hand, brushed it, and suddenly stabbed out.

With a bang, a knife bursts away. This is the difference between true qi and fighting qi. When the true qi reaches a certain level, the true qi can come out of the body, but the fighting qi is not good. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to kill in the air.

"Hmm?" Thomson raised his eyebrows and muttered in his heart, "It's another freak, but I'm not an ordinary six-level martial artist, but a magic and fighting spirit. A real magic fighter, how can a little five-level martial artist show off in front of me!"

Thomson's huge shield suddenly came out. At the same time, he kept saying magic spells, "Great elves of light, please give the humble gods great power to defeat all the evil spirits in the world...... Shield of Light!"


At the moment Thomson raised his shield, a white magic shield was formed in front of Thomson, buzzing and supporting the originally highly defensive fighting shield.

The real blade made by Kowloon is extremely fast. It rotates, cuts the air, and kills Thomson directly!

With a bang, the true blade burst, the magic shield broke in response, the thick fighting defense broke, and the huge and solid fighting shield cracked a crack.

"Death!" Thomson never thought that Jiulong had such a power. At a fight, he was crushed. The evil spirit on his face suddenly burst out, gloomy and terrible. With a loud shout and a bang, he actually threw away the fighting shield in his hand and shot it fiercely. At the same time, the bright elements converged and sneered, and in a blink of an eye , wrapping the body, unexpectedly formed a thick layer of shiny armor-like defense, which is the famous photon armor of the light magician!

Brush! Thomson's dagger was in the air, and the dragon came out of the hole and roared directly. In the blink of an eye, the two were close at each other. When the short sword was like a knife, Thomson's short sword was like a two-handed epee, opening and closing, killing continuously and powerfully.

Cut! Chop! Draw! Cut! Scrape! Flying! Split! Entangled!

Kowloon's short sword flew, and all kinds of moves were exhausted, and he kept playing the knife method one after another. He did everything, either raised the knife to kill, or turned around the wheel knife, wrapped his head around his head, and was both offensive and defensive. He even cooperated with his waist skills and used his body skills, using several times the force of his arm.

"Black tiger pulls out his heart and kills five dragons!"

Suddenly, Jiulong's body twisted and shot suddenly. A sword was cast out, only taking Thomson's chest and leaving. His legs stirred, spinning like Ning Mahua, tearing Thomson away.

"Good luck!" The rise of Thomson's war suddenly shouted, and the dagger in his hand kept waving, and his mouth kept stirring. He kept playing all kinds of magic, either light blade attack, or light wave attack, or light sword attack, etc.

Thomson's various attacks are continuous and extremely fierce. If Jiulong hadn't relied on his wonderful true qi, he could attack, shoot all kinds of knives, and break all kinds of magic flying in the air. At this time, Jiulong is guaranteed to have been bombarded by Thomson's magic.

"Hahaha!" Thomson suddenly laughed crazily, followed, and slowly formed a watermelon-sized photosphere on Thomson's chest, which exuded an unparalleled hot light, enchanting.

"The light of the sun, go ahead, emitting your great brilliance and illuminating all substances that should not exist..." Thomson, like a saint who expounded the truth, slowly hit the light of the sun, and the hot light suddenly shone brightly and hit Kowloon directly.

The light of the sun is extremely powerful. General intermediate magicians can't play at all. All magic is generally not divided into levels, but they have levels. According to whether the magician can emit it, it is divided into primary magic, intermediate magic, advanced magic, and forbidden magic.

The light of the sun is an extremely powerful magic in intermediate magic. Thomson was originally a six-level martial artist and a five-level magician. He practiced magic and fighting spirit together. He is respected as a magic fighter by people on the mainland. The reason why he is called it is because they are powerful. The magic and strong fighting spirit are fighting. When fighting, they are strange and unexpected. They can attack from a distance and attack. They are extremely powerful.


The shining sun suddenly hit, directly ringing the Kowloon, and the majestic momentum is clear. At the same time, Thomson retreated continuously and wants to leave the battlefield and attack remotely, because the power of magic is often more powerful than fighting spirit, but it takes more time to prepare with magic to fight. Now one move The light of the sun is enough for him to prepare a more powerful magic trick.


Kowloon was not afraid of danger. The fierce golden light of the dagger covered its head and faced the light of the sun. With a blast, the light of the sun burst. The dagger was melted into fiery red iron water by the strong light and fell down drop by drop.

"Ning--" Thomson also looked shocked when he saw this. The dagger was used as a magic wand, and suddenly shouted "Ning" with a finger ahead of him.

The strange reappeared, and the shining light the size of a watermelon suddenly burst, and the small light balls were combined again and lined up in a row, like a python rushing to the unprepared Kowloon.

"So weird!" Jiulong was shocked and thought that he had passed the dangerous period, but he knew that this was the most dangerous moment. The unarmed Jiulong's footsteps flashed repeatedly and retreated in a hurry, but Thomson's control of the shining light was more than Kowloon.

Kowloon was in a hurry and panicked. He stepped on the ground with a click, and the bluestone ground cracked. Jiulong took this opportunity to quickly kick out the stone to resist


The hot light does not diminish at all, and the iron sword can melt, not to mention a stone F!