The strongest chief

Chapter 40 Point on the stage (12)

The forward point of the expedition to Chicago Tesses set up the stage at Allen Manor. Paris has an extremely glorious home advantage. It can be said that he is full of ambition and has high hopes for him. He hopes to win glory on the stage.

But who knew that Paris couldn't help but be weak. Between the two moves, he was defeated and returned. As the owner, he naturally swept his face away. The vanguard general of the Chicago Tesses had not yet advanced, but the whole army suffered such an ominous omen, which really disappointed the 20,000 vanguard army under the stage.

But in this case, he can't blame anyone. He can only put his eyes of hope on Jiulong, but when he saw Mites Coreyce like a god, his weak hope was poured into a drowned chicken!

He lowered his head dejectly and slowly thought about what to do next. His eyes flashed with an uncertain light. From time to time, he heard Galil's sarcastic boos. The effort was even more angry, but it didn't help!

Commander Leren Enneaux slowly closed his eyes and meditated quietly. After brushing, he opened his eyes, stared at the laboriously, and said quietly: "Lellen Feili, you are like me, as the son of the great chief Leren, your glory is like the stars above the sky, dazzling. The victory or defeat on the battlefield does not depend on the strength of the individual!"

"Our father is famous for being strong, but every time he fights, he does not only rely on strong force, but also on a wise mind. When I first participated in the war, my father once taught me that victory or defeat is a common thing in the family. It is a matter of the right time, place and harmony. It is indispensable. There is much help and there is little help!"

Grand Leader Leren Anieaux looked at his contemplative face, flashed his eyelids slightly, and continued, "From your brown hair and brown eyes, you have not lost your father's strong and wise inheritance. Now as the eldest brother, I will send you another sentence. Animals are inevitable, but the highest level of war is not like this!"

Ferrinho opened his eyes, stared at the leader Leren Eneaux, eagerly at the following words. Sure enough, the leader Leren Eneaux said the beautiful sentence that made him open.

"The surrender of soldiers without fighting is the highest level of war!"

After saying that, the leader Leren Anieox closed his eyes again and listened with a lot of effort. His eyes suddenly thought about the words of the leader Leren Anieaux. The more he thought about it, the more he felt the depth of the leader's understanding of the war.

Galil sat next to him and was happy to see the hard-to-eat collapse, but when he heard the words of the leader Leren Eneox, his laughter seemed to be watered by a bucket of cold water, and he fought in a cold war.

Garyl's head was ashamed, with a trace of understanding in his eyes, and gradually regained his honor and disgrace. His smiling face, gently stroked the finely carved golden snake on his chest, and once again turned his eyes to the colorful battlefield!

Gently wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth. Paris stood up slowly with a big sword in his hands. His red face was full of murder. Suddenly, the corners of Paris's mouth slightly raised, and a strange smile rippled.


A muffled sound resounded through the sky and the earth. The huge firelight exploded like a scorching sun. The brilliant firelight rose to the sky and vented everywhere. Endless evil spirits burst out, with Paris as the center and rippled like a concentric circle.

"Kill!" Paris roared, and the roar full of anger was deafening, which made people's eardrums painful. "Kill, everyone will die, everyone will die!"

Paris suddenly attacked, like an angry dragon coming out of the hole. The strong momentum was mixed with a majestic roar, and the whole vibrating point made the platform tremble.

The broad giant sword suddenly raised high, and Paris ejected like a bird, taking advantage of the pressure, like a eagle hunting, and suddenly attacked Quintus Kebu, who almost killed himself.

"Despicable villain!" Quintus Kebu suddenly rose up and sweated coldly. In the face of death, human life was fragile, but Quintus Kebu was not afraid. Suddenly, he made an appropriate strategy to respond to the enemy.


Qutus Kebu suddenly rolled down with a donkey, squeaked, and rolled out. The embarrassed appearance really made people laugh. Unfortunately, everyone present did not laugh. It happened in a moment. In a thousandth of a second, Paris had attacked.

At this time, Quintus Kebu was unarmed. At the moment he assassinated Paris, his sword was smashed by Leren Ene Ox. He could only rely on the ghostly speed to escape. Unfortunately, Paris mixed with an angry blow, which was not so easy to resist.

"Look for death!" Sadane Bobby Ball's eyes burst into bright light. He and Quintus Kebu are excellent responsibilities and brothers of life and death. His brothers are in trouble, and he is duty-bound. Unfortunately, Paris's speed is too fast to arrive in the blink of an eye.


The violent roar resounded through the sky, and a huge firelight rose to the sky. It hit Quintus Kebu lying on the ground. Quintus Kebu was not afraid of danger. In an instant, he reacted, his arms waved, and the blue sunflower water gas surged, and a huge water curtain brewed around the two One hand, dazzling and brilliant!

The giant sword carried Paris's full of anger and the force of the seventh-level martial artist, and the powerful explosive force suddenly exploded, the earth trembled, and the sun and moon were lightless!

Water and fire collided, and they did not give in to each other, and there was a momentary stalemate, but immediately followed, Paris's huge sword took the lead. How could Quintus Kebu's hasty defense be better than Paris's powerful blow, not to mention Quintus Kebu was unarmed, and how could his flesh and blood body stand the hardness of iron and stone?


The blood light collapsed and the fracture sounded. Quintus Kebu howled and banged, and was hit by Paris with a sword and shot out like a cannonball.

Although Quintus Kebu responded in a hurry, he did not lose his mind. If he hadn't slipped out in an instant with the help of the force of back push, if he had been caught by Paris, he would have really died!

Sadar Bobbibauer's eyes turned red, and his good friend Quintus Kebu was attacked by Paris. If it hadn't been for Quintus Kebu's random response and clever escape, he would have separated the body at this moment.

Angry, completely angry!

"Shameless villain!" Sadarn Bobby Bauer suddenly cursed, and the big sword in his hand suddenly attacked. The earthy light rushed endlessly, like a angry dragon going to sea and sweeping the world. A big war was inevitable!

"Come on!" Sadarn Bobby Ball shouted, took three steps and two steps, bullied himself, and the giant sword chopped crazily. Between the opening and closing, the power was unparalleled for a while!

In an instant, the two fought with hatred. The two huge swords collided crazily, and the brilliant light made people's eyes split. Paris was born like a fire god. Where the big sword split, there was a sea of fire. Sadane Bobby Ball was like the mother of the earth, rolling and fierce!

One after another of collisions roared, and the two people turned their eyes and had more than a dozen collisions. The tragic breath made people frightening!

"Witu Zhengan, swallowing the sky, the sword of Huayang, kill the universe!" After more than a dozen confrontations, Sadane Bobby Bauer finally broke out a real killing move, one sword after another, carrying the power of heaven and earth. Every step, the earth shook.

"The fire is burning, the wind and the clouds are broken, and the explosion is blowing!" Paris also launched a real confrontation, and a red fire broke out on his sword, ripples in circles, and the sparks were shining and dazzling!


With a blow, the two tried their best to take a step back. In an instant, the two collided again, with the same move, the same action, the same momentum, and a bursting confrontation!


Another confrontation, and the two took a step back again. Sadane Bobby Ball looked at Paris in shock. He did not expect that Paris at the end of the crossbow could meet him one after another, but in such a matter, he had to fight to the end!


The third confrontation, brush, and the two took five steps back. Sadane Bobby's look was even more shocked. The strong collision made his mouth crack, his arms numb, and his whole body trembled. He couldn't help but have a trace of fear for Paris in front of him, but the dignity of the strong cannot retreat.


Paris looked at Sadarn Bobby Ball standing opposite. Suddenly, Paris opened his mouth and banged, and a large mouthful of blood flowed out like a river breaking the dike.