The strongest chief

Chapter 56 Dragon Battle in the Wild 6

On the grassland, birds sing, flowers bloom, butterflies dance, and bees buzz. Euro Tatison wears a white robe, and his handsome face ripples with infinite happiness. He is wearing a tall horse, galloping horses, and his fresh clothes are so unrestrained...

Suddenly, he saw a child chasing flowers and butterflies in the distance, and suddenly accelerated his whip and ran away.

"Big brother!" A crisp voice came, but a 13 or 14-year-old child, with fiery red hair, elegant and elegant, white face, tender and cheerful, full of smiles, facing the bright sunshine, with infinite youth.

Oro Tatison came to the child's side, his eyes sparkled with a trace of anger and self-righteousness, and said slightly, "Mount Taro, you don't practice martial arts, but you are lazy here!"

"I know, big brother!" Taro Mountain quickly lowered his head, answered weakly, and walked forward sullenly.

Looking at Taro Mountain going far away, Euro Tatison regained his smile, looked at Taro Mountain in the distance and said slowly, "This boy! It's really a slippery person, but someone once said that my little brother is very talented and a practicing genius. Unfortunately, our tribe is so poor that I can't even afford a slightly advanced fire attribute skill..."

Oro Tatison frowned gently, stretched out his fingers, banged, and a little Mars slowly wrapped around his fingers. Looking at the Mars with his fingertips, Euro Tatison said with a sad face, "If there is a more advanced fire attribute skill, I can break through the third-level warrior and become a fourth-level warrior. At that time, it can be regarded as a successful cultivation and better protection for my tribe!"

Oro Tatison jumped off his horseback and walked among the flowers. The fragrance was still fragrant. The spring was still the same. Euro Tatison looked confused, his melancholy heart slowly relaxed, and his handsome face also rippled with a smile.

"Brother! No way! Brother..." Suddenly, the voice of Taro Mountain came, and the childish voice was so anxious that it seemed that it was about to cry!

Oro Tatison suddenly turned his head and looked at the rushing Taro Mountain. He got on his horse and hurried to run towards Taro Mountain, because in addition to being a little naughty, Taro Mountain has been very obedient, sensible and not irritable since he was a child. I'm afraid something is really wrong with his performance today.

When Euro Tatison ran to Taro Mountain, Taro Mountain was already crying like rain, and his voice trembled. "Big brother..."

"What's going on? Tell me quickly!" Euro Tatison looked at Taro Mountain anxiously and hurriedly urged his brother Taro Mountain.

"Our village was burned, and everything turned into ashes, including our people..." Taro Mountain couldn't say any more. He attached to the arms of his eldest brother Oro Tatison and cried helplessly.

"What?" As soon as he heard this, he was shocked and immediately turned over his horse, holding the fast horse of Taro Mountain and running to their small village.

The sound of shouting..., the sound of sword impact..., the sound of fire burning...

Oro Tatison stared at his small tribe turn into ashes, houses were burned, clans were killed, and women were humiliated to death. Everything was like a dream and empty flower. When the beautiful dream woke up, everything disappeared, turned into a little memory, and always kept in mind.

"Go!" Euro Tatison suddenly pulled the reins and went the opposite way. Two lines of tears fell down, and a pool of tears splashed everywhere. The man's tears were not light, but he was not sad!

After the army left, Euro Tatison secretly returned to his tribe, where corpses were everywhere and in a mess. All the men were killed, all the women were humiliated and died. The burning house was still on fire. Euro Tatison went into the fire regardless of his life and death. He was looking for his love. People.

It was a body full of **. The fire had already burned it beyond recognition. It could be faintly identified that it was Euro Tatison's beloved lover. A huge knife mark on the lower body was directly inserted into the body by the inhumane army and died of blood.

Oro Tatison is crazy. He doesn't know that the fire is still burning. He doesn't know the pain and dies... In one day, the face of the peerless beautiful man was instantly scorched, instantly gorgeous, and instantly disappeared.

After settling Mount Taro, Euro Tatison began to gather troops. More than ten days later, he united more than a dozen small tribes, and the team grew to 2,000 people. Euro Tatison thought it was time to revenge!

One night, the moon shadow was hazy, and 2,000 people were ready to go, quietly approaching an army...

This is a bloody night. From then on, Euro Tatisson has entered endless hatred. Euro Tatison and the soldiers led by him started to kill like crazy. Suddenly, the sky and the earth were dark, and the ghosts cried and howled. Euro Tartisson slaughtered a whole 5,000 people with 2,000 people.

Until this time, other small tribes kept coming from bad news, but they were burned and looted by a force. Men and houses were burned out, and women and food were robbed.

Two thousand soldiers lost the pillar of the tribe, lacked food, people's hearts collapsed, and the army was lax. Euro Tartison had no choice but to lead 2,000 crazy soldiers to stop killing and control violence.

Wherever they went, all the blood flowed into a river. 2,000 soldiers fought fiercely with the determination to die, but they still did not grab enough food. From then on, they ate the enemy's flesh and blood. They dried the meat on the enemy's bodies and hung them on their bodies, starting another revenge. Kill.

Whenever they kill a unit, they eat the enemy's corpses like wolves and tigers, and a unit is regarded as dry food by them. Every time Euro Tattisson fights, looking at the endless blood and corpses, he is full of pleasure, a kind of pleasure that has been suppressed for a long time! He felt that he had controlled his destiny...

He stood alone on the battlefield and watched the crowds and bloody wind. That was his happiest moment and his most lonely moment. No one could understand the situation of Euro Tartisson.

The beautiful man Euro Tatison proved his bloodiness with a near-perverted hatred!

Just as he led 2,000 people to kill an enemy army crazily, a pair of elite men and horses approached them. A shocking war of ghosts and gods was about to break out, and the bloody era was coming to an end...

The number of this team is not large, about 1,000 people, but it is well assembled, the military appearance is neat, and even the footsteps of the war horses are neat and un disorderly.

When this force came not far from the team led by Euro Tatisson, the sergeants who witnessed the crazy slaughter were indifferent from beginning to end. Looking at the inhuman killing of these savages, the elite force finally issued an order to attack.

The bloody battle began. This elite force urged the war horse and violently. In just one round, it rushed Oro Tatison's troops to pieces, and a quarter of 2,000 soldiers died tragically.

However, seeing that only a few people of the army fell, the troops led by Euro Tatisson were afraid, and the invincible army suffered a severe blow for the first time. They were frightened and trembling from the bottom of their hearts. If there were another few more rounds, they would definitely be destroyed and there would be no place to die!

All the soldiers were as dull as wooden chickens. They looked at the leader Euro Tatison, but the crazy Euro Tatison looked gloomy. He licked the blood on his lips fiercely, shot a long gun and suddenly attacked. Euro Tatison rose for a moment and immediately gathered to respond. Between tossing and turning, all the soldiers drew their swords. It can be said that the vegetation is full of soldiers and rises up.


The indifferent order came again from the elite army. Suddenly, the torrent army came madly, and together with Euro Tatison, they were submerged in the charge of the army!

Another quarter of the loss. In two rounds, the lives of a thousand sergeants were buried on the battlefield. The blood and tears of Euro Tatison bean fell down, and the battlefield changed. The sky was clear at the previous moment. At this time, the sky was full of dark clouds, and only a thousand soldiers shed tears of grief.

Oro Tatison was as dumb as a chicken. He couldn't watch his compatriots who had died with him being slaughtered again. With a bang, the long gun in his hand fell to the ground, slowly lifted the tattered helmet covering his head, and threw it on the ground at will. The six gods watched the other party's battle neatly and the horse hissed. Sound.


Oro Tatison knelt down and knelt down for the few soldiers left by more than a dozen tribes. The soldiers fell like a mountain, and all the soldiers knelt down with the leader Euro Tattison.

Since then, they have surrendered to this army. They have been prominent for a while, so this army did not treat them as slaves, but took them in. Since then, 1,000 of them have received a series of regular sergeants' training and given some low cultivation skills...

They lived up to expectations and finally grew into a heavy cavalry that could really stand on the battlefield and laugh proudly on the battlefield - the 18th Team of Heavy Cavalry.