The strongest chief

Chapter 23 *

The island-like skull flagship, shrouded in a dark fog, rumbled like thunder to make the waves of the whole North Sea roll, rushing to Thebis Bay like an arrow from the string. The huge momentum made people tremble.

Kowloon looked at the skull flagship from afar and couldn't help beating the drums in his heart. If he was hit by such a warship, even the steel fortress would be washed into a pile of scrap iron in an instant. He couldn't help sweating for his courage. Fortunately, he decisively gave up the warship, otherwise he would die!

On the small assault ship, Kowloon, Mesomea and Europa Tatison snuggled together. They opened their mouths wide and looked at the skull flagship in horror.

"Brother Jiu, the Omael battleship has begun to shoot again!" Euro Tatison suddenly turned his head and saw the scene when the silver-white warship in the Gulf of Thebez began to shoot, and the dark muzzle slowly approached the skeleton flagship.

rumbling -rumbling -rumbling -

The continuous firelight attacks only made the whole bay tremble, a series of rows. The firelight shot straight at the skull flagship, and the sky-highlight fell on the huge flagship, followed by a bombard! Boom! Boom! The loud noise.

Kowloon blinked and only saw the rumble on the skull flagship. The high-flying skull flag was directly extinguished by the bombardment of ash, and the black smoke wrapped around the flagship could no longer maintain the rapid advance of the flagship, but the huge inertia did not diminish at all, split the huge waves and directly hit the Sea of Thebys. Bay.


Suddenly, a huge trembling sound came, and a cannon barrel 50 meters long and five meters in diameter suddenly rose on the silver-white warship. The huge muzzle was dark and extremely gloomy. Its speed was extremely slow and moved slowly. Slowly, the dark muzzle finally hit the skeleton. Head flagship.


A thunderbolt sounded, and the sound only shook the sea and the bay rotated. Suddenly, the huge waves were surging and surging. Jiulong no longer hesitated to avenge. He quickly controlled the crazy escape of the small assault ship for fear of being affected by the existence of this giant.

A huge firelight rose to the sky. Jiulong glanced slightly and saw that the firelight was five meters in diameter and ten meters long, rushing to the skull flagship like the scorching sun. The expected roar sounded. At the moment the firelight touched the skull flagship, the firelight did not explode, but penetrated into the flag like a warhead. In the ship.


A violent explosion came, and after the firelight rushed into the flagship, there was a sudden explosion, like a muffled thunder sound, and the huge flagship suddenly began to tremble. The front end of the whole flagship suddenly disappeared, and the back part was still impacting forward.


The speed of the flagship dropped, walking slowly while slowly sinking into the water. After the loud noise, the chaotic battlefield calmed down and there was no sound. Except for the tsunami-like waves, there was only the sound of the skull flagship falling into the water, nothing else!

"Sink! It's sinking!" Kowloon and Euro Tatison looked at the kilometer-long huge flagship slowly sinking, and there was an inexplicable loss in their hearts. They looked at the rough northern ocean and couldn't help sighing, "The skeleton pirates across the northern ocean for countless years, with the sinking of the huge flagship, the smoke disappeared in an instant. !"

Let you be invincible, let you be invincible, let you be lawless, after all, once you are defeated, dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, with development, there will be prosperity, prosperity will decline, the way of heaven cycle, Jiulong slowly raises his head, looking at the scorching sun in the sky, and his heart is confused, "The sun, scorching sun, let you let the sun be in the sky, let you At sunset, what's the difference between your destination and the sinking skull flagship!"

sank the skull flagship, and the silver warship slowly turned its direction and slowly drove towards the Gulf of Thebes. After a while, it disappeared without a trace. Kowloon looked at all this confusedly and was full of melancholy. He muttered to himself, "It turned out that the Strait of Thebes is a secret military base of the Omar tribe. ......”

Then, another question haunted me, "Even if it is a secret military base, why should it be exposed today? Is it... Is it that the Omar tribe going to launch a crazy decision to sweep the North Sea!"

An ominous foreboding suddenly jumped into Kowloon's heart. Kowloon shook his head gently. The power of the Omar fleet could no longer be speculated. With such advanced equipment to sweep the mainland, there was that kind of power to stop it.

"Brother Jiu, you are the son of Grand Duke Titus, the god of war. Don't you know that O'mail has such advanced weapons and equipment!" Euro Tatison saw Kowloon's doubts. He was even more confused. Kowloon didn't know why?

"When I was in the Omar tribe, although I fought intrigue and secretly, I had shallow cultivation and low social status at that time, and it was impossible to come into contact with some confidential things, not to mention such a major military secret. If it hadn't been for the shit today, I really didn't know that Omar's power had been far ahead. All the super-large tribes on land!"

"Brother Jiu, what should we do next? Such a small assault ship can't let me sail far. Besides, we don't have food, and the danger of the ocean can happen all the time!" Euro Tatison looked at the vast northern ocean and said at a loss.

"Find out if there are any islands nearby. Let's land first and then find a way out!" Kowloon glanced around, and then looked at a few ships behind him. He couldn't help sighing again about the strength of the Omayr tribe. The strong shock alone subverted a large number of his ships.


Suddenly, a dark and ink-like light bomb rushed out of the turbulent sea. The light bomb was surrounded by black fog, and a powerful breath suddenly rippled, and the ubiquitous breath of death spread, covering the sea. Slowly, the rolling black smoke converge, wearing a dark robe and a big black head. The cloak, a long magic wand in his hand, and a green skull on the top of the wand.

"Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!" A gloomy and horrible laughter suddenly came out from under the black cloak, and then came a creepy and sharp roar, "I'm the messenger of hell, and no one can kill me... Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!"

"The great dark mage Bakr has been resurrected again, ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!" The creepy sound came out again, and then he slowly turned his head and looked at the sporadic small ships in the ocean. Two green lights shot out from under the large dark cloak like lasers.

"Well... I smell the fresh smell of flesh and blood. God treats me well. If I don't die in a disaster, I will be blessed! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!"

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Hearing this sound, countless pairs of frightened eyes looked at the mage under the black robe. Jiulong also quickly turned his head and saw a low mage with a staff in his hand and a strong black robe. He stood calmly on the tip of the waves, and a layer of dark fog dragged him. Even the wild sea breeze was still a huge wave. He stood firmly on it.

"Escape!" Suddenly, a frightened scream sounded, and a ship suddenly began to shuttle crazily, and the people on the ship were even more heartbreaking and screaming.

"No one can escape!" A sharp voice came again. Suddenly, Bakr in a black robe moved. He waved the staff in his hand, and the black clouds under his feet dragged him up and brushed him to the first escaped ship. In a moment, he was close to the ship. He slowly landed on the ship. The light weight was stunned everyone!


Suddenly, a high decibel scream came. Bucker slowly grabbed the people on the ship and reluctantly tore open his clothes. He slowly lifted his cloak, and a horrible skull appeared. The white teeth ** and bit the man's neck directly.

Golu! Gollum!

Bucker enjoyed sucking fresh blood. It was not until the man stopped screaming and all the blood all his body was swallowed up. Then he threw the man into the water. Then, he looked at the other dull crowd, and the green light swept away.

Suddenly, two green lights were fixed on the boat where they were in Kowloon, "Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga! Unexpectedly, there is such a strong blood, and the qi and blood of both of them are full, which is great enough for Bucker to have a full meal!"


Barker floated slowly. He floated towards Kowloon's boat like straw in the strong wind. Sharp laughter gradually approached Kowloon and the others as he moved.

"Brother Jiulong..." Mesomea was already stunned. He trembled, snuggled tightly in Jiulong's arms, and trembled all over.

"Oro Tatison, take Mesomia. Come on, you go to this area to look for an island. In half a year, if I can come back alive, we will meet here. If not, you can seek opportunities and leave by yourself!"

"Brother Jiulong... Mesomea doesn't want you immediately. Let's die together!" As soon as Mesomia heard this, she suddenly panicked and even forgot her fear, and tears flowed down!

Jiulong turned his head gently, looked at Mesomea gently, and directly stunned her with a bang. Kowloon suddenly ejected, flew up, and directly kicked the small assault ship soaring.

"Oro Tatison, Mesomea, please take good care of it!" Kowloon shouted at the flying ship.

The sudden change stunned Euro Tatison. When the ship flew up like an arrow, he realized. He looked at Mesomea, who fell softly on the ship in horror. Suddenly, he turned around, suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, "Brother Jiu, the safety of the ninth sister-in-law is handed over to me. Half a year later, you must Come back!"

As soon as Euro Tatison left, everyone immediately ran away in panic, without even a ghost.

"Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!" The sharp voice sounded again. He landed ten meters away from Kowloon and stopped slowly, "Gah! Ga! Good flesh and blood, everyone here, don't worry about you alone!"


The strong golden light suddenly appeared, with a roar, covering Jiulong's whole body in an instant. Taiji yin and yang fish rotated violently, and a pair of Taiji golden armor suddenly formed, completely wrapping Jiulong. Jiulong was like a god of war bathed in golden light. He also stepped on the tip of the waves and met the awe-inspiring sea breeze, a domineering Jedi. The momentum spread.

"I didn't see that I have the ability to walk alone on the waves. This strong golden light is different from the energy of the world. I have never seen it. It's really strange!" Barker was not in a hurry to take action with Jiulong, and two green lights scanned Jiulong up and down.

"Report your life!" Kowloon's voice was majestic, and a circle of golden light slowly rippled.

"Ga! Ga! Ga! Ga!" Buckle smiled, gently danced the skull staff in his hand, and his sharp voice buzzed: "Interesting boy, I have never seen such a calm person! OK, for the sake of this, I will tell you the name!"

"Ga! Ga! Ga!" Barker laughed and shouted, "I'm the omnipotent eighth-level magician, the great Barker!"