The strongest chief

Chapter 2 Old Man

Kowloon's speed was extremely fast, and he picked up some dry firewood. After a while, the bonfire rose and a wooden shelf was set up. Mesomea took out some prepared warcraft meat, put it on the wooden fork, and began to barbecue. After a while, the aroma of barbecue began to permeate, and Mesomea carefully prepared the barbecue. Add seasoning.

Looking at Mesomea's meticulous look and smelling the fragrant barbecue, the old man couldn't wait. Seeing that Mesomea had just taken down the barbecue, the old man stretched out his dirty hand, regardless of whether it was hot or not, chewed it up and looked at Jiulong and Mesomea looking at each other in conster.

"It smells good! So fragrant!" The old man ate and praised it. In a blink of an eye, a large piece of Warcraft meat was actually solved by the old man. The eating appearance and action, Jiulong and Mesomea stayed for a long time, and they didn't even see clearly how the old man ate the warcraft meat.

The old man put his tongue against his teeth and said with endless aftertaste, "It's so fragrant. I've never eaten such delicious food in the past 80 years!" Then, he looked at the stunned Mesomea. Shanshan smiled and said flatteringly, "Little girl, bake some more for me. When I'm full, we'll go play!"

Kowloon and Mesormia looked at each other and were stunned. Jiulong was about to ask if they had eaten so much, but they were not full? But it was blocked by Mesomea. Mesomea nodded to the old man and said gently, "Old man, we don't prepare much barbecue today. You have finished eating it all. Why don't you let me fight some before roasting!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" The old man was as stubborn as the child. He smiled, looked at Jiulong contemptuously, and pointed to Jiulong. "It's him. His speed is too slow. It's not as good as one thousandth of my hometown. Let's go!" Before the words fell, the figure had already disappeared. Jiulong and Mesomea were dull again. They smiled gently and suddenly heard a bang, and a fat chicken the size of a big winter melon fell from the air.

Kowloon moved quickly. In a blink of an eye, he looked at the fat chicken in shock and muttered to himself, "This is a six-level magic snow jade beast!" The words just came out, bang! Another sound, a green snake fell down. The big snake was three feet long, and its head was as powerful as a tiger's head. Unfortunately, it had already died. Jiulong was shocked, "Level 7 Warcraft, tiger-headed king snake!"

Bum! Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this time, a warcraft fell from the sky like raindrops, only shocking that Mesomea and Kowloon retreated in succession. When the tenth beast fell, it stopped and brushed! The old man's figure suddenly appeared. He raised his head proudly and said, "Little girl, give me a barbecue!"

Jiu and Mesomea saw the world today. Looking at each other, Jiulong quickly came forward and cleaned the meat of warcraft meat. After a while, Mesomea baked some more meat. The old man took the barbecue and swallowed dates again. In a blink of an eye, Jiulong and Mesomea watched the old man eat like this and turned over. White eyes.

Kowloon knew that he was afraid to meet a master today and did not dare to neglect it at all. He barbecued the old man again. Jiulong and Mesormia barbecued tirelessly, but the more the old man ate, the more he could eat. He didn't know what was going on with his stomach and would never be satisfied.

was tossed around most of the night. At this moment, it was already dawn, and a fish belly was white in the sky. Mesomea was weak and had a bad rest. At this time, he was already very tired. Jiulong looked at Mesomea pitifully, stopped moving, and looked at the old man awkwardly.

"Hmm?" The old man looked up and looked at the Jiulong couple blankly. A sense of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, wiped the oil on his mouth, touched his flat stomach, and pretended to have a big belly and said, "Little girl, my old man has eaten well today. It's fun to take you to a place!"

Knowing that Jiulong had not reacted, Mesomea had been arrested by him. Jiulong had been prepared this time and hugged Mesomea tightly without relaxing at all.

I don't know why, Jiulong only felt his body suspended. He couldn't help lowering his head and look under his body. He saw himself hugging Mesomea, but he didn't see the old man's shadow. The two were suspended in the air, and the scenery below retreated crazily. Just one breath, Jiulong only felt a loosening in his arms. In my arms, there is a shadow of Mesomea.

Ah! Jiulong only felt that his body suddenly aggravated and fell directly from the air. He was immediately shocked and quickly exclaimed his true spirit. Nine golden dragons surrounded him so that he would not fall to the ground and be killed! With a plop, Jiulong hit the ground firmly.

"Oh!" Jiulong rubbed his buttocks, sat up slowly, and scolded and said, "This old bastard is going to kill me!" Suddenly, the old bastard actually took Mesomea away, and he was shocked. He and Mesomea fell in love with each other, as if they had come out. The relationship between the two had already become inseparable. At the point of inseparable shadow, now he is inexplicably abduction by the old miscellaneous hair. He is heartbroken, looking at his place confusedly, and his heart is anxious.

Kowloon was in a chaotic mood, but he didn't pay attention to where he was. He only heard the sword ping-pong, and a strong smell of blood permeated. Jiulong was shocked and glanced at it again. He saw that it was bleeding into a river, full of bones, and an atmosphere of killing!

"Death!" A rough sound came, followed by the sound of a broken body. A big man held a tomahawk in his hand, and the axe split a man in half.

"Hmm?" Jiulong suddenly turned his head and narrowed his eyes to look at the sound source, but he was a majestic man with unkempt blue hair, like a ** male lion, with several ferocious scars on his face, deep eye sockets, wide lips, eagle hook nose, especially those eyes, with faint blue light, like a bloodthirsty devil.

He shuttled with golden armor and held a long-handled tomahawk. He was fierce and fighting in blood. He only saw a team of sergeants charging desperately. Even if his brother around him died, he would also fight with this big man.

The big man suddenly felt that a man had fallen beside him. He was shocked and turned his head and looked at him. He immediately looked at Jiulong. For their sake, he had already regarded the night as day. He cracked his lips and said in shock, "You are..., Jiulong!"

"You are Shock Pollard!" Jiulong immediately remembered this man, and a memory suddenly jumped to his mind. This man was not really Shaw Pollard, who was free on the arena. His hometown and his old friend really made Jiulong happy, but looking at the scene at this moment, he couldn't help but shock Jiulong.

Jiulong stood up, and the strong golden light suddenly burst out and roared! Nine dragons were entangled and immediately came forward to fight side by side with Shock Pollard. Every time the true dragon of Kowloon came out, it suddenly rose and killed the sergeant who attacked Shock Pollard.

There are five or six hundred sergeants here. They united and organized various attack arrays to kill Jiulong and Shok Pollard one after another. Kowloon is a nine-level subversive warrior. Shaw Pollard does not know any adventure, but in five or six years, he also broke through to the nine-level realm.

The two fought together, and their fighting power suddenly doubled. In a few rounds, five or six hundred sergeants were defeated. Suddenly, they stopped attacking. The leading general was an eight-level warrior. Jiulong and Shaw Pollard killed more and more fiercely, so they decisively issued a retreat order. In a short time, five or six hundred troops The scholar left only dozens of corpses and returned.

When Jiulong and Shock Pollard saw that the sergeant retreated, they took a long breath. Jiulong narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly thought about it. Judging from the armor of this team of sergeants, it turned out to be the general of the Jinlin Legion of the Omer tribe. It was really incredible that Shaw Pollard followed Count Galil at that time. How could he be here? At the beginning, Jiulong felt that Shaw Pollard's behavior was barbaric, but there was a noble atmosphere, and his cultivation was even more unfathomable.

Kowloon looked at Shock Pollard and said slowly, "Aren't you under the command of Count Garrill of the Leron tribe? Why are you here?"

"Alas!" Shock Pollard sighed, "It's a long story, and the twists and turns in the middle. Don't mention it, I'm here just to seek what belongs to me. I, Shock Pollard, will always remember the grace of saving my life today, and I will say goodbye!" After that, I didn't wait for Kowloon to react. The axe swung and turned Go away.

Jiulong looked at his back with gloomy eyes. It was not until he disappeared that he came to his senses and snorted coldly, "Hum, arrogant! Thinking that you almost killed me and saved your life today, it was still so arrogant. Do you think that I, Kowloon, is still the same as before, a soft egg?

Brush! Jiulong stepped on the Mustang and followed quietly. He wanted to see what Shock Pollard was going to do. Although he looked calm, how powerful Kowloon's spiritual power was. Shock Pollard's facial expression was like the palm of his hand, and Jiulong felt that he had an unspeakable secret.

Quietly following Shaw Pollard, Jiulong quickly contacted the winged Cangling and Pablo, ordering them to lead the Molin Knights and the Flying Eagle team to come quickly!