The strongest chief

Chapter 93 The Three Kings of the Demon Clan

As soon as these two people appeared, the turbulent space suddenly condensed, and two fierce breaths were rejected in the space.

Yasha King is a woman, with a dark green dress, an angel's face, a devil's figure, green long hair, corners of his eyes, and lips are all green. His apricot eyes are evil, and his beautiful face is as cold as frost. He carries a Wu hook sword in his hand and a pair of devil's wings behind him.

If ordinary people see the night fork king, they must be fascinated and can't extricate themselves.

The blood demon king's whole body is full of blood-colored armor, and a pair of blood basins are carved on his chest armor. It seems that real blood has fallen out of his mouth, which is extremely horrible. His face is red and ferocious and horrible. Two huge eyes shoot out fascinating blood rays. His messy red hair is like a steel needle, standing upright, holding a strange hand. The blade is like a knife but not a knife, like a sword but not a sword, and the bloody jagged teeth are arranged in front of it, which is extremely horrible.

The Blood Demon King shook his cloak, made a noise, fluttering in the wind, hunting, and a powerful aura was repelled behind him. Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color, the sky and the earth sank, and there was a bloody smell everywhere.

Is it terrible!

Kowloon slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at the blood bat ancestor, the night fork king and the blood demon king. He looked at the three calmly. In addition to the shock, there was a surging fighting spirit in his heart.


At this time, a figure flew up, and the person came to the heart of the knife. As soon as the heart of the knife appeared, the heaven and the earth suddenly turned into a metal space. The sonorous sound was endless in the ears, which made the eardrums painful.

"The knife master, when you see the ancestor of the blood bat, the owner of the demon city, why don't you kneel down and salute!"

It was the blood demon king who spoke. He cruelly licked his scarlet lips, and the blood blade in his hand shook gently. A blood wave rushed straight to the heart of the knife. The target was the knee of the knife heart, aiming to make the heart kneel down.

"Arrogant and domineering, with no eyes!"

With a cold hum, the amethylin blade rotated, and the blade of the knife suddenly split out, clicked, and the blood waves were directly torn. The power was not reduced, and they rushed straight to take the body of the blood demon king and went away. It was fast and fierce. In an instant, carrying the power of heaven and earth, they wanted to split the blood demon king with a knife.


Suddenly, a bloody light suddenly appeared, and the whole space suddenly trembled. At this critical moment, the blood demon king released his pseudo-virtual world and regretted the sword of Kowloon, because it felt that Jiulong's knife seemed to be understated and waved it casually. In fact, this knife carried the consciousness of heaven and earth.


The blood bat ancestor was shocked when he saw this. The blood demon king was also clumsy. He dared to use the pseudo-virtual world crystal to resist the knife light carrying the consciousness of heaven and earth. Isn't this looking for death? The blood bat ancestor has no doubt that as long as the knife light cuts to the pseudo-virtual world crystallization, the crystallization must be fragmented, and the blood demon king will be seriously injured if he does not die.

At a critical moment, the blood bat ancestor waved its bat wings, swallowed blood-colored, and clicked, directly split the knife light of Jiulong. The bleeding bat wing was hit hard again, a large amount of blood dripping, and the pale face of the blood bat ancestor was even more unbearable.

"Ancestor, how can you... use your body to resist the knife...!"

The blood demon king was shocked and quickly asked the ancestors of the blood bat. The blood bat ancestors are the ancestors of the blood demon clan and the Yecha clan. They can't remember their contributions to the two clans. They also respect the ancestors very much.

"Blood Demon King, this man is a strong man at the peak of energy and understands the power of consciousness. The pseudo-virtual crystal wall is as weak as a piece of paper in front of him, and can only resist with a sharp armor blade!"

"What, the strong man at the top of energy? No wonder the ancestor was injured. It turned out that he did not use pseudo-virtual defense.

When King Yecha heard this, he was shocked and fainted. The word "energy peak strongman" was like a blockbuster, tearing her contemptuous look. Originally, he only felt that Kowloon was a sub-god realm, and he had just achieved a position, and his combat power could not be compared with them.

"Ancestor, my knife demon family is not your blood clan. From now on, the knife demon clan will break with the demon-loving city. Please forgive me!"

The heart of the knife narrowed its eyes, and the cold sound sounded like the cracking sound of gold iron.

"Okay, it's really hard. For thousands of years, I have protected the knife and demon clan in the demon city. This kindness seems that this kindness is not enough to make the knife demon clan obey me. In this case, I'm afraid the knife demon clan will never have peace!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This joke is not funny at all. Our ancestor knife demon and your blood bat ancestor jointly established a demon-loving city. Since the Lord of Xuanji City hunted our ancestor 'knife demon', you have let our sword demon family sink and kill the strong, for fear that a second sword demon will appear again and take the throne of your city lord.

"It seems that you know a lot. I'm afraid you even know that I framed the knife demon. The knife demon clan is really bearable. I think that the cultivation of the knife demon has reached my realm in those years, but unfortunately... I was hunted and killed by the god of war Titus, ha! Ha! Ha! That's funny!"

"Blood Bat Ancestor, today is your death. As soon as you die, you will rely on the Blood Demon King and the Yecha King. How can my knife master be afraid? In thousands of years, the demon-loving city will be the world of the knife demon clan!"

"Knife heart, don't talk nonsense. Today, I killed the blood bat ancestor for you, and it's also paid off your father's debt!"

Kowloon's eyes were cold, with a bang, and the true anger erupted. The amethyst unicorn blade blade light waved and shot out one after another, and the knife light carrying the power of heaven and earth. Wherever it passed, the space was fragmented, and the blood bat ancestor, the night fork king and the blood demon king continued to avoid one after another.


With a sharp roar, the heart of the knife suddenly waved the knife. The pseudo-virtual world wrapped his body and launched a tragic fight. The blood bat ancestor did not dare to protect himself with the pseudo-virtual world at all. For a moment, the three were like ants on a hot pot. Zhang Huang was at a loss and fell into an eternal state.

"Withdraw, we will wait for reinforcements. After a while, the ancestors of Baigu City will come back, and then we will hunt Qin Yun and exterminate the knife demon clan!"

Knowing that the general trend had gone, the blood bat ancestor decisively issued an order and began to escape.

Hula--, Hula--.

The blood bat ancestor and the night fork king stretched out their wings and shot out. The blood demon king had no wings. The speed was obviously much slower. He did not escape in time and was actually entangled by the heart of the knife. The two of them beat them to death.

"I'll help you!"

At this time, a light roar resounded through the world. The person who came was Mesomea. Jiulong's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was already sure that Mesumia and Daoxin attacked the Blood Demon King together, and the Blood Demon King would definitely die.


The wings of the elves suddenly ejected, thousands of dragons sounded, and the golden wings of Kowloon shook, like a golden snake, crossing the space and chasing the blood bat ancestor in an instant. The breath of the dragon was released, and the supreme power was everywhere!

While flying, the amethyst unicorn blade continuously shot out the blade, and the ten-foot-long blade came out, like a heavenly knife, tearing the sky, trembling the space, a large space collapsed, the ground collapsed, and the hurricane roared. A scene of the end of the world.

The elf wings of Kowloon are obviously a little faster, and the distance is getting closer. When the blood bat ancestor and the Yecha king saw that Jiulong's speed was so fast, they were awe-inspiring and fled. Jiulong chased after the blood bat ancestor directly.

Now the blood bat ancestor's wings are injured, and the flight speed is obviously slow. If you don't kill the ancestor of the blood bat, I'm afraid that when he recovers from his injury and then hunts him, I'm afraid he can't catch up with him at all, let alone kill him.

After the two separated, King Yecha returned to the original road and immediately went back to help the Blood Demon King to prevent the Blood Demon King from being killed by the knife owner and Mesomea.

Kowloon can't care about the Yecha King and directly chases the blood bat ancestor. The real cruel role is the blood bat ancestor. As long as the blood bat ancestor dies, the demon-loving city will not attack and break itself, and then kill the blood demon king and the Yecha king. The knife demon clan is ruled by the demon-loving city, and you can rest assured to leave.

With the passage of time, a blood light quickly escaped, and a golden light chased fiercely. Before and after that, the wind galloped and crossed a deep air wave wherever it went.

Gradually, the sky darkened, but this could not affect Jiulong and the blood bat ancestors at all. The two chased and fled. In a blink of an eye, it was dawn again.

The ancestor of the blood bat who lost too much blood was finally overwhelmed. The speed slowed down. With a hula, he closed his wings and stood on a cliff, quietly waiting for the arrival of Kowloon. The bloody bat wings trembled gently and his whole body was twitching.