Spring boudoir note

Chapter 020 Goodwill

Gu Jin's mother and daughter took the bus home again.

The house in Mayuan Lane stands quietly. Under the scorching sun, the green onion cages and trees are in the light and dark levels, and the yin and yang are staggered. The vines follow the wind, and you can faintly smell the fragrance of Duanyang Festival yellow rice wine.

Song Paner was very angry and gradually calmed down.

The mother and daughter got out of the car in front of the hanging flower door, and a woman pulled the green car. On the rack to tame the mule, the mother and daughter got into the small gas car and went to their mother's yard.

His father, Gu Yanzhen, was studying in the study of the outer courtyard, and his younger brother, Gu Xuanzhi, was in preschool. The maids walked lightly, and the yard was very quiet. Only the sparrows under the eaves chatted.

Gu Jinzhi is going to get up and go to his grandfather.

Song Pan'er stopped her and said, "Let's go after having tea."

The maid Begonia ordered almond tea for them to eat.

"Sister Jin, can you really cure Hu Jie's disease?" Song Paner asked Gu Jinzhi in a low voice while eating tea.

Gu Jinzhi was slightly stunned and then laughed.

Song Paner was a little embarrassed by her smile. She pretended to be slightly annoyed: "Mom asked you, what are you laughing at?"

"Mom, do you think Hu Jie is pitiful?" Gu Jin's way.

Song Pan'er's character is like a storm, but she is kind-hearted. In vain, she has never been malicious to the world, kind and capricious.

If it hadn't been for such a personality, she wouldn't have let Hong Lian's mother and son disgust her in front of her for more than ten years. If Song Pan'er's heart had been a little harder, Gu Yuzhi, a weak and sick concubine's brother, would have died long ago.

Song Pan'er's character, although sometimes he has to rob a few words from the white family after helping, which is a little unpleasant, but it does not distortion his temperament.

Gu Jinzhi thought of his mother and himself in his previous life.

They are similar to Song Paner's origin, and their married families are similar, but they have never lived as they want.

Gu Jinzhi is a little envious of Song Pan'er, and is also more willing to maintain her temperament. After all, she was born in Song Pan'er's hard pregnancy in October.

Song Pan'er is Gu Jin's closest person.

"I can cure her, although it's a little troublesome." Gu Jin said, "Mom, do you think I should treat her?"

Song Pan'er sighed.

"On the way back, I thought a lot of things. Mrs. Hu is really annoying, but she used to flatter me, often gave me things, and didn't do anything bad to hurt me. Song Paner said, "Of course, what she said today is really hateful, but Hu Jie's illness has become so bad for her mother, and she can understand it. After all, you are so young that it's not a big mistake for her not to believe you.

Song Pan'er is indeed good at nature, but she has never been a good person.

If Mrs. Hu is so angry with her, she won't compromise so easily. Although she doesn't want to die, she has to toss Mrs. Hu to relieve her anger.

It's so easy to forgive Mrs. Hu, not like Song Pan'er's style.

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything and continued to look at her.

Song Pan'er's eyes flashed slightly, and finally said, "Hu Jie and you were born on the same day of the same year. This is fate. If she is really gone, I'm afraid I'll have a pimple in my heart!"

She didn't want to say it. She was afraid of bad luck, as if she cursed Gu Jinzhi for no reason, which was not good for Gu Jinzhi.

It's not clear that Gu Jinzhi is afraid that he won't save people.

This is the fundamental reason why Song Paner is willing to save Hu Jie. She is kind, but she is not a kind old man without principles.

She is afraid of Hu Jie's fate and will predict Gu Jinzhi's future.

In ancient times, it was closely related to the date of birth and fate, and Hu Jie and Gu Jinzhi happened to be born at the same time on the same day. They must have been involved in their previous lives.

Fate is a mysterious thing.

If Gu Jinzhi can really save Hu Jie, but he refuses to take action, if Hu Jie falls, where will Gu Jinzhi's star drift in the future?

It's not a good thing.

If Hu Jie dies because of something else, Song Pan'er may not worry about gains and losses like this, but Hu Jie can't die because Gu Jinzhi refuses to be treated.

Song Paner is worried about her daughter. If there is no contact, she can also come up with it. In the end, she loved her daughter so much that she wanted to protect Gu Jinzhi in everything, and she would rather begged and endured Mrs. Hu this time.

Of course, she said that Mrs. Hu's person is not empty talk. But those reasons are not enough to make her change her mind. The last point is the key.

Gu Jinzhi has been a doctor for more than 40 years, and he has led the Ministry of Health to the disaster area to save the epidemic seven times. She is used to seeing life and death, and there is no wave in her heart about Hu Jie's miserable situation.

She just follows the teachings of her grandfather in her previous life, always remembers that she is a doctor, and it is her duty to treat the sick and save people, which is the first in her life.

This is professional ethics and the belief in her life, which has nothing to do with good and evil in human nature.

Others didn't want her to treat her. She had no other ideas. It was not until now that Song Pan'er's words made her change her mind.

She can't leave a pimple in Song Pan'er's heart.

"I know, mother. I'll prepare the medicine later. If Hu Taishou comes to get it, I will give it to him. Gu Jin's way.

Song Paner said, "Don't be so happy! What Mrs. Hu said today is such a bastard. How can it be cheaper for their family?

Gu Jinzhi had no choice but to smile.

Song Pan'er also felt that her words were contradictory, and she also laughed: "If it's really critical, give it to him; if you can slow down for half a day, just wait for half a day..."

Anyway, it can't be cheap, Mrs. Hu.

Gu Jinzhi laughed so hard that Song Pan'er let her go.

She went back to her yard and sent her maid to her grandfather's yard to see what his grandfather was doing. When she left in the morning, her grandfather was unhappy because of the words of the king of Nanchang.

Nishang was ordered to go.

After a while, Nishang turned back and said to Gu Jinzhi, "... The old man was writing in the study. When he saw me go, he also asked me what Miss Seven was doing and why he sent me here. I said that Miss Seven is coming to say no to see if the old man is resting. The old man said to invite Miss Seven to come over.

In this case, grandpa's bad mood is over, right?

Gu Jinzhi wrote down the prescription of Liushen Pills and added the last flavor of medicine before going to his grandfather.

She told her grandfather about Hu Jie.

Grandfather was silent for a moment and said to Gu Jinzhi, "This kind of critical throat paralysis will soon seal the throat, and the dripping water will be difficult to enter. You shouldn't see this kind of disease in the early days of your practice.

Other doctors in Yanling also thought the same way, afraid of smashing their own signboards and refusing to treat them.

"I can cure her." Gu Jinzhi said.

Her tone is exactly the same as her self-confidence when she treated Mrs. Song.

The first time was accidental, and the second time was a little unusual.

Gu Jinzhi has never been arrogant, but she has special confidence in her medical skills and does not leave a way out of her words.

Mr. Gu has never said "can be cured" many times in his life.

"Have you thought about how to treat it?" Mr. Gu asked Gu Jinzhi, but his eyes turned on her face. The child really made him unpredictable.

Gu Jinzhi showed the prescription to Mr. Gu: "Can you help me with the medicine?" In his previous life, Gu Jinzhi was skilled in seeing a doctor, but he was not good at pharmaceuticals.

In the new century, the division of labor is clear. If it is not a first-class prescription drug like Liushen Pill, it does not need to be prepared separately, and it can be bought in pharmacies.

Therefore, Gu Jinzhi is not particularly sure about pharmaceuticals.

Nowadays, in addition to seeing a doctor, medicine is also a basic skill.

Mr. Gu has good medical skills, and his pharmaceutical skills are more than ten times better than Gu Jin.

Gu Jinzhi wanted to give the prescription to Mr. Gu, and the effect should be better.

Mr. Gu looked at the eye prescription and frowned slightly: "Is this what you think, or where did you find the prescription?"

The prescription refers to the folk prescription.

"It's a test prescription." Gu Jin said, "Can you help me make it?"

"Where did you get it?" Mr. Gu asked again.

Gu Jinzhi can't answer this question. She didn't want to make up a story, so she said, "I saw it by chance, but I don't remember it now..."

The old man remembered that when he had just taught Gu Jinzhi to study, she had already memorized the internal scriptures.

He didn't ask again. He asked the henman around him to draw the piano to grab the medicine and prepare to make Liushen pills for Gu Jin.

It was made in less than half an hour.

This medicine was originally invented by Lei Yunshang during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, so it was called Lei's Liushen Pill.

Gu Jinzhi hesitated for a moment, then left the guilt and changed his name to Gu's Six God Pill.

Perhaps, she has changed the history of traditional Chinese medicine and the process of human beings since then.


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