Spring boudoir note

Chapter 022 Left

Grandfather helped Gu Jinzhi make Liushen pills, which were the size of Longyan balls, a total of ten pills, and put them in a red sandalwood box.

She left the prescription, gave it to her grandfather for safekeeping, and went back to her yard with the medicine box in her arms.

The little maids were playing in the yard, laughing and laughing.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming back, her two big maids Nishang and You He came up and asked one after another, "What good things did the girl take?"

Gu Jin's personality is deserted, but she is not indifferent. At least she never scolds the maids, nor does she neglect to answer the maids' questions.

For a long time, everyone knows that she is taciturn, but she is peaceful. She can accept anything a little out of line, so she has no awe and formality in front of her, and sometimes makes some harmless jokes with her.

Like now, just ask her what she brought back...

"It's medicine." Gu Jin said, "I have nothing to tell you to do. Let's all go and play..."

There are other maids and wet nurses in the room to wish their mothers. There must be no shortage of people to serve Gu Jinzhi; Nishang and Youhe are not very old and love to play. Hearing Gu Jinzhi say this, they didn't insist, and the two turned back to swing.

Gu Jinzhi took the silver-red curtain by himself and entered the east room.

Her wet nurse Zhu's mother was cutting, turned over the almanac, and was ready to make a few Chinese clothes for her; the other two big maids, Wei Wei and Zhi Lei, were serving.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi come in, several people let go of their work and were busy delivering tea and water.

After cleaning his hands, Gu Jinzhi took half a sip of tea and began to sit in Luohan** and turn over the book.

The arhat** in the east is full of her books.

Zhu's mother and Wei Wei and Zhilei saw that she had no other orders, so they took scissors and rulers and continued to cut clothes.

"Isn't it boring for a girl to read all day long?" Wei Wei whispered to his mother.

Gu Jin said little. As long as he went back to the yard, he would either read or write, and never play around, which made those little maids who couldn't calm down praise him.

Wei Wei is also one of the maids who praised Gu Jinzhi.

Zhu's mother glanced at her and said in a low voice, "Girl, don't make a sound. How many times have you said it!"

Although Wei Wei is a second-class maid in Gu Jinzhi's yard, she has only been in for two months, more naive and lively than other maids. She is the daughter of Zhu's mother, and Zhu's mother is also Gu Jinzhi's wet nurse, so Wei Wei's house is the second-class maid beside Gu Jinzhi. This is the mother's grace to Zhu's mother.

Gu Jinzhi listened to their words, didn't say anything, and turned over another page quietly.

After reading less than three pages of the book, she looked at the self-ringing bell on the wall. When it was almost dinner time, she got up and took the two maids to her mother's place for dinner.

After dinner, Gu Xuanzhi wanted to play "pick up children" and insisted that Gu Jinzhi accompany him.

Gu Jinzhi said with a smile.

Gu Xuanzhi untied a purse from his waist, which was filled with a bag of cleanly washed stones, and suddenly fell on Luohan**.

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help laughing: "So much, aren't you tired of hanging on your waist?"

Gu Xuanzhi shook his head and looked at her with a pair of clear eyes: "There are a hundred grains here, and the seventh sister divides 50 grains. Let's see who wins first."

Shizi's game was also played by Gu Jinzhi in later generations when he was in primary school.

Throw a stone in your hand, then grab the one on the ground, and then catch the one thrown. You can win as much as you catch. At the same time, you can't drop any of them, otherwise you have to put them all down.

Gu Xuanzhi's rules of the game are simpler. As long as you can catch the one thrown, it doesn't matter whether the one you catch or not.

Whoever catches it first wins.

Gu Yanzhen looked at him and shook his head and said, "Brother Xuan, have you finished your homework today?"

Gu Xuan's excited face suddenly broke most of it. He said sly, "There are still twenty big words left to be finished. I'll write them later."

"You should do your homework before playing." Gu Yanzhen said with a straight face, "It's the right thing for a boy to go to school. What's the point of playing with picking up like a little maid?"

One of Gu Xuan's faces darkened.

Song Paner looked at it and was so angry that she couldn't get angry.

Belittling my daughter's ability during the day and killing my son's fun nature at night! The children will be taught by him to be as rigid and incompetent as him. That's great!

She coughed heavily and said, "What's wrong with picking up? Practice more, your hands are still strong, and it's good to write.

Then he looked at their sister and brother with encouraging eyes, "You play, mother, look."

ignore Gu Yanzhen's words at all.

If parents don't agree, they will make their children confused. Gu Xuanzhi was always born in this environment. He gradually learned only one thing: when he didn't know what to do, he looked at the seventh sister.

So his eyes, as confused as a puppy, fell on Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi sighed in his heart.

In front of people, Song Paner can still tolerate Gu Yanzhen a little, but her unhappiness will be doubled back. Just like this, she was dissatisfied with Gu Yanzhen during the day, and now she openly refuted Gu Yanzhen's words in front of the maid and children.

Gu Jinzhi doesn't think that his father's words should not be refuted, but his brother Gu Xuanzhi's character has not yet been formed, and his mother's behavior is not good for Gu Xuanzhi.

Parents have different views and are always repeated, which will make children form a cowardly and hesitant character.

Gu Xuanzhi is a little like this now...

Meng is very cute, but it lacks the masculinity of boys.

Gu Yanzhen was also blocked by Song Paner and wanted to refute it...

Gu Jinzhi stretched out his hand and said to Gu Xuanzhi, "I have my nails. It's easy to break your nails and let the begonia have fun with you, okay?

Gu Xuanzhi just wants to play with Gu Jinzhi. Hearing Gu Jinzhi say this, and seeing that his parents were unhappy, he stuffed the stones into his purse and said timidly, "Let's play in a few days."

Song Pan'er's heart was scratched.

She took Gu Xuanzhi's purse and said with a smile, "Brother Xuan, my mother will play with you. My mother didn't leave her nails. Then he accused Gu Jinzhi, "When you are young, why do you leave a nail?"

Gu Jinzhi had to smile.

In the middle of her parents, there was also a younger brother. She was also in a dilemma, but her mother didn't appreciate it at all.

Gu Yanzhen didn't dare to say anything about Song Pan'er, and he couldn't stand Song Pan'er spoiling his children like this. He got up and went to the small study to read, but his eyes were clean.

Before he went out, his keeper ran and said that Hu Taishou was here again.

Gu Yanzhen knew that it must be Hu Jie's disease, so he frowned: Mr. Gu has not consulted. Hu Zeyu asked to come to the door like this, and it was difficult for Gu Yanzhen to do it.

His feelings with Mr. Gu are not as close as Mr. Gu Jinzhi's. Although he is in his thirties, he is still a little afraid of his father.

The unhappiness on his face added another 30%, saying, "Invite him to the outside study for tea."

"Hu Taishou said that he wanted to ask Miss Seven to see Miss Hu." Si Jian said, "Time is running out. Ask the third master if he can accommodate him?"

Gu Yanzhen's face changed: "This is too much! It has been updated. Sister Jin is a girl again. Fortunately, he can say it! Ask him to go back and say that I'm asleep!"

Song Pan'er's ears were pointed, and he heard Si Jian's words.

She asked loudly, "What's the matter?"

Si Jian looked at Gu Yanzhen's face.

Gu Yanzhen nodded slightly, and then Si Jian ran to the east and told Song Paner about Hu Zeyu inviting Gu Jinzhi to see a doctor.

Song Pan'er showed a proud smile.

She said, "Go and ask Hu Taishou to come to the inner courtyard."

"Nonsense, it's so late!" Gu Yanzhen followed and re-entered the east room. When he heard Song Pan'er say this, his tone was a little unhappy.

"Oh, how old is the girl!" Song Paner smiled and said, "It's not a girl who is about to leave the cabinet, but also a relative or friend. What are you afraid of? Besides, aren't you at home?"

Gu Yanzhen didn't say anything back. He didn't want to argue with Song Paner again.

Si Jian was the most clever. He knew that Gu Yanzhen had no idea in front of Song Pan'er, so after Song Pan'er said please come in, he ran away, as if he had obeyed Song Pan'er.

In this family, it is useless to flatte Gu Yanzhen. He has no opinion. He never distinguishes between people and things, and he doesn't know who to help or suppress.

But Song Pan'er's love and hate are clear, and he can't offend at all!

Si Jian ran very fast and invited Hu Zeyu to the inner courtyard in a moment.

Song Paner has a proud curvature at the corners of her lips.

She asked Gu Xuanzhi's wet nurse to take him back, and sent all the maids who served in the room, leaving only the begonia to bring tea and water.

She intends to embarrass Hu Ze for a while. Hu Zeyue is also a personal person in Yanling Mansion. Naturally, more people can't see it.


Thank you for your love ^^ Dear reward~~