Spring boudoir note

Chapter 026 Princess

Mr. Gu likes quietness, so these things attracted by Gu Jinzhi made him unhappy.

Gu Jinzhi was not allowed to go out for half a month. He studied at home all day, and didn't even go to her second uncle's banquet. The second aunt also specially sent her mother to ask her.

Gu Jinzhi had no complaints and followed him to study.

At first, the old man still wanted to finish explaining the medical scriptures, and then taught her to see, hear and ask. However, when she cured Mrs. Song and Hu Jie, the old man gave up his idea and just discussed some classic cases with her all day long and copied her copy of her collection of medical scriptures.

The old man is writing a book. It has been six years before he has written the second volume. Many cases are tricky to find.

After Hu Jie recovered from her illness, the old man tried to ask Gu Jinzhi to help proofread. Gu Jinzhi actually saw several transcription errors.

The old man was very surprised, but because of his personality, he did not question Gu Jinzhi.

He had doubts about Gu Jinzhi in his heart.

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything, the old man didn't ask, and the days went by day.

On May 24, my aunt made hibiscus shortbread at home and sent some to Song Pan'er in person.

Gu Xuanzhi studied in ethnic studies, Gu Jinzhi was with his grandfather, and Song Paner was only accompanied in the room. His eldest aunt was a little absent-minded and asked Gu Jinzhi several times when he would leave school.

Song Paner saw it clearly and asked her, "Sister-in-law, do you have something to find Sister Jin?"

After saying that, she looked at Mrs. Song's face nervously for fear of her recurrence. Mrs. Song is the first patient cured by Gu Jinzhi, which is the capital that Song Paner boasts.

She is afraid that Mrs. Song will get sick again.

Mrs. Song laughed and said, "Yes, I have something to do with Sister Jin. But it's not me. I'm fine.

When she fell ill last time, she lost more than 30 pounds. Although the edges and corners of her face were a little ugly, her waist was graceful, and her clothes showed her figure. Instead, she looked several years younger.

His face turned red in the snow, and he really couldn't see the disease, so Song Pan'er was relieved.

"What's the matter? If it's urgent, I'll send someone to call. She studied with the old man all day long, and she was not in a hurry to take the exam, so she didn't delay for a while. Song Pan'er said.

Mrs. Song stopped talking.

"I promise I won't say it." Song Pan'er said again.

Looking at the appearance of Mrs. Song, it should be difficult to say.

Listening to Song Pan'er's words, Mrs. Song smiled, and then said to Song Pan'er in a low voice, "It's Princess Minghui..."

You have a disease, and you have always been afraid that outsiders know about it.

Princess Minghui is actually willing to tell Mrs. Song...

Song Pan'er's mind moved slightly, but she didn't ask again. She asked Begonia to go to the old man's yard and called Gu Jin.

In a moment, Gu Jinzhi came.

"Big aunt." After saluting Mrs. Song, she sat in the master's chair beside her mother.

After the maid brought Gu Jinzhi a cup of tea, Song Paner winked at the begonia.

Begonia is the smartest. Song Pan'er can know what she means with one look. After receiving the hint, she immediately sent out all the maids in the room, and she also went out, standing outside the curtain to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

When there were only Mrs. Song and Song Pan's mother and daughter in the room, Mrs. Song whispered, "I went to see Princess Minghui yesterday. She couldn't sleep deeply recently and suffered unspeakably."

"What did the doctor say?" Song Pan'er asked.

Her voice is also low.

"I didn't ask the doctor." Mrs. Song said, "When the late emperor built the princess's mansion in Yanling for the eldest princess, he sent two imperial doctors. One of them returned to his hometown, and the other surnamed Qin. He is the younger brother of Qin Weici in the Tai Hospital today. His name is Qin Shensi. The princess only trusted Dr. Qin and Taoist priest Zhao. Taoist priest Zhao went to the capital and hasn't come back yet, and Dr. Qin's prescription this time is not good. When I went to see the princess, she asked me how my illness was cured. I said Sister Jin, and the princess said, let Sister Jin go and have a look. Don't tell outsiders, just let me take Sister Jin to visit.

If you can cure the disease of the eldest princess of Minghui...

Song Paner had a ripple in her heart: When the Empress Dowager was still a concubine, she made friends with Princess Minghui. Later, after the Empress Dowager was crowned, her son was crowned crown prince, and Princess Minghui made great contributions.

Later, the queen and the prince often interacted with Princess Minghui.

At that time, Princess Minghui was very popular.

But for some reason, she suddenly said that she was not good, and proposed to return to Yanling Mansion, Jiang's hometown, with Jiang's son-in-law. Suddenly, she disappeared from the circle of magnates in the capital.

Up to now, the Empress Dowager wants people to send a lot of rewards to the eldest princess's mansion in Yanling every year. It can be seen that Princess Minghui has not offended others, let alone committed a crime.

If you can cure the eldest princess of Minghui, I'm afraid that the future of Sister Jin will be higher in the future.

Song Pan'er had to plan for Gu Jin. There is only one title for the old man, which will definitely be passed on to his uncle. After a hundred years, the Gu family separated, and the three houses became the side branches of the Kuofu. What else does Gu Jinzhi have?

Song Paner can't count on Gu Yanzhen. He is hopeless.

"While it's still early, don't delay, go quickly." Song Paner quickly got up, called Begonia to come in, and whispered to her, "Go to Miss Seven's room and bring a valuable dress for Miss Seven to change. She is going to visit the nobleman's house."

The whole Yanling Mansion that can be called a nobleman by Song Pan'er is Princess Minghui.

Begonia took the order and went to Gu Jinzhi's yard.

Soon, she brought a piece for Gu Jinzhi.

Song Pan'er changed her daughter in person and whispered to her, "When you get to the princess's house, don't talk nonsense. Follow your aunt and listen to your aunt.

One of Gu Jin should do it one by one.

Song Paner sent Gu Jinzhi and Mrs. Song to the door of the hanging flowers, and repeatedly told her not to be afraid and show her skills.

Gu Jinzhi whispered again, obediently.

The carriage slowly drove out of Mayuan Lane.

In the car, the eldest aunt also told Gu Jinzhi: "Don't be afraid when talking to the princess. The princess likes girls to be generous and doesn't like girls to flinch."

"I know, aunt." Gu Jin's way.

With a word, the carriage arrived at Qingguo Lane.

Gu Jin was young and strong. He got out of the carriage first and turned to help Mrs. Song.

Mrs. Song laughed, held her hand falsely, and got out of the car.

After the waiter on the door was told, the housekeeper's mother beside the princess greeted Mrs. Song and Gu Jinzhi in front of the door of the weeping flower.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi, the mother narrowed her eyes and asked with a smile, "Are you Miss Gu Jiaqi?" Recently, I've always heard that you are good at medical skills.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "I am. You are over-praise. I'm ashamed to praise you.

The mother was so rare that she said to Mrs. Song, "At a young age, she speaks a little calmly. It's really rare!"

Mrs. Song also smiled and said, "Mother Chen, don't praise her, or she will be so beautiful."

Chen's mother laughed and led Mrs. Song and Gu Jinzhi to the yard where Princess Minghui lived.


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