Spring boudoir note

Chapter 030 Conspiracy

On the ninth day of June, it turned out to be a stormy night last night, and the dark red and green of the courtyard were in a mess.

Song Pan'er got up early and ordered his servants to clean the yard, especially the old man's yard. He didn't like dirty.

By the time Gu Jinzhi got up, the broken branches in the yard had been swept away, and the path was clean. The paved rainstone path was washed clean, with a light light, and the lush trees were soaked by the rain.

Gu Jinzhi went to his mother's place to invite him and had breakfast by the way.

Before entering the courtyard door, I heard the sound of women choked. It's so pitiful.

Gu Jin's foreboding must be Aunt Hong, but I don't know what's wrong with her.

"Go and ask the doctor!" It's the voice of his father Gu Yanzhen.

"What kind of doctor do you want? Won't Sister Jin look at it?" This is the voice of her mother Song Paner, implying a low roar. Listening to Gu Jinzhi's ears, she only felt that the gate of her mother's voice was closed by herself. If she let go of the gate, she would be furious.

Gu Jinzhi slowed down a little and thought about whether to sneak back first and wait until they finished arguing.

"....... I also vomited last time, and I was fine after taking the medicine prescribed by Miss Seven. I was afraid of disturbing my wife. I didn't dare to work. You hired a doctor. I took the medicine according to the last prescription. I took it for more than half a month, but it still didn't work. Aunt Hong's voice choked with a little trembling.

She was afraid of annoying Song Pan'er, but she had to say.

Even if it is the same person, the same disease will occur again after a month or two. It may be due to different climates and different causes, so the treatment drugs should not be the same.

The last time my brother-in-law Gu Yuzhi vomited was caused by the cold evil on the surface and the stomach.

And what about this time?

Aunt Hong was actually afraid of Song Pan'er and didn't dare to invite the doctor to give Gu Yanzhi the medicine last time. Is she too stupid, or...

Gu Jinzhi turned her mind, and she suddenly had a new judgment on Aunt Hong.

There were only a few little maids and rough ladies outside. She was ready to go back. The silver-red felt curtain in the main room was lifted, and the big maid beside her mother came out. When she met Gu Jinzhi head-on, she saluted her and said, "Miss Seven."

The voice of peony was crisp, and Gu Jinzhi obviously felt that the voice of the inner room was quiet for a moment.

I guess I heard the sound of peony.

She had to go in hard.

After the beginning of summer, my mother replaced the silver-red curtain on the door of the east room with a light green flower-sprinkling soft curtain, which had a refreshing cool feeling.

Gu Jinzhi really feels a little cold.

Begonia, the maid standing at the door, quickly raised the curtain for Gu Jinzhi.

In the east, my mother and father sat in Luohan** for breakfast. The dishes were full of glass, and the hot crab buns were full of fragrance.

Gu Jinzhi inadvertently touched his appetite.

She is hungry....

Father Gu Yanzhen's face was angry and anxious. He was about to get up when the maid half squatted to put shoes on him; his mother just looked angry and was not worried.

Hong Lian knelt on the ground, her temples were messy, her clothes were old and wrinkled, and her thin shoulders were so embarrassing.

Song Paner looked at her like this, and she was even more angry, and her fingers on the small table clenched tightly.

His father Gu Yanzhen had already put on his shoes. When he saw Gu Jinzhi, he didn't say anything. He threw up the soft curtain in the east room and strode out.

Song Pan'er was so angry that she gasped a little.

Hong Lian was still kneeling, and she dared not move without Song Pan'er's order.

"Why don't you follow me soon?" Song Pan'er slapped Xiaoji and said harshly to Hong Lian, "If Brother Yu has something to do with you, don't have any hope!"

Hong Lian bit her lip and kowtowed three to Song Pan'er. Then she got up and chased Gu Yanzhen out.

Begonia saw that Song Pan'er was angry and did not ask for instructions. He quietly followed Hong Lian to see the situation.

Song Paner put a tea cup filled with carved paint and gold in her hand. She wanted to fall to the ground casually to vent her emotions. She raised her eyes and saw Gu Jinzhi. Her raised hand slowly put it down.

No matter how grumpy Song Paner is, she is afraid of setting a bad example for her daughter.

Gu Jin went above and helped her drop the tea cup.

In the sound of broken porcelain, Gu Jinzhi smiled and said to Song Pan'er, "Mom, you don't have to put up with it. You can fall whatever you want!" Everything here is yours."

Song Pan'er was stunned and then laughed.

With this smile, the anger is reduced by more than half.

"Mom, what happened just now? Did Aunt Hong cause trouble again? Gu Jinzhi sat next to his mother and asked her. She had just listened to the matter outside. At this moment, she just wanted Song Paner to tell her the grievances in her heart, so she asked.

Women complaining is a good way to relieve stress.

It's easy to get sick if you hold it.

When Song Pan'er heard Gu Jinzhi say, "Aunt Hong is in trouble again", she sneered: It turns out that her daughter knows that Hong Lian is always uneasy and kind-hearted.

This is the right temper of Song Paner.

She told Gu Jinzhi about Gu Yuzhi's illness one by one, and then became angry again: "... said that after taking the medicine you prescribed last time, the vomiting didn't get better. Now it's getting worse and worse. I got up early and fainted. Then she said, "She herself said that it didn't work after eating for more than half a month. In that case, why didn't you tell me earlier? The child has been weak since he was a child. Will I see that he has been ill for half a month and won't ask him a doctor? She is so cruel that she can even ruin her son. What!"

Song Pan'er thought it was Hong Lian who used her son as bait to frame Song Pan'er.

Gu Yanzhen didn't see it, and he went to Honglian's mother and son in a hurry, which made Song Paner angry and chilled.

Gu Jinzhi's attitude on this matter has also been reserved.

In her previous life, she had a son and adopted a daughter. Although she was busy with work, she loved them in every way. As a mother, a son is more important than his life; but Zhu Zhongjun took advantage of his son and was not soft at all, and once he almost killed his son.

Although tiger poison does not eat children, some people are fierce. For the sake of profit and future, even animals are not as good as animals.

Gu Jinzhi doesn't know much about Hong Lian. I don't know what kind of person she is. But she knew that there were people as vicious as Zhu Zhongjun in the world, so Song Paner's guessed that she did not refute, but just listened quietly.

Song Pan'er said it herself.

Gu Jinzhi did not answer, but quietly held his mother's hand.

As he spoke, the begonia turned back.

Seeing that Song Paner's face eased most of the time, she came forward and whispered, "Madam, the third master took the eighth young master in his arms and went to the old master's side, and Aunt Hong followed him."

Song Paner snorted coldly and took Gu Jinzhi's hand: "Let's go, let's take a look! If we are not present, Hong Lian doesn't know what nonsense she said.


Thank you helen_d_1981, passionate love ^^ dear reward. In the past few days, I have seen more and more familiar relatives. Thank you for not leaving me under such a scumbag situation! Continue to ask for recommendation tickets. The recommendation ticket for the new book period is very important. Please support it!