Spring boudoir note

Chapter 032 Really

After everyone dispersed, my grandfather's yard was quiet.

The maid brought breakfast.

Gu Jinzhi and his grandfather had breakfast and began to study.

She is reciting Mencius. She used to be very fluent, but today she made several mistakes, and she was absent-minded.

The old man tapped her bookcase with a ruler, and his voice was stern: "Use snacks! If there is another mistake, you will hit the board ten times.

Gu Jinzhi straightened his spirits, recited two paragraphs, and was distracted again.

"Stand up!" The old man's ruler fell on the desk again, "Stretch out your hand."

Gu Jin's little hands were thin and tender, and the ruler crackled.

After five strokes, her palms turned red. In fact, the old man didn't hit it very hard, but her hands were too tender. Seeing that it turned red, the old man couldn't bear it. He said with a straight face, "There are still five times to remember it first, and then if you make a mistake, you will be punished!"

Gu Jin's way is.

"Go back and sit down, and then recite it." The old man said again.

Gu Jinzhi sat back.

She recited the next book very well, and there was nothing wrong with it after reciting it.

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

"It's clear that it's easy. If you get serious, you will have finished it soon, but you have made so many bends! Remember the five strokes first, and then calculate it later. The old man said, "What did you think just now? Didn't you spend any effort on reciting the book?"

The voice is as harsh as questioning, but there is some concern in his eyes.

Gu Jinzhi said, "I'm thinking about Dad's words..."

The old man's eyes were cold.

"...His words are mild. If others say that, I will definitely smile and not put it in my heart. But my father said, and I was sad. Compared with outsiders, my parents are my closest people. They gave me the most in the world. And I, who will not put the little things in my heart at all, are a little angry with him. The more you hurt me, the more I ask for it?

Gu Jin's parents in the previous life were all in politics and came from a large family. Because of their family and work, they never let people read their true thoughts. Talking to their daughter is to think twice, and they don't leave any words behind.

Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen are different.

One of them is not an official, but just a nerd who reads behind closed doors; the other is an otaku woman who has never dealing with power in her life, and they all retain the innocence of human nature.

Gu Jinzhi obviously likes their true temperament very much. But the moment her father counted Brother Yan's illness on her head, she knew that her father was just in a hurry, but she had feelings and complaints.

After a long time, she has also become pretentious...

So she thought a lot.

The stronger people's feelings are, the more harsh they are. It's like her parents must love her unconditionally. Once they have a little doubt about her, they have done so much wrong.

The common thing is that because of the father-daughter relationship, it adds so much burden.

Emotions, it's better to be lighter...

Mr. Gu was stunned by her.

Then, his ruler knocked hard on the bookcase: "Don't study, think about these irrelevant things! Reach out your hand!"

Gu Jinzhi obediently stretched out his hand.

The old man was about to hit her hard, but it fell on the ruler in the palm of his hand. It didn't hurt at all, just like just now.

But the old man was so pretentious. He sang high, fell gently, and hit her five precepts, which was regarded as making up for what he had just owed.

"Send again!" The old man said.

Gu Jin's way is.

After studying, she was very attentive. After saying that, she erased the traces in her heart, and she didn't think about it any more.

After a few days, Mencius has been memorized.

The old man is very satisfied.

"I'm off today. Go back and see your mother..." The old man closed his book.

He knew that the family was in chaos, and Gu Jinzhi's mind was not studying, so he must have a memory of her mother.

Gu Jinzhi was about to say that the little one came in and said that Dr. Qin was coming.

She had to sit back.

The old man asked me to come in.

Dr. Qin changed into a brand-new six-grade imperial doctor's official uniform today and paid a very grand visit to Mr. Gu.

He entered the door to make a gesture to the old man and shouted, "Master!"

In those years, the examiner of Qin Shen's Fourth Examination Hospital was Mr. Gu.

Like the officials, they also call their examiners teachers.

The old man nodded slightly and asked him to sit down.

"Students have never visited their teachers in the past six years, which is really a heinous crime. Isn't it right for students to accompany their teachers? Qin Shensi did not sit down, but picked up his clothes and kowtowed to the old man.

"I'm a cloth now, and Mei Qing is still a sixth-grade royal doctor. I can't stand acting like this." The old man said, "Get up quickly."

In the first two years after Qin Shensi came to Yanling, there were also posts to visit during the Spring Festival. It's just that the old man deliberately avoided the world at that time, and no one saw him.

"One day as a teacher, a father for life. Don't say anything you can't stand. It's a student. Qin Shen's four paths.

After being so polite, I sat down.

The old man came straight to the point and asked him what he was coming today.

"The student's ancestors once opened a hundred grass hall, and then moved to Kyoto, which has always been taken care of by my uncle and grandfather." Qin Shensi said slowly, "It's just that the two uncles of my uncle's family are not good at business. After my uncle and grandfather left, the Baicaotang gradually became so lonely that it closed down. My father bought those plaques. When I came to Yanling a few years ago, I broke up with my eldest brother and got that plaque..."

Except for his wife's dowry, he only took the plaque, and the eldest brother and his mother gave him nothing.

"....... The long-cherished wish of students is to reorganized their ancestral business. A few days ago, the princess had a reward. It was enough capital, and the students wanted the Qin family's hundred grass hall. The student asked the princess, and the princess agreed and gave some rewards. It's just that the students have shallow knowledge and think that the teacher is to salute Taishan Beidou. If there is a disaster in the future, please ask the teacher to take care of it.

Mr. Gu smiled and said, "You're welcome, Mei Qing. If you need any help, just open your mouth."

But I was thinking, did Qin Meiqing come to say these polite words?

Since it is a hundred grass hall, what do you need to take care of? Doesn't he have the backer of Princess Minghui?

"Thank you very much, thank you very much!" Qin Shen thanked him four times in a row, got up and bowed the old man twice.

The old man waved his hand and asked him to sit down.

After sitting down, Qin Shensi looked at Gu Jinzhi after the book case and said, "Master, the princess was ill that day, and the students saw the wrong reason for the disease. I'm really sorry for the teacher's teaching. It's a smear of the teacher's school! Then, it was Miss Seven who maintained it in every way that she was favored by today's princess. Those silver rewards should have been divided into more than half of the seven ladies. It's just that the students are selfish and want to get the Baicaotang into business as soon as possible, so they don't get the money..."

Gu Jinzhi smiled helplessly.

Just as she was about to say that she didn't have to do so, she heard Qin Shensi continue to say, "I drew up the deed, went to the government gate to cover the text and painting, and gave the two shares of Baicaotang to Miss Seven. I hope Miss Seven won't dislike it."

The old man was still thinking about what Qin Meiqing was going to say, and he didn't understand until now.

This honest man is too honest!


Thank you for the rewards of passionate love ^^, Zhu Laomi, Peach Demon 315, Jane and Rose, everyone!