Spring boudoir note

Chapter 043 Talent

The sixth day of July.

Just after the third day of the lunar month, the scorching sun sprinkled on the golden curtain hook of the bed curtain, reflecting the golden light in the room.

Gu Jinzhi got up, washed up, and then took the maid to his mother's place to invite him to breakfast.

The garden is shaded, and the cicadas are cut.

When he arrived at the fork in the road, Gu Jinzhi saw the little man next to his grandfather drawing the piano in a hurry, and also went to the main courtyard on Song Pan'er's side.

Gu Jinzhi called him.

Draw the piano at the age of 15, not as lively as those young people around Gu Yanzhen. He is restrained and calm, not like a 15-year-old child at all.

Hearing Gu Jinzhi calling him, he quickly stopped and saluted Gu Jinzhi.

"What are you going to do?" Gu Jinzhi looked at his sweat and his heart tightened. He secretly thought that there was something wrong with his grandfather, right?

Draw the piano and said, "The old man is packing up the box and saying that he is going to the capital to let the little one tell his wife." Then he said, "He also said that he saw Miss Seven and let you go there. The old master has homework to tell you."

I left school yesterday, and my grandfather didn't mention going to Beijing.

Why did something change happen after one night?

If my grandfather wants to go to Beijing, it should have nothing to do with my uncle's letter.

Is that related to the last visit of the King of Luyang and the King of Nanchang?

Gu Jinzhi said, "Then go quickly. Tell your wife, I'll go to the old master's first.

Drawing the piano is.

Gu Jinzhi turned to the old man's yard first.

The old man is telling the maids to box his daily precious books and prepare to put them away for fear that he will be damaged when he is not at home.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming, he nodded slightly and let her go to the bookcase.

He put a few medical books on the table and said, "I'm going to the capital. You still think I'm at home, study every day, and don't be lazy! You should memorize these books first. If you don't understand them, I'll explain them one by one when I come back.

Gu Jinzhi turned over, which are all authentic works left by the predecessors of the famous Xinglin in the first five or forty years.

These were originally passed down from the family, not to outsiders, but somehow fell into the hands of my grandfather.

A copy of "Feng's Medical Words", a copy of "Shouzhou Wei's Inspection Case" and a copy of "Sun's Bureau's New Certificate" are all written by senior medical experience.

These people are not very famous. These books will be left behind in later generations, and Gu Jinzhi has never heard of three books.

She has some interest.

"I will be careful." She said, "Grandpa, when will you leave and come back?"

She didn't ask the old man what he did when he went back to Beijing.

"Pack up and go." The old man said.

But he didn't tell Gu Jinzhi when he would come back.

Gu Jinzhi also helped the old man put away all the books.

While busy, Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen came together.

"Dad, why do you want to go back to Beijing?" Song Paner said in a hurry, "Isn't the eldest nephew coming soon?"

"I won't wait for him." The old man said, and then said to Gu Yanzhen, "Go and rent a boat. I'll pack these and leave."

This is a decision, and there is no way to talk about it.

"Dad, you left in such a hurry that we are not prepared at all." Gu Yanzhen stood still, for the sake of "You slow down first, let us..."

"I'm going to Beijing, what are you preparing?" The old man's face was stiff, "I've finished it!"

Then he called back the piano, "Go and rent a boat."

"Dad, the third master said, how can you go to Beijing alone? Someone has to serve you all the way. The painting was followed by other servants, and the third master and I were worried. Anyway, the year after next will be the spring, and the third master also went to the capital to take the exam. Why don't you leave tomorrow and let the third master clean up and go with you this time. Song Pan'er said aside.

Gu Yanzhen nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Dad."

"Where is the capital?" The old man's face was cold, "People come and go, how can I have the time to study? Now it's only a year and a half, and you should study behind closed doors. I'm not dizzy! Painting the piano serves me more than anyone else. Choose two more effective nursing homes to follow.

Gu Yanzhen and Song Pan'er were speechless for a while, and they couldn't think of any other words to retain them.

Song Pan'er even wink at Gu Jinzhi.

"I'm not going yet!" The old man said.

The two of them said that one went to rent a boat, and the other went to choose a nursing home.

An hour later, Song Pan'er took the children to see the old man off in front of the hanging flower door.

The old man took the piano and two nursing homes, and the light car went back to Beijing.

He told Gu Jinzhi, "I will definitely come back before the New Year, and I have to finish reciting the book!" From Yanling Mansion to the capital, it will take two months to have a smooth journey.

When you come back, it must be the end of the year or the beginning of tomorrow.

Whether you can catch up with the Spring Festival depends on God's will.

Gu Jin's way is to say some auspicious words about a safe journey.

Song Paner asked Gu Yanzhi and Gu Xuanzhi's brothers to say something nice.

How come these two are disappointing. Seeing that the old man is like a cat and mouse, he can't say a word.

The old man turned around and got into the carriage without hope.

Gu Yanzhen was sent to the dock.

"If you want to go, just go!" When he went back, Song Paner muttered to his mother and maid beside him, "The old man's personality is exactly the same as when he was young."

Whoever goes out, even if he goes to the temple outside the city to give incense, he has to prepare a few days in advance.

A big event like going to Beijing should be at least half a month in advance.

I have never seen anything like an old man. I think of it one by one.

In the middle of the morning, the sun can break the skin outside. When it was just getting hot, I didn't get used to it, so I felt very difficult.

There was ice in Song Pan'er's yard.

Gu Jinzhi didn't go back and read the book in his mother's inner room.

She had dinner at dusk, and the heat wave gradually recededed, so she took the maid back to her yard.

The three books left by my grandfather are not particularly valuable medical cases, and their opinions are also very common. They have been read by Gu Jin in his previous life. She was not interested, so she wanted to recite it at the end of the year.

It's easy to forget when you recite it now.

The days have passed slowly for more than ten days.

On July 18, Qin Shensi handed in a post to see the old man.

Gu Jinzhi replied to the letter about his grandfather going to Beijing.

The next day, Qin Shensi submitted the post again to see Gu Jinzhi.

Have you encountered a difficult disease?

Gu Jinzhi thought, gave the post to his father, let his father accompany him, and saw Qin Shensi.

Gu Yanzhen happened to be tired of studying. He wanted to take a day off, so he agreed.

Qin Shen came early, and the servants invited him to the outer study.

Then I went to the inner courtyard and invited Gu Yanzhen and Gu Jin.

Qin Shen had a wave of greetings, asked the old man when he had moved, and said, "It should be sent to the teacher."

Gu Yanzhen said, "You're welcome. I'm just visiting my old friends. I'll be back soon."

After saying some scenes to each other, Qin Shensi turned to Gu Jinzhi and said, "Miss Seven, I have some difficulties. I want to ask Miss Seven for advice."

Gu Yanzhen was a little surprised when he heard it.

Ask a child to give you some advice?

"I don't dare to point out." Gu Jin said, "What's the matter with Dr. Qin?"

Her voice was gentle and calm, as if nothing would be difficult for her. She picked it up so smoothly.

Gu Yanzhen has another daughter.

Qin Shensi must have asked about medical skills, and Gu Jinzhi is always particularly confident in her medical skills.

The old man has been to Beijing. Where does her self-confidence come from?

"I have a guest who came from the south and lost his sound when he was on the boat. When I first arrived to see a doctor in front of the next door, I had lost my voice for five or six days. Qin Shen's face was sad, "There is a record of typhoid fever. When the cold is suddenly hoarse, it is a cold invading the lungs; the surface of the sun is puzzled, so that the cold evil and the yin, the lungs are solid, the lungs are solid and hoarse, and the little green dragon soup is solved. After nearly 20 years of medical practice, two cases of such dysphasia have been cured, all of which are used. This time... I have been taking the medicine for more than ten days, and it has never worked..."


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