Spring boudoir note

Chapter 050 Envy

Fever is not a serious illness. Just drink some ginger soup and sleep under the quilt.

Of course, it would be better to have a doctor to see.

After seeing him, the third uncle went back to the inner courtyard. Gu Chenzhi thought that they would definitely hire a doctor for him.

Gu Chenzhi is not worried. The boat was very hot a few days ago, and it has been cool in autumn in recent days. He pedaled the quilt once when he slept at night. He got up early and felt dizzy, so he was a little hot.

After drinking a bowl of hot porridge, I sweated, and the heat subsided.

When he got ashore, he had an attack, which was also expected.

It's just a minor illness.

All of this is not sudden, Gu Chenzhi's heart is also ready, but he is not depressed because of illness. His heart is calm and there are no ripples.

It was not until the third aunt asked his seventh cousin to see him, that he had some ideas.

Or, he didn't quite understand the third aunt's intention.

It doesn't matter that he knows that his third aunt is a vain person. Most people are vain, which is not a weakness. It's just that his third aunt, vanity is taken for granted, and can only be called "excessive and strong".

Because... the seventh cousin studied medicine with her grandfather... The third aunt wanted to prove the ability of the seventh cousin... So, take him?

Gu Chenzhi has a good temper and feels uncomfortable.

He showed embarrassment in his eyes.

Gu Jinzhi looked at it and felt that it was normal for the lobby brother to be in trouble. After all, she was so young that she explained to him with a smile, "Brother, I have read the medical scriptures with my grandfather for two years and have also prescribed prescriptions. I'll take a look for you first, and then let Dr. Qin take a look later. How are you doing?

Gu Chenzhi's embarrassment immediately put it away, and he didn't want to embarrass Gu Jinzhi.

He finally showed a wry smile and said, "That's bothering the seventh sister."

Song Paner has seen such distrust several times. From the beginning of the rage, to now she secretly breathed: Humph, wait for you to be cured, and wait for me to talk!

She also smiled and didn't care about Gu Chenzhi's hesitation.

Gu Jinzhi has sat down and replaced Gu Chenzhi.

Although Gu Chenzhi held on, there was always doubt and worry in his eyes.

Are you worried that Song Paner will force him to take medicine indiscriminately?

His eyes turned around.

"Brother, about a month ago, did you also catch a cold and have a fever?" Gu Jinzhi suddenly asked, "After that, although the heat has faded, the right leg always has a low fever from time to time?"

His fever this time has nothing to do with the unconvinced water and soil. It's just a hot and wet body.

But the first pulse, Gu Jinzhi found that there was an old disease in his body.

Gu Chenzhi's face changed greatly: he really got cold a month ago!

It was too hot at that time. When the boat rested in the evening, the boatman and the servants who followed were greedy and went down the river one after another, and encouraged him to cool down in every way.

Isn't Gu Chenzhi sweating profusely?

It happened to be moored in the center of the river that day, and it was desolate on the far shore. No one should see it.

He also went down to the river and took a cold shower. He was refreshed.

After getting on the boat, everyone else was fine. The next day, he coughed heavily, and then sneezed and got hot.

The boatman and the men all muttered that he was too coquettish. In addition, they went ashore and invited him a doctor and took medicine. After a day, the fever subsided and the typhoid fever gradually got better.

But Gu Chenzhi always feels that there will be a faint low fever somewhere in his body, which makes him very uncomfortable.

He is not sure where it is.

It doesn't feel obvious during the day, and I am accidentally woken up by the heat at night, as if it is the right lower body...

Now I heard one of Gu Jin say that he was in a cold sweat on his back and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes! Qimei, is it a big disease?

Unexpectedly, it can be seen that he, the seventh cousin, has studied with his grandfather for a long time, right? What a little ability!

The suspicion turned into nothing at the beginning. Now Gu Chenzhi is afraid that Gu Jinzhi will leave him alone. He can't wait to hold her arm for fear that she will shake her hand and leave.

He really stretched out his hand involuntarily, and then he felt ridiculous and withdrew his hand!

He is very nervous.

Gu Jinzhi quickly comforted him: "It doesn't matter, big brother! Your illness this time is just a hot evil invading Shaoyang. Do you still have some leaks?

Gu Chenzhi's heart was shocked again, and he nodded like pounding garlic: "Yes!" This is amazing! The No. 1 pulse knows everything, which Gu Chen has never seen before.

His mother always said that his grandfather was hidden and was a master, but his father said that his grandfather was mediocre and lucky.

He hasn't seen much of his grandfather's consultation, so he believes his father's words.

Suddenly, when he saw Gu Jinzhi showing such superb medical skills, he remembered his mother's words: I'm afraid my grandfather is really good at it.

Gu Chenzhi suddenly regretted a little. At the beginning, he wanted to study medicine, but it was a pity that his father felt that he was lowly, and it was better to study and go to an official career. There was also a grandfather who did not like his father and was indifferent to Gu Chenzhi, so the idea of studying medicine with his grandfather was shelved.

Now looking at Gu Jinzhi's ability, Gu Chenzhi is also sad: if he had become a medicine boy with his grandfather in the early years, his ability must have been better than Gu Jinzhi now!

He is a man. No matter what a man does, he is better than a woman! Gu Jinzhi can learn to know the disease, and Gu Chenzhi can definitely do it.

He opened a pharmacy, which did not want fame and profit. He saw the poor people in the city and scattered medicine. In the days of rough tea and light meals, he was also at ease!

This is Gu Chenzhi's ideal. Because it was impossible to achieve, he didn't mention it to anyone.

At this moment, Gu Jinzhi showed his ability, which aroused the idea that he had been dormant for a long time.

"...In the hot junction table, the three coke is not fully reached, the heat is from the internal infighting, and the humidity and heat are compatible. I will open a pair of heat-clearing agent for you. The three coke gas machine can be lowered, and the heat can fade." Gu Jinzhi said again, "It's just your burning proof, and after the heat fades this time, I will slowly use medicine to help you recuperate. It's a little troublesome."

"Thank you, Qimei!" Gu Chenzhi thanked him repeatedly.

He looked confused and didn't know what he was thinking.

This result is different from what Song Pan'er expected.

"Big brother, you don't have to do that." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "You can rest in peace."

Then she got up and prepared to go to her father's outer study to open a prescription.

Gu Yanzhen didn't come until this time.

Song Paner looked good and was not furious. He saw that Gu Chenzhi let Gu Jinzhi see it. Gu Yanzhen was also relieved and asked Gu Chenzhi how he felt.

Gu Chenzhi said politely, "It's much better."

For a moment, Gu Jinzhi opened a prescription.

Song Pan'er personally went to order his servants to catch the medicine.

Gu Yanzhen is here again.

The sky was getting dark, and Song Pan'er and Gu Jin's mother and daughter went back to the inner courtyard.

"Brother Chen, I have asked the man around me to invite Dr. Qin, and I will sneak in from the corner door to see you later." Gu Yanzhen's voice was a little low, "Your third aunt and seventh sister are also kind. Don't be surprised!"

He is very embarrassed.

Gu Chenzhi was slightly stunned, and then couldn't laugh or cry.

At the beginning, he did doubt Gu Jinzhi.

But Gu Jin's few words pointed out his own new wounds and old diseases, and every sentence was accurate. Gu Chenzhi was already convinced in his heart.

He is a patient. No matter what others think, as long as the doctor can explain his symptoms, he will think that the doctor is a magic doctor!

Even if it's a child!

And his third uncle, obviously like ordinary people, doesn't believe in the seventh sister.

"Third uncle, don't bother!" Gu Chen said, "I'll eat the recipe opened by Qimei! The seventh sister proved that I believe in her!"

This time, it's Gu Yanzhen's turn to be stunned!


Thanks to enigmayanxi, passionate love ^^, happy mango, vissy and other relatives for their rewards.
