Spring boudoir note

Chapter 052 Green

It is not far from Mayuan Lane of Gu Jin's home to Qingguo Lane of Song's family.

Song Paner asked Gu Jinzhi's wet nurse to wish her mother to accompany Gu Jinzhi.

On the way, the third cousin Song Yanfan was very happy and said to Gu Jinzhi: "... Because it was a relative of my second aunt's family, my mother specially asked the steward to go to Zhuangzi to get some fresh food, and thought of you, so she invited a few good sisters and Hu Jie in my family to accompany her.

You didn't come.

I told my mother, 'Today's dishes have breast lamb, and my cousin likes it best'. My mother asked me to come and invite you in person... How can you thank me? I broke my leg."

Gu Jinzhi and her are funny: "You want to go out!"

Song Yanfan showed an exaggerated surprise: "You really have a bad conscience. When you come back in a carriage, what can you see when you go out? It's not a temple fair!"

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

Song Yanfan pretended to be annoyed and raised his hand to scratch her: "Give me a salute first, and then thank me!"

Gu Jinzhi was afraid of itching, and the two sisters made a mess in the carriage. Gu Jinzhi's head accidentally touched the wall of the carriage.

Song Yanfan was so slap in his arms and rubbed her again, and asked repeatedly, "Have you ever touched it?"

"No, no." Gu Jinzhi smiled hurriedly, then leaned slightly and pretended to say, "It was my nonsense and confused about my cousin's kindness; secondly, my cousin came to invite me in person..."

Song Yanfan laughed so hard.

The two sisters went to Qingguo Lane happily.

The Zhulun Huagai carriage stopped in front of the hanging flower door, and there was a woman waiting with a small gas truck.

The two sisters were served by the women, got out of the carriage, got on the small gas truck, and went to Mrs. Song's yard.

Today, Gu Chenzhi and Mrs. Song's niece were invited to share two seats.

The second uncle and several cousins opened a seat in the outer courtyard, and Mrs. Song opened another seat in the boat hall of her yard.

It's a rare hustle and bustle.

At this moment, the banquet has not yet opened, and Mrs. Song's yard is full of people. Gu Chenzhi, Brother Xuan, the three nephews of the second wife, and several cousins of the Song family are all talking to the lady.

Hu Jie and other girls hid in the warm pavilion.

Gu Jinzhi came in and said hello first, and then went to the warm pavilion.

Because she is a newcomer, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Gu Jinzhi also quickly glanced at the room: there were three men in gorgeous clothes, who were strange faces and should be the nephew of the second uncle's mother's family.

Mrs. Song asked a few questions as usual, and then sent Song Yanfan to take her to the warm pavilion first.

Brother Xuan was bored, and his father and his second uncle were in the outer courtyard. He was not familiar with these brothers in the room and sat aside.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming, he seemed to see the savior. He jumped up and pulled Gu Jinzhi's sleeve and shouted in a low voice, "Seventh sister..."

signaled Gu Jinzhi to take him away.

In this way, everyone's eyes focused on Gu Jinzhi again.

"Brother Xuan, the eldest brother is still here. Brother Xuan is accompanying the eldest brother, okay?" Gu Jinzhi said to him with a smile and a soft voice.

It's not good for a boy to be so timid. When someone takes him with him, he should adapt to a strange environment.

Brother Xuan showed an expression of pleading, and his eyes were aggrieved and pitiful. He looked at Gu Jinzhi, but he didn't let go.

Everyone was amused by his naive attitude and laughed.

With such a smile, Brother Xuan somehow shrank behind Gu Jin.

Gu Jinzhi saw that he was really scared, so he asked Mrs. Song with a smile, "Big aunt, should I take Brother Xuan with me?"

Mrs. Song naturally said it was good.

Gu Jinzhi and Song Yanfan took Brother Xuan out.

The second cousin Song Yanzhao immediately got up and said, "I'll go too!"

Mrs. Song's face darkened and she wanted to call him back. He had already run away.

She had to explain to the crowd awkwardly: "It's so naughty that she can't sit still!"

Several relatives in this room are the youngest, who are also seventeen years old. Song Yanzhao is much younger than them, and there is no reason for him to talk with them. It's a little rude for him to leave, but it's not a big mistake.

Everyone said that it was okay, and the topic was moved away.

Qin Zhi, who was sitting in the middle, looked in the direction of the door.

He is the fourth nephew of Mrs. Song, the only direct son of Qin's family.

He and his two brothers came to Yanling Mansion to give gifts, and also brought the mother of the two swirs. He overheard his mother tell the two mothers to ask his aunt, how is the matter with the Gu family?

If it can be done, my mother wants to change the Geng post before the New Year and make a small order.

Is that the girl just now?

"...it's still a child, it's ridiculous!" Qin Zhi had a cold sweat on his forehead, and he thought to himself that he would not be allowed to marry such a child, would he?

My mother said that Miss Gu was twelve years old, but Qin Zhi looked at it, but she looked eight or nine years old...

On the contrary, Song Yanfan, the third daughter of the Song family, is tall and white, beautiful and beautiful, with thick and pure eyebrows, like a good wife and mother.

Qin Zhi prefers things like Song Yanfan.

Gu Jinzhi and others entered the warm pavilion, and Song Yanzhao came.

"Second brother, why aren't you waiting for guests?" Song Yanfan asked, "Come to us again!" Mother knows not to scold you!"

"A bunch of men, talking about learning about the economy, it's so annoying!" Song Yanzhao smiled and sat on the teacher's chair beside Song Yanfan.

Several girls in the room are either his own sister, or cousins and clan sisters. Except for Hu Jie, they are all family members. Song Yanzhao is more casual.

"You are also the one who is going to take the next exam. Are you afraid of those?" Hu Jie frowned and said that she didn't like boys to make progress and focused on girls.

"It has anything to do with you!" Song Yanzhao was not angry.

Since he knew that Hu Jie and Gu Jinzhi had a quarrel, Song Yanzhao did not like Hu Jie. And Hu Jie often pretends to be an adult and often comes to his house to play. Every time he has to fight against him, he is not polite.

Hu Jie's face was slightly dark and she was going to get angry.

"Let's talk well. You have to make trouble!" Song Yanfan was embarrassed and scolded Song Yanzhao for Hu Jie. She just doesn't quite understand why every time Hu Jie and Song Yanzhao meet, neither of them deal with each other?

Hu Jie likes to pick Song Yanzhao's thorns. Song Yanzhao is always gentle to girls, but he refuses to let Hu Jie say half a word, so the two formed a feud.

"I don't want to be with you!" Song Yanzhao said, and then waved to Brother Xuan, "Let's go, let's find delicious food!"

Brother Xuan likes Song Yanzhao very much. He looked at his sister's face and hesitated. He wanted to follow Song Yanzhao, but he was reluctant to leave his sister.

"Cousin, you come too!" Song Yanzhao said again, "I have something good to show you."

As soon as Brother Xuan heard this, he nodded like pounding garlic and tried his best to pull Gu Jinzhi: "Sister Seven, let's find delicious food." I'm afraid that Gu Jinzhi will refuse.

"I'll go too!" As soon as Hu Jie heard Song Yanzhao's invitation to Gu Jinzhi, she immediately said. Then, she felt that everyone looked at her strangely, so she smiled and pulled the two girls and Song Yanfan around her, "Let's go too. Why should we make delicious food behind our back?"

Brother Xuan wants to go, and he also wants to pull Gu Jinzhi; Hu Jie also wants to go...

Song Yanfan had to agree, "Second brother, where are you taking us?"

Song Yanzhao looked angry and stared at Hu Jie.

Hu Jie raised her eyebrows and smiled, very proud and a little angry.

Song Yanfan simply didn't think much about it.

The two girls in the Song family smiled quietly.

Gu Jinzhi looked at Hu Jie and Song Yanzhao, and also smiled.

My heart suddenly seems to have returned to the time when I was a child. The ignorant and green feelings make people see the purest beauty in the world.

She smiled and said, "Okay."

Everyone followed Song Yanzhao to the outer courtyard.


Thank you for the rewards and PK tickets of love ^^, enigmayanxi, enigmayanxi, coye, Liuyun and other relatives!