Spring boudoir note

Chapter 060 Pox

Gu Jinzhi and Si Jian rushed back to the house at the time of Shen.

God unconsciously.

The maids in Gu Jinzhi's yard thought she was reading at the old man's side; the maids on the old man's side thought she had returned to her yard.

Song Pan'er had to do housework. She usually didn't have lunch at noon, so she didn't pay attention.

Gu Jinzhi first slipped in through the corner door, went back to her yard, and hid her things. She bathed and changed her clothes before going to her mother's place to comfort her.

"... Zhejiang has also sent it, more than ten years ago." At dinner, Gu Yanzhen and Song Pan'er talked about the smallpox in Liujiazhuang, "At that time, the doctors said it was terrible. But the Taishou of that year was an official who didn't know anything about reading and spending money.

He was afraid that things would get big, so he was known by the court that he actually arrested several leading doctors! Then, many people died, and the imperial court sent imperial envoys.

Song Pan'er was also stunned: "Damn it, then the dog officer should be a wary!"

Then he smiled and said, "You remember, I forgot it all."

"It's not that you forgot, maybe you haven't heard of it at all. At that time, you were just pregnant with Sister Jin. You were so nervous that you didn't have time to listen to anything else? Gu Yanzhen said, "Zhejiang is far away from the capital, and the number of people who hear it is limited. We are studying outside, and we know that the wind is blowing..."

Song Pan'er smiled and did not refute him.

"In the past, there are also people who have, like there are more dead people, and I haven't heard of it anymore..." Gu Yanzhen sighed, "I don't know why, I just told us to catch up with this time. Mei Qing and I went to the teahouse for tea, and everyone said: born with visions and demons, so there are frequent disasters. I don't know where this vision and evil are.

"Did you make a scene once in the year I was born?" Gu Jinzhi asked suddenly..

Gu Yanzhen and Song Pan'er were stunned.

The two of them wandered in each other's hearts and remembered Gu Jinzhi's extraordinary ability.

Song Pan'er's palm is a little cold. Isn't Gu Yanzhen?

"Should it be?" Gu Yanzhen hesitated, "I don't remember much."

He also said that Song Paner was pregnant with Gu Jinzhi and said it clearly.

When Gu Jin asked, he hesitated.

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help smiling bitterly.

She just wants to ask what year it is. If the time is short, some doctors may have experienced it. They may have experience to tell Taishou Hu Zeyu that it is not impossible to ask for help.

After all, Zhejiang is not far from Yanling Mansion.

But the expression of parents...

Gu Jinzhi wants to hold his forehead very much.

After dinner, she went back to her yard.

Song Paner and Gu Yanzhen also rested.

At night, Gu Yanzhen turned over several times. He couldn't sleep and wanted to talk to his wife.

But Song Pan'er breathed evenly. Gu Yanzhen didn't dare to wake her up, and swallowed her words again.

When it was time to beat the third watch drum, Gu Yanzhen gradually fell asleep.

Song Pan'er slowly opened her eyes.

She didn't sleep either. She kept her eyes and fell asleep, waiting for Gu Yanzhen to fall asleep first.

She knew what Gu Yanzhen wanted to say, and she must be talking about Gu Jinzhi's "pise". According to Gu Yanzhen's character, as long as Song Pan'er let go, he may call the Taoist priest to make trouble at home.

Song Paner doesn't want to do this, which will hurt Gu Jinzhi's heart and only let the child escape from his parents.

Gu Yanzhen is studying in the outer court. I don't know why, but Song Pan'er has been with Gu Jinzhi all day long. She knows her daughter best.

Maybe a few years ago, Gu Jinzhi often had a strange silence and looked like a nerd; perhaps, her ability was so good that it was incomprehensible.

But Gu Jinzhi is definitely not a demon!

Gu Jinzhi is an ordinary girl.

When Song Pan'er was so old as Gu Jinzhi, she was also uncomfortable. Looking at her parents, brothers and sisters, she was uncomfortable. She just wanted to stay alone all day.

At that time, my mother was also worried about her and kept talking about her all day long. Song Pan'er later became tired of her mother and was unwilling to communicate with her mother about anything. The mother and daughter were estranged.

Because of her experience, Song Pan'er can especially understand the little daughter's mentality, and she is even more unwilling to be separated from Gu Jinzhi.

She likes the current mother-daughter relationship very much, and the mother and daughter are very considerate.

You can think of Gu Jinzhi...

Why doesn't Song Pan'er worry about the child? It's just that Gu Yanzhen can't calm down. If Song Pan'er was also worried, he would have fallen out long ago. At that time, Gu Jinzhi didn't know how to be sad.

You can only be a mother, calm other people's doubts for Gu Jinzhi!

Song Pan'er didn't sleep all night.

At first, I didn't dare to sleep, and then I couldn't sleep anymore.

Two days later, the chickenpox in Liujiazhuang became more and more noisy, and some people have gradually died.

The Taishou government sent people to guard it. In addition, the "Epidemic government" was set up. Gao Jin hired a doctor to let the acne place go for treatment.

Hu Ze settled down and sent someone to send a letter to the capital to ask the court for support.

"The epidemic government" has a small harvest, and the doctors are afraid of death.

Qin Shenshi told Princess Minghui that he wanted to go to the "Epidemic Office" to make a point for the time being and take charge of the affairs.

Princess Minghui praised, personally invited the Yanling Wang clan, raised money, and hired doctors to raise chips for the epidemic government.

Ten days have passed.

Several villages flowing under Liu's village were all stained.

Although he was heartbroken, it was also expected. Hu Zeyu rushed to send people to the disaster area.

At this time, Hu Zeyu heard a tingling news: the Gu family in Mayuan Lane, that is, Gu Yanzhen's family, has blocked the gate.

Their family is all infected with smallpox!

This news exploded in Yanling Mansion.

All the people in Mayuan Lane fled and moved away.

Everyone in the city is in danger, and no one dares to approach Mayuan Lane.

Taishou Hu Zeyu had to take Zhao Daoyuan and the old man of Zhou's medicine furnace to the door in person.

As a result, the two respected doctors confirmed that the Gu family was all infected with smallpox.

Yanling Mansion exploded.

Everyone wants to escape.

It's just that there are soldiers' handles, and it's difficult to get in and out of the gate.

"...I heard that Miss Gu Jiaqi has been to Liujiazhuang!" I don't know who mentioned this.

"No wonder I came back from the disease, and the whole family got infected!" Someone was angry, "Burn them and burn them all!"

Princess Minghui was also heartbroken: "After all, it's a child. I'm afraid that the original intention is good, but this doesn't know the importance and causes a big deal! Seal up their homes, and once someone dies, burn down the house!"

Hu Zeyu originally had a friendship with the Gu family and wanted to speak for the Gu family.

But the princess also said it was for the people of the whole city.

He pleaded for the Gu family. In case of other cases in the city, Hu Zeyu was responsible.

He didn't dare to do anything angry, so he had to send fifty soldiers to surround Gu's family.

Another seven or eight days have passed.

It has been 20 days since the plague in Liujiazhuang. Many people have died and many people have recovered, although their faces have been destroyed.

The Gu family has been blocked for eight days.

The city is full of voices scolding Gu Jinzhi. People wished to tear up this ignorant little hoof and set the Gu family on fire.

Therefore, except for the people guarding the government office, there are people around Mayuan Lane every day, for fear that Hu Ze will let the Gu family go.

Yanling Mansion is heavily defended, and the current situation is a business. At present, there is no case of smallpox except for the Gu family.

"Say, it's been eight or nine days, and it's damned!" Zhao Daoyuan muttered in private. He and Mr. Zhou have been to the Gu family. The Gu family is indeed all fever, which is a precursor to smallpox.

It has been eight or nine days, and those frail children and maids should not be able to bear it.

On the tenth day, the Gu family opened the door.

Gu Yanzhen, the third master of their family, stood at the door with a group of maid maids and shouted with the people of the Taishou Mansion: "Our family is just getting pimples. We won't get pimples again in my life. How can we lock us up?"

The people nearby listened to it.

Those maids keep shouting about what kind of acne.

Yanling Mansion suddenly exploded again.

What is vaccination? They don't know!

All they know is that there is no numbness on the face of the Gu family, and they are a hundred times more energetic. But before that, they did close the house, and the doctor also said that their family was all infected with smallpox.

Everyone in the city has scolded Gu Jinzhi. At this moment, they are all speechless and extremely shocked.


Thank you for your love ^^ and the reward of the small yard.

Write this case, I also checked a lot of information and read a lot of literature. Regarding vaccination, I saw some relatives talking about vaccination. In fact, the cowpox planting method was invented in Europe. The success rate is very low, and it is not so coincidental that there are cows with pimples.

The cowpox planting method was invented in Europe in the 18th century. After the invention, there were still a large number of dead people, and smallpox killed nearly 100 million people.

More than 100 million!

Dear friends, can you imagine why they said smallpox so terrible?

In China, as far as the Song Dynasty in the 11th and 12th centuries, the method of human acne planting appeared. At that time, the technology was immature, and it may have been infected to death, but it was small-scale and controversial. By the 17th century of the Kangxi period, the technology of human acne had gradually matured!

Cowpox is the pimple born on the cow, and the human pimple grows on the human body.

Later, smallpox basically did not cause any death.

Why do people still think smallpox is terrible? That's because modern people have read too many Western medical allusions.

Maybe relatives will ask, why now when it comes to the defense of smallpox, the first idea is to die crazily, and then the second is to talk about the cowpox planting method?

It seems that the vaccinia planting method is the best way to treat smallpox?

My humble opinion is that the reason is in the Republic of China!

In the early years of the Republic of China, there was a huge campaign to ban traditional Chinese medicine and promote Western medicine. At that time, Japan had abolished Chinese medicine and only used Western medicine.

On the one hand, China is learning from the West to the East, and everything is scientific, while the five elements of yin and yang that traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to are regarded as dross; secondly, China learns everything from Japan.

The campaign to ban traditional Chinese medicine has been going on for nearly 30 years. Later, the Nanjing government issued a policy prohibiting traditional Chinese medicine schools, which has stifled traditional Chinese medicine from the policy. If there is no school and no heir, how can traditional Chinese medicine continue? The old traditional Chinese medicine doctors fought for a long time. In the past nineteen years (I'm too lazy to check the specific date, if you are interested, you can check it by yourself), the Nanjing government has revised the policy. Traditional Chinese medicine can run schools, but it can only be run privately, and the state does not set up for the office.

Even if it is a victory, the victory is a little tragic. Now I feel heartache when I think of it.

Since the Republic of China, Western medicine has grown wildly in China, and the treatment cases of Western medicine have also been praised and welcomed in China.

Therefore, Western medicine is regarded as the best treatment plan for the treatment of smallpox.

In fact, everyone has their own arguments. I don't know which one is better.

All I know is that the invention of vaccinia is seven or eight centuries later than the Chinese acne planting method, and there are still a large number of dead people after the invention; and in ancient China, the dead are often wars, not the plague...

I don't care what others say, I only believe in the ancient vaccination method of traditional Chinese medicine: human acne.