Spring boudoir note

Chapter 066 Healing

Gu's boat drove out of the dock, and in half a day, it went out of the Longxi River and entered the Grand Canal.

The weather on this day is rare and sunny.

The bright sunlight sprinkled on the river, the golden light was dotted, and the oars cut through the calm, stirring up ripples.

Stop the boat for lunch, and the first ship of Gu Yanzhen and Song Pan'er opened their seats.

I didn't eat the vegetables I brought today, but the woman in the boat family cooked fresh fish.

The taste is a little simple, but the fish is fresh. Although it is not as good as the cook in the house, it is also delicious.

Everyone sat around regardless of their seats.

Gu Jinzhi's two younger brothers sat in her upper and lower positions respectively.

Brother Xuan was fine. Just now, he and Gu Jinzhi looked at the scenery for half a day and were very interested; Brother Xuan was seasick and listless.

Not only Brother Yan was seasick, but Mr. Chen was also seasick.

"Eat some and go to my place later. I have medicine for you, so you won't get seasick." Gu Jinzhi picked the fish, gave it to Brother Xuan, and then gave it to Brother Xuan. He also persuaded Brother Xuan to eat in a low voice.

Chen Yuchao sat next to Gu Yuzhi.

He also heard Gu Jinzhi's words and looked up at her.

Gu Jinzhi nodded slightly to Mr. Chen, signaling him to seasickness, and she could also help.

Chen Yu showed a smile.

He has neat and white teeth. Every time he smiles and his eyes narrow into a slit, there is an indescribable kindness, which makes people feel that he is very kind and easy to fall in love with him.

Gu Jinzhi also feels that although he has hidden feelings, he is a decent and frank person.

Brother Yan looked at the fish in the bowl in embarrassment, and he couldn't eat it.

Brother Kexuan ate very well, and Gu Jinzhi looked at him with a smile.

He gritted his teeth and slowly finished eating more than half of the rice.

Gu Yanzhen and his wife were talking to Qin Shensi and didn't notice the movement of the children.

After dinner, everyone went back from the board and went back to their own boat.

Gu Yuzhi and Chen Yuchao went to Gu Jinzhi's boat.

Gu Yanzhen looked at Chen Yuchao and went there, frowning slightly.

Song Pan'er didn't think much about it.

She always feels that from the ambiguity of her daughter's rejection of Song Yanzhao, Gu Jinzhi is either not enlightened in love affairs, but has a correct mind.

And Chen Yuchao is six or seven years older than Gu Jinzhi, like a brother.

She didn't worry at all that Gu Jinzhi had gone the wrong way.

She comforted Gu Yanzhen: "Mr. Chen and Brother Yan are both seasick. They must have asked Sister Jin to take the medicine."

"Did Doctor Qin is not on the ship. Why don't you look for Dr. Qin instead of our sister?" Gu Yanzhen still frowned, "Sister Jin is a girl's family. That Mr. Chen, it's too Menglang! I'll go and have a look..."

Song Pan'er quickly pulled his sleeve and laughed: "I'm as big as Sister Jin, and I don't know how to think about it. The adult was too careful, but the girl was not quiet. Do you think our sister Jin is that demon child? Look, she is more decent than anyone else!"

is just an adult. Beware of her everywhere. Be careful of her. She will feel uncomfortable.

What's more, Gu Jinzhi is still a ** girl's family.

Song Pan'er can best understand the mentality of her youngest daughter. At the beginning, she also came from that age.

But where does Gu Yanzhen know?

Song Pan'er didn't allow him to go over, so he had to put up with it.

The boatman sailed again.

In Gu Jinzhi's cabin, she was giving the pulse of Brother Xuan. Brother Xuan and Chen Yu were looking at her nervously, with a worshipful face.

"...Some spleen yang is not correct, you can eat or are in a hurry, or it is greasy, or the cold and heat are uneven, and the spleen is not healthy." Gu Jinzhi said to Brother Yan, "When you settle down in the capital, I will teach you how to recuperate. You don't have to eat, just pay attention to your diet.

It turned out to be due to physical weakness.

Now I'm seasick and want to vomit, but I can't spit it out. What should I do?

Chen Yu sighed secretly in his heart. He was also uncomfortable and wanted to reduce it a little.

But Gu Jinzhi's meaning can't be good for a moment.

"Seventh sister, I'm uncomfortable..." Brother Yu said aggrievedly and looked at Gu Jinzhi pitifully, "I'll be obedient in the future."

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said that Brother Yu was really good, and then said, "Put out your hand and I'll rub it for you."

Rubbing the acupuncture point on his hand can indeed reduce the discomfort of the internal body, which Chen Yuchao knew.

In the Wangting of Chen Yu's family, there were also imperial doctors who were good at this way. It's just that the effect is not very obvious, and it needs to be rubbed for a long time.

He and his brother-in-law and sister-in-law don't believe it very much.

Seeing that Gu Jinzhi was the same, Chen Yu smiled a little in his eyes, with expectation.

He really wants to know if Gu Jinzhi will be different from others?

At the beginning, his mute was cured by Gu Jinzhi's simple dose of bubble medicine. Since then, Chen Yu has been full of confidence in this girl with a pair of indifferent and calm eyes.

He believes Gu Jinzhi very much.

There is no reason, just like someone believes that there are really gods and ghosts in the world.

Believe is to believe, and the reason is very simple.

Chen Yu turned his mind, but his eyes stopped on Gu Jinzhi's hand.

Gu Jinzhi's kneading technique is a little unusual.

She was very energetic, so she wanted to withdraw her hand in pain from time to time.

It's very well-gmined.

Gu Yuzhi grinned with pain.

"It's okay. It'll be fine in a minute." Gu Jinzhi comforted Gu Yuzhi with a smile, but his strength did not diminish at all.

Gu Yuzhi was so painful that tears came out, but he didn't dare to cry and tried to bite his lips.

He is also a little afraid of Gu Jinzhi.

Seven-year-old Brother Xuan looked aside and couldn't bear it. He muttered in a low voice, "Seventh sister, the eighth brother hurts."

He speaks with a naive and interesting look.

After about two teas, Gu Yu's tender and white hands have turned red.

His pain, I don't know whether he was numb or disappeared, but he gradually got better and his tears were exhausted.

"Inhale hard and spit it out slowly." Gu Jinzhi said to him.

Gu Yuzhi did so. Suck it hard in your stomach, and then spit it out with your nostrils.

After several times, he felt a blockage somewhere in his body, as if it was unobstructed. The turbid air blocked in the chest also disappeared, and there was no feeling of vomiting, and he was refreshed.

He showed a surprised expression and looked at Gu Jinzhi: "Seventh sister, I'm not dizzy..."

Gu Jinzhi smiled and his eyes were full of color.

She helped rub two teas and so on the back, but the effort was much smaller.

Then, he let go of Gu Yuzhi's hand.

Gu Yuzhi's palm turned red, but he was flexible and free, and there was no sense of stalemate.

And Gu Jinzhi himself was sweating all over his head.

The temperature on the river is even lower than that on the road. Although there is a warm cage in the cabin, the hands outside are already cold.

Gu Jinzhi sweated.

Chen Yuchao knew that she had used real kung fu.

He handed his handkerchief to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and didn't answer. He took out a handkerchief from his pregnancy and gently wiped the thin sweat on his forehead.

Gu Yuzhi was still in surprise and did not recover.

Before that, he felt that his organs were swaying with the boat. No matter how strong a man is, he can't stand such shaking.

But now, his viscera seems to have been fixed by something. He can feel the boat fluctuating with the water lines, and his body also fluctuates, but the viscera is in his body and does not move.

He is very comfortable.

"Sister Seven, you are so awesome!" Gu Yuzhi rarely said such words that were a little like coquettish, but now he blurted out, "Sister Xie Qi!"

Gu Jinzhi put away the veil, breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "What's this? It's a piece of work. It's dangling on the boat, and it's hard to take medicine. You are seasick, in addition to your spleen and yang, it is also because of your weakness. In the future, you should eat a large bowl of rice at every meal, hot rice and hot dishes, and chew slowly..."

Gu Yuzhi said yes.

Gu Jinzhi let him and Brother Xuan sit at the stern to play.

She asked Chen Yuchao again, "Is the prince also seasick?"

Chen Yu looked at Gu Jinzhi's treatment for Gu Yuzhi and watched it with relish. The disgusting smell seemed to be gone.

He still said, "I don't know if there is a fish rotten in the cabin. I feel fishy when I smell it, and I feel very uncomfortable and want to vomit. There is also the smell of water..."

Gu Jinzhi smiled and nodded to signal him to stretch out his hand and give him a pulse.

Chen Yu stopped at the back and put his hand on the small case in front of her.

Gu Jinzhi's fingers were warm and melted, which was caused by the heat of rubbing Gu Yuzhi just now.

Chen Yuchao felt a warm current, which lasted from his wrist to his heart. He actually felt a heat wave on his face.

The ear roots are also hot.

His face is white, and he may be blushing now. Thinking about it, he was embarrassed first.

Gu Jinzhi's look remained unchanged, and he quietly called his pulse.

Chen Yuchao's heart slowly calmed down, and the heat wave on his face slowly faded away.

"You are probably uncomfortable in your stomach because you are not satisfied with the water and soil, your diet is not suitable for your stomach, and even because you are less angry, you are blocked by dampness, and your spleen and stomach. Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "I don't know if Dr. Qin has ever brought medicine? Your illness is relatively simple. Just take two doses of medicine.

This is to push him to Qin Shensi.

But Chen Yuchao wanted her to treat it.

He said, "Why is everything good on land, but it's just like this when I get on the boat?"

"My feet are off the ground, and my internal organs are out of harmony. Everyone is a little uncomfortable. I have always been strong, and I will get used to it quickly. Because the prince was originally a minor disease, it should not be noticed. It was obvious when he got on the boat. Gu Jinzhi explained to him patiently.

"I'm uncomfortable now. Can you press it for me too?" Chen Yu said in a nervous tone, afraid that she would not agree.

"Oced." Gu Jinzhi is also straightforward.

She grabbed Chen Yuchao's hand and her eyes stopped for a moment. These hands are slender and white, with clear joints, and very beautiful. Although it is delicate, there are cocoons in the mouth of the tiger.

That should be caused by a sword or a knife.

He is such a kind and elegant person, and he also practiced martial arts.

It's not bad to practice martial arts and fitness.

Gu Jinzhi seriously massaged for him, and then told him, "You and Brother Yu's disease are different. He has been eating a bad diet all year round, but you are a minor disease. Just take two doses of medicine. I'll give you a prescription and stop the boat in the evening. If it's a small town, you can go down to buy medicine and fry it on the boat. Don't drag it. A minor illness has become a serious illness.

The tone was gentle, like tenderness, and Chen Yuchao was actually a little stunned.

He forgot to answer.

It was not until Gu Jinzhi's voice fell that he asked, "What?"

Gu Jinzhi was not angry, and said what he had just said calmly.

Chen Yu nodded repeatedly and said good.

Stop the boat to rest in the evening, which happens to be at the dock of the town.

Chen Yuchao greeted Gu Yanzhen and his wife, and took Uncle Chen off the ship to buy medicine.

I just entered the town and suddenly felt that someone was staring at him.

Chen Yu looked at it quickly, and there was no trace again.

"Lord Jiang, do you think something is wrong?" He asked the people around him in a low voice.


Thank you for the reward of Big Bug Vegetable Sister, Xiao Fan Shuo, Hot Love ^^, Zhu Laomi and others. In addition to the early morning chapter, this is the third chapter. If you still have a guaranteed pink, please support it. There is another chapter in the old time, at 19 o'clock in the evening, dear friends!

The subscription results are ideal. I'm so happy. Thank you for your support! Love everyone!!! RS