Spring boudoir note

Chapter 068 Kill

It's not raining heavily tonight, but the wind is too strong.

The people sitting in the cabin can't see outside. They can only feel the wind shaking the body of the boat, which is very tragic. They think the rain is also heavy.

Qin Shensi went to Gu Yanzhen to play chess, and then started a strong wind. It was not easy for him to come back. I guess he was still talking there.

The boat on which Third Master Gu was on was big, and there were two side cabins to lie down.

Chen Yu jumped straight into his right eye and always felt that something would happen tonight.

More than ten days ago, he had a different hunch and never let go of his heart.

He also discussed with Qin Shensi and wanted to leave the Gu family's boat and lease another one.

It's just that I don't know how to open my mouth.

Gu Sanye's hospitality is not false. Without a legitimate reason, he will probably try his best to keep it.

In the evening, Mr. Gu said that when he arrived at Zhenjiang Mansion tomorrow and was ready to take a day off, Chen Yu had a plan in his heart. At that time, he made an excuse to feel uncomfortable, stayed in Zhenjiangfu to take medicine, and then rented a boat to the north and staggered with the Gu family.

Qin Shensi and Jiang Tong still follow the Gu family.

At that time, let Qin Shensi and Jiang Tong go north with the evidence and write to the emperor, and he will arrive later.

In case of an accident, he and Jiang Tong will not be completely destroyed.

Jiang Tong is a ceremonial servant sent by the Celestial Empire to Annan. Although he holds the salary of Annan, he is an official of the Celestial Empire.

Jiang Tong is equal to the long-term imperial envoy of the imperial court in Annan. His words are even more convincing than those of Chen Yuchao.

Even if Chen Yuchao can't protect himself, he should keep Jiang Tong.

"Lord Jiang, I'm very unsteady." Chen Yuchao said to Jiang Tong, "I always feel what will happen tonight."

"The prince is at ease." Jiang Tong advised him, "According to what the old minister has seen, the prince's trip is secret and unknown."

Princess Minghui believes in Chen Yuchao. But how to arrange Chen Yu to go north has become a tricky matter.

If it is escorted by heavy soldiers, it is difficult to ensure that it will not cause suspicion on the road.

Only Chen Yuchao and Jiang Tong are also eye-catching.

After that, the Gu family went to Beijing.

Princess Minghui thinks this is a good opportunity. Plug Chen Yu into the Gu family's fleet. In case someone wants to inquire, they also know that this fleet is the third master of the Gu family, and it is suspected that Chen Yu is on the head.

The master of the Gu family is now the most popular favorite minister around the emperor, and any force in the locality should be afraid.

Let Chen Yuchao and Jiang Tong follow the Gu family to Beijing alone. Although it is a dangerous move, it is also the best choice.

Princess Minghui asked Chen Yuchao if she dared to take risks. Chen Yuchao agreed.

Of course he dares to take risks.

Annan is small and the army is insufficient.

Hu's father and son did not dare to send a large number of people to the Celestial Empire to kill Chen Yu.

Therefore, those who chase and kill Chen Yuchao have always been a group of people.

They are divided into about three teams, with a total of about 50 people.

Most of them should be ambushed in the capital.

Someone blocked on the road and killed more than a dozen people by Chen Yuchao.

According to his judgment, there will be no more than three people looking for him in Jiangnan.

"I'm not afraid. I'm only worried that something will happen and accidentally hurt the Gu family..." Chen Yu sighed.

Before he finished speaking, he felt that the hull was unusual.

He released the Buddha and heard the golden sound of the wind knife and gun.

He quickly stopped talking and asked Jiang Tong to hide in the cabin.

He took the sword and quietly came out of the stern of the boat.

Sure enough, three people fell in the bow of the boat, and the installation was over, which was the rest of the group of people who chased him last time.

They also blocked Chen Yuchao in stages.

There are only 20 people south of the Yellow River.

has been killed by Chen Yuchao, leaving only these three.

Chen Yuchao quickly lowered his body, took out a sharp dagger from his sleeve, and then quickly got up and threw it at the assassin in the bow.

Although the wind was strong, his arm was stronger, and the dagger was stable. He flew from the stern of the ship to the bow and pierced the heart of one of the assassins.

The man screamed and fell into the river. Most of the people couldn't live.

The other two quickly ran towards Chen Yu along the narrow ship's hull.

Chen Yuchao braked quietly, and he took the lead.

One sword stabbed another assassin in the throat.

There are three people, and there is only one left.

Chen Yu is very calm. He is sure to win. As long as he kills this, the way to Jiangnan will be very quiet.

However, these people must have sent letters to the capital, and the waterway can no longer be taken.

The remaining assassin knew that he was defeated, and his companions died two. He could not subdue Chen Yuchao alone.

He has lost his chance and has to flee to Shandong first.

There are still ten companions in Shandong, and then they will intercept Chen Yuchao.

He turned around and jumped onto another boat. He cut the chain of the anchor with a long sword and was ready to let the boat float away in the strong wind.

He is also helpless.

Some of their assassins from Annan are good at water.

But the rest of the assassin, he can't water.

That's why he saw his companion die, didn't struggle, and ran away directly.

The boat they rowed over had long been rolled by the wind and waves. He knew that the big boat was heavy and was the only choice.

The chain of the anchor was very thick. He cut it for a long time, and the fire splashed everywhere, but he still couldn't cut it off.

He was very anxious, and Chen Yuchao had already rushed out to him.

Seeing that Chen Yuchao also got on the ship, the assassin had to give up and turn around and run to the cabin.

If there is a young lady in the cabin, grab one and save your life first.

He opened the door of the cabin hard and heard the screams of the woman and child.

The assassin was annoyed by the noise and was ready to scold, and the screams of women and children became stronger.

He felt that someone was approaching him, with brisk footsteps and half a wisp of fragrance.

Then, his hands were pinched heavily on his back. He only felt that the bones were cracked from under his neck, and the severe pain came without warning.

He was in pain, and it was too late to call. His eyes were dark, his hands and feet were soft, and he spread on the ground.

Then, Chen Yuchao also rushed over.

He grabbed the assassin spread on the ground, stabbed it in with his sword, and threw it into the river.

The three-foot-high wind and waves kept pouring the river into the deck.

It's not hard for the three assassins to solve it.

Chen Yu closed the door of Gu Jinzhi's cabin. He stood outside by himself and locked Gu Jinzhi and others inside, so that they should not be afraid.

Jiang Tong heard that the fighting outside was silent, so he dared to poke his head out.

I saw Chen Yu squatting in the bow of Miss Gu Qi's boat, looking like a night wolf, looking around sharply. Is there anything wrong with the detective?

Seeing Jiang Tong sticking out his head, he waved his hand and asked Jiang Tong to hide back quickly.

Then, he squatted alone in the bow and dared not relax for a moment.

The boat family was already asleep, and Gu Yanzhen also rested. Qin Shensi did not come back because the wind and rain were too urgent. He rested in the cabin of Gu Yanzhen's boat.

Jiang Tong didn't dare to sleep and kept paying attention to the movement outside.

Chen Yuchao faced the wind and rain, sat in the bow of Gu Jinzhi's boat and guarded it.

Gu Jin's sister and brother, mother and maid in the cabin, no one dared to make a sound.

Everyone is huddled together.

After about half an hour, there was no sound outside except the roaring wind and waves. Gu Jinzhi opened the door of the cabin.

Chen Yu turned around with vigilance.

He has been half squatting in the bow.

The wind in the twelfth lunar month is so cold that it can freeze people into popsicles. Coupled with the rain and waves, I'm afraid no matter how strong it is, people can't stand it.

Gu Jinzhi whispered, "Go back to the cabin!"

Chen Yuchao didn't move and looked at her puzzledly.

"Go back to your cabin!" Gu Jinzhi's voice was even more solemn, "If you don't leave, I'll take the boat and poke you!"

She didn't mean to joke and said it very seriously.

Chen Yu smiled bitterly at the corners of his lips.

His body was cold and his body was a little trembling.

If it freezes like this, he will be stiff first. I'm afraid he is not the opponent when he meets a strong enemy.

"...I just want to keep warm on your side." He is afraid that something will happen again.

"Go back to your cabin!" Gu Jin closed the door of his cabin heavily.

Chen Yuchao couldn't do it, so he had to jump on his own boat.

Jiang Tong quickly found dry clothes for him and changed them, and pushed the warm cage to him.

Chen Yu held the warm cage and didn't dare to sleep again all night.

He is thinking about Gu Jinzhi.

In the dark, the assassin seemed to be paralyzed. Gu Jinzhi didn't have any weapons in her hand. She just pinched it casually, and the assassin seemed to be cramped all over her body.

She seems to pinch the back of the assassin's neck...

Chen Yuchao touched his neck and was a little palpitated: Is the doctor so powerful? Is the doctor's hand more powerful than a weapon?

Gu Jinzhi didn't sleep all night.

Her two younger brothers were scared, and the two brothers trembled all night.

On Gu Yanzhen and Song Pan'er's side, I don't know what happened and slept peacefully.

When it came to Yin, the wind gradually stopped.

Each boat has half of the boat's water.

As soon as he arrived at Mao, the boatman woke up and was ready to make breakfast for everyone.

It was still dark outside. Gu Jinzhi heard that the boatman told their woman to light the lamp and scoop up the water on the outside deck.

Gu Jinzhi also lit the light and was ready to go to his mother's side.

Chen Yuchao heard the movement on her side and hurried out of the cabin.

When she saw Gu Jinzhi's order to set up the board, she got up and jumped in front of Gu Jinzhi.

His voice was a little hoarse: "Miss Seven, I have something to say to Miss Seven!"

He knew that Gu Jinzhi was going to complain to Third Master Gu and Mrs. Gu.

Gu Jinzhi looked at him without ups and downs: "What did you say?"

"Miss Seven, come in and talk about it later." He pulled Gu Jinzhi into his cabin.

Gu Jinzhi followed his hand into the cabin.

Jiang Tong went out in a hurry.

"Jinzhi, last night, don't tell the third master and his wife that I will leave by myself when I arrive at Zhenjiang Mansion." Chen Yu looked at her and said slowly, his voice was a little weak.

He no longer called her Miss Seven, but called her name directly, and regarded her as a friend, hoping to get Gu Jinzhi's understanding.

He knows her name.

Gu Jinzhi's eyes were cold, with a little chill.

"You left, and others still remember these boats. What should we do?" Gu Jinzhi said coldly, "Do you still want to go to Zhenjiang Mansion?"

Say it, she got up and had to leave again.

She didn't look like a little girl at all. She was so scared that she cried and asked Chen Yu who she was.

She is calm and sharp, with clear pros and cons.

Chen Yu was speechless by her words.

Indeed, these boats can no longer be taken. As soon as he left, he still got into trouble. He should let Third Master Gu know.

It's just, how should it be explained?

"Jinzhi..." He apologized in his eyes.

Gu Jinzhi has got up and walked out, unmoved at all.

Chen Yuchao didn't dare to stop him again.

He had to follow Gu Jinzhi to Third Master Gu's side.


Thank you for the rewards of grass cherry, passionate love ^^, Mai Ziqi, Youyiguang and other relatives.

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