Spring boudoir note

Chapter 070 Guess

The capital in the first month is bitter and cold.

The carriage entered the Duke of Chengguo Palace and went all the way to the door of the weeping flowers.

The curtain of the car is hanging down, as if there is a faint fragrance, which is faintly the wax plum of the ice soul.

When the carriage stopped slowly, before getting out of the car, I heard the loud laughter.

There are a lot of people coming to greet them.

When the carriage stops, Zhu's mother and the two maids get out of the car first, and then help Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi took their hands and got out of the car.

At the door of the hanging flowers, the beads are surrounded by green, full of people, and their faces are gently smiling with welcome. With a glance, most of Gu Jinzhi didn't know each other.

In the past six years, there have been too many changes.

It is a red plum tree climbing along the branches on the right side of the weeping flower door. I have a little impression that Gu Jinzhi planted it when he was still in Beijing. Under the frost, the dark fragrance comes. The branches are either complicated or simple, wrapped in sparse shadows and graceful.

Song Paner and Gu Yanzhen, Brother Xuan and Brother Xi also got out of the carriage.

Everyone welcome it.

The eldest aunt Ning stood up, and Gu Jinzhi remembered her. It's just that in the past six years, she seems to be much older all of a sudden. Isn't she over- worried about housework?

The second aunt Ye also feels a little old.

Everyone came forward, saluted separately, and began to take a good time.

Gu Jinzhi and Song Pan'er looked at them, and they also looked at one of Gu Jin's family members.

Song Pan'er is more waterier and white than when she was in Beijing. A pair of big round eyes, like autumn water, bright and touching, brushing eyebrows, first-class, amorous feelings.

Compared with her, the skin color of these women in the capital is a little dry.

Sure enough, the water and soil in the south of the Yangtze River nourish people.

Gu Yanzhen has not changed much.

The children have changed a lot.

"It's freezing. Let's not talk here. Let's go in first." The eldest aunt said with a smile.

In the hall of the hanging flower gate, there were a lot of small fuel trucks, each led by a woman.

Everyone first hugged Gu Yanzhen's family and got on the bus, and then waited for the bus and went to the aunt.

Mrs. Gu's flower hall has already smoked a warm cage, as warm as spring.

Gu Jinzhi took his two younger brothers and sat down with his mother.

There was a dark room of people sitting behind.

They are newcomers, and everyone's eyes are on them.

Song Paner smiled and talked to everyone.

Gu Yanzhen, Gu Jinzhi and others were relatively silent and listened with a smile.

The eldest aunt and the second aunt accidentally asked Gu Jinzhi, Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan, and their sister and brother answered, and there was no superfluous words.

There are several girls here who are about the same age as Gu Jinzhi, all of whom are cousins of the second wife, although Gu Jinzhi can't tell who they are.

They have looked at Gu Jinzhi since they entered the door, and they are no longer interested at this moment.

Gu Jin is tall and slender, but he has a baby face, and his eyebrows don't seem to be open. The girl with clear soup noodles is not a threat to other girls. And she was silent, and she was indeed a little dull.

Several cousins look like Zhou Zheng, and they can compare Gu Jin.

After gossiping about two teas, the eldest aunt said, "You are tired all the way, aren't you? Go back to rest first, and talk tomorrow when you have time.

Song Pan'er and others stood up and thanked them.

They still live in the original Jingyuan.

Jingyuan is on the west side of Chengguo Mansion, next to the second aunt's Zhufang Pavilion.

It happened that the second aunt and the three cousins also returned to the room, so they followed, and another group of people gathered around and came to the quiet garden.

In the quiet garden, the eldest aunt sent away more than a dozen maids, which had already been cleaned and smoked the warm cage.

"You're also busy, just go back first." The eldest aunt said to the second aunt and others.

The second aunt smiled, took the three cousins, said some polite words, and left first.

Song Pan'er's eyes were poisonous. He looked at the yard and the house carefully and found that the flowers and plants in the courtyard were neatly built. The newly planted plums and all kinds of flowers and plants were not available before. And the use in the room has traces of years of wear and tear.

There is no reason why they are not in the capital, but to grow flowers and plants in their yard.

This should be inhabited.

Song Pan'er is not very happy.

However, the house in the capital is small, the population is large, and it is pitifully crowded together. Thinking about her spaciousness and ease in Yanling Mansion, her displeasure was relieved.

You can't be too harsh.

"In your yard, Sister Shan and Sister Po have lived in the second room for three or two years. Both children were careful and did not damage the house. I've also seen it before and after. Seeing that Song Pan'er's expression had changed a little, she knew that she had always been shrewd, so she said honestly, "Look again. Tell me what's not good. I'll change it together."

The furniture was all made by Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen when they got married. After they left, my aunt put them in the warehouse and took them out when she heard that they were coming back.

They are just going to Beijing to drink wedding wine and visiting relatives. Why does Song Pan'er bother to be disliked?

She smiled and said, "Sister-in-law shouldn't be like this. Let Sister Shan and Sister Po also toss around. There is a guest room at home, so let's just stay in the guest room! I'm really sorry to ask the children to move around, which has caused you trouble.

The eldest aunt smiled: Song Pan'er's return to the south of the Yangtze River over the years has changed her unforgiving character everywhere...

However, if they are really placed in the wing, I'm afraid Song Pan'er is not so talkative.

"It used to be your yard." The aunt said, "What's the trouble! I also want you to stay a little more and get close to each other.

Then he called in the maids all over the yard and introduced her to Song Paner, and the rest was arranged by Song Paner.

Jingyuan is a medium-sized yard with four main rooms and two small ears on each side.

One of them is the main hall, which can't be accommodated. There are only three main rooms left.

Song Pan'er and his wife are in a room, one of Gu Jin, and one of Gu Xuanzhi and Gu Yu.

Their luggage has already been delivered in.

When the room is arranged, the servants begin to unpack the package and pack it up.

When I had dinner in the evening, I saw my uncle and second uncle.

Grandfather is not at home.

Gu Yanzhen asked, "Where's Dad?" Don't wait for Dad to eat?"

"In the past two days, the Empress Dowager has been in peace. My father stayed in the imperial hospital and took care of her for a few days." Uncle Gu Yantao explained with a smile.

Uncle Gu Jinzhi's impression is a little cold. Nowadays, he is becoming more and more modest. The bigger the official is, the more tactful he is.

The old man's service in the imperial hospital confirmed the speculation before one of Gu Jin's family went to Beijing.

Gu Yanzhen and Song Pan'er didn't ask more questions.

The second uncle Gu Yanhuan is the most handsome of his father's three brothers, with long eyebrows and star eyebrows.

Several cousins in the second room are beautiful, and more or less inherited the beauty of the second uncle.

After having a reunion dinner and recognizing the uncles and sisters at home, Gu Jinzhi wrote down their identities.

The next day was the Shangyuan Festival, and the family had already arranged a banquet.

Gu Jinzhi excused that he was not feeling well and hid quietly in the room. As a result, the two younger brothers learned from each other and played in Gu Jin's room.

The aunt was busy treating guests, but she also noticed the absence of Gu Jin's sister and brother, and was about to order the lobby sister-in-law to invite in person.

Song Paner knew that she was her daughter. If she didn't want to, she would come out in a daze, but she was not beautiful.

"... The children are empty, and they are tired of taking the car. It's from the countryside again. It's a little stage fright. Song Paner explained to her aunt.

The eldest aunt laughed: "How can the prosperity of Jiangnan make the capital a little bit? The third sister-in-law kept talking about the countryside. It's because we treated you lightly..."

Then he said to his sister-in-law in the lobby, "Manjing, go and invite your sister and two brothers."

The name of the sister-in-law in the lobby is Lin Manjing.

Song Pan'er hurriedly persuaded him again.

Finally, the eldest aunt asked the lobby sister-in-law to bring the maid in person and gave Gu Jin's sister and brother a few bowls of exquisite dishes on the mat.

In the middle of the night of the Shangyuan Festival, Song Paner also had a good time, and met many grandmothers and wives and husbands she knew before,

On the Shangyuan Festival, the old man still did not return home.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the old man came back early in the morning.

Gu Yanzhen took his wife and children to salute. The old man waved his hand and said directly, "Sister Jin, come to the palace with me. You all disperse separately, and I don't have to serve you!"

The personality is still so strange.

There was a little ridicule in the uncle's look.

Seeing that the old man took Gu Jinzhi into the palace, he frowned slightly and didn't understand the old man's intention.

Song Pan'er's eyes flashed with uncontrollable ecstasy.

This is an opportunity, and this is Gu Jinzhi's opportunity. If she succeeds, she may have a good future, and Song Paner will have one less thing to worry about.

It's not just uncle. When the old man and Gu Jin leave, the rest of the Chengguo Mansion also heard about it.

Everyone was surprised and guessed the old man's intention.

Gu Shanzhi, the fourth girl in the second room, and Gu Pozhi, the fifth girl, originally lived in Song Paner's Jingyuan.

Now, they all move back and live in their mother's ear room.

They were gossiping with their mother and sister. The maid who inquired about the news said that the old man returned home today and took Gu Jinzhi to the palace, and several people were stunned.

Gu Pozhi, the fifth girl, dropped the needle and thread in her hand, and her face changed greatly: "Mom, has there been a change? Why did the grandfather take his seventh sister into the palace?

The second lady Ye is also full of confusion.

In the twelfth month of the year before last, my uncle said that the palace also chose beautiful women in the palace, and the Gu family had a place. Uncle's only daughter had already married, and the fourth girl in the second room made an agreement, so she quietly discussed with the second master and ordered the fifth girl in the second room, Gu Pozhi.

It's just that the original draft last spring was delayed until the end of the year.

The second lady Ye sent her husband to trick her uncle and was scolded several times, but she also knew that the draft was changed to March this year.

Just in the first month of the lunar year, the third room took the girl back to Beijing. The people in the second room are already thinking about what's going on.

The worst result is that the girl with three rooms naturally replaces the second room.

But everyone in the second room saved a fluke.

Until now, Gu Jinzhi has been led into the palace by Mr. Gu, and the fifth girl Gu Pozhi can't help it anymore.


Thank you for the reward of Ben Xiaoxin, passionate love ^^ and sudaez.

It's the third update today, tears ask for the pink ticket!!!

Looking at the pink ticket list, the gap between the spring boudoir and the number of votes in front is getting bigger and wider, and the relatives behind have caught up again. It feels like being squeezed down little by little. It's so helpless! After reading a few books on the list, I'm not the most diligent, but it makes sense, right? The 15 students of the code word turtle speed have already tried their best. The new book period is easy to worry about gains and losses. Give me some motivation and comfort, dear friends!! RS