Spring boudoir note

Chapter 088 Milk Juice

Gu Chenzhi was very anxious to see his daughter so sick.

Because Brother Qing of the second room is married, there is no one available in the second room except the second aunt, but the second aunt doesn't care. So everything inside and outside is in the big room.

Gu Chenzhi and his wife Lin Manjing were also very busy.

The daughter Xi's sister is taken care of by her wet nurse.

It is also common for children to vomit milk.

On the first day, Sister Xi vomited once, and the wet nurse didn't care much.

On the second day, it was Brother Qing's happy day, but Sister Xi vomited more and more. The wet nurse used up all the earthenwork she knew, and Xi's sister still vomited.

The family came and went, and the big * milk Lin Manjing followed the eldest lady to the guests, and the wet nurse could not find her shadow.

When he was busy, Lin Manjing went back to the yard, and the child was dying of vomiting.

Big * milk Lin Manjing cried loudly, scolding the wet nurse and the maid, and called someone to quietly invite the old doctor.

Gu Chenzhi was still looking off guests in the outer courtyard, and he couldn't find his shadow at all.

That night, Gu Chenzhi sent the guests to the west of the city, and the curfew couldn't come back and stayed outside.

Please ask the imperial doctor to take medicine and boil medicine. It's all Lin Manjing alone. She hasn't slept all night.

On the third day, the child's vomiting stopped, and Lin Manjing was overjoyed.

The wet nurse's dereliction of duty is also on her mother. Lin Manjing knows that her parents-in-law have always loved this eldest granddaughter, and her husband holds her in the palm of her hand. If she knows it, she and the wet nurse will be blamed.

Seeing that the child didn't vomit, it was better for her to have one more thing than one less thing. She didn't mention it to Gu Chenzhi.

The seventh day of the second lunar month is a bride's gift, and there are still many guests at home who have not finished it.

Gu Chenzhi and Lin Manjing were busy for another day

When Lin Manjing returned to the yard at noon, Sister Xi fell asleep, and the wet nurse said that she did not vomit at noon.

She just thought she was really all right.

In the afternoon and evening, she was busy again. She was at the eldest lady's place and went back to the yard after dinner.

When she came back, she found that the child vomited even more. A young face collapsed in a day.

Lin Manjing was so anxious that she was even more afraid that her husband would scold her and asked her to decoct the medicine to take. If you want to hide it from your husband, you can cure Sister Xi's son first, and then talk about it later.

Anyway, I told my husband and also asked the doctor to take medicine.

She didn't dare to sleep all night, for fear that she would cherish her sister again and again.

As a result, when she got up this morning, Sister Xi vomited so much that she almost fainted. Lin Manjing knew that she couldn't hide it, so she cried first.

Only then did Gu Chenzhi know.

He looked at his daughter's soft appearance, and his heart was twisted into a ball. He asked Lin Manjing, "How many days has Sister Xi been ill? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sister, it was like this yesterday." The wet nurse helped Lin Manjing cover it up.

Lin Manjing choked and nodded, saying that her sister began to be like this yesterday.

Gu Chenzhi didn't care who to blame anyone. He wrapped the child in a silk cloak and turned around and ran out.

Lin Manjing was slightly surprised and didn't know what he was going to do. Seeing that he was walking quickly, she didn't have time to change her clothes, so she ran out after him.

Along the way, Lin Manjing asked, "Where did you take Sister Xi?"

Gu Chenzhi only rushed on the way and did not answer.

Lin Manjing's tears are about to come out.

The child is sick, and no one is more worried than her mother.

At that time, Brother Qing's wedding was full of guests inside and outside the house. The wet nurse couldn't find her, and it's not her who went to be lazy.

She is also busy with her business.

In the evening, the wet nurse found Lin Manjing, and it was also Lin Manjing who found a doctor to show the child. The child later got better, and Lin Manjing was busy again.

On the contrary, it is Gu Chenzhi, who has been without a shadow.

Of course, Lin Manjing knew that he was busy with business, so she didn't blame him, right?

Why did he look guilty instead?

Thinking that she was worried about the child and felt wronged, Lin Manjing burst into tears.

At this time, the couple had arrived at Jingyuan.

Lin Manjing hurriedly restrained her tears and asked Gu Chenzhi in surprise, "What are you doing here with the third uncle?"

Gu Chenzhi still ignored her and knocked on the door of Jingyuan.

Everyone in Jingyuan was eating. When they saw their husband and wife come in, everyone was shocked.

Gu Chenzhi said that he let Sister Jin see Sister Xi, which surprised Lin Manjing a lot. She wanted to ask her husband what was going on. Her daughter was so sick that she didn't go to see a doctor, but came to Gu Jinzhi.

Big brother is in a hurry.

Sister Xi is also sad, and it looks terrible.

Gu Jinzhi hurried forward, looked at Sister Xi's tongue, opened her eyelids and looked at the pupils, and then the pulse.

Then she said to Gu Chen, who looked panicked, "Brother, it's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. The doctor's medicine is not on the disease. The child didn't eat well for a few days, so he looked terrible. In fact, there is nothing to do. Brother, don't worry."

Then let Gu Chenzhi take the child to Gu Jinzhi's room. "It's warm inside. Don't stand here and talk."

Gu Chenzhi obeyed Gu Jinzhi's words and quickly took the child in.

Lin Manjing also followed in.

Gu Jinzhi was ordering Mu Qing beside him: "If you want good milk, add ginger, green onion white, and bring it when it's hot." Mu Qing is familiar with this house, and it is more convenient for her to ask for something.

Mu Qing was also shocked by Sister Xi's appearance. Sister Xi is the heart of the old man and the old lady. No wonder the big * milk is about to cry.

Hearing Gu Jinzhi's order, she hurriedly said yes and turned away.

Mu Qing went to get milk, and Song Paner and Gu Yanzhen also went into Gu Jinzhi's room one after another to look after the children.

One of the couple comforted Lin Manjing, and the other comforted Gu Chenzhi.

Gu Chenzhi had a gloomy face, and his eyes only looked at Sister Xi. He refused to talk to others, and he did not want to Lida * milk Lin Manjing.

Lin Manjing was so sad that she knew that her husband was blaming her.

But she only has one pair of hands and two eyes. Her brother-in-law got married, and her mother-in-law asked her to help with everything, and she couldn't help herself.

Doesn't she want to hide from her daughter all day long?

Besides, she knew that her daughter was ill and immediately went to the doctor. My daughter doesn't work after taking the medicine. What can she do?

She needs her help to take care of the housework, and she needs to take care of the child. She ran around at both ends, and once something happened, it was all on her.

Who can understand her difficulties?

Daughter-in-law is really difficult to do.

The more Lin Manjing thought about it, the more sour her heart became, and she almost burst into tears again.

Gu Jinzhi also followed him into the room.

She said a lot of words to comfort Gu Chenzhi and Lin Manjing, and the two tense emotions were better.

After two teas, Mu Qing brought in the milk and added ginger and green onions.

Gu Jinzhi wants to feed Sister Xi in person.

Gu Chenzhi took it over and said, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Gu Jinzhi gave it to him.

Lin Manjing was full of fox confusion. I don't know why Gu Chenzhi found Gu Jinzhi. It can be seen that Gu Chenzhi gave food to the child. She hurried forward and took Gu Chenzhi's arm: "What is this...?"

She is very worried.

The child is already like this. It's serious to find a more intelligent pediatric doctor.

Gu Chenzhi delayed the child's treatment and carried the child to Jingyuan. Lin Manjing did not dare to damage her husband's prestige in front of others without saying a word.

But now, I actually feed my child like this.

She couldn't help it anymore.

"It's milk." Gu Jinzhi explained, "Sister-in-law, did the doctor give medicine to Sister Xi before? He only froze the cold that day. Sister Xi vomited breasts because of typhoid, so she opened a prescription to keep the cold and warm. In fact, Sister Xi is a little enthusiastic. I'm afraid that the kang in the room is so hot that the child can't stand it. Sister Xi was already annoyed, and she added more heat, so she vomited more pitifully.

Lin Manjing suddenly let go.

Gu Jinzhi's words are not bad at all.

The doctor she invited before did say that if my sister suffered from the wind and took some medicine to dissipate the wind and cold, the child would be fine.

I don't know. After eating it, I vomited more.

If it hadn't been for the opposite use of medicine, would it be like this?

Lin Manjing let go, and Gu Chenzhi blew the spoon half coldly and fed his sister.

"... The taste of milk is sweet and slightly cold, which not only relieves the annoyance and fever, but also makes up for fatigue." Gu Jinzhi and Lin Manjing explained again, "Sister Xi is young, and no matter how gentle the medicine is, it is not easy to use. It's good to use some supplements..."

When Lin Manjing heard this, she was convinced and even nodded.

Although she is not pharmacological, she has also heard that it is a three-point poison.

If her daughter hadn't been seriously ill at that time, she wouldn't have dared to listen to the doctor and give medicine to the child.

Now when she sees Gu Jinzhi, she also says that it is not easy for children to use medicine, which coincides with her own little knowledge, so she can't help but believe Gu Jinzhi.

Over there, Gu Chenzhi fed Sister Xi the cured milk, but the child couldn't swallow it and spit it out.

Song Paner looked aside and was also anxious and said, "Brother Chen, get up and I'll do it!"

Say it, he took Gu Chenzhi's bowl, sat down by himself, and held Sister Xi in his arms and fed him.

Her technique is much more proficient than Gu Chenzhi's.

It's a pity that my sister just doesn't swallow, and she doesn't even open her mouth anymore.

Gu Jinzhi came forward and gently stroked Sister Xi's right ear.

"Mom, feed me again." She stroked for a while and said to Song Paner.

If Song Pan'er feeds it again, the child can open his mouth and swallow it.

She ate more than half of the bowl of milk.

Lin Manjing was so happy that she burst into tears. In her heart, she praised Qimei's good means, which was better than those elderly doctors.

Gu Chenzhi was so happy that he took the child over again and said, "Seventh sister, third uncle and third aunt, thank you very much!"

"Where are you talking about!" Song Paner smiled, "Stop the ink, put Sister Xi'er in Sister Jin**. She just ate something, but she can't take it out.

Gu Chenzhi and Lin Manjing both nodded.

Everyone retreated and didn't bother my sister.

Sister Xi drank milk. After about a quarter of an hour, she did not vomit. She lay quietly in the arms of her mother Lin Manjing, with a pair of dark and weak eyes.

Lin Manjing's heart is over.

Although Qimei's words are very reasonable, Lin Manjing is not sure whether this milk is useful or not.

On the contrary, it was her husband Gu Chenzhi, who relaxed. It can be seen that he trusts the seven cousins very much.

Lin Manjing was slightly confused.

After another quarter of an hour, Sister Xi yawned and she was going to bed.

Lin Manjing was even more happy, and her heart was back in place.

When the child fell asleep, Lin Manjing winned Gu Chenzhi and asked him to come out. Just stay here with her.

Gu Chenzhi remembered the bad attitude just now and whispered to his wife, "I'm just in a hurry. I have a bad temper. Don't take it to heart."

Lin Manjing sneered.

She is a very optimistic person. She doesn't care that everything can pass. Sister Xi is all right. It's too late for her to be happy. How can she be angry?

"Get out of here." She said with a smile.

Gu Chenzhi came out of the room.


Thank you for the reward of moon422.

It's the third update. Sisters, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop!! What's the pink ticket? If you have it, just smash it! What, everyone! RS