Spring boudoir note

Chapter 106 Resentment

The alternative girl ordered the sixth girl Gu Wanzhi, and the fifth girl was angry again.

This time it's even more excessive, crying and hanging.

The old lady sent her directly to the temple, locked her up, and picked her up after the Dragon Boat Festival, so as not to make waves.

The second master was reluctant to give up, but he didn't dare to disobey the big house and put up with it.

He drinks outside all day, regardless of family affairs.

The second lady no longer cares about the five girls and prepares for the alternative of the six girls.

For the second lady, the daughter needs to compete and win glory for her.

The fifth girl is no longer good. Now she can only rely on the sixth girl, so she turns her face and spoils the sixth girl very much.

By the way, it's much better for the fourth girl.

The fourth girl moved from Jingyuan to the second lady's ear room.

She will get married in September this year. When the sixth girl enters the palace, she will live in the sixth girl's usual residence, waiting to leave the cabinet. Anyway, she doesn't want to live with Miss Wu anymore.

The second lady also agreed. Now she just needs to make the sixth girl happy.

For these two daughters, the second lady is more considerate to the fifth girl than in the past.

The fourth girl was very useful. She said to the sixth girl, "If there is no fifth sister, I don't know how clean our house is."

The fourth girl's heart was soft, and she was soon covered by the second lady.

The sixth girl sneered: "Is there a fifth sister? What's the difference? They are just taking us to fight for leisure. However, I didn't compete for it at first. When I had the benefits, I went up blindly. In the end, I was embarrassed, so I took us as a bitch.

This is about her parents.

The fourth girl quickly covered her mouth and patted her gently: "Dead little hoof, give birth to you, say these unfilial words!"

"That's what I said. I'm not afraid anywhere!" Although the sixth girl's voice was light, she still sneered, "In those years, my father made money in the pharmacy for a song outside. My grandfather closed the pharmacy, and the uncle didn't even let him interfere in the affairs of the outer court. He was at home, but we suffered with him. As for my mother, my mother's family is not as good as my third aunt, and I have to fight with my third aunt.

What's the point? It is always said that the third aunt who came from the countryside is not as good as her, a noble daughter of Beijing. Where is it expensive? Is her dowry the same as her third aunt's little half?

In the countryside, it is also a big ethnic origin. How can it not be as good as her six-grade official's family? When her grandfather returned to her hometown in Shaanxi, what did she have? I'm always afraid that people will look down on her. The more unbearable you are, the more afraid that people will look down on you, the more arrogant you will be, and the more you will be looked down upon!"

After saying that, she snorted coldly.

The four girls are eye-catching.

"How do you complain so much?" She scolded Miss Liu, "I raised you for nothing!"

Didn't you know that she had so many complaints before?

"I haven't heard you say this before..." The fourth girl muttered, "There is indeed something unsatisfactory for parents, but how can children dislike it? Are you about to come out, won't you recognize your parents?"

"Have you relied on them in the past? I have endured it for so many years. Do you still need it now?" The sixth girl laughed and said, "Fourth sister, do you think so? Have you forgotten how your mother indulged the fifth sister to bully us?

This, my mother is indeed unfair.

But the fifth girl was locked up, and the fourth girl forgot the pain when the scar was healed.

In the past two days, the second lady has been particularly good to them, which is the kind of good that the fourth girl usually expects. She really doesn't care about the past.

The sixth girl scolded her for being stupid in her heart, and she will be bullied in the future!

A family sister, although the fourth girl is stupid, she is kind-hearted, better than the arrogant and unruly fifth girl.

The sixth girl leaned on the fourth girl and whispered to her, "When I get the power one day, I will give you glory and wealth. Our two sisters will never change their minds for the rest of our lives.

The fourth girl was warmed by her words.

"How to change your mind?" The fourth girl was moved and said, "I regard you as my closest person, more than my mother."

The sixth girl smiled with satisfaction: "This family, I only kiss you!"


The second lady didn't know her daughter's thoughts. She was just happy and thought she was about to come out.

When the fourth girl and the sixth girl fell asleep at night, she talked to the second master: "... Since they hit their sisters, I have been looking forward to their future. Now, we finally have a head, and it's not in vain for us to give birth to them.

The second master was in a bad mood and said, "I don't know how to be sad at this moment, Sister Po. He can't go to the palace, but also locked in his temple. He can't come back for more than a month. I'm really afraid that the child can't think about it. Sister Po has been held in the palm of our hands since she was a child, and she has been more expensive by Sister Shan and Sister Wan since she was a child.

The second lady coughed heavily.

She doesn't like the second master to change the topic like this.

She also loves the five girls in her heart.

Because the fifth girl looks more like the second master, the second master also prefers her among the three daughters.

The second lady and the second master have held her in the palm of their hands as a treasure since she was a child. They loved Sister Shan and Sister Wan ten times more than they loved her, just hoping that she would have a future.

Now, she has failed to live up to her parents' expectations.

The second lady doesn't know what the second master thinks. Anyway, she is quite uncomfortable.

Especially when I heard that the sixth girl was going to enter the palace, the fifth girl was not happy for her sister, not happy for the second lady, but angry and caused trouble, which made the second lady even more sad.

She loves Sister Po so much. Does Sister Po think about being a mother for her?

"There is someone serving in the temple. Can you wrong her?" The second lady said, "If Sister Wan can enter the palace, it will be beneficial for us and her in the future. She doesn't want to pull us, but she wants to stop Sister Wan from pulling us, so she should take care of it.

The second master was unhappy and turned his back.

"Uncle is the most popular person in front of the emperor, and no one can stand the limelight of uncle." The second lady lay on the second master's back and said sweetly, "Our sister Wan enters the palace. Naturally, it is impossible to lose the election. It may not be easy for the imperial concubine of the first class and the waste of the second grade, but the nobles of the fourth grade can. We can also be rewarded."

The second master was not interested at all. He turned around and moved inside and continued to sleep.

"Why don't you care at all?" The second lady's interest was splashed with cold water by the second master, which was unpleasant.

The second master suddenly sat up.

"What exactly do you want? If you quarrel again, I will go to the outer courtyard to sleep. The second master's voice was a little high, "You never like Sister Wan. Now that she is in the palace, can she be good with you? You still expect to follow the wealth and dream!"

The second lady was stunned by him.

She also said, "What's the matter, I'm her mother! Besides, where can I treat her badly? She raised her to this age. If she doesn't repay me, she will have no conscience! Sister Wan, is that conscienceless?

The sound was so loud that it spread to the earlobe.

The sixth girl naturally didn't know that it was their husband and wife's dispute, so she thought it was her mother who deliberately told her.

In front of the maid in the yard, isn't it to remind her to repay her mother in the future?

Why do you remind her that she is not filial in the first place?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt shameless, and I felt fierce in my heart.

The fourth girl didn't dare to persuade her.

The sixth girl has a knot in her heart for her parents, and the fourth girl dares not persuade her deeply, so as not to hate her.

The quarrel in the front room is getting louder and louder.

The sixth girl and the fourth girl listened and heard her father say, "Sister Po was hurt by you, or how can she fall into the temple?"

This is to hold the injustice for the five girls.

The sixth girl was so angry that she changed her face.

Father, is it her fault that she occupies the fifth sister's name?

So my father also thinks of her in his heart?

She blushed, her tears couldn't stop flowing, and her fists clenched tightly.

The fourth girl got up and quickly hugged her: "Sister Wan, my parents love us as much as they do. When quarreling, you always pick up unpleasant words and say, don't worry about it.

"No!" The sixth girl cried and said, "Fourth sister, don't expect it! It's me now, and it's you in the future. It's good not to make way for the fifth sister, but it's impossible to cross the fifth sister! I'm going to get through it and leave. You should be careful in the future. When I'm rich, I'll vent my anger for you! Our sisters are single-minded and have a bad breath!"

I was so angry that I forgot that what I said was extremely vicious.

The fourth girl wants to say that there are all parents in the world.

But the noise on the other side of the main room really makes people have to think too much.

Girls are already **.

In the past, it was said that the five girls must have entered the palace. Now that it has been changed to the sixth girl, the second master said that again. How can the sixth girl not think much?

She was so angry that she vomited blood.

Both sides are angry. What can I say?

The fourth girl just hugged her sister and comforted her in a low voice.

The second master finally slammed the door and went away. I don't know where he went.

The six girls sat down all night.

In the past, I preferred five girls, but my mother was obvious. My father was not often in the inner courtyard, and I could pour a bowl of water flat. Now I know that my father loves my fifth sister even more.

The old lady didn't know that the second room quarreled in the middle of the night.

The second room often quarrels. Everyone is used to it, and no one talks to the eldest lady.

After the second master quarreled and went out, he didn't come back for several days.

Uncle Gu Yantao is ready to send an envoy to Annan, and he is too busy to get at home.

I just came back at night and my body was hot.

The old lady touched his body in the middle of the night. She was shocked and asked him if he was cold.

The old man slept to death and couldn't wake up.

The next day, the old man himself said that his body was hot, his head was heavy, but his limbs were cold.

The old lady was stunned and hurriedly said, "Let's have a free day and call the doctor to have a look."

The old master was also afraid that it would be a serious disease after a long time, which would delay his travel. He went to the hospital to invite a doctor who was good at typhoid fever.

The imperial doctor said that it was a yin and cold syndrome. He prescribed a prescription and took a few pairs of medicine.

Gu Yantao remembered the Empress Dowager's illness. Because he misread it, it led to misguided, so he invited a famous doctor in the capital and looked at it again.

The doctor said that it was not a cold syndrome, but a irritability in the abdomen.

He asked the old man to press his abdomen. Isn't it painful?

The old master pressed it according to his words, and it really hurt.

The two doctors have different statements, and he doesn't know who to listen to for a moment.

He hired another imperial doctor, and as a result, he also said that it was a cold syndrome.

After all, he is a doctor, different from the folk barefoot doctor.

The old master took the medicine according to the prescription of the cold certificate.


Thank you for the reward of Lan Weizi, Miss Muye Cat, passionate love ^^, daxiang8911.

The third update is pink, everyone! RS