Spring boudoir note

Chapter 109 Poisonous Hand

Song Pan'er was stunned and hurriedly asked Mu Qing to help Chun Qiao.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Song Paner said to Chunqiao, "What's the reason, master? Take your time..."

Chunqiao wiped his tears and choked and said, "The old man is so busy to send an envoy to Annan. I didn't feel well a few days ago, and I didn't have time to pay attention to it. A few days ago, it was hot at night, so the old lady asked the doctor to see it. He didn't care about taking medicine, but the imperial doctor said that it was not a panacea, which made the old man be patient for a few days. I didn't know that the old lady got up in the morning and found that the old man was lying down. His body was hot, but his hands and feet were cold. She couldn't wake up and fell into a coma. Three or four imperial doctors came to the hospital, but they said that the old man had no six veins and asked the old lady to prepare for the future..."

After saying that, he burst into tears.

Song Pan'er's face also changed.

She doesn't like the old man, but she has never quarreled with him. She hates the old man, and she just mutters in her heart.

Suddenly I heard that he was going to die, Song Pan'er thought of the old lady...

The old man has only developed in the past four years and is deeply loved by the emperor, but his family business is limited. If he let go, after the lady...

The first lady is not old.

"The old lady said, anyway, please go to Miss Seven." Chunqiao cried.

She doesn't know why she invited Miss Seven.

The fact that the Empress Dowager has a disease has always been obscure. The Gu family only knows that the eldest lady, the eldest master and Gu Jin's family know that the second room does not understand.

"Then go quickly." Song Paner said to Gu Jin, "Mu Qing, go and prepare the carriage; peony, you accompany the girl back to the room to change clothes."

Then after thinking about it, I always felt uneasy, and said to Nian Lu, "Go and tell the third master, let's all go and have a look. Tell Zhu's mother to serve the two young masters at home.

Everyone was busy and dispersed.

Gu Jinzhi changed his clothes, and Song Pan'er also finished changing his clothes.

Gu Yanzhen was also terrred when he heard that his eldest brother was dying. He hurriedly entered the inner courtyard and asked what was going on again.

Chunqiao suppressed his tears and choked and told the old man's situation again.

The family got into the carriage, and Gu Jinzhi helped his mother and went to the Duke of Cheng's Mansion.

The main room of the big house is full of people.

The second master and the third young master Gu Qingzhi are in the huā hall, receiving several imperial doctors; the second lady and two girls, the third young lady Xia are in the east room; the young master Gu Chenzhi, the eldest grandmother Lin Manjing and the first lady are in the inner room.

Tai Hospital mentioned Qin Wei's four in the pulse.

He has a loss of medical ethics, but his medical skills are superb. At this time, the old lady had no time to invite him.

Gu Yanzhen, Song Pan'er and Gu Jinzhi also entered the inner room.

The old man lay in **, his face was purple, and Gu Yanzhen's heart suddenly jumped.

Song Pan'er also looked at the terrible people.

The lady's temples were not scattered, and she was stunned. The tears in her eyes were not dry at all. She was shrewd and capable. She was stunned and looked very old.

Song Paner and Gu Yanzhen came forward and called their sister-in-law.

The old lady came to her senses and barely dropped a pale smile: "Are you here? It's not good to have many doctors here. Go out and sit down."

Then I saw Gu Jinzhi and pulled her "Sister Jin, you accompany your aunt..."

Song Pan'er came out with Gu Yanzhen and went to the east.

Seeing the second lady Ye and the children in their room, Song Pan'er smiled lightly and saluted falsely.

The second lady and everyone also returned the gift.

Seeing Song Pan'er, the second lady was in a good mood this time. She couldn't even wait to tell Song Pan'er that her daughter was about to enter the palace.

But she didn't dare to do that.

If Uncle is really dead, I'm afraid Sister Wan will lose the election.

She also sincerely prayed that her uncle would get better.

"Third aunt, hasn't the seventh sister come?" After the sixth girl Gu Wan's salute, she asked Song Pan'er.

Song Paner knew that she was about to enter the palace, and it was not easy to offend her on the surface, so she whispered, "In the inner room, my aunt left her to talk."

Everyone in the second room was confused.

Why did you leave her?

Since her cousin returned to Beijing, her experience has been a little legendary and confusing. The people in the second room secretly had something, but the big room was clear but hidden from them, but they couldn't figure it out.

The sixth girl wanted to find Gu Jinzhi, mainly to ask the Empress Dowager's preferences and victory.

After all, Gu Jinzhi was so favored that the empress dowager and the emperor were bounty, married, and often recruited her to the palace.

Learn more about the draft on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, she also has a better chance.

As he spoke, Gu Chenzhi came out of the inner room and greeted Song Paner and Gu Yanzhen.

Then he said to Gu Yanzhen, "The second uncle and the third brother are in the huā hall..."

Gu Yanzhen saluted the second lady again and followed Gu Chenzhi to the huā hall.

On the way, Gu Yanzhen asked Gu Chenzhi, "Have you sent someone to Baiyunguan to invite the old man?"

"It's sent. I guess I'll be back soon."

Gu Chen's look was gloomy and his voice was weak.

Gu Yanzhen nodded.

In the inner room, the grandma and the lady are still serving.

Qin Weishi is giving Gu Yantao a pulse.

Gu Yantao had no six veins. Qin Weix said to the first lady, "Put Gu Ge's old socks and look at the falling sun veins."

The falling pulse is on the instep.

In the old lady's impression, the doctor's pulse is in his hands, and few people want to use his feet.

She was a little hesitant.

Gu Jinzhi whispered to her, "Big aunt, the falling yang vein is the part of the three cutting veins..."

The old lady got up and helped Gu Yantao's sleeping socks.

Qin Wei fell on the fourth, and his face became gloomy.

He probably understood what was going on in his heart: Gu Ge's old yang pulse was large and powerful, but the other six veins were all there, which shows that he was not the yin and cold syndrome diagnosed by Dr. Xie and Dr. Cheng at all.

The imperial doctor of the imperial hospital gave the wrong medicine to the old man, and the responsibility is still on Qin Weic's point.

A few days ago, he annoyed the empress dowager because of Gu Jinzhi, and now he has to annoy the emperor and Gu Gelao.

Gu Gelao is not a terminal disease. He is an impotence. He can't die because of the impotence syndrome caused by the accumulation of dryness in the intestines for a long time.

Yangjue syndrome and Yin cold syndrome, one etiology is heat evil, and the other is dampness and cold, which is the exact opposite cause.

If you use the wrong medicine, can nothing happen?

When Gu Yantao woke up and knew that his encounter was a dereliction of duty in the imperial hospital, could he forgive Qin Weishi?

Gu Yantao is not a good kind.

Qin Wei's four small five-grade officials, what qualifications do they have to fight with the red man in front of the emperor?

He has a sweat on his forehead.

What should I do?

There has been a mistake in front of the emperor, and it has been recently. If you make another mistake, the emperor will really be angry.

Does he also want to take the initiative to resign like Gu Shifei?

Qin Wei is only in his 40s, just in his year!

If he loses his job, he will lose his life.

His eyes turned very fast.

Then, he saw Gu Jinzhi again, and his eyes were dark again.

Gu Jin's medical skills are very good, and he saw it with his own eyes.

His hand, on Gu Yantao's falling pulse, did not let go for a long time, but worked hard.

He glanced at several women in the room.

Gu Yantao's wife and daughter-in-law stood in front, and Gu Jinzhi was squeezed into the back by the two of them.

Be fast, make a decision quickly.

Either Gu Yantao died, or Qin Wei lost his post and died.

As a result, the strength in his hand became stronger and stronger. He wanted to hold down the falling yang vein hard to prevent it from beating, but his men quietly moved a silver needle that followed him.

If you stab, if you stab, Gu Yantao's falling penis will slowly weaken.

If he can't get through tonight, he will be finished.

Qin Weity's dereliction of duty has been prosecuted by no one. He can keep his reputation and status.

Suddenly, he only felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

"Sister Jin!" Qin Weishi heard the cry of Gu Yantao's wife.

He had a twitching pain in his limbs, and his strength suddenly emptied. His brain seemed to be poured into the water. He was so heavy that he was in a coma.

The old lady and the old grandmother were shocked. Seeing Gu Jinzhi suddenly rushing up, he squeezed the back of Qin Weichue's neck with one hand, and knocked Qin Weic unconscious.

Neither of them knew why, but looked at her in shock. Her soft hands put a big man so easily without a blade.

Qin Weiji fell down, and Gu Jinzhi raised his right hand to show the eldest lady and grandmother: "He wants to hurt his uncle. Uncle can only be big and powerful now. If he is harmed by him, the Daluo immortals can't be saved.

At the bottom of Qin Weic's right sleeve, a silver needle glittered.

The old lady gasped.

These doctors, killing people are under the eyes of their families, which is simply crazy.

If it weren't for Gu Jinzhi, who would know?

The eldest lady and the eldest grandmother never expected that Qin Weishi would do the poison!

"Quick, go and call someone, tie up this beast and send it to the official!" The old lady's voice trembled, and she was still afraid, and her body couldn't help shaking.

The lady, who was usually so calm and capable, is going to collapse at this moment.

What if Gu Jinzhi comes a little later?

What if Qin Weiqiqi did it a little early?

They held their hearts and put the eldest master's life in the hands of the doctor. As a result, the doctor was a well-dressed beast!

The eldest lady is a smart person. From Qin Weisi's behavior, she understood why: the people in the hospital misdiagnosed, and the master almost died.

And the old man is a person who must repay. When the old man wakes up, the two diagnosed imperial doctors and Qin Weisa in the imperial hospital can't run away, and he will definitely clean them up.

There is no doubt that Qin Wei will be dismissed from office.

Qin Weity doesn't want the eunuch to end, so he would rather do it first.

This is also cruel.

The grandma ran away quickly and called Jia Ding and the second master, the third master, Gu Chenzhi and Gu Qingzhi.

Gu Chenzhi's eyes turned red, and he punched and kicked the unconscious person on the ground.

"Don't!" Gu Yanzhen said, "Brother Chen, you kicked him and will be bitten by him at that time. The evidence is important. Tie it up quickly.

Gu Chenzhi just stopped his feet.

The flame of anger popped out of his eyes, and he wished to tear up Qin Weisi.

Gu Jinzhi also had to admire Qin Weity.

Dare to take risks, instead of sitting and waiting for his fate. Such a person, with better luck, is a beautiful future, just like Gu Jinzhi's uncle.

It's a pity that Qin Weity is unlucky.


The arrow of the dry arrow is the "shit" shit, and the ancient writing is often "shi". Dry arrow refers to dry and hard stool.

(This sentence comes from Baidu Encyclopedia)