Spring boudoir note

Chapter 112 Concubine De

When he arrived at Gu's house, Zhu Zhongjun heard that the former Luyang Wang always stayed, and he hesitated.

After that, he still went back to his palace.

He has two guards brought from Luzhou.

The housekeeper is a resident of Beijing.

After carefully and cleverly inquired about some things, he figured out his situation and the relationship with Gu Jinzhi. He also began to rely on the Gu family. When Gu Jinzhi was studying, he was lazy on the big pillow beside him, holding the Analects, and focused on reading it.

But his whole body has changed.

Brother Xuan doesn't quite understand where Zhu Zhongjun has changed. He just feels that he is different from the former prince.

In the past, although the king of Luyang was stupid, he smiled very brightly at Brother Xuan.

And Zhu Zhongjun's smile, shallow, with a little to deal with, not from the bottom of his heart.

Brother Xuan can feel it, but he can't say it, so he doesn't like to talk to Zhu Zhongjun. After reading the book, Mu Qing was in the small kitchen of the main courtyard to make snacks for them.

Brother Xuan made an excuse to run to see it.

Song Paner is resting in the inner room. She has been very tired recently. Her stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and Gu Jin's hunch may be twins.

This also exhausted Song Pan'er's energy.

Dongji was originally studied by Gu Jin's sister and brother, and there was no one to serve him.

As soon as Brother Xuan ran, Zhu Zhongjun climbed over, pillowed Gu Jinzhi's thigh, and continued to read. Gu Jinzhi tapped his forehead: "Ring against the pillow... Let people come in and see, what's the style?"

Zhu Zhongjun picked up the corners of his lips and was not moved: "I'm a fool! I'm holding your hand outside, and no one else feels that I'm losing my style!" Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything more. Her hands gently stroked his cheeks, jaws, neck and lips, and swept around. Gently rub with your fingers.

Zhu Zhongjun finally couldn't help getting up and staring at her: "Did you tease a fool like this? Gu Jinzhi, you are too impure. Gu Jinzhi raised his eyebrows and smiled.

If you want to pretend to be a fool, you also need to have capital.

After that, Zhu Zhongjun did not dare to rely on the fool in front of Gu Jinzhi.

Sometimes he also said, "It's really strange that I want to marry you again in my life. We didn't have such a deep fate in our last life. Gu Jinzhi ignored him. She took Zhu Zhongjun into the palace once.

Zhu Zhongjun remembered Gu Jinzhi's words that the king of Luyang was very kind to the empress dowager. The empress dowager's Kunning Palace was where he grew up. He would not have any scruples and could shout in the hall. He recalled several fools he had seen in his previous life. He pretends to be very similar.

Not to mention the Empress Dowager, Gu Jinzhi was a little in a trance. She even forgot that Zhu Zhongjun is a very good actor. Her words and deeds these days quickly faded from Gu Jinzhi's heart.

When the emperor saw Zhu Zhongjun, he took him to the Yuhuā Garden and asked him about the wound on his head. Gu Jinzhi followed.

Zhu Zhongjun cried in front of the emperor: begging... It hurts so much. Xiaoqi said, don't tell the queen, the queen is worried. But it's a good "

I cried sadly. Gu Jinzhi's heart twitched. This is what the King of Luyang looks like.

The emperor gently touched his head, sighed, and told him, "In the future, listen to Xiaoqi's words and don't climb high."

Zhu Zhongjun wiped his tears and said he knew.

When he went back, he asked Gu Jinzhi, "What, how do you think I'm doing?" Gu Jinzhi was speechless. He was speechless. She is a little depressed.

Zhu Zhongjun is a very shrewd person. He could guess her mood from Gu Jinzhi's eyes. He asked, "You don't really like that fool, do you?"

Then, there was silence in the carriage.

When he arrived at Gu's house, Zhu Zhongjun was the fool prince again. He is already proficient in pretending.

After dinner, he was still studying with their sister and brother in the east.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival in May, the Empress Dowager rewarded Gu Jinzhi to accompany Song Paner into the palace to greet her. Their mother and daughter were not banned and could not enter the palace. The Empress Dowager issued a decree.

He was afraid that other foreign women would be present and make Song Paner uncomfortable, so he refused others to enter the palace and only invited Gu Jin's mother and daughter.

The Empress Dowager also heard that Song Pan'er has always been competitive.

Song Pan'er was very moved. She gradually became satisfied with the king of Luyang, and she was even more grateful to the Empress Dowager. The unhappiness brought to her by the marriage also disappeared. She was respectful and lively in front of the empress dowager, which surprised the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager didn't know that Song Pan'er was very well-ed, but she was not submissive. She was a very happy person. Therefore, she also felt that Song Pan'er was very good.

He was rewarded with a lunch and sent a lot of medicinal supplements, so that Aunt Cheng sent them out of the palace in person.

After the banquet for Song Pan's son and daughter, the Empress Dowager asked Duke Chang to call all the beautiful girls screened by the household department to Kunning Palace.

There are more than 50 people in total.

Eighteen people will be selected in the palace this time.

Chang Shun had already gone to the front station. He knew which heroines must be selected and which ones could be selected, - secretly mentioning the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager is somewhat interested in Gu Jinzhi's cousin. She knew that the emperor was exalting Gu Yantao, which must be reused.

The Empress Dowager asked, "Is that Gu from the Duke of Chengguo?" Gu Weizhi's heart jumped wildly, took a step out of the crowd, and came forward to comfort the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager asked her to raise her head. Gu Jinzhi's cousins are all like her second uncle, the beauty of life.

The six girls are not half as good-looking as the five girls, but they also compare most of the heroines, at least more charming than Gu Jinzhi. The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "Very good!" One sentence is very good, so that everyone can remember Gu Zhizhi. This is a supporter with the Empress Dowager. It's too late for Gu Weizhi to be happy now, and he just feels dizzy. She is full of energy and wants to show her favor in front of the Empress Dowager. But I didn't know that the Empress Dowager had already known her. The Empress Dowager asked her a few questions. Her voice was a little nervous and she answered reluctantly. The Empress Dowager smiled kindly and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I won't eat you." Everyone laughed.'s face. Gu Wei's palms were also sweaty and smiling. Then, Chang Shun came in and shouted that the emperor was coming. All the beautiful girls are in a tight heart. The Empress Dowager also got up to meet the emperor.

The emperor sat next to the empress dowager and asked with a smile, "Mother, haven't you chosen it yet?"

"It's just the beginning of my family." The Empress Dowager smiled and said. Gu Youzhi was already standing in the front, and the emperor saw her at a glance. He glanced at the crowd, bowing his head, tall, fat and thin, and couldn't see who was who was who. His voice was deliberately a little loud, and he asked the Empress Dowager, "Who is Gu Gelao's niece?" When the show girls heard this, they were both envious and jealous. Two of them were selected by the Tan family and sent by Xia Shoufu's family. The Tan family is the mother's family of the former queen, and Xia Shoufu is the first person in the current dynasty.

The emperor and the empress dowager did not ask them, but only asked the Gu family. What does the Gu family have?

A person who started by selling drugs has only made a name for the past few years. When the Wang clan in Beijing mentioned the Gu family, they always felt that they were not strong enough and looked down on them.

As a result, the emperor and the empress dowager only bought the family's account. The show girl below is so envious that her teeth are itchy with envy. Gu Weizhi's confused head suddenly woke up. She always feels that something is wrong.

Why did you just ask her? This is to lift her to the point of hatred. What will she do in the future? Will the Empress Dowager really support her? Will the emperor really spoil her? If it's not true, how will she deal with the anger of other concubines in the future? Sarcasm is naturally indispensable. The Empress Dowager pointed to Gu Wanzhi and said to the emperor, "Nuo, this one has left."

"Look up and let me have a look." The emperor said. Gu Weizhi raised his face. The Empress Dowager paid attention to the emperor's expression. The emperor's eyes were very quiet, and he couldn't tell whether he liked it or not. Gu Weizhi does have a little color, but it's not that this group of show girls are the most outstanding. She is below average.

"It looks very good." The emperor said to the empress dowager, "Mother, let her be a German concubine." Concubine De is the concubine of the second grade.

There is now a Concubine Zhang in the emperor's palace, who is Concubine Shu and also the second grade. There is only the imperial concubine Tan, who is in the top. Gu Weizhi's calm heart jumped wildly again.

"What the emperor said is very much. Chang Shun wrote down that he sealed the Gu family as Concubine Gu De and gave it to the Qingmu Palace. Gu Weizhi knelt down and called the emperor long live, the empress dowager a thousand years old.

Her eyes are a little wet. She never expected that the emperor would make her a German concubine. She thought to herself that she would be satisfied to be a noble person of the fourth grade.

Then, she never heard the words in her ear again. She stood behind, with a woman coming forward in front of her. Some people were selected and some people were not. In addition to her, the other people with the highest status are also the four-grade nobles, and they did not give the palace, waiting for the future meritorious service before giving the palace. Everyone looked at Gu Wanzhi's eyes and became hot. Those concubines wished to jump on her and hold her legs to flatt her. The next day, Jingli heard about Gu Yanzhi's title of second-grade noble concubine.

The second lady was so happy that tears were about to come out.

The second master also has waves in his heart. Their daughter has been awarded the title of the second grade of noble concubine. If they don't have a title of uncle and wife, they should also be awarded the title of second or third grade, right?

Song Paner didn't expect that she was also a little jealous.

"Sister Wei looks like that, and she actually has such a future. " she said. Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "The emperor knew that Uncle was uncomfortable with the mistake of Annan's party, so he made up for him. Just wait. I'm going to borrow this matter and give it to my uncle.

As a result, in the afternoon of the same day, Gu Yantao was appointed as the Marquis of Xiping, and the eldest lady was appointed as Mrs. Yipin. Gu Jin's expectation is not bad. Zhu Zhongjun asked her in private, "What credit did your uncle do to the emperor?" Gu Jinzhi shook his head. She doesn't want to mention this. Zhu Zhongjun smiled and said, "Without credit, the emperor praises you like this... It's like raising a hound dog, feeding it with the best food, and hoping that he can assist in hunting in the future. When the prey is exhausted, this dog... Chuan, you and your aunt are related to each other, and it is estimated that there will be no good end in the future. Gu Jinzhi glanced at him coldly.

Zhu Zhongjun read the book and ignored him. He is very thorough about political tricks. Thank you for the reward of Warm Punishment M, Yan Zhiyao and Wu Yu. ( To be continued