Spring boudoir note

Chapter 121 Smart

The rebellion of Annan suddenly spread all over the country.

This matter is much worse than Qin Wei's poisoning, and it is also more gimmick than Gu Jinzhi's little gossip. No one mentioned them again. Teahouses and restaurants, Gaomen cold households, all the topics shifted to the rebellion of Annan.

This caused panic.

A little insightful, everyone knows that if this kind of thing happens, it's going to be a war.

Although Annan is far away from the capital, the war has made the people who live and work in peace and work panic. Some merchants even began to store grain, which added firewood to the panic.

On the other side of Gu Zhai, Song Paner had an indescribable depression in her heart.

She didn't worry about her uncle, but lamented the magic of fate. Uncle's matter, it seems that God saved him, and it also seems that God deliberately wanted to take Wei Ge Lao, which made Uncle ill.

Will they also encounter unavoidable disasters in the future?

Pregnancy makes her prone to emotional disorders.

Gu Jinzhi and Gu Yanzhen didn't leave her all day long and comforted her before she let it go.

On the side of the Duke of Cheng, the second lady also heard about it and didn't even stamp her feet: "If my uncle hadn't been sick at the beginning..."

If uncle hadn't been sick at the beginning, this would have been the idea of everyone in the Gu family.

The second lady thought that if the uncle had not been sick at the beginning and went to Annan and died there, the marquis and wife granted by the sixth girl who entered the palace would be the second wife.

Thinking of this, the second lady stamped her feet and shouted hatred. She wished her uncle could go early. Don't stop the future of their second room.

After all, the second master has been outside and has seen some worlds.

If the uncle was not sick at the beginning, but now he died outside, the emperor would never value the family again. What's the use of the sixth girl sitting in the cold palace when she sits in Concubine De?

He no longer cares about the marquis's title and so on.

The old man Gu Yantao was overjoyed and said excitedly to the old lady, "... Xia Shoufu lost his beloved disciple and fell ill in anger. He is old, and it is estimated that he will be an official within this year, which was vaguely given to me by the emperor before. Now that he is sick again, it is even more likely. In the cabinet, except for Wei Feng, the other two are on my side. Xia Shoufu is a consistent official, and the position of Shoufu is naturally me!"

Then I couldn't help laughing.

At first, he didn't expect that his illness was a sign of God and a sign that he had a bright future.

He was in the inner room, sent all the maids, and almost lost his temper.

The old lady looked sloppy.

In the major events of the court, she is not as clear as Gu Yantao, but as the saying goes, "blessings are in the place of misfortune, and misfortune is in the place of blessings." At that time, Gu Yantao was ill and was almost killed by Qin Weishi, and he also lost the opportunity to make a mission to Annan. The whole family regarded it as a disaster.

As a result, he became the hero of this disaster.

If it hadn't been for the last illness, the one who died in Annan now would have been the old master.

The old master was very excited. When he found that there was something wrong with the old lady's face, he asked her, "What's wrong?"

The old lady sighed deeply and said, "If you hadn't been sick last time and let Wei Ge Lao replace you and went to Annan, now... In the future, you will replace Xia Shoufu and become the first assistant. How can you know that it is not a disaster? I'm in my heart.

The old man was not very happy, and his face fell slightly: "You used to be so straightforward, but now your mother-in-law is up! God made it right to leave the position of the first assistant to me, so that Wei Feng died in Annan and let me succeed the first assistant without blood. Obviously, it is a omen of God's kindness, but you can think of such unlucky things.

The old lady didn't dare to say more.

The old man loves power so much that he can't allow others to say dejected words.

"How can I have such insight as a marquis?" The eldest lady squeezed her lips and smiled, "The marquis said it very well."

The marquis's throne is newly sealed. The old lady is not used to it. She just asked the servants in the family to change their words. In front of the servants, she said something about the marquis.

In front of Gu Yantao, he just said half a sentence when he was joking by chance.

Gu Yantao liked to listen very much and laughed again.

In addition to being happy, he also remembered Gu Jinzhi's words: "... At the beginning, she was the only one who told me that there might be a disaster in the south. I was sick to avoid misfortunes, and I would be blessed by misfortunes. He also asked me to find a real person to gossip. That child is good at medical skills. Do you know each other?

I have some likes for Gu Jinzhi in my heart.

And the old lady, treat Gu Jin as a benefactor.

She knew best that if it hadn't been for Gu Jinzhi and the whole Gu family, no one could find Qin Weiji's small movements except the old man.

However, the old man was not present at that time.

It was Gu Jinzhi who saved the lives of the whole family.

"Will you meet each other? But how many of these words can? Isn't she your gospel?" The old lady asked with a smile.

"It is indeed the gospel!" Gu Yantao laughed again, "In a few days, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I heard that it is also her birthday. You prepare a generous gift for her and thank her very much.

The old lady couldn't wait to say yes.

Gu Yantao was happy at home. When he returned to the court, he, like the ministers, with a gloomy face.

The young emperor was heartless before the war.

He doesn't know who is responsible for the military generals in the court.

Jiang Liang, Marquis of Yuanping, is the minister of the Ministry of War. Most of the imperial court are commanders, and they are all students of Jiang Liang.

The emperor handed over the matter of recommending good generals to the Marquis of Yuanping.

There is a little panic in Beijing.

Most people know that Annan is far away from the sky, and it is impossible to hit the capital,

But the atmosphere is depressing in the end.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also Gu Jinzhi's birthday.

When Song Pan'er got up early in the morning, he had to make birthday noodles for Gu Jinzhi with his own hands.

Where does she have the strength to knead the dough?

Rub it a few times and then teach it to Zhu's mother.

Then, Song Paner cut the noodles made by Zhu's mother with her own hands, put them in the pot, added ingredients, and made a long-lived noodles for Gu Jinzhi and everyone.

Gu Yanzhen ate half a small bowl and gave Gu Jinzhi a small jewelry box. He said he wanted to go out. Today, he had an appointment with Hu Zeyu.

Song Pan'er asked someone to send a bowl to the old man.

Then I packed a food box and delivered it to the big room.

After being busy, it is their women who sit down to eat.

"... This year, something happened, and our family was seen by everyone again. Naturally, it's not easy to be lively. I heard that yesterday was also the birthday of the ancestors of Zhang and Hou Tan's family. The original play and banquet were withdrawn, and only the family gathered around and ate a bowl of noodles. With the Tan family in the front, let's learn from it. Song Paner asked someone to bring the noodles, but she was afraid that Gu Jinzhi would feel wronged. She explained to her in detail that this year was different from previous years. When it was really a national disaster, it was necessary to keep a low profile.

Then he said, "This side was made by my mother."

Gu Jinzhi and Brother Xuan, Brother Xuan and Zhu Zhongjun ate noodles and praised them as delicious.

Not only can't celebrate the birthday, but also the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Those merchants in the city who are good at drilling also closed their doors, didn't buy the lanterns, and Master Rabbit didn't do it, revealing solemnity everywhere.

"If it's a peaceful and good year next year, I will have a great birthday party for you." Song Pan'er made a promise.

Gu Jinzhi ate noodles, sweating all over the way.

The noodles simmered with chicken soup were added with mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, shrimp, etc., and the mouth was fresh and fragrant. Gu Jinzhi, like Zhu Zhongjun and others, ate so much that he refused to leave the bowl and let his mother nag.

Zhu Zhongjun ate three bowls in a row and was called Tian.

Gu Jinzhi stopped him with a busy smile: "If you don't eat when you turn around, you will feel uncomfortable again."

Zhu Zhongjun hasn't eaten such delicious noodles for a long time. He pretended to be a fool, so he naturally let go of eating.

"Brother Xuan also ate three bowls." He pointed to Gu Xuan, "Didn't Sister Haitang give it to him again?"

Song Pan'er and Gu Jinzhi were slightly surprised, and their eyes fell on Brother Xuan.

One of them only explained to Gu Jinzhi that the birthday party was so simple, and the other only about eating noodles, so that no one noticed Brother Xuan.

Brother Xuan stared at Zhu Zhongjun, buried his head on the table, and did not look at his mother and sister.

The brother next to him was eating well, and he was eating the third bowl. Fearing that Song Paner and Gu Jinzhi would not give him food, he quickly instigated a few bites.

For a moment, it made a little loud.

Everyone looks at him.

The room is a little quiet.

Song Pan'er couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere is just a gift.

Begonia just came in for Brother Xuan again. Brother Xuan didn't pick it up, and it didn't matter if he didn't pick it up. He looked at the other side with greedy eyes.

made Song Pan'er laugh again.

She laughed so much that her stomach hurt a little.

"He doesn't know it, and you don't know it?" After Song Pan'er laughed, she scolded Begonia with a smile, "You have given him a fourth bowl!"

Begonia was surprised and said, "I don't have a maidservant. The maidservant gave it to the ninth young master for the first time.

Then Mu Qing next to him said, "I also gave it to the ninth young master once."

The peony was also given to him once.

It turns out that he is called a different maid Sheng every time.

If Zhu Zhongjun hadn't counted aside, no one would have known how many bowls he had eaten.

For the first time, Song Pan'er knew that Brother Xuan still had such a clever and clever side, so he held him in his arms: "Follow your seventh sister to study, but there is no one next to you, but read out your little cleverness!"

Brother Xuan's face blushed slightly.

"This is not what I taught him." Gu Jinzhi also smiled, "I must have learned from the prince."

She pointed to Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun looked at them innocently.

His innocent expression was very simple, which made Song Paner and others laugh again.

Several people are full.

Everyone went strangely. In the end, Song's mother said, "My wife's noodles are delicious. Don't blame them for secretly eating more. It's time to shout and feel uncomfortable for a while.

Then he called the little maid, "Go and cook some hawthorn pear water and eat it for the prince and the young ladies later."

The maid was busy.

Song Pan'er laughed and ate a bowl of noodles.

After that, she always felt a little uncomfortable.

Calculate the date, at least half a month before the market is over.

I guess it's a lot of laughter.

Song's mother and Begonia helped her go back to the inner room to sleep.

Zhu Zhongjun took the opportunity to whisper to Gu Jin: "No one in your family actually dislikes me as a fool. You have been reinborn to a good family this time.

He said that Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen were not in the market and were sincere.

Why doesn't Gu Jinzhi know?

Song Paner likes Zhu Zhongjun's stupidity, not because he is a prince, but because of his innocence.

In the afternoon, the big room asked someone to carry eight congratulatory gifts to celebrate Gu Jin's birthday.

Song Pan'er was surprised and wanted to greet her in person.

As a result, my stomach hurts more and more.

Song's mother hurriedly helped her to ** with Begonia: "This is... This is about to give birth, right?"


Thank you for the rewards of strange Loli, luna_s, passionate love ^^, sudaez, cici713, Jingzai 86789408, Sunflower889, Millennium Peach Tree Essence, enya2013 and other relatives. Ask for pink tickets. RS