Spring boudoir note

Chapter 123 Disrespect

Song Pan'er's baby was born very smoothly.

From the amniotic fluid broke to the landing of the two children, it was only half an hour.

Song's mother was also surprised.

Nianlu remembered that Miss Seven pulled her wife around the garden every day, and the third master also said that she should be careful to raise the fetus. At that time, Miss Seven advised her wife to go shopping more and have the strength to give birth to the young master in the future.

Madam loves Miss Seven very much and obeys Miss Seven's words.

Sure enough, it must be the credit of shopping for such a smooth life today. With a body, you have to go shopping more than usual. Nianlu wrote it down silently and told others to go in the future.

When Gu Yanzhen ran in, Song Pan'er had already fallen asleep.

The two children were held by two old mothers and slept in the ear room next door.

Gu Jinzhi took Brother Xuan and Brother Yan, and the King of Luyang looked aside.

Seeing that Song Pan'er was asleep, Gu Yanzhen gently stepped back and went to the next door to see the child.

Because they are raised by two children, both of them are thin and small.

The first one that falls to the ground weighs five catties and eight taels, and then the one that falls to the ground weighs five catties and three taels.

Compared with other children, it is also good, but when Gu Jinzhi and Brother Xuan were born, they were all more than six catties.

In contrast, the two children are poor.

Both of them slept, blushing and wrinkled.

Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi looked at each other with emotional ups and downs.

Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan have no feelings.

Brother Xuan even whispered, "It's so ugly."

Brother Yu agreed: "Like a monkey."

Gu Jinzhi sneered.

Gu Yanzhen stood right behind him and gently hit the heads of the two children, and one of them tapped gently: "Go out and make trouble!"

The two got up and gave up their seats to their father.

The child fell asleep, and Gu Yanzhen did not dare to hug them rashly for fear of waking them up.

He stretched out his hand. Every child touched his face, and there were tears in his eyes.

He sucked his nose.

Zhu Zhongjun looked aside and felt quite uncomfortable.

When his son was born, he only felt that he liked it, but he could not cry like Gu Yanzhen.

Isn't he a good father from the beginning?

He looked at Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi's eyes are also a little wet.

The landing of these two children made Gu Yanzhen's family very happy.

However, vocal banquets are prohibited in the court, and the three-rites cannot be carried out.

The old lady sent someone to send Gu Jinzhi Shoutao and some cloth jewelry. As a result, the gift-giving woman came back and said. The third lady is on the market.

The old lady was busy and asked someone to inquire about the news.

Hearing that there were two men with one child, the eldest lady was naturally very happy, so she hurriedly asked someone to tell the second room. Prepare the children's three-rites.

As soon as the second lady heard what the eldest lady's maid said, her face suddenly changed.

She was reluctant to say that she knew.

When the maid left, she fell on her pillow and cried.

She has been married to the Gu family for 17 years and is always looking forward to having a son.

At the beginning, she quarreled with Song Pan'er because Song Pan'er joked that she had three daughters. If you can't give birth to a son, you will have to rely on the original son Gu Qingzhi to worship incense in the future.

The second lady was so angry that she vomited blood.

Song Pan'er had both children, and the second lady kept her breath in her heart.

After that, her daughter went into the palace to become a imperial concubine, but there was nothing wrong with the couple. Others don't know, but their own family still don't know?

Take the six girls to show off. It's just hitting yourself in the face.

The tone in the second lady's heart has never been relieved.

Song Pan'er is still pregnant at this age, and the second lady was going to laugh at her.

If Song Pan'er only had a daughter. The second lady has more excuses to go and see the fun.

Now, Song Pan'er gave birth to two men in one go...

The second lady is crying more and more.

On the day when the child washed three, she excused to be busy with the marriage of the four girls and asked the third young grandmother Xia to send gifts for her.

The fourth girl has set a good day on the eighth day of September and will marry the Yuan family in the west of the city.

The Yuan family started as a spice shop. Now there are more than a dozen stores in the west of the city. This marriage was decided by the second master himself.

Because the other party is innocent. There is no objection to the big house.

Because she has money, the second wife is also satisfied.

Song Pan'er knew it was an excuse, and she didn't bother to break it. She smiled.

"...Have you named it?" The old lady hugged one of them and asked Song Paner with a smile.

"Not yet." Song Pan'er smiled and said, "I asked Ziwei Zhenren to approve it, saying that it's best to give a name after a full moon."

The old lady nodded.

The third young grandmother Xia also picked up another one and said with a smile, "I'm in the light of the third aunt."

She entered the door in February, and nothing has happened yet.

The family was afraid that she would be taboo, and they didn't dare to face her.

Now that she said it herself, everyone smiled.

Grandma is also busy taking over the eldest lady's hand: "Mom, give me some credit, too." She is also a difficult person to raise. After entering the door for more than four years, she only got a sister, and she is also plagued and sickly.

The eldest lady smiled and gave the child to the eldest grandmother.

The eldest grandmother and the third grandmother's concubine, and the other one gave the child a pair of gold bracelets.

Simple three gifts, prepare some ordinary meals at home, and entertain the eldest lady and the two grandmothers.

In the outer courtyard, Gu Yanzhen's classmates and Hu Zeyu, who were studying, also came to congratulate him one after another.

He set up a table in the outer courtyard.

These two are still there. After the continuation of Brother Xuan, one ranked tenth and the other ranked eleven.

The servants in the family are only ten young masters, and the eleventh young masters shouted like this.

Xiao Shi is very good. He never cries, is willing to breastfeed, and his little face gets fat day by day. Xiao Eleven grinds people, can't let go for a moment, and eats less. Song Paner changed two wet nurses for him, and when he got to the third one, he gradually got better.

He is much slower than Xiaoshi, and he hasn't seen any change for half a month.

Xiaoshi is the same every day.

On the eighth day of September, the fourth girl in the second room left the cabinet. Song Pan'er was still in confinement, and Gu Jinzhi went to give gifts instead of his mother.

When the second lady saw that it was her, she was not angry. She said in front of her relatives, "... Although we are dressed in white, we are the same as your family. Sister Shan's departure from the cabinet is also a big deal. What does it mean to send a girl from the boudoir to have a wedding wine? There is no one in your mother's eyes.

"Second aunt, my mother is still in confinement!" Gu Jinzhi was not angry. He said to the second lady with a smile, "I gave birth to two younger brothers on August 15th. At that time, you were busy, so you didn't drink three drinks. I'm afraid you forgot it and didn't know.

Then, after thinking about it, he said, "I gave birth to two younger brothers in one child. It's too hard for ordinary people to work. The second aunt may not know that having a male child is the most hurtful, my mother's confinement. It takes two months to recover. Please ask someone. It's not bad. Please understand.

The old face of the second lady. All of a sudden, it was red and black, and he was so angry that he couldn't wait to slap Gu Jin in the face.

Gu Jinzhi is a joke that she doesn't have a son.

Relatives all smiled.

Everyone watches the good show and looks at the two of them.

Gu Jinzhi didn't wait for the second lady to answer, and walked away with a smile.

Song's mother, who accompanied Gu Jinzhi, quickly caught up with her and said to her worriedly, "My sister doesn't care about this, but in the end, she has lost her sharp teeth and contradicted the reputation of her elders. In the future..."

In the future, like Song Pan'er, she will be laughed at by the women of the Jingli Wang clan.

Song's mother didn't dare to say this, so she had to change the words, "In the future, people will say that our girl is frivolous and disrespectful, but how can it be good?"

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Mom, I don't have to say kiss. If you want to be dignified, gentle and virtuous, others will laugh at you. What does it have to do with me? But you can't let the second aunt refer to the deer as a horse. It's not my mother's.

Song's mother smiled bitterly.

The second lady was angry with Gu Jin and ran to the old lady to cry, saying that Gu Jin's eyes were shameless in front of her relatives.

The first lady has always known the character of the second lady, and her heart was that it was not easy for Song Pan'er to have a child. Don't you have an excuse to say a few words now?

Sister Jin, who has three rooms, usually looks elegant and doesn't talk. But she can get the favor of the Empress Dowager. Can she make the second lady bargain?

The first lady ignored it, comforted a few words with a smile, and said, "Children's words are useless. What kind of cruel words can be said in the child's mouth? Don't be over-hearted. Today is a good day for Sister Shan. Don't call Sister Shan, you won't be happy..."

The sixth girl was not happy, so when she got to the palace, she had nothing to do with the second room.

The fourth girl married a rich and noble son-in-law, and she can also help her mother's family in the future, but don't offend her.

Then the second lady wiped her tears, put on her makeup again, and went outside to wait for guests.

Because Ning Yu, the Marquis of Yiyan, said bad things about Gu Jinzhi everywhere, the relatives of the Gu family knew that Gu Jinzhi had cured the empress dowager. Now he is the first celebrity in front of the empress dowager and the emperor, and he also knew that the emperor also punished the Marquis of Yiyan to ban his feet

They didn't know the reason, and thought it was to help Gu Jinzhi out.

Many ladies, come and talk to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi also gossiped with them one by one.

It was only when she was invited to play at home, or made an appointment to visit her at home, so she made a clear refusal: "I have homework every day, and I can't leave."

"My mother is in confinement, I'm afraid I won't be treated well. Thank you very much."

The entertainment is exquisite, but it doesn't look lonely.

On the way home, she leaned on the big pillow and fell asleep.

When he got to the house, the carriage went straight into the gate.

In front of the drooping flower door, the carriage stopped, and Gu Jinzhi woke up.

Song's mother helped her out of the carriage.

She said to Song's mother, "Go quickly. I'll go back to the house and change my clothes."

Song's mother said yes.

Gu Jinzhi sat alone in the small oil car and went back to his yard.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhu's mother and others stopped her, and said excitedly and happily, "Sister Jin, Sister Jin, that Yi Yanhou, he really had a stroke! Since last night, half of my body can't move! You went out to the old house this morning. As soon as you left, someone from the Ning family came to pick you up and then treat Yi Yanhou!"

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help sighing.

The onset of the disease was earlier than she expected.

She thought it could be delayed for half a year. How could she know that she was paralyzed after only three months.


Thank you for the reward of swzxmzxm, Xiaoye Sensen, s, Yan Qinyin, sudaez, Wuyu and Wuyu.

Today's third update has been sent to O(∩_∩)O~ and the first update owed yesterday, which is about ten o'clock in the evening. If you can't wait, you can get up in the morning to watch O(∩_∩)O~