Spring boudoir note

Chapter 127 Full Moon

The Empress Dowager listened to Ning Xuan's crying and was full of anger.

Gu Jinzhi said "dare not" that day, so it was not exaggerated at all.

When these people of the Ning family are cured, they say that Gu Jinzhi is flattering and flattering them; and the effect of the medicine is slower, and it is said that Gu Jinzhi is teasing them.

It's unreasonable!

The Empress Dowager smashed the Ruyao tea cup on the table on the ground and shouted angrily, "Stupid things, who can drink medicine in a moment? At the beginning, Miss Gu made a prescription and said how many days it would take to drink?

Ning Xuan has never seen the Empress Dowager so angry.

The Empress Dowager is rarely angry, and she is very kind to her nieces and nieces.

Ning Xuan only thought that the Empress Dowager was her aunt, but forgot that the Empress Dowager was Gu Jin's future mother-in-law.

Gu Jinzhi cured the Empress Dowager's stubborn illness and took care of the King of Luyang who was smart and sensible. The Empress Dowager loved her and was grateful to her.

And the Ning family, in addition to being the blood brother of the Empress Dowager, he also likes to make trouble. What else did they do?

Originally, the palm of the palm was full of meat, but the Empress Dowager asked Gu Jinzhi to save Ning Yu, which was already in a dilemma.

But Gu Jinzhi was wronged, and he didn't know a word, which was really pitiful and heartbreaking. As for the Ning family, it's okay if they are not grateful, but Gu Jinzhi thought so unbearable and looked down on Gu Jinzhi everywhere.

The high and low appeared immediately, and the Ning family was suddenly compared with Gu Jinzhi.

The scale in the Empress Dowager's heart was completely crooked.

The Ning family repeatedly provoked Gu Jinzhi, and the Empress Dowager's patience was also exhausted, and she couldn't help drinking Ning Xuan angrily.

Ning Xuan's crying stopped abruptly.

She was shocked, her back was a little cold, and she didn't know how to answer.

"How many days is it?" The voice of the Empress Dowager was mentioned again, and it became more and more majestic.

Ning Xuan was half scared to death. She quickly knelt down and kowtowed, "Yes... I mean a month..."

"Has it arrived in a month?" The Empress Dowager asked harshly.

Ning Xuan cried again and dared not answer.

"Hasn't it been a month?" The Empress Dowager's voice is louder.

Ning Xuan was scared and cried and said, "Not yet...yet..."

"No, how do you know that the recipe is useless?" The Empress Dowager shouted angrily, "Where is the evidence that Miss Gu teased you? Without real evidence, you actually ran to the palace to deceive the mourning family. Can you only be guilty of bullying the king?"

Ning Xuan's body suddenly collapsed to the ground.

She kowtowed: "Empress dowager and aunt, look at my ignorance in my childhood... I will never dare to do it again."

Then he cried so much that he almost fainted.

The Empress Dowager snorted heavily, got up, entered the inner hall, and asked Chang Shun to drive Ning Xuan out.

After scolding Ning Xuan, the Empress Dowager was still half angry.

She can finally understand Gu Jinzhi's mood.

Such a person is unreasonable and only thinks about himself. Others treat them better in order to flatt them; if they treat them less, they will be jealous and kill them.

It's simply unreasonable!

The Empress Dowager was fiercely angered by Ning Xuan. Aunt Cheng persuaded her in every way, and her mood gradually calmed down.

"... Children really can't be spoiled." The Empress Dowager told Aunt Cheng about Yi Yanhou and sighed, "If it hadn't been for the large number of sisters in the family and only one brother, his parents would not have spoiled him so much. Then he was afraid that he would be wronged, so he specially chose a soft and docile daughter-in-law.

His daughter-in-law was outstanding, obedient and filial. In those years, no one in the family praised her. It was not until more than ten years later that the disadvantages were revealed: he was praised by everyone, and no one looked down on him. No one was flattering him with any kind heart. And his daughter-in-law is too virtuous. She can neither meet her husband nor teach her children. She is blindly weak.

In previous years, it was okay, but I couldn't see Sister Xuan's character. Now I know that it is carved in the same mold as the brother of the Ai family, and it is difficult to become a big weapon.

Aunt Cheng smiled and handed a cantaloupe to the Empress Dowager with a silver toothpick. She coaxed her to use it and didn't dare to answer.

"... There is no queen in the palace. The eldest princess and the second princess are brought by the Mammies. Will they also develop the character of Sister Xuan in the future?" The Empress Dowager thought of the emperor's two daughters.

The two princesses, one was born to Concubine Su and the other was born to Concubine Zhang.

"Will the emperor agree to tell the emperor tomorrow to bring the two princesses to raise them?" The Empress Dowager asked Aunt Cheng.

The princesses and princes in the palace are all customized.

Everyone is born with a palace, and everyone has a designated palace to serve.

The Empress Dowager raised a princess, but this dynasty has not yet passed.

The eldest prince, the empress dowager, did not dare to raise him, for fear that the courtiers would say that he grew up as a woman in the future.

But the princess doesn't matter.

"How can I disagree with this?" Aunt Cheng smiled and said, "It's just that the eldest princess is only three years old and the second princess is only one and a half years old. You have to work hard again. The emperor is filial, I'm afraid I'm worried about you..."

"My family is already ready." The Empress Dowager smiled and made up her mind to take the two princesses to Kunning Palace in person **, and they will be promising in the future.

Aunt Cheng had to say hello with a smile.

When the emperor came to say hi in the evening, the empress dowager told the emperor about this matter: "... I'm afraid that those concubines will teach their sisters. Now one is only three years old and the other is one and a half years old, which is the right time for good upbringing. There is no queen in the palace, and the mourning family can't let their sisters be raised by the palace people.

The emperor thought that there were hundreds of people in Kunning Palace, and there was no need for the Empress Dowager to really serve their sisters to eat and dress. It's just funny in her spare time. There's nothing wrong with it.

Like the second princess, when she was born, the empress dowager was sick and had not even seen much.

"All right." The emperor said, "Tomorrow, turn over the almanac, choose a good day, and bring their sisters over to raise them. Mother, would you like to add some more palace people to serve?

"No, no." The Empress Dowager said happily that she finally forgot the unhappiness brought by Ning Xuan. "The emperor will agree. The rest of the family will be controlled by himself. The emperor doesn't have to worry at all."

The emperor said it was good.


On the Gu family, Gu Jinzhi, Zhu Zhongjun and Brother Xuan were all in their mother's main courtyard, coaxing their two younger brothers to play.

Song Paner couldn't bear to part with her child. It was almost one month old. She didn't say that they would live in the yard separately, but only rested in her warm pavilion.

Gu Jinzhi hugged Xiao Shi, Song's mother hugged Xiao Shi, and went into the inner room to show Song Paner.

Gu Yanzhen is also here.

He discussed the child's name with Song Pan'er.

"... When Brother Chen was born, because the Taoist priest criticized that the five elements lacked wood, but he was alone, and he might defeat his mother. You need to use the shock level to press it. The earthquake position belongs to the wood, and it is protecting the Kun position. At that time, the eldest sister-in-law gave birth to Brother Chen and suffered a great loss. The eldest brother believed the Taoist priest's words and gave him 'Chen' without using the jade word;

Brother Qing, who was born in the second room, lost his mother. He was afraid that the child would be lonely in the future, so he took the word 'Qing' to suppress the evil spirit. When it comes to Brother Xuan, there is also a lack of fire in the five elements. Nowadays, these two children are not lacking in the five elements, and there is nothing else to pay attention to. Is it from the jade character or give another word? Gu Yanzhen asked Song Pan'er.

Song Pan'er said with a smile, "Since there is no taboo, use the jade character next to it."

Gu Yanzhen hurriedly took a few words for himself and showed them to Song Pan'er: "Zhao, like jade, there are words that can be made into a weapon in ancient times; Yao, it means that a gentleman is self-improvement; he means that beautiful pearls are flawless, perfect..."

He said more than ten words in one breath, "Zhen, Chen, Yan, Yan, Qi, Qi, Xuan, Shen, Yan, Min", each word has a source and meaning.

Song Paner and others listened to him with a smile.

"You are more careful than when you do Shiwen." Song Pan'er teased him, and then chose him carefully.

Compeed with each other, I always think the first three words are the best.

"Yi, Yi..." Song Pan'er thought for a moment and said, "Just these two. I read these two words the most smoothly.

Gu Yanzhen smiled and said, "I also like these words, so I put them in the front."

Everyone laughs.

So, Xiaoshi got the name of "Gu Yuzhi", and Xiaoshi got the name of "Gu Yuzhi". The family changed their words happily.

When the two children were one month old, Song Pan'er was in confinement, and the ban in the city was also lifted.

The Gu family held a three-day banquet and invited the eldest lady, big * milk, and the third grandmother to help.

On that day, relatives with a little relationship in Beijing all issued invitations.

There are also many people of the Gu clan who have not come and go for a long time, who also come to join the fun.

Everyone wants their children to be hugged and begged for good luck.

The married second cousin and the fourth cousin also came.

The second cousin is much bigger than Gu Jin.

When Gu Jinzhi was two years old, her second cousin left the cabinet. Now she is the patriarchal daughter-in-law of Chuanning Bofu, helping her mother-in-law to preside over the gift. As soon as she entered the door and gave birth to two sons in three years, everyone flattered the eldest lady and praised the second cousin and Song Paner together, saying that they were both blessed.

Another person gloated and asked, "Has your second wife come? I haven't seen her for a long time.

Of course, the second lady will not come.

She came to Gu Jinzhi to death.

She always doesn't come when she does things in the third room; if she has something to do, Song Pan'er doesn't go, and the two concubines have really become enemies.

On the first birthday, the Empress Dowager asked Chang Gong to send two pure gold long-life locks.

Song Paner went to the outer courtyard to pick up Yi Zhi and got something. After coming back, the eyes of the relatives almost burst on fire.

Song Pan'er is even more complacent.

Gu Jinzhi is still lazy, pretending to be a child in the back, no matter what to do, just sitting and eating and drinking.

Song Pan'er didn't count on her either.

After sitting in front of him for a while and listening to the half-time scene, Gu Jinzhi copied the path back to the main courtyard to see Brother Wei and Brother Yi.

Bypassing a cloister, it is a rockery.

Cover from the rockery will save a lot of roads.

Gu Jinzhi is usually turned over, just for exercise.

As soon as she climbed the rockery, she heard a woman's low sob in the cave below.

"Go, tell your aunt to go!" Gu Jinzhi heard the voice of the third sister-in-law Xia, "That's not bad! The people in our house are unreliable, and there are big houses. What kind of low-level family is our family?

"The happy day, forget it." Another voice choked and said, "Let's talk about it next time."

is a fourth sister who just got married more than a month ago.


Ask for the pink ticket for the third update!!

Thank you for the reward of xiao fan shuo, Laojun Xinhua Road 730, passionate love ^^, sudaez, enya2013. RS