Spring boudoir note

Chapter 130 Famous

"Mom, go and help me." Gu Jinzhi saw that Danqi was full of people kneeling down, which was funny for a moment. Seeing that his parents seemed to be quite shocked, he whispered to his mother, "Anyway, they didn't kneel because of us. Just help it up. You can stand it.

Song Pan'er's heart has always been profound.

He just knelt down on the top ten people in the Ning family and tempted her. One of Gu Jin reminded her that she suddenly came to her senses and thought, "This must be kneeling down for the empress dowager."

He was also funny in his heart. He pushed Gu Yanzhen, who was also stunned beside him, and twisted his arm in a low voice: "Let's go and help him. Look at my eyes later."

Gu Yanzhen came to his senses and nodded.

He thought it was rare.

The Ning family kowtowed three times in the mind of the Gu family.

Gu Yanzhen helped Ning Yu, Song Paner helped Mrs. Ning, and Gu Jinzhi falsely helped Ning Yu.

Ning Yu lowered her head and couldn't see whether she was reluctant or ashamed. She had never looked at Gu Jinzhi, and she was a little afraid of Gu Jin's eyes.

Mrs. Ning was sincerely grateful. She shivered and took Song Paner's hand and cried, "My marquis said half a month ago, his mouth and eyes were straight; five days ago, his hand could also be moved. I got up early the day before yesterday, and I could move my legs and stand up. Xie En, who went to the palace yesterday, told the Empress Dowager to know. Today, I came to express my special thanks to Miss Seven. Miss Seven is really our life-saving bodhisattva..."

She has already burst into tears.

Since Ning Qi fell ill, she thought that as her husband, her life was over, and she would have been delayed for a year and a half at most.

She didn't dare to dream, and Ning Yu could move and stand up again.

She remembered an uncle in her family when she was a child, who also had a sudden stroke. A good person lay in ** and didn't know how to feed, but only giggle. When you die, you will pee all over, and you can't be clean at the end of your life.

She also remembered that when she was 20 years old, her grandmother's mother-in-law, Mrs. Wan, fell ill all night and also had a stroke. Such a shrewd and capable woman can't say anything. The two daughters-in-law who were usually mean to her were filial in front of Mr. Wan and the second uncle of the Wan family, but they played tricks on her behind her back. She also died two months later, which was life-and-death.

Mrs. Ning never thought that one day her husband would also have a stroke.

In Mrs. Ning's heart, stroke is the happiest way to die.

She expected that Ning Na would not end well, and most of her heart was dead. Just waiting for Ning Nai to go, he also found a rope to hang up.

Now, Ning Na is actually better.

This is something Mrs. Ning has never heard of.

Gu Jinzhi not only saved Ning Ying, but also saved her.

She ced with gratitude.

Song Paner thought, "The Ning family really went to the advanced palace."

When the Empress Dowager saw that Ning Ying was well, she was naturally happy. She did not forget that it was Gu Jinzhi's credit, so she told them to come to Gu Jinzhi and kowtow to Gu Jinzhi, not only thanked Gu Jinzhi for saving her life, but also apologized to the previous dirty behavior.

Otherwise, the Ning family would not be so sensible.

Song Pan'er sneered in her heart.

She will suffer whatever the Ning family gives.

She took out a handkerchief to wipe Mrs. Ning's tears and said with a smile, "It's also the blessing of Lord Ning. Our sister just tried her best."

"No, no!" As soon as Mrs. Ning walked, she cried and said, "You don't have to be modest. Miss Seven is the reborn parent of our family!"

Everyone was surrounded and entered the main courtyard.

Song Paner helped Mrs. Ning, and the two guards supported Ning Ying. Gu Yanzhen followed. Gu Jinzhi sent Ning Yu's hand and asked her to follow the crowd into the east room.

She pulled out and ordered Song's mother and others to settle down the maids who followed Hao Ning's family to have tea.

The two guards placed Lord Ning on the kang, saluted, and retreated to the door.

"Miss Seven... thank you very much... for your kindness." Ning Qi said that it was still not very smooth, and his tongue was a little astringent.

"The marquis forgot that I was ordered to be treated that day?" Gu Jinzhi smiled and picked out the relationship with Ning Yu, "You should thank the empress dowager. The empress dowager asked me to go to your house."

Ning Zhi and Mrs. Ning can also hear the alienation in her words.

Ning Qi's eyes were full of regret: "When, that day... You bastard, I said something unpleasant, and I should have this retribution... Miss Seven repays her grievances with virtue... I'm so grateful..."

This is still like a human language.

Song Pan'er looked at Gu Jinzhi.

She was a little afraid that Gu Jinzhi would forgive Ning Ying.

Ning Qian's apology this time is not only grateful, but also wants Gu Jinzhi to continue to treat him.

Song Pan'er didn't think about it.

She can't be said to be cruel in her heart, but she will remember who offended her. What's more, Ning Qi suffered on his own, and God also punished him.

Why does Gu Jinzhi have to fight against God for him?

It's not Gu Jin who harmed him like this.

When Gu Jinzhi listened to Ning Yu's self-regretful words, he just smiled and lowered his head without saying a word.

Mrs. Ning is wiping her tears again. She is soft-hearted, but a little too soft.

After Ning Yu finished speaking, he saw that Gu Jinzhi did not answer. Song Paner and Gu Yanzhen just sat in silence. They didn't know how to say what they had planned to say later.

Mrs. Ning doesn't matter. She only knows how to say thank you.

Ning Yu looked at it. When her father needed to use her, she looked down a few times and prayed to Gu Jinzhi: "Miss Seven, my father's illness is all about your wonderful rejuvenation. It's just that after taking the medicine this month, what kind of medicine can I take to completely heal my father's illness?

Oh, are you completely better?

Song Pan'er's eyes stared: Is the wind cold?

Gu Jinzhi thought for a moment, pondered, and suddenly smashed the tea cup in his hand to the ground.

The people in the room's hearts beat and didn't understand why she suddenly got angry.

The atmosphere suddenly calmed down.

Ning Yu's hands were tightly clasped together.

She lowered her head and didn't dare to let Gu Jinzhi see her expression.

The broken porcelain was on the ground, and the sound disappeared for a long time, and the floating leaves splashed all over the ground.

Gu Jinzhi pointed to the broken porcelain cup and said, "If this tea cup is worth ten thousand taels of gold. It's broken at this moment. I found the best craftsman to make up for it. Can I still make tea when I get it back? It is rare to see no gaps and put them in the viewing. If you have to use tea again, isn't it difficult to be a craftsman?

The Ning family didn't say anything.

Ning Yu scolded in his heart: Don't you just want to say that there is nothing you can do?

To put it bluntly, you have to smash a bowl. What is it?

Is it true that it can't be cured?

Didn't Gu Jinzhi see that he would have a stroke when Ning Yu was not sick?

Gu Jinzhi has such ability and can make Ning Ying stand up. Why can't she heal him?

She must have reservations.

Ning Yu felt that Gu Jinzhi was more and more hateful.

But she didn't dare to show herself. She was afraid of being scolded by the empress dowager.

Although Ning Qi is also proud and complacent, she has seen the world better than her daughter.

He knew that he should not have taken a chance, and he also knew that his illness could reach this point, and he also met Gu Jinzhi, a doctor who was such a genius.

He is no longer looking forward to it.

He looked at Mrs. Ning and motioned to leave.

Mrs. Ning got up and said to the Gu family, "We have understood Miss Seven's words. Today, I was just here to thank you, but I caused trouble to Miss Seven again. I'm really sorry. When the marquis is better, he will definitely ask his wife and Miss Seven to sit down at the door..."

Song Pan'er also smiled and said OK.

Ning Qi also said, "Thank you...Miss Xie Qi..."

He thanked him again.

Ning Yu was unwilling to see her parents give up like this.

But she didn't dare to splash in front of her father, so she had to leave.

Song Pan'er called the people they served, and together with Gu Yanzhen, they were sent to the door of the drooping flowers in the snow.

As soon as they left, Song Pan'er called the boy: "What did the Ning family carry? Show me the list."

The gift was just carried to the outer courtyard, and the list was also given to the chiefguan, Sun Yutang.

The little boy was killed and went to call Sun Yutang.

Sun Yutang came in quickly and gave the list to Song Paner.

Song Pan'er looked at it once and gave it to Gu Yanzhen again.

Gu Yanzhen is a little tongue-dropping.

After reading it, he showed it to Gu Jinzhi.

Gifts from the Ning family: one hundred taels of gold, two thousand silver, five pigs, five sheep, ten robes, ten deer, thirty pheasant, thirty hens, thirty roosters, two tea leaves, two slices of wild boar, five halves, five halves of fine rice, half- Fifty gemstone rings of all colors.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "There are so many things."

Song Pan'er took the order again and said with a smile, "Isn't Lord Ning's life worth these things?"

Then he said to Sun Yutang, "Bry those things in first, and I'll see what's good. Yutian Jingmi was handed over to the old man's small kitchen in the outer courtyard for the old man to eat; pigs, sheep and chickens were ordinary. I just sent half of the deer, robe, wild pheasant and wild boar to the old house. Remember to make it clear how these things come from.

Sun Yutang said yes.

After he went out, a moment someone came in carrying things.

The half-person-high white jade Buddha statue is of excellent quality, and it can't be found without hundreds of taels of silver; jade Ruyi, tourmaline pearl bracelets, and all kinds of gemstone rings are all objects in the palace, and the color is not picky.

Song Pan'er asked Gu Jinzhi if he wanted it.

"What am I going to do?" Gu Jinzhi said with a smile, "Mom, let's go out to reward the children next time."

Song Paner asked Begonia and Shaoyao to open a small warehouse and put them all in.

This matter also spread quickly.

The flat-headed people are also in an uproar.

Stroke is a very common disease, so everyone knows that it is extremely difficult to cure.

Now Lord Ning has been half cured.

The other side of the hospital was shocked again.

Dr. Peng Leyi and Dr. Zeng from the Imperial Hospital fought for Gu Jinzhi and handed over a post to ask Gu Jinzhi for teaching.

Gu Jinzhi refused.

She is a boudoir after all.

Then, Zhu Zhongjun asked Gu Jinzhi, "I remember you went to the mountainous area of Sichuan. Two years later, an old man sent you mountain goods all the way to say that you had cured his stroke. At that time, you also said that the old man took two years of medicine because of a two-month stroke; if he had a stroke, he would take medicine for half a year. Nowadays, Ning Qi's illness really can't be healed?

"Of course it can be good." Gu Jin said, "But why should it be good?"

Zhu Zhongjun sneered.

It's true. Why should he be cured?

People always have to look at Shu.

If Ning Qi was abandoned, he would always remember that if it hadn't been for Gu Jinzhi, he would not even have had the opportunity to waste it. Gu Jinzhi was a life-saving person. If he was allowed to move freely and forget the pain when the scar was healed, would he think that Gu Jinzhi would cure his leg in the future

Zhu Zhongjun smiled.

He feels that Gu Jinzhi is like him now!

In her words and deeds, there is more or less the shadow of Zhu Zhongjun's teaching.


Thank you for the reward of sudaez, spinning dancer, passionate love ^^, morgana@@.

Ask for the pink ticket in the third update! RS