Spring boudoir note

Chapter 134 Play

After all the money sent from Luzhou was put into the warehouse, Tao Ren gave the accounts to Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun handed it over to Gu Jinzhi in front of Tao Ren.

Gu Jinzhi didn't say a word politely. He looked through it directly, and then said it to Zhu Zhongjun one by one.

Tao Ren muttered in his heart: Does he understand, prince?

Then, he secretly looked at Zhu Zhongjun, and as expected, he was hanging his head and playing with Gu Jinzhi's ears on the jade pendant.

Tao Ren sighed deeply in his heart.

The prince probably can't be good in his life.

However, this prospective concubine is very sensible. Knowing that the prince didn't understand, he still read it to him and respected the prince everywhere. He was not like Miss Qianlan, and always regarded the prince as a child.

Although he is a child, he is also the head of the royal family.

After reading, Gu Jinzhi put together the account book and asked Zhu Zhongjun, "The things are still handed over to the Tao Guanshi. What do you want? Let the Tao Guanshi send it to you, okay?"

Zhu Zhongjun looked at Tao Ren and didn't understand a little in his eyes.

Then, Gu Jinzhi quietly signaled to him. Then he nodded, took over the account book, called Tao Ren, and said, "Take care of it. What I want? Send someone to tell you!"

Tao Ren hurriedly took it over and said yes.

As soon as Tao Ren left, Zhu Zhongjun said to Gu Jinzhi, "He is very honest and loyal. The more loyal people are, the less courageous they are. He is the general manager of the house, and there must be a lot of shortcomings..."

Looking at people is the basic skill of their previous life.

For decades, I have always learned a lot of lessons when I make mistakes. Nowadays, it can be seen that people are inseparable.

"I can't go back now, at least I have to stay in Beijing for two years. Whoever rapes and who is loyal will think about it later. Gu Jin's way.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't say anything more.

He has been here for more than half a year, and he rarely mentions his future.

What to learn and what to do?

He didn't ask at all. He just fooled around with Gu Jin every day and live leisurely.

Gu Jinzhi thinks this is good.

Aren't you tired enough in your previous life?

Now be an idle prince, eat and drink worry-free, only retire, and have a strong and vibrant body. This is the best way to retire from God.

In the east room of Gu Jinzhi's small courtyard, the ground kang was burned, and the warm current was quietly.

The weather is very good and there is no wind, which is a rare winter in Beijing Normal University.

Zhu Zhongjun lay on the ink brocade pillow, turned over the Analects of Confucius, and medited silently. He couldn't understand or couldn't understand it. He didn't delve into it. He memorized every word in his heart.

After lunch, the sun turned to the west and shone brightly on the window lattice.

Zhu Zhongjun pushed open the window.

Two short green calyx plum trees under the window, lying lazily in the sunshine, quiet and peaceful. A wisp of fragrance, if there is nothing, not deliberately not strong, no peach's beautiful wind, no lotus pavilion pure planting, no chrysanthemum's secluded arrogance, quietly standing in the cold winter wind, adding luster to the pure winter.

Opposite him, Gu Jinzhi sat, wearing a home-style green cotton-padded jacket, combing a bun, leaving a thick bang, covering his smooth forehead. The crescent-shaped bangs and thick eyelashes were connected together, covering her eyes.

She bowed her head to write, and the scorching sun shone on her face. She accidentally raised her wrist slightly, gently touched the bangs covering her eyes, and then continued to write.

Quiet and elegant, plain heart is still the same.

Zhu Zhongjun released Buddha to see her when she was a child.

At that time, her smile was like a shallow and clear lotus.

He prefers her like this.

He got up and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Gu Jinzhi suddenly raised his hand, and the brush slid across Zhu Zhongjun's face, using the eyebrows to the corners of his lips, and his face was full of ink.

He was furious, wiped it casually, and then wiped it on Gu Jinzhi's face again.

Gu Jinzhi knew his intention and turned around to run. As a result, he tripped a few times by the kang and fell directly from the kang to the ground.

There was a loud noise.

Zhu's mother and others, who served outside, hurried in.

Then, I saw Gu Jinzhi, who fell to the ground, and Zhu Zhongjun, whose face was full of ink. Everyone wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and they were holding back.

Zhu's mother and Nishang quickly picked up Gu Jinzhi and said with a smile, "The girl is messing with the prince again."

Gu Jinzhi got up and saw Zhu Zhongjun's continuous ink, which was wiped away by himself. His whole face was black, and he laughed breathlessly.

Hearing her laughing, the maids couldn't help laughing loudly.

Zhu Zhongjun himself was also amused.

Nishang was also laughing. He laughed enough and scolded others: "Go and bring water to wash the prince's face!"

I was busy going by myself.

Youhe took out Gu Jinzhi's usual pancreatic paste and gave it to Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't want others to serve him: "Xiao Qi wash for me!"

He tossed Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi felt more and more funny. He got up and wiped his pancreas on his hand first, rubbed it and wiped his face.

I washed it twice, but some of the ink still hasn't been washed off.

Zhu Zhongjun stared at her.

Gu Jinzhi laughed and said, "Let you be unruly!"

Zhu Zhongjun was furious, and his fists clenched tightly and stared at her vigorously.

At dusk, he went to the main courtyard for dinner. Song Pan'er's eyes were sharp. Seeing that Zhu Zhongjun's face was a little dirty, he called Mu Qing to snatch water and wash Zhu Zhongjun's face.

Then he asked Youhe, who followed him, "Why don't you clean the prince once all day long? If I tell you less, you will be more lazy!"

You He wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to argue. He remembered it in a low voice. He didn't dare next time.

Gu Jinzhi is also bowing his head and smiling.

Song Pan'er knew that there was a reason.

When Mu Qing came back from serving Zhu Zhongjun's face, his face was still like that and could not be washed off.

Song Paner frowned and pulled Zhu Zhongjun to look: "What's going on? Sister Jin, what's on the prince's face?

"Xiao Qi!" Zhu Zhongjun immediately found a way to revenge on Gu Jinzhi. He was wronged and said to Song Paner, "Xiao Qi wiped my face with ink!"

Gu Jinzhi sneered.

Song Pan'er was slightly angry: "How many adults, why do you still love to play like this? If the Empress Dowager Xuan enters the palace and looks at it, won't she feel sad? Go to hell!"

Gu Jinzhi explained with a smile, "It's just a joke. How can I know that he doesn't hide..." Without finishing his words, he couldn't help laughing when he remembered Zhu Zhongjun's funny just now.

After Song Paner scolded her daughter, she turned around and said to Zhu Zhongjun, "Xiao Qi likes the prince, so she is making trouble with the prince."

said good words for Gu Jinzhi again.

Zhu Zhongjun always evaluates a person from many angles, so it is difficult for him to really like a person.

But he really likes Song Paner.

No matter from which aspect, Song Pan'er is a good mother. Maybe she is not strict enough to spoil the child, but she can give the child a down-to-earth and safe.

She is straightforward and treats the people she likes with real tolerance and care.

Zhu Zhongjun remembered his childhood and his mother. He couldn't help looking at Gu Jinzhi and praised her for her life.

For a moment, Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan also went out of school.

Song Paner asked the two brothers what they learned in the school today as usual.

Mr. You teaches, writes in the morning, writes in the morning, and explains and recites in the afternoon.

"...Sir said that my brother's handwriting was beautiful, and he gave him a pen." Brother Xuan said happily that he was happier than he got something.

Brother Yan is a little nervous.

He got it, Brother Xuan didn't get it, and I don't think his mother would like it.

Song Pan'er smiled and said, "In the past, your father said that your words were good. It's not easy to write good words in such a small way. You should pay attention to it in the future.

Brother Yu was surprised and surprised. He quickly got up and saluted and said, "The child will study hard and live up to his mother's teachings."

Song Pan'er asked him to sit down.

Gu Yanzhen came in the end.

He went out again today.

"...Hu Zeyu's family and Mei Qing have come to Beijing." Gu Yanzhen said happily to Song Pan'er, "I used to drink with Hu Zeyu. Suddenly, Hu Zeyu's codant came to report that the wife and Mrs. had gone to Beijing with Dr. Qin and had arrived home."

Mei Qing is the word of Qin Shensi.

Last time, his eldest brother Qin Wei went to the funeral. Because he was in prison, the Qin family felt ashamed and offended the public's anger, so there was no big burial. The funerals of relatives and friends were not accepted, and only the thin coffin was put into the coffin.

Qin Shensi did not come back either.

I don't know if he came to Beijing to worship Qin Weishi or something else...

Song Pan'er said softly and was not interested.

She has no good impression on Hu Zeyu's wife Jiang and daughter Hu Jie.

After dinner, Gu Jinzhi and his mother were talking in the room.

She smiled and said, "At the beginning, Hu Jie had a lot of friendship with her second cousin, but she came back without having decided anything..."

Song Paner said, "If your aunt is picky like that, you can't even like you. Can you still like Hu Jie?"

Gu Jinzhi thinks so.

The next day, Qin Shensi and Hu Zeyu's family came to visit Gu's family.

Seeing the house of the Gu family, Hu Jie and Mrs. Hu's eyes were straight.

Their yard in Beijing is narrow and narrow, not as small as a pavilion in this house.

When you come in through the main gate, it is the pool corridor, and then the serious porter. This item alone takes up a lot of places. It's really luxurious.

Go further in, enter the main door, and go around for a long time to the door of the weeping flower.

After entering the hanging flower door, the woman was waiting with the car.

Mrs. Hu and Hu Jie went into the inner courtyard to visit Song Paner and Gu Jinzhi. Hu Zeyu, Hu Zhuo and Qin Shensi went to the outer study.

Seeing Mrs. Hu, Song Pan'er was not very enthusiastic.

After talking for a while, the maid outside said that Master Hu is going back and inviting his wife.

Mrs. Hu took the opportunity to leave.

"I don't like her." Song Pan'er said to his daughter.

Gu Jin's smile.

"What are you arrogant about?" Mrs. Hu also said to her daughter.

Going out of Gu's house, Hu Zeyu took his wife and children and went to Yongxihou's house.

The Hu family of Yongxihou is their own family, and they only have three clothes.

Mrs. Hu is eloquent, and the old lady and marquis of the Hu family also like their mother and daughter.

Hearing that they came from the Gu family, Mrs. Yongxi Hou suddenly lit up and asked with a smile, "Do you have some friendship with the Gu family?"

Mrs. Hu nodded quickly: "When I was in Yanling Mansion, I was often there."

Mrs. Yongxihou said, "Please invite Mrs. Gu and Miss to come to our house another day. Because we are not familiar with each other, it is not easy to be rash. Since you know each other, you can make a referral.

Mrs. Hu was slightly surprised.

She just came to Beijing and doesn't know a lot of things.

"Yes." She was full of acceptance.


Thank you for the reward RS of Sven scum, Sudaez, Grass House, enya2013