Spring boudoir note

Chapter 137 Night Wine

In the blink of an eye, in the middle of winter, there was another heavy snow. The goose feather-like snowflakes danced gently all over the sky, and the plum blossoms in the courtyard became more and more fragrant.

Before it snowed, there was a strong wind for a few days, and it became colder and colder.

Someone at home was caught in the wind and cold.

Mr. You also fell ill.

Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan had a holiday.

Song Paner specially asked the imperial doctor to treat Mr. You and take medicine.

Because Mr. Gu didn't care about his business, Gu Jinzhi was not a famous doctor. Like this kind of cold and minor illness, he was also a gentleman, so he directly invited the imperial doctor to have a look.

It was Dr. Peng Leyi who came.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to discuss knowledge with Gu Jin.

At the beginning, in Baiyunguan, the imperial doctor sent by the emperor to take care of the King of Luyang was Peng Leyi. He took care of Gu Yanzhen and Mr. Gu for half a month, and had a little friendship with Gu Yanzhen.

Gu Yanzhen was not satisfied.

He darkened his face slightly and said, "Doctor Peng, my sister has indeed walked in the hospital. You have also seen it. You shouldn't have anything. Now I'm also waiting to get married. Where can I get out of the second family? Although our family is from the countryside, we also understand this reason. Why don't you understand it?

Peng Leyi blushed and repeatedly accused him: "I'm Meng Lang, and I don't mean to be so frivolous. It's just because Miss Seven's medical skills are unheard of, and I'm eager to ask for art!"

Gu Yanzhen's face turned slightly.

In the heavy snow, Gu Yanzhen put on his clothes and hat, went back to the inner courtyard, told Song Paner about Peng Leyi, and said, "Don't ask Sister Jin to see people again in the future!" Everyone else is regarded as a doctor. How can there be the dignity of a girl from a family? When the Empress Dowager knew it, she must be unhappy. Who wants to marry a daughter-in-law who always shows up?

Gu Yanzhen's words, Song Pan'er has always listened with one ear.

This time, she was deeply convinced.

Sure enough, she went to call Gu Jinzhi, took out Gu Yanzhen's words and told her again: "Go back into the palace and go to the empress dowager to have a look, and others don't want to go. There are so many famous doctors in Beijing. How can't you save your life without you?

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said yes, and then drilled into his mother's arms: "It's so snowy today. Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan are both playing at my place. Mother, give us a jar of wine to eat, and it's cold.

Song Pan'er has always been not allowed to drink at their children's house.

But there is also mild rice wine at home, which is also made for children to eat.

Looking at Gu Jinzhi's good-behavedness, Song Paner sneered and said, "You are going to be busy by yourself. Since you want to eat wine, call those two kids to come and eat with me!"

I don't want to give it.

Gu Jinzhi begged again.

Song Pan'er didn't let go and said, "What kind of wine do you eat at your child's house?"

Gu Jinzhi had to leave.

As soon as she returned to her yard, Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan came up and asked her if she wanted to drink.

Gu Jinzhi shook his head, and then said with a smile, "Let's quietly open the corner door in the south, and there is a back alley behind it. How about asking the keeper to drink wine and buy some fruit from the outside?"

Brother Yan is a little scared.

If Song Pan'er knows that he can't be scolded, he will definitely bear the brunt of it. At that time, the mother must say that he instigated his sister and brother to fool around.

Brother Xuan's eyes are shining.

When Zhu Zhongjun saw Gu Jinzhi's playful spirit, his usual quietness and strength were all gone, like a child king.

She liked children very much in her previous life.

She not only assisted more than a hundred children in the mountains, but also picked up Huai Nan, who had no father and no mother, as her adopted daughter.

Every time she plays with her child, she is very attentive.

Zhu Zhongjun interrupted their idea and said, "Is it not easy to send someone to the royal palace to get two jars of good wine? Take the corner door to the west and sneak it in. It's better than buying it outside.

Gu Jinzhi thought it was very appropriate.

While they were talking hotly, Song Pan'er sent a maid and said, "Madam, let me tell the young lady and the young master that no one is allowed to fool around. I didn't give you wine in the daytime. When it was more, my wife gave me wine to everyone to eat.

Everyone takes care of Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "I know."

Then he asked someone to reward the little maid with some money.

In the afternoon, Gu Jinzhi took Brother Xuan and Brother Yan to kick the shuttlecock in the room.

Zhu Zhongjun knows that this is a relatively common sport in this era.

But he can't, and he doesn't want to. He just read a book and watch them kick.

Gu Jinzhi played the best and was compared by Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan.

The two kids lost a little anxiously.

Brother Xuan even deliberately hit one of Gu Jin and knocked off her haslin.

Gu Jinzhi picked him up and pressed him on the kang to tickle.

Brother Xuan couldn't hide, but he was afraid of itching. He laughed and shouted. Sometimes he called his mother for help, sometimes the seventh sister spare her life, and then called the eighth brother for help.

Brother Yu came up to push Gu Jinzhi.

Finally, the two brothers finally subdued Gu Jinzhi.

The two brothers pressed Gu Jinzhi and scratched Gu Jinzhi's itch.

Zhu's mother was anxious: "Girl, young master, don't make too much trouble. Madam knows that she will scold again!"

Where did the children listen to her? The two of them worked together to scratch Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jin's hands and feet were used together, but he couldn't get up. He laughed so much first.

Zhu Zhongjun felt that Gu Jinzhi was so naive at this time.

Such a big man plays so hard with his children that I don't know what she thinks.

But watching his wife being bullied by these two little things, he couldn't spare it, so he came to help.

In the end, everyone got into a fight.

Zhu's mother and others advised again: "Don't hurt, your hands and feet should be lighter."

Where would Gu Jinzhi and others listen?

After making a scene, everyone's hair was scattered.

Zhu Zhongjun saw that Gu Jin's hair was loose, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were full of laughter. He actually became a little uncomfortable.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Only then did Zhu's mother and others separate them, combing their hair, washing their faces, and tidying up their clothes.

There was a scene, and several people sweated a little on their backs and became hot.

"Play quietly later and stop making trouble." Zhu's mother said to Gu Jinzhi and others, "If you make trouble like this again, I will ask someone to tell my wife."

"No more trouble." Both Gu Jinzhi and Brother Xuan said. "Brother Xuan" said.

Then, they took the chess pieces and guessed the pieces. Whoever lost, they pasted a piece of paper on their foreheads.

This is the punishment that Gu Jinzhi remembered.

As a result, she was very unlucky and often guessed wrongly, so she pasted a piece of paper all over her head.

Zhu Zhongjun looked aside and shook his head, thinking that it was too boring! What's so interesting about these little tricks? Gu Jinzhi still had a good time.

They played until it was almost time for dinner.

Although Song Pan'er said that wine would be delivered in the evening, everyone only regarded it as a word of comfort, and no one paid attention to it.

After stopping the game, Gu Jinzhi got up and prepared to take Zhu Zhongjun and his brothers to the main courtyard for dinner.

Song's mother came with many maids with umbrellas.

Gu Jinzhi and others were first shocked.

I wish my mother and a few of them hurriedly welcomed them out.

Song's mother and Begonia called the rough maid, carried two jars of wine, and seven or eight food boxes, which contained more than 30 small plates to go with wine and vegetables.

Mother Song smiled and said to Gu Jinzhi and Zhu's mother: "Madam asked me to send it here. This jar of rice wine is given to my mother, Nishang and others to eat; this jar of rice wine is for the young masters and ladies. It's just that no one is allowed to get drunk. If anyone gets drunk and makes trouble, Mrs. Tomorrow will not forgive him.

Everyone is happy.

In such a cold day, who doesn't want to eat a glass of wine to keep warm?

It's just that the rules are strict in this house, and the eyes in the yard are poisonous, and no one dares to drink rashly.

Today is a lady's reward, and everyone can also let go of their courage and have a good time.

Several people answered yes.

Brother Xuan even climbed to the wine jar to smell it.

Everyone has eight hands and eight feet, put the dishes on it.

Gu Jinzhi only needed a few dishes they liked to eat, and the rest were given to the people below.

She also left Song's mother and Begonia to eat.

"Madam is still waiting to serve..." Song's mother and Begonia both said.

Nishang has sifted the rice wine in person, sifted two cups, and sent it to Song's mother and Begonia.

The two had to sit down and eat the cup with them.

After eating a cup of Begonia, she didn't dare to use it again. Seeing that the clothes came again, she quickly smiled and pulled her: "Sit down, too, spare me this time! I'm not good at drinking, and I'm on top of it now!"

Then he sifted himself to serve by sifting wine.

Begonia sifting wine, Nishang wine, Song's mother couldn't stand it, so she ate three drinks with her, and then refused to go back.

Gu Jinzhi got up to see her off.

Mother Song hurriedly stopped: "You hot person, don't be rushed by the cold outside! Go back and play."

Gu Jinzhi thanked him and asked Song's mother to give a few money to the maids who carried the wine, and then stuffed a purse for Song's mother and Haitang.

Everyone couldn't push it, so they had to take it all and thanked them.

Then, the courtyard door was closed and everyone began to eat.

Gu Jinzhi has a share in this yard.

The strength of rice wine is in the back, and Gu Jinzhi is not allowed to eat more. Originally, she guessed the order, but she and Zhu Zhongjun couldn't do the order, so they had to guess again and drink when they lost.

It was not until the second watch until the second watch, Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan gave up.

Gu Jinzhi called the rude maids and sent them back in person.

Wei Wei is a little drunk, and Nishang, You He and Zhilei are all awake.

Nishang and Youhe sent Brother Xuan.

Gu Jinzhi took Zhilei and a few little maids to send Brother Xuan and Zhu Zhongjun to the outer court.

When he arrived at the corner door, there was a keeper, but Zhu Zhongjun took Gu Jinzhi's hand and refused to let go, and insisted that she be sent back to the room.

The maids are all watching.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and promised to send Zhu Zhongjun back to his room.

Zhu Zhongjun's palms were so hot that the wine came up.

There were also several maids on the other side of the room, who rushed out to welcome them.

As soon as I opened the door, I smelled the smell of alcohol on everyone.

These little maids didn't dare to say anything, and there were a few shoves who came up to help Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun's footsteps were very steady and he was not allowed to help him.

Gu Jinzhi kept sending him to the inner room.

Zhu Zhongjun sat on the kang and pulled Gu Jinzhi.

The maids are all outside.

Suddenly, he blew out the lamp.

The light in the inner room suddenly darked.

Zhu Zhongjun's face stuck to Gu Jinzhi's ear: "There is someone on the beam."

Gu Jin's back suddenly tightened.

Then, there was a slight sound of footsteps falling to the ground.

Gu Jinzhi's wine suddenly disappeared, and her head was extremely clear.

Zhu Zhongjun hugged her tightly.

The shadow was very fast, not towards Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun, but straight to the side of the window.

Zhu Zhongjun's footsteps were very fast, and he rushed up in diameter.

Gu Jinzhi was in a hurry.

The window has been pushed open, the cold wind suddenly poured in, and the snow filled the room. The man did not get entangled with Zhu Zhongjun and ran out.

The window and snow are full of blood.

Zhu Zhongjun did not hesitate and turned over the window and chased out.

Gu Jinzhi had to shout, "Come on, there are assassins!"

He scolded Zhu Zhongjun again in his heart. What can he do if he doesn't have the ability? Watching Zhu Zhongjun and the assassin jump out gently, she also wanted to turn over.

As a result, the window sill is so high that she can't climb up...


Thanks to iwowoi, 18912529299, sudaez's reward RS