Spring boudoir note

Chapter 156 Send the plaque

Qin Shensi was ordered to go to the Hu family for treatment, and Gu Yanzhen has also been very careful.

Naturally, gossip is indispensable.

Qin Weiji failed to cure him, and the remaining fear of trying to kill him has not yet passed.

As Qin Shensi's own brother, his character will naturally be questioned.

A lot of people are waiting to see jokes.

This matter is also one of the after-dinner talks in Beijing.

"How's it going?" When Gu Yanzhen saw the spring breeze on Qin Shensi's face, he knew that Yongxihou's dysentery was cured. He still asked with a smile, "Has Yongxihou's illness been cured by Mei Qing?"

Qin Shensi laughed.

There is a little joy in the smile.

"All right!" Qin Shensi's voice was also brisk, "For a total of 18 days, the evil disease of Marquis Yongxi has been cured, and I would like to thank Miss Seven for her guidance!"

Gu Yanzhen is also sincerely happy.

Healed the Marquis of Yongxi, the road after Qin Shensi is a little better, isn't it?

As a friend, Gu Yanzhen hopes this is the most.

"I will thank Miss Seven in person!" Qin Shen said, "I don't know if it's convenient today?"

Gu Yanzhen called the boy and asked him to go to the second door and ask the maid inside to invite Miss Seven to come out, saying that Dr. Qin had arrived.

Then, Gu Yanzhen said again, "She just said a few words. It was Mei Qing's own good method. Thank you for coming and thanking me, but she was estranged!"

Qin Shen tasted a cup of tea, breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Thank you very much!" Qin Shen's four paths.

He couldn't help but think of the beginning of the treatment...

Gu Jinzhi told him to use the peach blossom soup in "Typhoid Fever" to cut off atractylodes and ginseng, which Qin Shensi never dared to think of.

He also thought carefully that this recipe was very reliable, so he gave it to Yongxihou first.

The next day, Yongxihou ruled out pus and blood, which was very f terrified.

Both Mrs. Hu and Mrs. Hu didn't understand and thought that Yongxihou was going to die. There is nothing to pull, and the blood is pulled out...

Mrs. Hu asked her servants to hold Qin Shensi and beat him to death: "This quack! Fight him to death, then dig the ancestral grave of the Qin family, and let their family blacken their hearts!"

Mrs. Hu first imprisoned Qin Shensi in the firewood room of the Hu family. The next day, she sent Qin Shensi to Shuntian Mansion. She sued him for murder and criminalize Qin Shensi.

The people of Shuntianfu are very helpless: this is the imperial doctor of the Qin family who closed the Shuntianfu twice a year...

In addition, Mrs. Hu wrote a letter to the emperor and scolded Qin Shensi.

The emperor felt very uncomfortable.

In any case, Qin Shensi is the imperial doctor personally sent by the emperor to the Hu family, even the son of heaven. Mrs. Hu sent Qin Shensi to Shuntian Mansion, but she didn't trust the emperor and thought that the emperor was an accomplice.

The emperor was very unhappy, so he asked someone to escort Qin Shensi. He wanted to judge Qin Shensi in person.

Qin Shensi was not ashamed, and there was no anger. He just sighed helplessly and told the emperor about the illness of Marquis Yongxi: "The heat has been in the blood for more than half a month, and it has gone down to the large intestine. There is a stasis of purulent blood in the large intestine, so when Yongxi Hou defecates, there is always a little blood, which is like a sauce.

Weichen used peach blossom soup, first to eliminate the stasis, asked the large intestine to be malignant, and the peach blossom soup has raw muscle. This is not the minister's family study, but Miss Gu told the minister that it should be corrected before passing through. For example, if the branches have failed leaves, they need to be cut off before new buds can be sprouted. I told Mrs. Hu that she didn't believe it..."

Say it, there is no anger in the tone, just a little helpless.

The emperor looked at Qin Shen a few more times.

I've heard that he is an honest man for a long time.

Sure enough, if you suffer such a big grievance, you won't even be angry...

"Do you think Miss Gu taught you the recipe?" The emperor asked him.

Qin Shensi hurriedly said, "Yes! Weichen couldn't be sure before, so he went to ask Miss Gu. Weichen believed Miss Gu's diagnosis and used this medicine. Weichen is willing to use his life to protect his life. This prescription must work. Weichen believes in Miss Gu!"

The emperor smiled and said, "I also believe in her."

Then, the emperor pondered slightly and said, "You still go to the Hu family for treatment and use your prescription. If it is cured, I will reward you; if it is not cured, it will be your sin again. On the Hu family, I have something to say.

Qin Shen's four paths are.

The eunuch in the palace personally sent Qin Shensi to the Hu family, and conveyed the emperor's edict by the way: "... If you delay the eunuch's treatment, you will change the order of the Hu Wang's family to punish the contempt for the majesty of the heavenly family!"

The old lady of the Hu family's maiden name is Wang.

Now, Mrs. Hu was scared.

She was so angry that she was going to cry in the palace again.

The Empress Dowager refused to see her.

The Empress Dowager is the most shrewd and will not embarrass the emperor.

Mrs. Hu was afraid that her mother-in-law would be angry again, which really annoyed the emperor and removed the title of the Hu family. She accompanied her mother-in-law back to her own yard and only asked the two sons of Marquis Yongxi to serve in front of her.

The two sons of Yongxihou, one is 20 years old, who worked as a salt method in Changsha; the other is 15 years old, and he studied in Songshan Academy in Dengfeng, Henan Province.

At the beginning of Yongxihou's illness, the old lady didn't want her two grandchildren to come back, which delayed their affairs.

I didn't write to my two sons until I couldn't cure them later.

The two sons of the Hu family have recently returned to Beijing.

These two gentlemen are a little knowledgeable, not as impatient as the old lady.

They treated Qin Shensi respectfully. What Qin Shensi said, they all did it.

Yongxihou ate peach blossom soup for two days, eliminating a large amount of pus and blood stasis. Qin Shensi began to stir-fry dried ginger with refined rice and let him take it; he also stir-fried dried ginger with Huanglian and drank it with japonica rice.

He explained to the two princes: "Stir-fried japonica rice with dried ginger, this is a folk prescription. Like the marquis's dysentery, he had reached the point of prolapse, and there was nothing in his stomach, so he began to take medicine. He couldn't stand it himself. Stir-fried japonica rice with dried ginger can first cure the prolapse of the anus and fill the stomach deficiency; and peach blossom soup detoxify the raw muscle..."

The young master of the Hu family was slightly surprised.

Ordinary doctors first go from the inside out to cure the root cause of dysentery, and then slowly treat demuscular demuscular and anal detachment.

Otherwise, if the dysentery is not cured, it will still cause diarrhea. The cured anal and demuscular detachment will still recur.

It's like a carved wooden column. If there are insects in it, the paint on the outside will fall off. If you don't kill the worm inside first and only brush the paint on the outside, the paint will still fall off.

This is basic knowledge.

And this Dr. Qin actually did the opposite.

Master Hu is a person who likes to hunt. After listening to Qin Shensi's dialectics, he not only did not scold him for not being subject to stereotypes, but also felt new.

He nodded repeatedly: "Just do as you say! On my grandmother's side, I will explain that Dr. Qin, please rest assured.

Qin Shensi nodded and gave Yongxihou the japonica fried dried ginger and Huanglian fried dried ginger for seven days.

Yongxihou can still pull, but when you pull it out, you can see japonica rice, instead of the previous terrible thing like fish brain or sauce.

No matter what you eat before, what you pull out will not take shape.

The young master of the Hu family is getting more and more confident.

Mrs. Hu came to ask. Knowing that it was such a situation, she was so angry that her eyes straightened.

But the grandson stopped inside, and the old lady finally just said sidly, "... In the future, we will rely on the prince to make a living. What the prince says, just do it!"

It is said that the young master of the Hu family is going to kill his father, and Chengshi will be the Marquis of Yongxi for a long time.

The young master knew the old lady's character, so he smiled and didn't say much. He sent the old lady away in a pleasant face.

For ten days in a row, Qin Shensi finally adjusted Yongxihou's body a little.

Marquis Yongxi can also open his eyes and say a few words to Qin Shensi and his son, but he still pulls, his body is weak, and he has no strength to speak.

Qin Shensi saw that the time was ripe, so he began to use white-headed soup and added bitter ginseng.

He was afraid that the Hu family would misunderstand, so he explained the principle of his medicine to Yongxihou and the young master of the Hu family.

Since then, he has not come to the door again and told the Hu family: "If you eat for ten days, the marquis's dysentery will be 90% better. You don't have to take medicine in the future. If you have a light diet, it's almost fine.

The young master of the Hu family sent him out.

Then it's the end of the year.

Qin Shenshi arrived in Beijing at the beginning, took his wife and children, and had to prepare for the Spring Festival.

The house they live in is temporarily rented and relatively dilapidated.

Qin Shensi was at home and invited someone to paint the house and repair the roof. It took five or six days in a row to make the house look good.

Then, it was New Year's Eve.

Mrs. Qin San also asked Qin Shensi: "... Yongxihou's illness, have you recovered? You should also ask. If it doesn't get better, I will want to make a living next year. Although the bell rang the alley, the identity fell. But our ancestors also started in this way. Men are not short-minded. There are always times when you turn over, and you don't have to worry too much.

Comfort Qin Shensi.

Qin Shensi was not very worried.

He used to see a doctor, but he was not sure.

But Yongxihou's illness, he seemed to have found out something from Gu Jinzhi's guidance. Otherwise, he would not have thought of the dried ginger, fried japonica rice and Huanglianlai in the folk prescription...

"Tinthinth, I dare not say, but eighty-thinthinth are still okay." Qin Shensi said to his wife, "You also said, in case it's really good, I will carry the medicine box to practice medicine, and I can always feed you."

Mrs. Qin San smiled.

Qin Shensi just sacrificed his ancestors, and the family sat down for dinner. Marquis Yongxi beat the gong and drums. The young master of the Hu family took the lead and sent the New Year's gift!

The surrounding neighborhoods are watching.

Yongxihou carried the ceremony for more than 40 years, and the small alley was blocked.

Everyone came out to watch the fun.

The neighbors all know the origin of Qin Shensi; he was ordered to govern the Marquis of Yongxi, and was sent to Shuntian Mansion. In the end, the emperor supported him, and the neighbors also knew it.

Now the gift of the Hu family in such a big scene shows that Qin Shensi has cured Yongxihou!

Qin Shensi doesn't want to accept it.

The young master of the Hu family said earnestly: "My father has got up. Since last night, he has eaten rice porridge and has not leaked again. When I got up this morning, I was also a little energetic. This is what my father asked me to send it anyway..."

Qin Shensi can't refuse.

The Hu family is full of Qin Shensi's yard.

Qin Shensi stretched his tight heart for the first time in more than half a year.

The family is happy to celebrate the New Year's Eve.

I can't imagine that in the early morning of the first day of the lunar new year, colleagues in the hospital came to pay New Year's greetings to Qin Shensi one after another.

Qin Shensi was still sighing in his heart, and the news spread quickly.

"... Early in the morning, Yongxi Houfu sent a plaque to the Tai Hospital: Miaoshou Huichun. The four words are all made of solid gold. The white jade is inlaid with edges and hung in the lobby. It's so powerful! Brother Mei Qing, you make me raise my eyebrows!" One of the imperial doctors told Qin Shensi.


October has begun. Do you still have your guaranteed pink tickets? O(∩_∩)O~RS