Spring boudoir note

Chapter 165 Cold and Heat Confusion

When the second room married the Yuan family, I heard that the Yuan family was rich.

No matter how you look at it, the Yuan family is not the frivolous family.

Their yard is not big, and it is built very carefully. Unlike the rich and rich yard in Jingli, it is a little unique in Suzhou gardens, with black tiles and pink walls, and light colors.

Coming out of Gu Shanzhi's yard, there is a piece of Xiangfei bamboo, neatly trimmed, green like Dai, like a screen.

There are plum trees everywhere.

There are red red plums, light green green calyx plums, as well as brocade red weeping plums, snow-colored dragon plums, purple red cherry plums, and some of which are not named by Gu Jinzhi...

Everywhere you go, there are plum blossom decorations. Some are planted directly, and some are bonsai moved here. The cold fragrance is lingering, and the fragrance is overflowing. The breeze passed, and the petals fell, dotted with the monotony of the snow.

Mrs. Yuan's main courtyard is in the west.

Gu Shanzhi led the way, peony helped Song Pan'er, Zhilei helped Gu Jinzhi, and the maids of the Yuan family held umbrellas for them left and right.

The maid holding Gu Shanzhi is one of the dowry maids she brought. The name is the maid that Gu Shanzhi's father-in-law favored last year.

Listening to the wind, the facial features are not very good, and even a little fat. It's just that she is convex and upturned. Wearing a thick cotton-padded coat, you can still see that her chest is bulging, which is very attractive.

Song Paner scolded Gu Shanzhi's father-in-law as a mole in her heart!

The group soon arrived at Mrs. Yuan's yard.

The plaque of Han Baiyu is carved with the words "Yuqing Pavilion".

Gu Jinzhi couldn't help smiling: Yuqing Pavilion is a word in the Buddhist language, which refers to the place where the immortals live. It is often used in temples.

The Yuan family is engraved in the main room.

The big * milk of the Yuan family and the second grandmother are serving in the Yuqing Pavilion at this moment.

Hearing the little maid running in and saying that the third grandmother Gu Shanzhi came with Song Paner and Gu Jinzhi, the big * milk and the second grandmother hurriedly greeted them.

Gu Jinzhi followed his mother and entered the east room where Mrs. Yuan usually lived and had a banquet.

The room is very warm and a little hot.

The air is a little suffocating.

Song Pan'er flintned her nose.

The second grandmother of the Yuan family was the most clever. When she saw the expressions of Song Paner and Gu Jinzhi, she quickly explained, "My mother-in-law has been cold these two days, so she burned the kang, and the whole room should be warm. If Mrs. Qin is not feeling well, shall we go to the main hall outside?

After Song Pan'er came in for a moment, he felt the heat wave surging his face.

It's not easy for her to undress.

It's snowing outside again, and it's very cold. If she sweats and goes back, she will be stimulated by the cold wind. If the heat and cold are uneven, she should also get sick.

Seeing that Grandma Yuan Er said so, Song Paner smiled and said, "... I'll go to see my in-laws first. I'll sit outside later."

Yuan Da* milk hurriedly led Song Paner and Gu Jinzhi to the inner room.

After lifting the curtain in the inner room, Song Paner and Gu Jin were shocked.

The hot current is like early summer, straight to people's face.

In front of Mrs. Yuan's couch, there were seven or eight stoves, all burning hot; there were also kangs on the ground. And Mrs. Yuan** actually covered the brocade of four or five beds.

Not only Song Pan'er and Gu Jinzhi, but also the three grandmothers of the Yuan family's have warmed up again.

Yuan Da* came forward and said, "Mom, the third lady and Miss Seven are coming to see you!"

"Quick, roll it up..." The voice inside was a little urgent, and one hand pushed the brocade mantle. Mrs. Yuan had the bed rolled up.

Yuan Da*, the second grandmother and Gu Shan came forward to help.

When the brocade mantle rolled up and saw Mrs. Yuan's appearance, Song Pan'er was even more stunned.

She uploaded a thick silk jacket and piled up a thick quilt of three or four beds. She sat up and still trembled.

"In-laws' wife." Mrs. Yuan struggled to get out of bed.

Song Paner stepped forward and held her: "Don't move, don't move. We are not outsiders, so don't fake it. I'm here to see you. If I let you toss around, how can I feel?

Mrs. Yuan's hand was cold.

Not long after Song Pan'er came in, her palm was already sweaty, and she was shocked.

Gu Jinzhi is also slightly terrmented.

She came forward and saluted Mrs. Yuan.

Mrs. Yuan shivered and reluctantly said, "Miss Seven..."

Gu Jinzhi said to Song Paner, who was sitting by the bed, "Mom, please wrap the quilt for your in-laws. Don't be cold..."

Song Paner hurried to pull the quilt.

Where are the people of the Yuan family willing to work?

Yuan Da* hurried forward and put on a slightly thin quilt outside the bed for her mother-in-law.

Song Paner said to Mrs. Yuan, "You are a little fierce. Did you hire a doctor? What did the doctor say?

Mrs. Yuan is shivering. Where can she answer?

The second grandmother of the Yuan family said, "I invited a doctor. My mother was afraid of the cold. The doctor prescribed warm medicine to dispel the cold. I ate it the day before yesterday, but it didn't get any better; I increased the dose yesterday. How can I know? It's even more serious! It's getting colder and colder. Today, I still went to hire a doctor, but it's snowy and it's not easy to walk. The doctor hasn't come yet. I guess it won't arrive until this afternoon..."

Gu Jinzhi has something in his heart.

Mrs. Yuan is a white and fat woman. If you get sick like this, your face will get more and more serious.

"Why don't you let my sister Jin get a pulse?" Song Paner took the initiative to say, "The in-laws, don't look at her young age, but she still learned a little of our old master's skills..."

Mrs. Yuan can't help it.

Song Pan'er said so modestly again.

Mrs. Yuan was so cold that her teeth trembled, and she didn't have time to say anything. She just nodded.

Gu Jinzhi came forward and gave Mrs. Yuan a pulse.

She pressed it very lightly at the beginning; after a while, she suddenly increased the force on her hand and pressed it.

Mrs. Yuan's hand hurts a little.

Mrs. Yuan didn't know the reason, but she thought to herself: Miss Gu's medical treatment is really different from others.

After getting his pulse, Gu Jinzhi turned his face and asked the second grandmother of the Yuan family, "The doctor who came last time said that the in-laws were too sunny?"

The symptom shown by Mrs. Yuan is yang deficiency: her limbs are cold, her face is pale, and she is extremely afraid of the cool breeze.

Grandma Yuan said hurriedly, "That's right."

"Is there also deer antler, astragalus and cordyceps in the open recipe?" Gu Jin said, "Have you opened the mutton?"

Mrs. Yuan and the second grandmother of the Yuan family were convinced.

The prescription prescribed by the doctor who came yesterday was really right by Gu Jinzhi.

The doctor opened astragalus and deer antler, and also asked him to make some refined meat sheep.

These are warm and dry things, which can return to the sun to dispel the cold and tonify the yang deficiency.

"All of them." The second grandmother of the Yuan family said, "Miss-in-law, you are really like a god. What's wrong with these drugs?

Gu Jinzhi is very helpless.

"It's not all right! It's a big deal!" She said.

Mrs. Yuan and the Yuan family, including Song Pan'er, have changed their faces.

"My in-laws are not yang deficiency at all. You are a hot evil body." Gu Jin said, "Your body is originally a heat poison, and the doctor also gave you a warm tonic. Can nothing happen? Fortunately, I only used the medicine for two days. If you continue to use it, you are afraid..."

Mrs. Yuan was terrred, and she was a little short of breath.

"What's wrong with my mother?" Gu Shanzhi couldn't understand Gu Jinzhi's words, but she also knew that Mrs. Yuan was very critical.

Gu Jinzhi turned his face and explained to her, "Mrs. Yuan has heat in her body, and the doctor prescribed warm tonic medicine, heating the heat..."

"But my mother is so cold. Where does the heat come from?" Gu Shan blurted out.

She doesn't care whether Gu Jinzhi is happy or not.

"We just took the pulse. Mrs. Yuan's pulse is sinking and slippery. This is the pulse of the body with hot evil. Just because it was hidden deeply, the doctor may have ignored it..." Gu Jinzhi still explained patiently, "The heat evil should be cleared out for the cool and heat-relieving medicine, otherwise it will be like adding fuel to the fire, and the in-laws will be in danger!"

Several people with Yuan Da* have changed their faces.

Mrs. Yuan hurriedly said, "Miss Laoqi, please give me a prescription. The old life is entrusted to you!"

She knew that Gu Jinzhi had cured the Empress Dowager and Yi Yanhou.

This is the beginning of her famous capital.

My mother-in-law spoke, and Yuan Da* milk hurried to bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Gu Jinzhi sat down and began to write the recipe.

Gu Shanzhi muttered, "It's so cold. Why is it so hot?"

There is heat, it should be a high fever.

Whose house is hot but so cold?

Mrs. Yuan quickly winzzed at her and shook her head at her, asking her not to say much.

Gu Jinzhi didn't care. While writing the prescription, he answered Gu Shanzhi's question: "The heat evil in it will hinder the circulation of qi and blood. The in-laws's hot evil is gathered in the middle coke, and all the qi and blood are reversed in the middle coke. Qi and blood can't reach the limbs and body surface. Can people not be cold?

Everyone finally understood.

Even Gu Shanzhi understood it.

It turns out that there is such a layer.

Mrs. Yuan was stunned. She believed Gu Jinzhi's words.

If it weren't for the heat evil, how could her cold become more and more serious? If it's really cold and evil, if the warm tonic medicine goes down, people should get better!

In a moment, Gu Jinzhi's recipe was written.

She took it to the big * milk of the Yuan family: "Call someone to catch the medicine and give it to the in-laws's wife immediately. It can't be delayed for a moment. All these stoves are torn off, and the room should also be ventilated..."

Yuan Jiada * milk took the prescription, thanked him, and immediately called the little maid to take it to the outer court and asked the swinder to grab the medicine.

When she came back, the second grandmother of the Yuan family had already ordered the maid to remove the stove and curtain, and even took Mrs. Yuan's quilt to two beds, leaving only one bed.

The kang is also out.

The cold wind blew in, and Mrs. Yuan shivered.

Gu Jinzhi said, "It's okay, it's okay, you're all appearance. It doesn't matter if it's cold. Only the heat evil can disperse.

Mrs. Yuan gritted her teeth and thanked her.

Song Pan'er wish she couldn't run out immediately.

She is already sweating all over.

The three grandmothers of the Yuan family also have beads of sweat on their foreheads.

"Please... ask your wife to sit outside..." Mrs. Yuan said to her daughter-in-law.

Yuan Da* milk invited Gu Jinzhi and Song Pan'er out.

After a while, there were footsteps outside.

A young man in a blue silk crane came in quickly. As he entered the door, he asked loudly, "Who opened this recipe?"

Then he saw Song Paner and Gu Jinzhi, who were strange faces, and he was busy.

Gu Shanzhi came forward, called the third master, and then introduced Gu Jinzhi and Song Paner to him: "This is my third aunt and seventh sister."

The young man quickly saluted respectfully and called the third aunt and the seventh sister.

He is Gu Shanzhi's husband Yuan Yuye.

"...It's just abrupt." He thanked Song Pan'er, "The outside boy gave me a prescription, saying that it was for his wife. My mother was cold, but this prescription used gypsum as the main medicine. Raw gypsum is a cool thing! I was so anxious that I bumped into my third aunt.

Then he asked Gu Shanzhi, "Who saw the recipe? Is it Dr. Li yesterday?"

Gu Shanzhi was very embarrassed and said, "It was my seventh sister who drove it!"


The second update, finally one day did not delay the update O(∩_∩)O~ Ask for a pink ticket!! RS