Spring boudoir note

Chapter 167 Each has his own thoughts

The news that the old man may be about to expire has spread in the Gu family in two days.

Gu Yanzhen didn't believe it and ran to ask the old man.

The old man was very annoyed and said, "I'm not an old monster. If I die, I will die!" What's the question!"

Is it true?

Gu Yanzhen immediately cried.

Such a big man cried bitterly in front of his daughter and servant: "... I haven't taken the scholar, I haven't illuminated the lintel, and I haven't served you well..."

The old man saw that he was so s decent and wanted to scold him.

But in the end, my heart softened and I put up with it.

Gu Yanzhen cried for a long time and brought Gu Jinzhi to tears.

She didn't say anything and wiped her tears silently.

The old man regretted telling them earlier.

Go to the old to welcome the new, the old man, the child comes, the family and surname will still be passed down from generation to generation. What's so sad?

The news has also spread to the old house.

The old man didn't care and snorted coldly, "I didn't die until a year later. Do you know it now? It's nonsense, and I don't know what I'm calculating.

Then he thought that when the old man was dead, he had to worry. He went home to guard the system, and his heart was irritable.

The old man has really been against Gu Yantao all his life!

The old man gritted his teeth a little.

However, the emperor, who trusts himself like this now, should "take love" and leave his own, Gu Yantao's heart, which is relieved.

He added another layer of resentment to the old man.

The old man doesn't choose a good time when he dies.

The eldest lady and the young master Gu Chenzhi are very sad.

"Let's go to the third room tomorrow and look at your grandfather." When the old man went to court, the old lady's way to Gu Chen.

Gu Chenzhi said hello.

I also heard about the second room.

The second lady is very unhathing these days.

She wanted to go to the Yuan family to spend some money during the Spring Festival, but the eldest lady knew about it. Although the eldest lady did not tempt her, she told the second master.

The second master scolded the second lady fiercely.

The second lady's own daughter, the only unmarried fifth girl, was brought up by the eldest lady. The two daughters who got married were not close to her. She was scolded by the second master and lost all her face at home. She broke the jar and lay in ** all day long, beating chickens and scolding dogs.

I heard that the old man might die, and the second lady got up together.

As long as the old man dies, the title of the Duke of the Nation will be passed down.

The second master inherits the title, and the second wife can also be ordered.

At that time, her position at home will be higher than Song Pan'er.

Thinking of this, the second lady was very excited. She quickly asked someone to serve her to wash and change her clothes and went to the eldest lady's yard.

She asked the lady sadly, "...The old man heard that it was not good, but is it true?" After saying that, his voice was a little choy.

Seeing that she asked abruptly and her mood changed stiffly, the old lady explained to her: "No. It was the old man who said that Yangshou was only one year..."

The second lady's eyes turned.

Can you still assert your longevity for yourself?

She heard about it for the first time.

That is to say, immortal or unknown?

The excitement in her heart suddenly decreased by more than half.

"Let's go to see the old man tomorrow." The lady said, "If you also want to go, just let me know." I can arrange the carriages and horses so that we can go out together.

Of course I want to go!

The second lady also wanted to see what the old man looked like now, so she nodded quickly.

In the evening, she also told the second master the "good news".

The second master also hates the old man in his heart.

In those years, the second master was in charge of Gu's Baicao Hall. Although it was not very beautiful, he was not short of money at hand.

He spent hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, and the old man was angry and closed the pharmacy!

You know, in the Gu's Baicao Hall in those years, the imperial pharmacy in the palace was dedicated to more than a million taels of silver every year.

You don't need to do anything, just like picking up money.

How beautiful the second master was at that time. No matter which restaurant you go to, the girl's shopkeeper, who can flatt him?

Because of the use of a few fake drugs, it can be easily covered up.

The old man was afraid that the emperor would blame him, so he delayed his errands in the imperial hospital, reported the matter to the emperor himself, pushed the offering in the palace, and closed the Baicao Hall.

The second master had no other way to make a living, and his life suddenly fell from an immortal to a beggar.

He wanted to die at that time.

He knelt at the old man's feet and begged the old man to let him go.

The old man said, "If you are promising, you can make a career by yourself!" Originally, you were in charge of the Baicao Hall, and you didn't make any achievements when you ate and waited for death. I won't say anything more. It's just that you shouldn't fake it! You are not hurting yourself, but Gu's century-old golden signboard! Do you know how much effort it took for the ancestors to accumulate their reputation today? Generations have spent their lives on fame, but you practiced it like this! I can't let my ancestors's painstaking efforts be destroyed in the hands of you, an unfilial son!"

The old man has a straight face and doesn't care about the cry of the second master at all.

The second master finally shouted, "What is Gu's gold-lettered signboard? Bae, it's just for yourself! You are afraid of taking care of things, coward, and you can't even take care of your own son!"

Among the friends the second master knows, who doesn't rely on his father to do business for them?

My father is not good at it, and he is still looking for so many excuses!

When the old man heard his words, he was furious and slapped him hard!

After the father and son fought there, they also became a feud.

Of the old man's three sons, only the old three are cowardly and can tolerate the old man's eccentric temper!

Now, this old man is finally going to die.

The second master also sneered.

He said to the second lady, "Go and have a look. It's really going to die, it's going to be a good thing. Occupy the pit and don't shit..."

As soon as the old man dies, the title should be passed on to him.

The second lady was also happy.

The next day, all the people in the old house came except the eldest master and the second master.

The old man didn't see it at all. He let the painting piano stop him at the door and didn't allow them to step into his study.

Then he called Gu Yanzhen in and scolded, "If you can't be quiet here, I'll move out!"

Gu Yanzhen was shocked, so he hurried out to stop the eldest lady and the second lady, the eldest young master, the third young master, the fifth lady, the big * milk, and the third grandmother.

Although I haven't seen the old man, I can also ask about the old man Song Paner.

Since he heard Gu Jinzhi say that the old man's longevity is coming to an end, Song Pan'er looked at the old man and felt that he was extremely thin and sad.

"It's okay." Song Paner said perfunctorily, "There is no illness or disaster. Maybe the old man is in a bad mood and talks nonsense..."

The second lady paused, and finally couldn't help asking, "I heard that when people are about to die, they will return to the light... Is the old master more energetic than usual?"

Song Paner couldn't help staring at her.

The second lady was also stared at by her.

The eldest lady is making peace in the middle.

It's rare that the people in the old house are so complete that Song Paner ordered the big kitchen to prepare meals and save everyone to eat.

What did the young master Gu Chenzhi think of? Seeing Gu Jinzhi's absence, he got up and sneaked out to find Gu Jinzhi.

When the third young master saw him slipping away, he also followed him.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" The third young master asked the young master.

"I'll ask the seventh sister." The young master said, "She has followed her grandfather for the longest time, and she should know better than her third aunt. Do you want to go?"

"All right." The third young master said.

The third young master Gu Qingzhi likes his grandfather very much.

He has lost his mother since he was a child, and his stepmother is not good to him. He often goes to the old man's study. When the old man saw him, he didn't drive him away. He let him pile up the old man's ink cartridges and play with them all day long.

The old man went to the court, and Gu Qingzhi was also in the old man's study.

Then, every time he went down, the old man would bring some snacks from outside and give them something to eat.

The old man is unsmiling and seldom talks to Gu Qingzhi.

But Gu Qingzhi has always remembered those exquisite and delicious snacks.

From the beginning of memory to the enlightenment at the age of six, Gu Qingzhi was hanging out in the old man's study.

Everyone expresses their care in different ways. The old man never said anything, but Gu Qingzhi knew that his grandfather loved him very much.

Gu Jinzhi is reading in his yard.

Zhu Zhongjun sat opposite her and read with a book.

The room is very quiet.

Hearing the maid say that the eldest brother and the third brother came, Gu Jinzhi quickly put down the book and welcomed it out.

"...come to see my grandfather." Gu Chenzhi explained to Gu Jinzhi, "Grandfather won't let him in."

Gu Jin is clear.

She quickly asked the maid to bring tea for the two brothers, and then asked them, "Are you the only one here?"

"Almost all of them are here." Third brother Gu Qing's way.

Gu Jinzhi said oh and asked Youhe to say no for her first. She will go to see her aunt and second aunt later.

"Sister Jin, grandfather..." Gu Chenzhi sat down, regardless of drinking tea, and asked Gu Jinzhi, "What did he say about the end of his life?"

Gu Jinzhi explained the situation of the day.

"... Gu family medicine should not have been passed on to female disciples. But my grandfather didn't have his own disciples. Seeing that I still have a little endowment, he asked me to learn it first and pass it on in the future. Gu Jin said, "I said take your time, and he said it was too late..."

Gu Qingzhi suddenly felt angry and sad.

I heard it from the other population, and I heard it from Gu Jin's mouth. It feels very different.

I heard from others that there is always a fluke.

And now...

There is a little fog in his eyes.

Big brother Gu Chenzhi is thinking about something.

Both brothers were silent.

Gu Jinzhi didn't know what to say.

Youhe first went to say no to Gu Jinzhi, and then came back for a moment. He said to Gu Jinzhi, "Madam said she was going to invite the girl to talk. Since the two young masters are here, it's okay to do it later. Girl, when I just went out, the fourth girl and the fourth uncle also came.

The Yuan family is also here?

Is that Mrs. Yuan's illness?

Gu Jinzhi nodded.

"Let's go, let's go and sit down." Gu Chen's way.

The three brothers got up and went to the main courtyard.

Most of the people in the family really came.

Yuan Yuye and Gu Shanzhi didn't know.

They just came to thank Gu Jinzhi for curing Mrs. Yuan's illness.

"The family has not recovered yet, and I dare not see the wind." When Yuan Yuye saw Gu Jinzhi coming in, he bowed to her twice and said, "When she is better, she will definitely come to thank her in person!"


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