Spring boudoir note

Chapter 169 cronies

The first month passed quickly.

During this period, Gu Jinzhi entered the palace again, told the fourth sister's situation, and diagnosed her pulse.

I also met the emperor.

The emperor asked her how the King of Luyang was doing recently, and Gu Jinzhi answered truthfully.

Then, the emperor said to her, "Stay in the inner house all day long? This doesn't work either. He used to like to ride and shoot, so he asked the bodyguard to teach him again. Don't stick to him."

Gu Jinzhi didn't know what the emperor suddenly said this.

She nodded and said yes.

Then the emperor said, "I haven't slept well at night recently, and I can only sleep one more time in a few nights. Xiaoqi also set a pulse for me..."

Gu Jin's way is.

She arrived at the Qianqing Palace and gave the emperor a call.

There is no standard diagnosis for insomnia.

There are a variety of reasons.

Insomnia will cause insomnia, discouragement will also cause insomnia, and even damp spleen and liver fire may lead to insomnia.

Like blood-nourishing and tranquilizing agents and cinnabar tranquilizer pills can treat insomnia.

And the emperor has no such symptoms.

Looking at his eyes, there was indeed silt, as if he didn't sleep well, and he knew that he didn't lie.

Gu Jinzhi said, "Your Majesty's insomnia is caused by excessive thinking and restlessness. It's not a physical disease, but a mental disease.

The emperor was paused by her.

Gu Jinzhi knew that he was right.

The emperor has really had something very annoying recently.

"Possible to take medicine?" The emperor was silent for a moment and asked Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi said, "I just gave you a pulse, and there are some pulses. The number of pulses indicates that there is heat in the body. Eat some Huanglian donkey-hide gelatin soup, clear the heat first, and it may get better. It's just that if the emperor lies in ** in the future, don't worry about things and think about something pleasant. This insomnia will be cured.

The emperor smiled and let Gu Jinzhi open the prescription.

Gu Jinzhi opened the recipe and got up to say goodbye.

The emperor left her to speak: "...Xiao Qi, you grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. I heard that the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque, but is it true?"

He has never left Beijing in his life.

Gu Jinzhi was stunned and didn't understand his purpose. He said, "Your Majesty, Xiaoqi is a woman. How can he easily get out of the second door? No matter how good the scenery is, it's just what people talk about. It's just warmer than Jingli..."

The emperor laughed.

He also asked Gu Jinzhi what else he usually did besides studying medical books.

"Do some needle and thread..." Gu Jinzhi replied.

She looked at the emperor's face and saw that his eyebrows were very casual, and he didn't seem to ask deliberately.

Gu Jinzhi became more and more confused.

Why do you have time to chat with her about this nonsense?

"Don't you learn chess, piano, song and dance?" The emperor asked her.

For the young ladies of large families, some people can play chess and piano, and there are also songs and dances.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I also study medicine, which is not easier than chess, piano, singing and dancing. My endowment is limited, and I can't do it at the same time.

The emperor laughed again.

He talked to Gu Jinzhi for a long time.

Gu Jinzhi accompanied him and said.

Coming out of the Qianqing Palace, Gu Jinzhi frowned slightly. She let the Buddha understand something in her heart and felt incredible.

Zhu Zhongjun is still waiting for her in Kunning Palace.

In the carriage back, Zhu Zhongjun asked her, "Why did you go there for so long?" Is Defei's fetus not good?

"Her fetus is very stable, but she has been eating a little greasy recently, so I asked her to avoid it." Gu Jin said, "I didn't delay much effort. It's just that the emperor called me to the Qianqing Palace and asked me to give him a pulse. He had a little insomnia. Then he asked a lot of questions.

"What do you ask?" Zhu Zhongjun's spirit is stiff.

Gu Jin told him one by one.

She said, "Is there something wrong in Luzhou? He wants to talk nonsense from me?"

Zhu Zhongjun was silent.

He is a man and knows more about men's minds.

Why does he think the emperor is a little interested in Gu Jinzhi?

His heart was full of anger, and his fists clenched tightly.

"Next time I go to Qianqing Palace for consultation, I will go too!" Zhu Zhongjun said, "We have been in Beijing for more than a year. What happened in Luzhou? How do we know?"

Gu Jinzhi didn't say much, but said, "Ok. The bystander is clear. You can stand by and take a look for me.

Zhu Zhongjun sat there with a gloomy face.

He sat quietly and knew the door of Gu Zhai, but he didn't say anything again.


After the first month, Gu Yanzhen has found a shop in the secluded place near the gate in the south of the city. The house is at the end of the street, a little old. There are two facades, with a small backyard, and there are seven or eight small rooms in the backyard, which can store goods and live for the little clerks.

Gu Yanzhen paid a year's rent and entrusted the rest of the shopping to the housekeeper Sun Yutang.

By the eighth day of February, Sun Yutang had set up all the pharmacies. After buying the medicine cabinet, I dialed two clever people from the servants of the family to be the little guys.

For the rest, you only need to hire a shopkeeper.

As for Mr. Zingtang and the medicinal materials, Gu Yanzhen and the housekeeper Sun Yutang can't do anything, and they don't understand.

"...Dad, are you going to have a look?" Gu Yanzhen went to reply to the old man.

The old man waved his hand and said to Gu Jin beside him, "Sister Jin, go and have a look. I'm not available for the time being. You go ahead and don't bother me.

The old man wants to open a shop by himself, but now he doesn't care about anything...

Gu Yanzhen went in to ask for Song Pan'er's instructions.

The shop where Song Paner's dowry is located on Dongmen Street in the capital.

There is a shopkeeper there, her companion, with two sons. Now the father and son are all business people.

"The shopkeeper has to use our own people." Song Paner said to Gu Yanzhen, "Go ahead and leave this matter to me."

She was going to call someone to East Street and call the shopkeeper of her shop to ask, and Si Jian ran in.

He smiled and knelt down for Song Pan'er: "Madam, I heard that the old man opened a pharmacy..."

Song Paner smiled and said, "What, do you still want to be a little medicine boy?"

Si Jian knew that Song Pan'er was making fun of him, and he was not afraid. He kowtowed to Song Pan'er again: "Madam, the little one also wants to be a little guy and learn the rules. I will have some ability in the future, and I will do my best for my wife.

He wants to be a shopkeeper.

The stoler and the sage at home, except for Song Pan'er's confidant, she likes Si Jian the most. The child has an idea as soon as he turns his eyes, and his mind is more flexible than a monkey.

Song Paner smiled and said, "Okay, you are filial, I wrote it down. It just so happens that you're here. Go to Dongmen Street, my cloth shop, do you remember? Go and call Wang Yi to come and talk.

Wang Wei is the shopkeeper of her dowry shop. For so many years, she has been doing some small business for Song Pan'er in Beijing, and she can also add hundreds of taels of silver every year.

Si Jian hurriedly said that he ran quickly.

After an hour, Wang Yi came.

"...The old man wants to open a pharmacy for only one year. Don't you have two sons to learn skills with you? How are you learning now? Song Pan'er asked Wang Yi.

Wang Yi quickly knelt down and said, "Uncle, I love you. It's just that my two kids are not good at all. The pharmacy needs a very careful person to take care of it. Where can they do it? My aunt chose another smart..."

Song Paner was impatient: "When is it still polite? Go and call your boy in. I want to have a look.

Wang Wei's two sons also came, both in the outer courtyard.

After hearing this, he quickly got up and shouted.

Wang Xin himself is shrewd and capable, but his two sons are a little timid and stutter.

It's not as good as Si Jian!

Song Pan'er was greatly disappointed.

The shop on East Street is like chicken ribs. It's a pity that the food is tasteless and abandoned, and it's not easy for Wang Wei to move over. There are still some capable shopkeepers in Yanling Mansion.

After sending Wang Wei away, Song Pan'er fell into meditation.

Gu Jinzhi said aside, "Mom, why don't you just use Si Jian? I also know some accounts. In the future, I will be in the shop with my grandfather, and he can still make a lot of waves?

Song Pan'er laughed.

She regarded Gu Jin as a child.

"Si Jian is clever, but he has never been a shopkeeper, not even a clerk. How does he know? It's like a mountain. Song Paner said, "Let's hire one from outside. It won't cost much a year."

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything more.

Song Pan'er called Sun Yutang and asked him to post a notice on the door of the pharmacy to hire a shopkeeper.

As a result, if it is not reliable, it can only be done for a year.

After choosing for two or three days, there is no reliable one.

Song Pan'er sighed.

Gu Jinzhi said again, "Mom, isn't it good for the shopkeeper to use outsiders? Those who know how to do it are not our own people, and they are not at ease. I think Si Jian is very good. He learns everything quickly.

Gu Jinzhi recommended Si Jian twice.

Song Pan'er also likes Si Jian very much.

After a pause, she thought about it carefully and felt that it was not appropriate to hire a shopkeeper from the outside.

Even if it's just a year's business, it's still a business. Give it to outsiders. What if he runs away with money?

The loss is small, and the anger is big.

Song Pan'er called Si Jian in and said to him, "You go to the pharmacy to be a shopkeeper. What's wrong? I'll beat you to death, understand?"

As soon as Si Jian heard this, he was surprised and happy. He knelt down and kowtowed seven or eight heads: "Madam, my love, the little pink body can't be rewarded..."

When Song Pan'er saw that he could still pull the article and knew that he had served Gu Yanzhen's study and learned it in those years, he couldn't help laughing and scolded the monkey cub.

When he came out of the main courtyard, Si Jian went to thank Gu Jin again.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "It's also because you have the ability. I just said a few words. Do it well. I also rely on you to make a face.

Si Jian hurriedly said, and then knelt down and kowtowed.

When Si Jian left, Zhu's mother said to Gu Jin, "Si Jian is so small, go to the shop to be a shopkeeper?"

"Hmm." Gu Jinzhi nodded..

I wish my mother thought about Si Jian's cleverness, and no one didn't love it. He is also a filial son. He is not good-looking, but not ugly, thin and tall.

Thinking about this, Zhu's mother looked back at her daughter.

When she is fifteen years old, in two or three years, her wife may grace her to go out to match someone.

I wish my mother is worried about the boy outside, afraid that her daughter will suffer losses.

The boy in the house knows the root...

She had something on her mind, just smiled and didn't mention it for the time being. Let's see how Si Jian will behave in the future.

Through this matter, Song Paner knew that Si Jian had taken Gu Jinzhi's way.

In the future, this boy can become a weapon and be sent to be a companion for Gu Jinzhi. Song Pan'er can also rest assured.

That's why she made up her mind to practice Si Jian.


It's the last day to double, please get a pink ticket! RS