Spring boudoir note

Chapter 184 Reaction

Since she knew she was pregnant, Lin Manjing was in a very good mood.

But it can't be too obvious.

There is also a concubine at home who hasn't seen anything for a year.

Even if you want to eat something, try to keep a low profile and don't disturb more people.

The maid Baozhu said to Lin Manjing, "Grandma, it's okay to be happy. When my grandmother came in, it took me two years to get a sister, which was more difficult than the third grandmother. She never dares to argue for this reason..."

That's the reason.

The big* milk has a body now. She is happy that the people in the house should not say no.

It's not easy for her.

But the reason is not as good as human kindness.

"The third grandmother went to worship the Bodhisattva again." The maid Yuzhu said with a smile, "Our grandma is happy, which is the blessing of big * milk. According to me, the Bodhisattva is second to him, and he should burn incense for his ancestors. It's true that our ancestors bless you.

Lin Manjing's heart was moved by the maid's words.

She told the first lady about this.

She wants to pay homage to her ancestors with her third grandmother.

It's a good thing to respect your ancestors.

"Eckay, I'll arrange incense candle paper horses tomorrow and accompany you to the ancestral temple." The old lady said.

The third grandma and the fifth girl didn't return home until the evening.

The old lady asked her how she was worshipping the Bodhisattva today.

The third grandma smiled and said, "Is it a coincidence? I met someone from the Su family, Marquis of Jianzhao. Their uncle and the eldest milk took the third young master to the temple to play, but they happened to meet.

Marquis Jianzhao and Marquis Jianning are brothers.

The daughter of the Marquis of Jianning entered the palace and became a concubine, that is, Concubine Su, who gave birth to the second princess.

Jianzhao Houfu is the house of Su's parents.

The eldest lady and Mrs. Jianning are very familiar with her, but they have little contact with Mrs. Jianzhao.

I heard that Mrs. Jianzhao is very powerful.

The old lady smiled and said, "This is really clever."

The third grandma is quite optimistic.

Compared with the past, she gradually let go and didn't think infertility was a scandal. In the past, I felt ashamed to worship the Bodhisattva, as if I didn't have the ability, but now I have seen it.

Except for giving birth to one, there is no other way to show your ability.

Cover up, it's meaningless.

The lady said again, "Let's go to the ancestral temple again tomorrow. I will accompany your concubines to give incense to your ancestors and ask them for their blessing.

The third grandma is busy.


The second lady accompanied the third grandmother to the incense today and found an unusual thing.

She only planned to meet Mrs. Yuan and talk about in-laws.

Unexpectedly, I met someone from the Su family, Marquis of Jianzhao.

The third young master of the Su family, his eyes were flexible on the fifth girl several times.

The fifth girl seemed to understand. She lowered her head and said nothing, but her face turned red.

The big * milk of the Su family also asked the fifth girl many times, and even asked her if she had decided.

It can be seen that the third young master of the Su family is in favor of the five girls.

The second lady couldn't tell how she felt.

She decided not to tell the eldest lady first, so as not to get in the way.

The lady always thinks about the s decentness of the family, not the girls' life. As a mother, the second lady loves the fifth girl the most. She should check for the fifth girl, and don't ask the eldest lady to mess up.

At night, the second master went back to the inner courtyard.

He said to the second lady, "It's really strange. I met Marquis Jianzhao today, and he also specially said that he would buy me a drink another day. I have always been not familiar with him. He seemed to have inquired and deliberately waited for me..."

The second lady thought of the third young master today.

"It must have been deliberately waiting." The second lady laughed, "Let me tell you something..."

Of the few daughters, the second master prefers the five girls the most.

As soon as he heard this, the second master pondered for a moment and said, "Is that third young master so bold? Isn't he a lustful and arrogant person?"

"My fair lady and gentleman are so good." The second lady didn't care, "Our girl's appearance is also one in a hundred in the world."

The second master stopped talking again.

He is not familiar with the Su family and doesn't know the details of the family.

I only know that the Su family is an old meritorious family, a real high-level family, one family and two marquis.

Their girl entered the prince's mansion in her early years, and then went to the palace to be Su Concubine and gave birth to a princess.

Marquis Jianzhao is Su's eldest uncle, which is similar to Concubine De and Grand Master.

According to such a person, it is naturally good.

But when the second master heard that the young master's eyes were inseparable from the fifth girl, he couldn't help but be angry. At this point alone, it is also frivolous.

"If the Su family really wants this, let's talk about it later." The second master said, "Tell the eldest brother. The eldest brother is walking in the court. He is more knowledgeable than us. He knows better. Let him make the decision.

The second lady was so angry that she couldn't get angry.

"If Uncle loved Sister Po, he wouldn't have changed her and let Sister Wan go to the palace!" The second lady snorted coldly, "Are you going to ask him? Naturally, he only thought about what benefits he had. How could he really think of Sister Po?

The second master is silent again.

"Do they mean that? Let's talk about it!" The second master was silent for a moment, turned over to sleep, and stopped talking to the second lady.

Early the next morning, the eldest lady sent the maid Chunqiao to tell the second lady: "Today, I will accompany the eldest milk and the third grandmother to the ancestral temple to have incense..."

Gu's ancestral temple is in the south of the city, and it takes two hours to drive.

The second lady didn't want to go, so she said to Chunqiao, "I followed my third grandmother to Guanyin Temple yesterday. I was caught in some wind and cold, and my body was not happy, so I didn't go."

Chunqiao went back and told the old lady.

The old lady didn't have much hope for her.

"Since she doesn't go, let's go." The old lady smiled and said.

The first lady accompanied her in a carriage with the big milk in person.

Along the way, the carriage walked very slowly for fear of bumping the big * milk.

A carriage for the third grandma and the fifth girl.

What did the fifth girl think of? She squeezed her lips and smiled.

The third grandmother couldn't help thinking of the Su family yesterday.

They arrived at the Guanyin Temple for only half an hour, and the Su family went there. It seems that he knew that they were going and deliberately hit them.

And the third young master of the Su family has very unruly eyes.

The third grandma doesn't like that person very much.

"Fifth sister, what do you think, are you so distracted?" Seeing that the fifth girl had been squinting and giggled, she couldn't help pushing her.

The fifth girl came to her senses, her cheeks were red, and she felt that the third grandmother was over trouble, so she curled her lips and said, "Nothing!"

The fifth girl was afraid of the eldest lady, but she didn't pay attention to the third grandmother.

In these days, she has learned a lot of things.

She gradually understood how to like it.

It's just, why do you want to please the third grandma? She is just a sister-in-law. The fifth girl will not rely on her in the future. She also has an aunt.

The fourth sister and the imperial concubine in the palace, don't you tell your aunt if you have anything to do?

She is a little indifferent to the third grandmother.

The third grandma saw it in her eyes, smiled and said nothing more.

The carriage soon arrived at the ancestral temple.

The people who watched the temple had already prepared incense candle paper horse sacrifices, waiting for the old lady to come.

After the incense, the sky began to change.

The scorching sun is everywhere after getting up early, and now it is covered by haze.

When it's cloudy, it's terribly cold.

The old lady didn't dare to delay too much and said, "Go back."

took everyone home again.

The carriage back to the city is still slow.

When I got home, it was almost dark.

The old man got up early and went down. He knew that the old lady had led the children to the ancestral temple to have incense, and he didn't say anything.

In the evening, Big* milk and the third grandma stayed with the eldest lady for dinner.

After dinner, everyone dispersed.

Big * milk Lin Manjing returned to her yard.

At night, there was a faint pain in her lower abdomen.

She was shocked.

The caretator's mother and several big maids were scared.

They were busy telling the old lady.

The old lady had fallen asleep. When she heard the maid say that the big * milk had a stomachache, the old lady got up and hurriedly put on her clothes and came to the big * milk.

She is also an experienced person and knows how to take care of pregnancy.

So the big lady was by my side when I went out yesterday and today.

The carriage is covered with thick bedding to keep her from bumping, and the carriage is slow. When getting off the carriage, the old lady also helped her with her own hands.

In theory, it shouldn't be a matter of going out.

But I'm not at ease.

The first lady almost trotted to Lin Manjing's yard.

Lin Manjing's pain has passed.

She was sitting in ** and looked at the lady apologetically: "It's all useless to me, and I can't stand a little thing. It's just a little faint pain. It's not a big deal. I've always had some pain. I'm afraid I'm going to go to the toilet..."

She didn't want to worry about gains and losses like this.

But I'm not at ease.

The old lady laughed and said, "Go quickly."

Let the maids serve Lin Manjing to the toilet.

Sure enough, after she came back, she was more than half relaxed.

For this little thing, the eldest lady got up at night, and Lin Manjing was extremely embarrassed.

The lady smiled and said, "Be careful to make the ten-thousand-year-old ship. It's good for you to be like this. No matter what happens in the future, just tell me how late it is.

Seeing that her mother-in-law had no intention of blaming, Lin Manjing's heart relaxed a little.

She nodded.

The old lady smiled and went back to her yard.

The next day, Lin Manjing vomited when she got up in the morning.

Because it was a bad pleasure, everyone did not doubt it.

The eldest lady also brought breakfast.

After breakfast, Lin Manjing only felt a dull pain in her lower abdomen again. The nausea came up. She lay on the edge of the kang, vomited for a long time, and vomited the breakfast clean.

The lower abdominal pain has also disappeared.

Have you eaten too much?

Lin Manjing thought.

Morning sickness is not a big deal. Lin Manjing didn't allow the people in the yard to tell the lady.

There was a false alarm last night, and she was so embarrassed.

It's just that I can't eat anymore.

At noon, the old lady sent lunch again.

Lin Manjing ate it and vomited it again.

But you can't vomit like this. The child is hungry.

The maid went to tell the lady again.

The old lady personally made some rice porridge and sour bamboo shoots and brought them to Lin Manjing.

Lin Manjing usually doesn't like to eat sour bamboo shoots. Now that she has tasted it, she feels very good for her appetite. She drank most of the bowls of rice porridge with sour bamboo shoots.

The lady also accompanied her for a while.

No more vomiting, Lin Manjing was a little sleepy, so the old lady asked someone to serve her to lie down.

And the first lady herself went back to the main court.

Lin Manjing woke up after sleeping for a quarter of an hour.

After waking up, I only feel a stomachache.

Her heart suddenly cooled down.


The second update, ask for a pink ticket. It's about 11 p.m., everyone.

wrote about Erfang and Defei again. I saw that some relatives questioned why she sealed Concubine De but didn't her father, and I thought it was very unreasonable. First of all, I admit that my historical knowledge is very weak, and what I write may be ridiculous and generous. Everyone should look at it as an overhead and give 15 points of tolerance.

Secondly, my arrangement reminds me of Hesheli, the original queen of Emperor Kangxi. She was crowned queen, and her grandfather, Sony, and her uncle Soetu, were praised by the royal family. She was crowned in the fourth year of Kangxi, died in the thirteenth year of Kangxi, and became the queen for nine years. It was not until her death that Kangxi made her father Kabra as a first-class benefactor and gave him the title.

So I want to say that it shouldn't be a big mistake to seal Concubine De and reward her family instead of her father, right? At least there is history to rely on, although it is a little far-fetched.

My hero's surname is Zhu, which is his original surname before he crossed the border. I didn't set the royal surname at all, but I was afraid that everyone would use the history of the Ming Dynasty to read this book. Because I am not a historical party, and my knowledge is very shallow, I am afraid that I will make everyone laugh at it, so I don't set the dynasty, and I also hope you don't think it as the Ming Dynasty. Cough, let's think of it as an ancient saying! RS