Spring boudoir note

Chapter 201 Using

Song Pan'er went to see Princess Nanchang.

She came back and said to Gu Jinzhi, "The Empress Dowager heard that the princess was pregnant and liked it very much. She sent someone to take the princess to the palace for a few days. When I just went there, the main courtyard was packing up the princess's things. It was messy and didn't care about talking carefully. When I came out, I also met the king of Nanchang. I was smiling and happy..."

It's naturally a happy thing to add more mouths.

Zhu Zhongjun listened, but his eyes wandered around.

Gu Jinzhi laughed and said, "When my mother was pregnant with the tenth brother and the eleventh brother, my father was happier and only danced..."

Song Pan'er laughed.

With a word, Gu Jinzhi was ready to get up and go to the pharmacy.

The little maid came in and said, "The lady and lady of Jianning Houfu are here..."

Song Pan'er took Gu Jinzhi and welcomed him out.

Zhu Zhongjun took the opportunity to sneak into the outer courtyard.

He knew that the people of the Jianning Hou Su family came to see Gu Jinzhi. At this time, Gu Jinzhi and her mother couldn't think of Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun called Sun Ke and said, "Go and prepare the carriage. Let's go to the palace."

Sun Ke didn't dare to object. Thinking of the paralysis of the King of Luyang and Miss Gu yesterday, he also knew what the prince was going to do in the palace, so he hurriedly prepared the carriage.

without telling Gu Jinzhi and Song Pan'er, Zhu Zhongjun went out alone.

The guys thought he was going to the pharmacy and didn't ask much.

When Zhu Zhongjun arrived at Kunning Palace, Princess Nanchang had not yet arrived.

The Empress Dowager took his hand and asked in surprise, "Why did you come by yourself?" What about Xiaoqi? What's the matter?" The tone is a little serious.

She didn't want Zhu Zhongjun to come to her alone.

The emperor knew it, and it was another speculation.

Recently, Gu Jinzhi entered the palace to diagnose Concubine De's pulse. Zhu Zhongjun always followed, which made the Empress Dowager a little shocked. She wanted to remind Gu Jinzhi several times not to take Zhu Zhongjun with her.

But when the words came to my mouth, I couldn't bear to say it.

She also wants to see Zhu Zhongjun twice a month.

When people are old, they rely on the old to sell the old. The Empress Dowager doesn't want to be so polite now, and she also wants to be a delicate old woman and be more casual...

So she opened her eyes and closed her eyes.

But Zhu Zhongjun also ran too diligently.

"Xiao Qi is at home, and I miss my mother." Zhu Zhongjun smiled and sat on the couch next to the Empress Dowager, tired of the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager's heart was warm and gently held her son's hand. Seeing that he was running fast and his temples were a little messy, he brushed his hair with his own hands, and then said, "The mother also wants to be Zhong Jun... Where's Xiaoqi? Why doesn't she follow you?"

"Someone asked Xiaoqi to see a doctor..." Zhu Zhongjun thought about it seriously, and then said, "Miss Su..."

The Empress Dowager knew that she was from the Su family of Jianninghou.

This matter was told by Su Concubine Su in advance, and the Empress Dowager agreed.

The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "Xiao Qi went to see a doctor, did you run around? How worried the mother is to run around like this. Who is following you?

"It's Sun Ke." Zhu Zhongjun said, "Sun Ke taught me to practice swords..."

His bodyguard was still at the gate of the palace and did not enter the inner palace.

"Who is Sun Ke?" The Empress Dowager smiled and gossiped with her son and asked in detail.

Zhu Zhongjun told the Empress Dowager how to get Sun Ke one by one: "... Although he lost at that time, now he follows me, and I practice swords with him. He has much better ability. He also taught me a few tricks..."

The Empress Dowager is a very careful person.

From Zhu Zhongjun's words, she could hear that Ning Xi was fooling the prince and arranged someone to play tricks for the prince.

The victory or defeat are all determined by Ning Xi.

For Ning Xi, the Empress Dowager always has a personal relationship. She feels that she is her nephew and should be more loyal.

What if you are unfaithful?

Ning Xi is the nephew of the Empress Dowager, and no one dares to report that the prince should be fooled. Will he cover the sky with the prince of Luzhou?

A small martial arts practice can fool the prince. What about other aspects?

The Empress Dowager had some doubts in her heart.

Then I thought, did she think people's hearts too privately?

With no real evidence, the Empress Dowager calmed her heart and said to Zhu Zhongjun with a smile, "The sword has no eyes. Be careful and don't hurt."

"I can't hurt. Sun Ke's hand is very stable." Zhu Zhongjun said, "He said it himself. His hand is very stable. If he accidentally hurts me, he will apologize himself. Mother, I believe in him..."

The Empress Dowager laughed again.

Although I decided to let it go first, the matter of Ning's seat always lingers in the Empress Dowager's mind.

She and the emperor can't get out of the palace. If they want to know about Luzhou, they can only send someone to investigate.

The people sent can only stay in Luzhou for a few days. It's easy to do a play for a few days, so no one has ever said that Ning Xi is not.

And the king of Luyang is stupid, and Ning Xi is equal to his brother.

The Empress Dowager and the emperor sent him to Luzhou to take care of everything about the King of Luyang, just like Gu Jinzhi.

He should make the decision for the king of Luyang.

The mother and son said some trivial things. The Empress Dowager knew that Zhu Zhongjun was in Gu's pharmacy all day long, so she asked about the pharmacy by the way.

Unconsciously, half an hour has passed.

Until the palace man came in and said, "Princess Nanchang has arrived..."

The Empress Dowager hurriedly said, "Please come in quickly."

She smiled like a spring breeze on her cheeks.

Nanchang Wang Gongshi, a native of Zhejiang, is a typical beauty in the south of the Yangtze River, graceful and gentle. Her gentleness is not pretending. It comes from her bones. Her eyes are quiet and open-minded, and she has no desire. The Empress Dowager likes her very much.

In those years, her grandfather was a minister of the Ministry of officials. When he selected the Princess of Nanchang, he brought her over to the Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager fell in love with her at a glance.

After that, she was always the same and lived up to the Empress Dowager's love.

When she heard that she had a body, the Empress Dowager deliberately praised her, so that those concubines in her house would not take her to the palace to live in vain.

This is to tell the whole people in the other hall of Nanchang Royal Palace that the Empress Dowager attaches great importance to the princess's baby.

For a moment, the swaying brocade woman slowly came in.

She wanted to salute. The Empress Dowager just waited for her to subdued slightly, so she quickly supported Jiqi and said with a smile, "Get up quickly."

Then he didn't call Duan Jin, but directly pulled her to his side and sat down. "Let Ai Jia have a look. Do you feel bad these days?"

The Empress Dowager has been very kind in the past.

Princess Nanchang is not afraid of her. Her smile is very sweet and she said, "It's not uncomfortable, it's just a little greedy... Everything is greedy."

The Empress Dowager laughed and said, "It's a good thing to be greedy. It's a good thing to be able to eat, but I'm afraid I can't eat it. Tell Ai's family what you want to eat. There is nothing in the palace. I will ask someone to go out and do it for you..."

Princess Nanchang smiled shyly and said, "There is nothing in particular to eat. When I think about it, I will tell my mother..."

The Empress Dowager arranged for Princess Nanchang to live in the side hall of Kunning Palace, and she was only going to stay for two days.

Zhu Zhongjun sat quietly aside.

Princess Nanchang saw him and asked with a smile, "Did the prince go to the palace to accompany his mother today?"

Zhu Zhongjun said, "Second sister-in-law, are you sick?"

The Empress Dowager laughed and said, "I'm not sick. Your second sister-in-law is happy..."

Zhu Zhongjun asked what happiness was.

Princess Nanchang blushed slightly and was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

The Empress Dowager said, "In a few days, you will have more nephews."

"Is it the same as the tenth and eleventh brothers of the Xiaoqi family?" Zhu Zhongjun asked.

The Empress Dowager didn't expect that he sometimes had a good understanding ability, so she nodded with a smile: "Exactly."

Zhu Zhongjun pouted and didn't say anything, and his expression went on.

The Empress Dowager and Princess Nanchang were puzzled and asked him why he was unhappy...

"Mother, the child is soft and fun. I want one, too. He suddenly said.

The Empress Dowager laughed.

I really don't know how to answer him.

"Mother, I also want one. Can you play with this for me? Zhu Zhongjun asked again.

Princess Nanchang couldn't help laughing.

The Empress Dowager laughed even more and thought the children's words were very interesting.

"The nephew of your second sister-in-law is your second brother's. How can I give it to you?" The Empress Dowager coaxed him with a smile, "In the future, you will also have your own... At that time, Xiaoqi will give birth to you."

Finally got to the point.

"Mother, you ask Xiaoqi to give birth to me now!" Zhu Zhongjun didn't give up, and his voice became more and more anxious, "I want it, too. It takes a long time to have one. Xiaoqi's mother's own baby has been waiting for a long time. Tell Xiaoqi to let her give birth to one for me.

Actually, think about it, there are so many benefits for fools.

There are some unspeakable words that can be said so naturally.

The Empress Dowager and Princess Nanchang both laughed.

At the beginning, Gu Jinzhi cured Princess Nanchang's illness and helped her solve a big problem. She was very grateful to Gu Jinzhi.

She is simple and has no political awareness. Seeing Zhu Zhongjun so stupidly saying that she wants to have a child to play with, Princess Nanchang blurted out: "Mother, the prince and Miss Gu have been married for two years. Both of them have gone up. When will they get married? The mother can also have grandchildren early..."

Why doesn't the Empress Dowager want to?

But she can't make a decision on this matter.

Hearing Princess Nanchang say this, the Empress Dowager couldn't help but move.

At the beginning, the emperor married the king of Luyang and Zhu Zhongjun, and the main purpose was to stay in the king of Nanchang in Beijing. Now that Princess Nanchang has a body, she will definitely wait for the birth of a child before leaving.

In this way, when will Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun get married? It should not affect the emperor's plan, right?

"Mother, I also want to have children." Zhu Zhongjun said stupidly and pouted.

The Empress Dowager didn't agree either. If she didn't agree, she was afraid that he would cry, so she had to prevaricate him with words.

Zhu Zhongjun also accepted it when he saw it was good. The Empress Dowager coaxed him, and he slowly put the topic aside.

Entering the palace today, on the one hand, he vaguely revealed Ning Xi's infidelity, and on the other hand, he said about his big wedding. Zhu Zhongjun felt that the Empress Dowager had listened to it.

Next, we have to wait slowly.

The more the Empress Dowager thought about it, the more wrong it was. Then she told the emperor, and then the mother and son had doubts about Ning Xi and agreed with Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi's marriage, and the purpose was achieved.

Zhu Zhongjun only needs to accidentally stir up trouble.

If the Empress Dowager does not agree with him to marry Gu Jinzhi, he will cry every time he enters the palace...

For a long time, the Empress Dowager will always be unbearable.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhongjun suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the side face of the Empress Dowager.

Why can't he bear to do this?

Because he knows that the Empress Dowager is the one who loves King Luyang the most. Once people have good intentions, they will be used by people with different intentions, such as Zhu Zhongjun, who has different intentions.

He remembered Gu Jinzhi saying that his six relatives did not recognize him...

For a moment, Zhu Zhongjun's heart was scratched by something.

He actually felt guilty.

For the first time in two lives, he felt guilty about using others.

Have you been following Gu Jinzhi and pretending to be a fool for too long? Have you become a mother-in-law?

When he went out of the palace, he was not relieved as expected, but his heart was a little heavy.


Recommend a good friend's new book: "Woman's Glory", author: Unsleeping Jun, when nominated on the gold list - enemy; bridal chamber candle night - father. The enemy was soaring, and the queen also entered the door happily. The elder sister sharpens the knife, and the younger brother is innocent. She doesn't want to care about anything and doesn't want to do anything. Well... don't drag her into the water, okay? RS