Spring boudoir note

Chapter 207 Hand and Back

When you get up early and enter the palace, the sky is gloomy and there is a cool breeze.

In the morning, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Coming out of Kunning Palace, the sky gradually darkened, and the black clouds pressed the edge.

There seems to be a rainstorm.

Sitting in the carriage, Zhu Zhongjun asked who the servant who just came in with her was next to the emperor.

"It's the eunuch of the ceremonial supervisor." Gu Jin's way.

"Oh, Wei Zhongxian's kind?" Zhu Zhongjun said.

He only knows Wei Zhongxian.

"It's still early." Gu Jin said, "The emperor is quite effective. I guess it's not the eunuch's turn to be in power... Xiang Liang is afraid that he can't become a great eunuch like Wei Zhongxian."

"Real is it?" Zhu Zhongjun said coldly.

Hearing Gu Jinzhi speak for the emperor, Zhu Zhongjun felt particularly harsh and heart-wrenching. She knew that the emperor had bad intentions towards her, and she still evaluated him so objectively!

If someone is bad to Gu Jin, Zhu Zhongjun wants to kill him!

Gu Jinzhi blinked and looked at Zhu Zhongjun.

Like his previous life, Zhu Zhongjun was exquisite in front of outsiders; when he was alone with Gu Jinzhi, he turned against him if he didn't say a word.

Turning your face is like turning over a book, and it will change as soon as you say it. Most of the time, Gu Jinzhi didn't know where he stepped on his painful foot.

Seeing that he was like this again, Gu Jinzhi turned his head and ignored him again.

After a long time, I heard Zhu Zhongjun snort coldly.

When I got to the pharmacy, the weather really changed.

The black clouds pressed down, and the sky was as bright as dim.

The stalls along the street are packing up in a hurry.

The clerk of the pharmacy also took in the stove and teapot for making herbal tea at the door.

It's a rainstorm.

Zhu Zhongjun got out of the carriage, turned around and helped Gu Jinzhi in.

There are not many people in the pharmacy. Seeing that the weather is going to change, the patients take the medicine and leave. There is no more delay, and it is not easy for new patients to go out in the rain.

In the top, an old man with a stumpled figure was accompanied by his son, sitting opposite the old man, making the old man's pulse.

The old man took a long time and opened a prescription to stimulate the appetite and strengthen the spleen.

"Old man, you go and get the medicine first, and I'll talk to your son." The old man said, looking very kind.

The son helped his father out first, and then came in and asked the old man, "Doctor, how is my father's illness?"

"Don't avoid it. Let the old man eat whatever he wants. The old man said, "Be filial to him, and there are not many days left."

The man's expression twisted slightly, and his face showed pain.

He asked the old man in a sad voice: "Doctor, do you have any other ways? If it's difficult, I'll sell three acres of land at home to buy medicine..."

The old man looked at him and shook his head for a long time.

The man's face turned dark.

In fact, he didn't expect the doctor to say that his father's illness was saved, and he was probably psychologically prepared. Asking one more question at this moment also adds hope.

The hope failed. He was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't make trouble. He saluted the old man respectfully and then went out.

Gu Jinzhi and others left, put down the soft curtain, and called Grandpa.

The old man looked up and saw that it was her and asked, "Didn't you come back from the palace and go straight home for a day's rest?" Why did you run here? But what's wrong with the mother's womb?

"Never, the mother's fetus is very good. It's me. I have something to tell you." Gu Jinzhi sat on the chair opposite the old man and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, I met my father-in-law in the palace today..."

The old man's eyes flashed a little.

"Oh, Duke Xiang Liang of Qianqing Palace?" The old man couldn't stand the waves and said, "He has become the eunuch now, hasn't he?"

"Yes." Gu Jinzhi said, "It's very strange. He specially went from the Qianqing Palace to the Jinghe Palace to touch me, but he didn't say anything. He just asked our good medicine hall. I don't quite understand..."

"Lying to your face, you know it in your heart!" The old man laughed, and there was no blame in his tone, but a little doting, "You guessed correctly. The Liang family has something to do with Xiang Liang..."

Gu Jinzhi looked at the old man, bit his lower lip slightly, and stopped talking a little.

"....... When Xiang's parents died, he escaped from his hometown at the age of seven or eight and begged for food in the village. It was Liang Rui's father who saved him. At that time, Liang's father was just a barefoot doctor in the countryside. When Xiang was twelve years old, the age was not good, and the people in the village starved to death. Liang's father got two sweet potatoes for Liang Rui and Xiang Shi, and he ate bran himself.

The old man said, "Later, there was no need to eat bran skin. Liang's father ate Guanyin soil by himself and left the bran skin to Xiang Shi and Liang Rui to eat. He died in a few days. At that time, there was no money to be buried, and it happened to be a waitress in the palace.

Liang Rui and Xiang Shi scrambled to go. Later, Xiang Shi tied Liang Rui to the chair, and he went to the palace by himself. He changed a few money and asked Liang Rui to bury Liang's father. He had a good life, married a daughter-in-law and had a baby. He wanted to save Liang's father's incense, and he couldn't go to the palace to be a servant even if he starved to death. I have to say that Xiang is a person who is affectionate and righteous. When he entered the palace, he changed his name to Liang, and everyone had to talk about what happened to him in those years..."

Gu Jinzhi is sad in his heart.

Don't forget to repay kindness, and have a conscience to Liang.

"Isn't Liang Rui's eldest son adopted by Xiang Shi now?" The old man said.

Liang Rui's eldest son is called Xiangran, not Liang Xiangran...

"Grandfather, my father-in-law Xiang is now a celebrity in front of the emperor and the empress dowager. I'm afraid that my uncle will also be hindered by him." Gu Jin said, "Why don't we take the opportunity to sell personal favors to him and change the rules of the pharmacy?" I heard that Liang's pharmacy is also a good deed every day, and it is friendly to the neighbors..."

Gu Jinzhi did not dare to deny in his heart the possibility of Liang's use of the opportunity to force away other pharmacies, nor did he dare to deny the rumor that it was the Liang family's walk and Gu's good medicine hall that cheated people...

"Let's make a good medicine hall, the word 'good' is at the beginning, and 'medicine' is after good. At first, no one believed us. Now it's been a month and a half. Everyone praises our medical character. Even if we charge, others won't say much. Gu Jin said, "Why borrow a great hatred?"

It's not easy to be a father-in-law.

Liang's pharmacy is on this street, selling cheap drugs, which is very low-key.

In fact, according to the relationship with the father-in-law, it is not difficult for Liang's pharmacy to get the court to worship. It is even easier to get a better store.

But Liang didn't.

At least on the surface, they are very low-key.

High-end pompous people are not terrible. Only those who are low-key and introverted should be vigilant.

After listening to Gu Jinzhi's words, the old man smiled and shook his head at her: "Don't change it. I know it in my heart."

Gu Jinzhi's heart was stunned.

This time, she doesn't understand the old man.

The old man is a stubborn person. But if you continue to be stubborn like this, the Gu family will offend others. Although the old man is stubborn, he will not burden his children and grandchildren.

He acted so abnormally that Gu Jinzhi was confused.

Gu Jinzhi was a little ashamed to think that the old man usually trusted her so much. No matter what she didn't ask, he was a little ashamed.

She is old, and there are so many old men in her life.

But the mood is far less than the old man.

"Yes." Gu Jin said, "Then I'll go out to help..."

The smile on the old man's face deepened: "Go ahead." I am very satisfied that Gu Jinzhi did not continue to persuade him.


The Empress Dowager asked Chang Shun to inquire about the connection between Gu's pharmacy and his father-in-law, and it was clear in half a day.

"...the brother of Xiang Liang?" The Empress Dowager said, "I have also heard several times that the people of the Liang family starved to death, leaving a mouthful of rice for Xiang Liang to eat, which saved Xiang Liang's life. Xiang Liang entered the palace to get money to bury the Liang family. This kindness is greater than God..."

No matter what form the story is expressed in, it always has the power to warm people's hearts.

From this story, we not only see self-sacrifice and kindness, but also see positive and sunshine, loyalty and gratitude.

The Empress Dowager likes this story, and so does the emperor.

So they are willing to keep this story to encourage future generations to know how to contribute and give...

"Liang Rui, the owner of Liang's pharmacy, is the brother of Gong Gong in those years." Chang Shun said, "My father-in-law has been favored in front of the former emperor and his majesty for more than ten years, and he has never asked for favors for his brothers. His brother, fighting for himself, opened a small pharmacy, which is not only cheap, but also often scattered medicine. It is well-known on Ximen Street!"

Liang's reputation is the reputation of his father-in-law.

It is precisely because of this that the emperor and the empress dowager know that they are honest and fair to the public and do things well, so they trust him more.

"Now it's rare to be like him..." The Empress Dowager praised.

"Isn't it?" Chang Shun said, "But as soon as the Gujiashan Medicine Hall opened, it immediately squeezed the Liang family out of business. The Empress Dowager, what kind of medical skill does the Duke of Gu have, and what kind of medical skill does Miss Gu have? Which one can't be called a magic doctor? The medicine of the Liang family is cheap, and the profit is not high. The sitting gentleman is not as good as Gu's heel. Gu's is all free, the medicine is good, the doctor is good... Liang's hasn't opened for two months.

The Empress Dowager listened and didn't answer for a long time.

Gu Shi did good deeds and was willing to scatter money to solve the suffering of the people. This is great good!

People who are not lingering in bed don't know the doctor's kindness.

The Empress Dowager was ill for 18 months last time. She can deeply understand the usefulness of a good doctor, and she can't be grateful for anything with that kind of kindness.

Guo Guogong is not only free medical skills, but also free medicinal materials. For those poor people who are plagued by diseases, there is no doubt that they are living Bodhisattvas!

It is difficult for people with normal bodies to understand this kind of rescue, but the Empress Dowager has a deep understanding of it.

If she opposes Gu's behavior, I'm afraid God can't see it, right?

But Gu Shi acted in this way, forcing the Liang family, who had been in place for ten years, to close down.

Xiang Liang has been in the palace for many years and is loyal to the previous emperor and the current emperor.

"The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh..." The Empress Dowager sighed, "Gu Shi is good. Naturally, they can't be ordered, and they should be rewarded and encouraged. The Liang family..."

The Empress Dowager was silent again.

Compared with Gu's good deeds, it is really insignificant to lose a Liang family.

However, there is a beam in it.

If you let it go like this, wouldn't it be a chill in Xiang Liang's heart? After decades of loyalty, the benefactor was forced to be desperate. Who doesn't feel sad?

The Empress Dowager was silent for a moment and slowly thought about it.

"Chang Shun, you come..." After a cup of tea kung fu meditation, the Empress Dowager suddenly shouted Chang Shun, whispered in his ear, and ordered something.

Chang Shun nodded and said yes, turning around and leaving Kunning Palace.


It's the second update, everyone, please ask for a pink ticket. RS