Spring boudoir note

Chapter 213 Provocation

The matter of Concubine De's invitation to the imperial doctor soon spread all over the deep palace.

Tan Guifei changed into a clean palace costume and took the maid of honor and the chambermaid to visit Jinghe Palace.

The close-fitting maid of honor asked, "Madam, why should we join in this fun?"

"The people in this palace, I like Concubine De the most." As Tan Guifei walked, she said to the maid next to her, "Concubine De is very..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Tan Guifei finally just smiled.

There are many words that can describe Defei. But there are few that can be said.

Concubine Tan is well aware of the words and deeds in the palace.

When Tan Guifei took people to Jinghe Palace, Concubine Zhang Shu, who lived relatively close, had arrived first; then, Concubine Su also arrived; Concubine Su had just entered the door, and Dong Guiren and Qin Guiren, who were pregnant with Liujia, also came; later, Lu Guiren also arrived.

Jinghe Palace was full of people, and everyone was very concerned about Concubine De's body.

Peng Leyi, the point of the imperial hospital, personally led three doctors of good women to serve.

Dr. Li has diagnosed Defei's pulse in the inner hall.

Tan Guifei entered the inner hall in person, accompanied by Zhang Shufei.

Other concubines, without the call of Concubine De, dare not enter easily, all in the hall.

Everyone has anxiety on their faces, but they have their own thoughts.

Tan Guifei and Zhang Shufei entered the inner hall, did not disturb the doctor's consultation, and stood aside quietly.

The palace people hurriedly took the brocade for the two of them.

Concubine Zhang personally served Concubine Tan to sit down, and then half sat on the brocade beside Concubine Tan, with a dignified look, with the head of Concubine Tan.

After half a cup of tea, the doctor's pulse was over.

"Madam, show your face, look at your complexion..." Dr. Li said.

The maid of honor hung up the curtain of Concubine De.

Concubine De's complexion was not as good as before, her eyebrows frowned and her face was slightly pale.

Tan Guifei saw it, and the pity in her eyes poured out unabashedly.

Concubine Zhang stood up and looked at Concubine De.

These two are more concerned about Concubine De than their own sisters.

Concubine De's lower abdomen is painful, and she is anxious and angry. How can she have the leisure to see the faces of Tan Guifei and Zhang Shufei? She just stared at the doctor.

Dr. Li is in his forties. After all, he is not old enough. He was a little panicked by Concubine De and stammered, "Your mother... Your mother can't do evil dew... The evil dew can't do it. If you have blood, you can't breathe up and gasp."

It turned out to be just the reason why the evil can't be exposed.

Concubine Tan also stood up, walked to Concubine De's bed, and asked Dr. Li, "Concubine De's fetus is very stable. How can she have evil dew?"

Zhang Shufei secretly praised Tan Guifei in her heart.

Tan Guifei pointed the finger at Gu Jinzhi, who has always been favored in the palace, and thus pointed to the Gu family.

Concubine De's fetus has always been taken care of by Gu Jinzhi. Although she gave birth to the princess smoothly, she immediately had a problem after giving birth. Gu Jinzhi's doctor could not shirk the responsibility.

Why did you make Defei like this? Do you want to give birth to a prince and make something evil for Concubine De to eat to make Concubine De like this?

Tan Guifei already had hundreds of words in her heart.

She didn't say anything, but she just cared about the disease of Concubine De in front of her.

Zhang Shufei took a step back slightly.

This time, she didn't stand on the same line with Tan Guifei.

She doesn't have to help Tan Guifei and Gu Jiadou.

If the Gu family and the Tan family really fight to the death, the most beneficial thing in the future is Zhang Shufei...

Women in the palace are all considerate interests.

This is not their selfishness and cold blood, but to protect themselves.

Living in the palace, every step is walking in the thorns. Emotions and pity are the most useless things. Only with interests can they protect themselves and live in a decent way.

Like Tan Guifei, Zhang Shufei has already smoothed the edges and corners, and now she only has the skills to live, and there is no emotion to speak of.

"In the words of the noble concubine, the de concubine's disease, the pulse string, I'm afraid it is caused by poor mood and liver qi stagnation. If you don't think about it, if the liver qi is not smooth, the qi will be unfavorable to the breath, and if the blood can't go smoothly, the evil will not be exposed. The lochia can't go down, and the lower abdomen is swollen and painful..." Dr. Li said.

Tan Guifei smiled in her heart.

This imperial doctor should not have walked in front of Concubine De before, and he is honest and doesn't know Concubine De's temper at all.

Sure enough, after listening to the doctor's words, Concubine De was furious: "I was happy to give birth to the third princess. Why am I not in a good mood? Such a quack doctor, why don't you fight it out quickly?"

It's exactly the same as Tan Guifei expected.

Zhang Shufei listened with her head down and didn't say much.

"I'm not going out yet!" Tan Guifei immediately darkened her face and scolded Dr. Li.

Concubine De is so popular with Concubine Tan - her reaction and her mind are all under the control of Concubine Tan. If you want to control Concubine De, it's easy to use Concubine De to make trouble. How can Tan Guifei not like her for such a convenient person?

Dr. Li is indeed an honest man who doesn't know much about the rules of the palace. Unlike some imperial doctors, they have figured out the character of the master who is spoiled in the palace. It is clear how to talk when they meet.

This Dr. Li said something wrong all of a sudden.

Seeing that Concubine De and Concubine Tan turned against each other at the same time, Peng Leyi and Dr. Li, all of them knelt down in panic and kowtowed to them, saying damn it.

Tan Guifei sat by the bedside of Concubine De, carefully tidged the corner of the quilt for her, and said softly, "Sister, don't be angry. You can't see the wind now. Lie down quickly.

Then he changed his previous gentleness and generosity, and asked Dr. Li, who knelt on the ground with a cold face, "Doctor Li, did you often walk in front of Concubine Su in the past? Don't you know the importance of talking to Concubine Su?"

Dr. Li was originally a straightforward character.

Su Concubine has always had a good personality, and she trusts Dr. Li very much. Su Concubine has been weak and sickly since she was a child, and she has become more generous and patient with the doctor.

"The officer is just outspoken..." Dr. Li said with a neck, "The evidence of the Empress, no matter who can say the second reason, the officer is willing to lose his position."

Dr. Li is from Shandong, and he is the most straightforward.

The medical case he broke can't be changed.

Besides, he is sure.

Gynecology is a difficult disease.

People who study medicine say: It's better to treat ten men than one woman. Because gynecological diseases are difficult, there are few people who are proficient in it.

If you are really proficient, you are naturally conceited and talented. Dr. Li is both straightforward and talented. He doesn't care about Tan Guifei's fierce responsibility and insists on his own opinions.

Concubine De trembled with anger and scolded, "Doctor, Doctor of quack! If you know your mistakes and don't correct them, there are still a lot of truths. Did Concubine Su instigate you to murder this palace?

Zhang Shufei still stood behind and listened quietly.

She thinks Tan Guifei is lucky today.

Tan Guifei wanted to take advantage of Concubine De's illness. She not only pointed to the Gu family's plot against it and wanted a prince, but also pointed to the Jianning Hou Mansion behind Su Concubine. She wanted to go further and wanted a second-grade concubine, but she actually colluded with the imperial doctor.

No matter whether these accusations can be effective in the end, they can leave a trace in the emperor's heart.

In the future, as long as the Gu family and the Jianning Marquis have something to do, the emperor will think of these traces today.

Zhang Shufei couldn't help but feel cold.

Either don't fight with Tan Guifei, or crush her to death.

If you want to fight with Tan Guifei and lose, there is only one way to die in the future.

Concubine Zhang doesn't want to live under Concubine Tan forever, let alone be forced to death by Concubine Tan.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shufei did not flinch.

She smiled and went to the bedside of Concubine De and said to Concubine De, "Sister, don't be angry. Your body is important now, and you are most out of breath.

Then she said to Peng Leyi, "Shoo out this useless thing quickly. It's in the way of Princess De here!"

Concubine Tan hasn't said enough.

Her goal has not been achieved yet.

Zhang Shufei suddenly intervened, which made Tan Guifei sneer in her heart and looked up at her.

"Get out of here!" Concubine De really followed Zhang Shufei's words.

After roaring, Defei's lower abdomen hurt even more tightly.

She can't breathe.

Peng Leyi and others did not dare to delay and all withdrew from the inner hall.

Only Tan Guifei and Zhang Shufei were left to accompany Concubine De.

Although these two concubines helped Concubine De, Concubine De always felt that they had bad intentions. Concubine De had no sense of trust in her heart, and she would not believe these two in her heart. She said, "Two sisters, please move away. I want to sleep for a while..."

Tan Guifei and Zhang Shufei told her to take good care of herself, and then went out of the inner hall together.

When they arrived at the main hall, several other people waiting asked Concubine De's situation one after another.

"I haven't found it out yet." Tan Guifei smiled warmly, "That Dr. Li said a lot of words and made Concubine De angry. Sisters, let's all break up. Don't delay Concubine De's rest here. It is estimated that the hospital will send the doctor again in the afternoon..."

Concubine Su, standing in the crowd, suddenly cooled down behind her back.

Tan Guifei's gentle smile was very dazzling.

The concubines in the palace have a kind of keenness.

Su Concubine was born in Houmen. She has been a high-ranking position in her family since she was a child, and she is more vigilant.

Finally, led by Tan Guifei, everyone went out of the Jinghe Palace one after another.

Zhang Shufei took a step slowly and walked side by side with Su.

"That Dr. Li, it's really outrageous today." Zhang Shufei's voice was a little high, and even Tan Guifei, who was walking in front, could hear "I said a lot of nonsense. If I hadn't stopped him and let him go out, I was afraid that he would say more and make Concubine De unhappy. Hearing that he was always walking in front of his sister, she was too tolerant of him..."

The other concubines didn't dare to look back. They walked carefully, and their steps were light for fear of causing a fire.

Is Zhang Shufei scolding Su?

On weekdays, Zhang Shufei is also a person with no revealing personality. What's wrong today?

Is Concubine De seriously ill?

Tan Guifei's expression was gentle, and she sneered in her heart. Zhang Shufei was openly flattering Su Concubine, letting Su know that she had defended Dr. Li. Otherwise, according to Dr. Li's stubbornness, I'm afraid that Concubine De will be completely offended.

Seeing that Zhang Shufei was very smart and tuous, she didn't dare to involve Tan Guifei in it. Tan Guifei smiled and quickly went to her palace.

How can Su Concubine not hear the meaning of Zhang Shufei?

"Thank you for stopping me..." Su Concubine hurriedly said, "Actually, my sister, in the past, I was not too close to Dr. Li..."

She wanted to say that Dr. Li was not her cronies.

But can others believe this?

Everyone knows that Concubine Su's pulse case has always been under the control of Dr. Li, and he has to consult almost two or three times a month.

Zhang Shufei smiled.

Su Concubine also knew that her explanation was a little pale, but she couldn't say it.

A survival skill in the palace is called covering the ears and stealing the bell. Even if it really happens to me, if I can push it, I will push it, and I will pretend to push it innocently.

Su Concubine said so innocently: "... It's all my sister's fault that she is not competitive and often gets sick. Who is so close to the imperial doctor in the palace? Originally, he just asked him to see a doctor, but he relied on me. Now he has offended Sister Defei. My sister really deserves to die.

With that, he began to cry.

"Sister, don't be sad." Zhang Shufei took her hand and said with a smile, "How can we control the villain outside? Fortunately, there is no accident now, and my sister should be at ease..."

"Yes, thanks to my sister." Su Concubine looked grateful to Zhang Shufei and cried again.

After breaking up with Zhang Shufei at the fork in the road, Su's tears restrained.

She walked very slowly and thought quietly.

The people in the imperial hospital went to consult Defei, but why did they involve the power of the back?

Why did you mix Su Concubine in?

Concubine De herself doesn't have this ability.

At that time, only Zhang Shufei and Tan Guifei were in the inner hall.

And Zhang Shufei, who openly sells favors, is not like her style. She didn't sell favors so easily... She said in front of Tan Guifei, as if she wanted to relieve Tan Guifei's doubts.

Su Concubine immediately thought of Tan Guifei.

The only one who can provoke from it is Tan Guifei.

When the Gu family and the Su family get married, they will become more and more powerful in Beijing; while the Tan family withdrew from the court, and their power was gradually squeezed.

It can provoke the infighting between the Gu family and the Su family, and even turn the Su family and the Gu family into the emperor's side at the same time. The biggest benefit is the Tan family.

Zhang Shufei's [true] real intention is to imply Su Concubine, right?

Su Concubine's fingers clenched tightly, and her heart seemed to burn the fire again.

She wants to see her mother.


It will be over in a few hours this month. The pink ticket will be cleared at the end of the month. Sisters still have tickets in their hands, so support 15! ( To be continued