Spring boudoir note

Chapter 228 First Time

Zhu Zhongjun was smashed by Gu Jinzhi and had a brief dizziness.

For the next half of the day, his head was dizzy, and some messy memories actually came to his mind.

In my memory, there was a middle-aged man, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, sitting by his bedside, and scolded another boy kneeling on the ground fiercely: "Zhong Jun may have something to do, and you don't have to live..."

Zhu Zhongjun was confused and only saw that the man's face was very cold and angry.

But he turned to Zhu Zhongjun, who was lying in **, and he immediately changed his face to spoiled and kind.

The two expressions are quickly converted, natural, and from the mind and body.

This image is the young Luyang king and prince...

A middle-aged man should be the first emperor.

The former emperor loved the king of Luyang very much, but he was very strict with the prince. In the eyes of the child, this kind of strictness is annoying; Zhu Zhongjun knows that if a father has high expectations for his son, he will be particularly strict.

This kind of sternness is just hope that his son will become a dragon, hoping that he can be more perfect.

The prince misunderstood his father's severity.

He shrugged his shoulders and didn't dare to speak. He was very scared.

This should be the memory of the King of Luyang...

Zhu Zhongjun also remembered some trivial things in Luzhou.

Ning Xi, Qian Lan, and even others... people he doesn't know.

And when the King of Luyang saw Gu Jinzhi for the first time. That feeling, familiar, like, reluctant to leave, let go of the Buddha in his heart, ready to come out.

When it was almost time for dinner, Zhu Zhongjun was better.

Gu Jinzhi didn't talk to him.

Zhu's mother and Nishang said that Gu Jinzhi was ignorant: "... You hit someone, is it reasonable? Pay something to the prince!"

One of Gu Jin's faces turned black.

"It's okay not to make amends, hold the prince..." Zhu's mother took Gu Jinzhi's hand and asked her to take Zhu Zhongjun to the main courtyard for dinner, smiling and hoped that they would make up.

Gu Jinzhi wanted to refuse, but Zhu's mother had already pulled her hand to Zhu Zhongjun's side.

Zhu Zhongjun took the opportunity to lead her, and her eyebrows were full of laughter.

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything more and led Zhu Zhongjun out of the courtyard.

On the way, Zhu Zhongjun said to Gu Jin, "I'm dizzy... I want to vomit..."

Gu Jinzhi also knew that his hands were a little heavy, so he stopped and said to him, "Look down, let me see..."

According to Zhu Zhongjun's words, he stretched out his head and lowered his head to let Gu Jinzhi see it.

When Gu Jinzhi tiptoed up and approached, he suddenly raised his face again.

Gu Jinzhi was unprepared and was so scared that he took a step back.

Zhu Zhongjun laughed.

Gu Jinzhi knew that he had been teased by him again, so he turned around and left, no longer talking to him.

The main courtyard had dinner and went back to their rooms.


At night, Gu Jinzhi had a little insomnia.

Zhu Zhongjun's kiss is not completely without feeling.

Her heart was a little fast at that time.

I thought I had forgotten a lot of things about him, but I gradually remembered them.

I saw him for the first time in junior high school, and then died of life, old age, illness and death. Although the feelings of tension, fear, obedience, or anger at that time were gone, those images can still be vaguely remembered.

The Zhu family is a big family.

Except for the old man, Zhu Zhongjun is not close to anyone.

Especially his father and second uncle, are particularly estranged and even hateful.

My father-in-law is fifty-six years old. He is in the golden age of politics. His career has been smooth. He has already entered the Standing Committee. His promotion is just around the corner, but he suddenly announced his retirement.

Gu Jinzhi accidentally heard that it was Zhu Zhongjun who blocked it.

After that, my father-in-law didn't even have the politeness to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi became more and more difficult at his mother-in-law's house.

During the Spring Festival, Zhu Zhongjun is often absent, and only Gu Jinzhi and Rongnan go back for a reunion dinner.

Full of families, uncles and brothers, hundreds of people.

My mother-in-law is fine with Rongnan, but she has no good face for Gu Jinzhi; the father-in-law's smile is gentle, but there is no temperature; the others take care of themselves, and no one will lick their faces and come up.

And Gu Jinzhi himself is also a cold personality, not the exquisite person who is good at socializing.

Except for the ninth cousin of the sixth cousin's family, Zhu Zhongjun is not intimate with anyone. Maybe it's Aiwu and Wu, and the ninth cousin is not bad for Gu Jinzhi.

And Gu Jinzhi is a very ordinary woman. She has a social humanity and hopes to be accepted by her family. But because of Zhu Zhongjun, no matter how hard Gu Jinzhi tries, her parents-in-law don't like Gu Jinzhi and Rongnan very much.

At that time, Gu Jinzhi was a little annoyed with Zhu Zhongjun.

She asked Zhu Zhongjun why he quarreled so much with his biological parents.

When it comes to this, Zhu Zhongjun will be inexplicably furious.

In the next few months, he will not give Gu Jinzhi a good face.

Gu Jinzhi can't coax men...

At that time, Zhu Zhongjun lost his temper and was angry, and Gu Jinzhi knew it. However, she was helpless. She never knew what to do if a man lost his temper. She had seen that her parents respected each other since she was a child. She had no experience in that field, so she could only wait anxiously for Zhu Zhongjun to recover his emotions.

Gu Jinzhi asked twice, both of which were the same, and then he didn't ask again...

People who can't make friends with themselves can't maintain even the strongest feelings, not to mention that Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun have no feelings.

This is probably the basic status of their marriage.

Zhu Zhongjun's mood changes quickly, and sometimes he turns against him with a little thing.

After turning against him, Gu Jinzhi asked him something, but he didn't say anything.

Gu Jinzhi can't guess again...

Of course, there are also happy times.

Zhu Zhongjun doesn't lose his temper, which is quite good.

Several old marshals at the national treasure level are not in good physical. Zhu Zhongjun strongly recommended Gu Jinzhi to be their health consultant.

Gu Jinzhi was very talented in this regard, so she accepted it.

She has indeed cured the stubborn diseases of those old generals, and she is real.

Those old generals who survived in the stormy waves like Gu Jinzhi's sincerity, simplicity and kindness. At that time, she was indeed a nerd, spotless, very simple and pure.

The connections of these old generals, even the old man of the Zhu family lost by 10.

Zhu Zhongjun got better and better later, and part of it was also due to Gu Jin's superb medical skills to help him bring him connections.

He seems to have tasted the sweetness, and he always keeps urging Gu Jinzhi to make progress and go further...

Based on the fact that Gu Jinzhi is very helpful to him, he is still good to Gu Jinzhi when he didn't step on his bottom line.

Sometimes when you are gentle, you will also do something romantic: such as going home to bring her a bouquet of flowers, buying her some small jewelry, and accompanying her and Rongnan to the amusement park. On the way home, three people held hands. Zhu Zhongjun raised Rongnan above his head, which made Rongnan laugh. He put down Rongnan, picked up Gu Jinzhi again, and hugged her in a circle...

When the weather is good, when they have free time, they will set up a tent for a picnic on the lawn in front of their door.

Gu Jinzhi made something to eat, Zhu Zhongjun wrapped around her waist from behind, gently nibbled her earlobe, and said some blushing love words...

The wind is very warm, and the snow-white locust flowers are falling, and the fragrance is overflowing.

Thinking about it, Gu Jinzhi fell asleep in a daze.

She actually dreamed of the bedroom in her previous life.

Light purple decoration, purple floral sheets.

She was weak all over and lay under Zhu Zhongjun.

Zhu Zhongjun's strong waist was all pressed on her. He galloped hard and was extremely silent. Gu Jinzhi seems to have been thrown into the clouds.

The feeling of dizziness was a wave of * impact, and she could hardly control her breathing.

His body rhythmically sometimes rhythmically, and sometimes wildly, causing Gu Jinzhi to throw away his armor and even beg for mercy.

He didn't say anything, but there was a faint smile in the corners of his eyes.

The sweat on his forehead dripped down and fell on Gu Jinzhi's face. He leaned over and made the final impact. He left all the wandering in Gu Jinzhi's body, and then kissed Gu Jinzhi's lips deeply.

He muttered Gu Jinzhi's name from the cracks of his teeth.

With an excitement, Gu Jinzhi woke up.

It's still midnight, and it's dark in the curtain.

And she actually had a * dream, and Zhu Zhongjun's * dream.

She was sweaty, soaked in the pillow, and could even feel wet in the depths of her thighs...

What an embarrassment!

Gu Jinzhi sat up and called the maid on duty at night to serve her to the toilet.

Today is Zhilei's night duty.

Gu Jinzhi's underwear was a little fashionable. She wanted to change it, so she asked Zhilei to look for clothes.

After retreating, I saw a red piece of red on my underwear...

She has menarche...

On the night of the first tide, I actually dreamed of having a bed with Zhu Zhongjun, which was even more embarrassing for Gu Jinzhi.

Zhilei took the clothes in and saw the dirty clothes that had faded from her hand. She took it over and saw the red tide on the bottom of the underwear.

Gu Jinzhi sat there, with a blank face and a shy look on his face. His snow-white teeth clenched his lips tightly, a little at a loss.

Zhilei squeezed her lips and smiled, hurriedly served Gu Jinzhi's clothes, and then said to her, "Girl, don't be afraid... The girl has grown up. Girls are all like this. I'll ask Zhu's mother to come..."

She helped Gu Jinzhi to ** and went to ask her mother.

I wish my mother a happy come in.

She taught Gu Jinzhi how to use the menstrual belt...

Gu Jin didn't say anything, just listened carefully.

Zhu's mother could also see that she was embarrassed, so she gently touched her head: "Sister Jin, you will be a big girl in the future. It's okay. It's a small day. You are almost fourteen years old, and you will have a small life. It's too late. There's nothing to be ashamed of. The girl's family wants to be like this..."

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything.

She was really embarrassed, not because of the menarche, but because of that dream.

Zhu Zhongjun's body in the dream is so clear.

Zhu Zhongjun's facial features are feminine and feminine, more beautiful than girls, but he has a strong body and good physical fitness. In terms of husband and wife's bed, he can always be satisfied with Gu Jin...

"I'll go to bed first." Gu Jinzhi pulled the quilt and covered his head.

She seldom thinks about this.

If Zhu Zhongjun hadn't kissed her yesterday, she wouldn't have thought of it.

But once the gate in the heart is opened, the memory is like a tide, which can't be blocked.

She can't sleep.

This toss is dawn.

The next day, Song Pan'er also knew about Gu Jin's menarche.

Song Paner called her over and personally told her about the girl, how to maintain it and so on.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't quite understand at first, but later vaguely guessed it.

"Now that I'm married, I'm not an obscene girl, am I?" He asked Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi thought of the dream last night and saw his face again, which was a little unnatural in his heart.

She ignored Zhu Zhongjun and bowed her head to write.


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