Spring boudoir note

Chapter 232 Eavesdropping

Song's mother went out to greet Mrs. Tan, and Song Paner straightened her temples and sat down waiting for Mrs. Tan to come.

The corners of her lips sneered.

Song Pan'er dares to get angry with the first lady of the Tan family in the Tan family, let alone the Gu family?

Gu Jinzhi could guess that his mother didn't have a good temper later, so he secretly winted Zhu Zhongjun and wanted them to go out first.

Zhu Zhongjun ignored it.

He just came to see the situation. How could he return empty-handed?

Gu Jinzhi had to cough lightly.

Zhu Zhongjun looked back at her with a warning in his eyes and told her not to quarrel.

Gu Jinzhi understood what he was thinking. For a moment, he was angry and funny, so he simply took his hand and said, "Let's go and see the Princess of Nanchang..."

Zhu Zhongjun did not move.

Gu Jinzhi pulled hard again.

Seeing that their actions were different, the eyes of Begonia, Mu Qing and Nian Lu, who served in the room, fell on them.

Zhu Zhongjun remembered that he had always listened to Gu Jinzhi's words, and now he refuted her, which was a little unreasonable, so he found a reason and said, "Sun outside..."

By August 14, although the sun outside was bright, it was not hot, and it was warm on the body.

Everyone sneered at him, and even Song Pan'er laughed.

Song Paner knew her daughter's thoughts, so she smiled and said to them, "Since you are afraid of the sun, let's go to the warm pavilion for a while. I'm afraid Brother Yi and Brother Yi are awake..."

Song Pan'er said so. Zhu Zhongjun couldn't hold on any longer, so he had to follow Gu Jinzhi to the warm pavilion.

He took Gu Jinzhi's hand and pinched it secretly.

I'm very unhappy.

Gu Jinzhi didn't coax him either.

She is in a bad mood today. Maybe it's because of the menarche. She wears a menstrual belt on her body. She is always uncomfortable. She feels wet and heavy.

It may also be the matter of the Tan family. Make her upset.

Her hormones were out of control, and with the matter of the Tan family, her mood plummeted.

She was silent and silent.

Zhu Zhongjun also had something on his mind, so he didn't provoke her and let her be silent.

The two went to the Nuan Pavilion to see the children.

Brother Xiao Shixuan can already walk. The wet nurse took his hand and let him stumble around in the room; Brother Xiao Shixuan was sleeping.

Gu Jinzhi was not in the mood to tease the child, so he sat aside.

Zhu Zhongjun wants to hold Xiaoshi's hand. Help him walk.

Xiao Shi hid behind the wet nurse.

The wet nurse was a little embarrassed and said to Zhu Zhongjun with a dry smile, "Your Majesty, Brother Yao is afraid of birth..."

Zhu Zhongjun smiled and didn't care.

In fact, the words of the wet nurse made him a little sad. He takes care of his family all day long. Whether the Gu family is a master or a subordinate, they regard him as an outsider.

He only has Gu Jinzhi...

He sat next to Gu Jinzhi. The maid brought him tea, and he took it in his hand, drank slowly, and stopped talking.

The wet nurse suddenly became uneasy and didn't know if she had provoked him. I saw the terrible silence in the room. The wet nurse wants to take Brother Wei out.

Brother Yu didn't want to. He shrugged his body and insisted on Gu Jin's hug.

Such a sharp contrast suddenly expanded the loss in Zhu Zhongjun's heart.

Gu Jinzhi didn't pay attention to his face. He cheered up and hugged Brother Yao.

Brother Yu's hand is heavy. She is not feeling well, and it's a little difficult to hold her.

But she still holds the child very hard. He asked Brother Yao with a smile, "Shall we go out to play?" Then he put down Brother Yao and took his hand. Went to the yard.

Zhu Zhongjun also came out and stood under the eaves.

Today's sunshine is very good, and the warmth shines on people.

The yard is full of huā grass.

At this time of year, osmanthus huā blooms, and the fragrance falls all over the ground, as if it is as gorgeous as brocade on the ground; the shadow of osmanthus huā tree is slanted, half on a begonia.

The begonia's gorgeous huā petals are reflected in the emerald green, which is particularly eye-catching.

Brother Yu kept walking under the shadow of the tree.

He wears embroidered tiger-headed shoes, green trousers, and a big red brocade coat, which is strong and tiger-headed, which makes people feel that the child will be very simple and honest in the future.

Gu Jinzhi led him and followed him everywhere. Once he was about to hit the tree, he picked him up. The depression on her face slowed down and she changed into a light smile.

This kind of spoiled smile is very familiar.

When Zhu Zhongjun remembered his previous life, he accidentally moved the documents home on the weekend. He worked in the study on the second floor and heard the laughter of Gu Jinzhi and Rongnan on the lawn downstairs.

He will make excuses that he is tired and stand on the balcony for a while.

Gu Jinzhi accompanied the child, rolling on the grass, sometimes holding a book to the child, and sometimes it was meaningless.

The sun shone on them, covering Gu Jin's body with white light, and his facial features became very blurred and a little unclear.

But Zhu Zhongjun always remembers the smell of sunshine and her laughter. At that time, I didn't feel happy, I just felt very comfortable.

His wife and children are downstairs. He is also very energetic at work and is particularly down-to-earth.

After the fall out with Gu Jinzhi, although they still live together, they are still husband and wife, but they have long been married. Zhu Zhongjun persisted for several years. Gu Jinzhi was so stubborn that she could not forgive Zhu Zhongjun.

At that time, Zhu Zhongjun thought deflatedly that she had probably never liked him. So he moved out of that house.

In the next 20 years, he often went back, sometimes because of family affairs, sometimes because of business, but did not stay overnight.

After Gu Jinzhi's death, he moved back.

At that time, he was not as busy as when he was young.

He has more leisure time than when he was young. He often works in his study. Sometimes when the weather is good in the afternoon, he will ask his secretary to move the chair and sit on the balcony to drink tea and read.

He can always hear Gu Jinzhi's laughter, and he can faintly see her and Rongnan laughing on the lawn.

The older he gets, the more he misses Gu Jinzhi, and sometimes even dreams of her all night. This is probably the reason why he came here and became the king of Luyang, right?

What he regrets most in his old age is that he thought he loved her when he was young, but he didn't regard her as a treasure...

When I was young, I loved too many things, and Gu Jinzhi was just one of them.

But when I was old, I found that I had got all the things I loved when I was young, except for Gu Jinzhi's heart.

The sparrow under the eaves was shocked by something and flapped its wings. He bumped into the cage and made a slight noise, pulling Zhu Zhongjun's mind back.

In front of her is still young Gu Jinzhi, playing with her brother.

The vicissitudes of the Buddha's previous life are just a nightmare.

Zhu Zhongjun smiled, and the loss in his heart also disappeared.

He thought of the second room in the east of the main house, Song Paner was meeting guests, and there were only two little maids sitting on the stone rock to play.

He pretended to be careless and moved his feet. It was moved under the window of the East Second Room.

There happened to be a begonia under the window, so he picked off a huā and tore it in his hand. The maid noticed him, but she didn't dare to drive him away.

Zhu Zhongjun pricked up his ears and listened to what was saying.

I faintly heard Song Pan'er's voice.

Song Pan'er was a little excited. His voice couldn't be suppressed, so he raised a little: "... How old is my sister? It's full, and I'm only thirteen years old today! Such a big little girl, holding her leg and calling her aunt, how can she call her aunt? Is your aunt so young?"

Another woman's voice was a little old, accompanied by a smile: "Aunt Cheng in the boss's room. I just went there half a year ago. Sister Yu was born by Aunt Cheng, and the eldest daughter-in-law also went there for two years. There has been no one in the room. The child was raised by Aunt Cheng. Mother and daughter are deeply in love... Such a small child suddenly lost his mother..."

Play the emotional card.

Song Pan'er sneered: "So, it's ours wrong to make your girl sad?"

Mrs. Tan probably didn't expect Song Pan'er to be so unreasonable. I was a little annoyed and silent. He said, "When you talk like this, I don't know what to pick up... How can I think so? The child has no mother, and it is difficult to accept for a while. If you misrecognize someone, it is our strict control. Please take more care of it with Miss Seven.

At the end, her voice was also a little strong.

The Tan family is a big family, and it is the first rich family in Beijing.

The eldest lady who presided over the gift represents the whole Tan family.

Her eldest daughter used to be the queen, her second daughter is the most noble concubine in the palace, her nephew is the eldest prince, the future emperor...

She is the most powerful lady in the capital, isn't she?

She could come forward and take the initiative to explain. She saw that Gu Jinzhi would be the daughter-in-law of the Empress Dowager in the future, and she didn't want to tear her face.

Normally, Song Pan'er should know the praise and be grateful.

But Song Pan'er didn't, but had a strong attitude and did not mean to forgive the Tan family at all, which made Mrs. Tan a little unhappy.

I don't have a wink.

This is her evaluation of Song Pan'er.

I also thought that Song Paner came from the countryside of Yanling Prefecture. Maybe she didn't know the status of the Tan family in the capital, and relied on her daughter to be favored in front of the Empress Dowager. She didn't know how many catties she was, so she was so arrogant. Mrs. Tan's unhappiness was

She continued with a smile, "... When we heard Sister Yu call her aunt, we all told us that this matter would not spread. Besides, you also said, how old is Miss Seven? It's just a half-aged child. Even if others say something, who will believe it?

"Because gossip is not credible, it doesn't matter, but?" Song Pan'er snorted coldly, "Don't you know what the lady said? People's hearts are unpredictable. If there is any dirty water spilled on my sister's head in the future, can your family bear it?

Mrs. Tan is silent again.

I guess she is about to be pissed off by Song Paner.

Song Pan'er just refused to say a soft word.

Zhu Zhongjun stood outside the window and listened and couldn't help smiling.

Gu Jinzhi's mother is so strong that she won't let Gu Jinzhi eat at all.

"That's not what I mean..." Mrs. Tan's smile became more and more reluctant, and even a little smileless. "The child's childish words are ignorant, and now he has caused trouble. What should I do? Please also show me the way."

Zhu Zhongjun stood outside the window and was listening carefully.

Brother Ying came straight to him.

Gu Jinzhi hurriedly helped the child, and the two still bumped into the begonia tree, and the branches and leaves rang wildly.

Song Paner heard it inside and was shocked. Thinking about who was eavesdropping, she took the opportunity to say angrily, "Who is outside?"
