Spring boudoir note

Chapter 237 Tan You

Gu Jinzhi is far less vigilant about the environment than Zhu Zhongjun.

She doesn't like it by nature.

Even if she has the desire to fight for power and profit in her heart, she is forced; and Zhu Zhongjun is born.

She didn't notice that the people on the street were different.

Just on the way back, Zhu Zhongjun was terribly silent, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were as sharp as a cold blade, thinking about something.

"What's wrong?" Gu Jinzhi asked him, "Are you really scared?"

Zhu Zhongjun did not answer.

Gu Jinzhi stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes. He opened Gu Jinzhi's hand impatiently.

He was very committed and frowned.

Gu Jinzhi knew that he had known something recently, but he didn't want to tell her.

This made her light heart sink slightly.


Two men dressed in coarse cloth on the street corner are tall and strong, but they are not like peddlers. They have a kind of military majesty.

They all wore straw hats and stared at the carriage that went out of Gu's Shanyaotang.

The Huagai carriage soon disappeared from sight.

One of the taller men slowly took off his straw hat, revealing a handsome and heroic face.

His eyebrows are high, his eyes are deep, and his eyes are bright and sharp.

At this moment, he is slightly spling his lips, mixed with some pain.

"Your Excellency, have you seen it clearly?" Another man beside him also took off his straw hat and asked him.

"I can see it clearly..." The tall man's voice was low and hoarse, and even a little in a trance.

"It's really real!" The subordinates around him said to him.

The tall man's face was a little distorted, and the pain came to his mind.

"But it's just like!" The subordinate said again, "Your Excellency. She is not true. She is the future concubine of the King Luyang, who was married by the emperor... We shouldn't have seen it today. Instead, it adds a little burden to your heart..."

"It's never a burden!" The tall man's voice was a little fierce, and he interrupted his subordinates, "When I was about to leave, she said that she would not leave. She has always been there. Miss Gu Qi really came back incarnation. Don't worry, she will be mine! I don't have to bear the pain of love, and you don't have to bear the pain of losing your sister!"

The subordinates looked at the adults they followed and could only sigh in their hearts.

"Yes, I know!" Subordinates.

"Go back." The tall man finally said.

His name is Tan You. He is the eldest grandson of Zhang and Marquis Tan, and the elder brother of Tan Guifei. Now he is the commander of Jinyiwei. The position is only the commander of Jinyiwei.

Follow him. He is his closest subordinate. It's called Zhen Mo.

Zhen Mo has been with Tan You since he was a child, and then stayed with him in the Northwest Camp for five years. Now he also works for thousands of households in Jinyiwei. Loyalty. Be loyal.

His only relative is his sister Zhen Zhen.

Tan You saw Zhen Zhen for the first time. I was moved by her.

He told Zhen Mo that he wanted to take Zhen Zhen as his concubine and would take good care of her.

Zhen Mo's brother and sister were born in the market, and their father was an iron-drick.

It is a great honor for Zhen Zhen to be an aunt in Tan's family.

What's more, Zhen Mo knows Tan You. Tan You is an affectionate and righteous man. During their five years in the northwest, Tan You never went to military brothels. He knew how to love himself and never be promiscuous. He took a fancy to Zhen Zhen, not frivolously wanting Zhen Zhen's beauty.

He really likes Zhen Zhen and fell in love with her at first sight.

Zhen Mo agreed.

After Zhen Zhen passed the door, he got Tan You's exclusive favor.

Tan You only has his wife Qin and Zhen Zhen.

The Qin family is the matchmaker of her parents in the family. Tan You doesn't like her very much. Except for the wedding night, he never settled in Qin's room again.

For this matter, his mother, Mrs. Tan, persuaded him many times, but it was useless.

At that time, everyone in the Tan family thought there was something wrong with Tan You.

Five years later, he came back from the northwest, took Zhen Zhen as his concubine, rested with Zhen Zhen all day long, and spoiled him in every way.

Everyone in the Tan family was relieved, and they were also happy that Tan You finally took the responsibility of passing on the family.

In less than half a year, Zhen Zhen had a body.

Zhen Zhen's first child gave birth to Sister Yu.

During this period, Tan You still did not enter the door of his wife Qin.

The Qin family cried.

But at that time, the Tan family was worried about Tan You's physical health. Then I saw that he spoiled the Zhen family. There was nothing wrong with him. He was happy. How could he pay attention to Qin's crying?

The Tan family unanimously acquiesced in Tan You's concubine.

Although Zhen Zhen was favored, he was low and small. He set rules in front of the Qin family and never tried to cross the Qin family.

Tan You praised the true character in his heart, and he felt more sorry for Zhen Zhen.

Then, another year passed.

Tan You still ignored his wife.

And Zhen Zhen was pregnant again, which made Tan You very happy.

The inner house of the Tan family finally realized that Tan You, who had a strange personality, was determined not to let his wife give birth to a legitimate son, but only fooled around with the concubine's room, and the concubine's children were full.

How can this work?

The eldest lady of the Tan family even called Zhen Zhen over, scolded her for being charming, and asked her to change.

His wife Qin also received the support of her mother-in-law and began to be more strict with Zhen Zhen.

The child in Zhen Zhen's stomach fell down on a snowy day because he was tossed by Mrs. Tan and Mrs. Qin.

The falling child is a six-month-old baby boy.

Even if Zhen Zhen was wronged, he did not dare to say it in front of Tan You. And this time, she cried so much that she held Tan You and choked all night. Finally, she said, "As long as you have one more month, you can still live..."

Tan You's heart seemed to be blunt and cut with a knife.

He is in pain.

For this matter, he openly smashed the small ancestral hall of his mother, Mrs. Tan, and let his wife Qin kneel in the snow to apologize to Zhen Zhen.

That incident in those years was very fierce.

Tan You disobeyed his mother, abused his wife, and was locked in the ancestral hall of the clan.

Zhen Zhen was also forced to kneel in the ancestral hall.

In the ancestral hall where he knelt all night in the cold wind, Zhen Zhen had just given birth. From then on, she fell ill and lost her body.

And Tan You's wife, the Qin family. The snow, which was forced to kneel for a long time, was also infected with a stubborn disease. Coupled with fear and sadness, after a year, the Qin family died.

Zhen Zhen has also been weak and sickly since then.

to last year. It has been two years since Tan You's wife passed away. He was coldly refuted by him when he married his family. For this, he even contradicted Lord Tan. Everyone knows what he is thinking.

He wants to help Zhenzhen.

But what kind of family is the Tan family? How can a concubine help it? Be the patriarch's daughter-in-law?

In this matter, the Tan family and Tan You did not give in to each other, and no one would compromise.

However, Zhen Zhen's body, because the root of the disease that fell from the shrine during the moratorty three years ago, has been dragged to the point of running out of oil.

On the first day of the first lunar month this year, she took Tan You and her daughter Yu's hand. She couldn't bear it and still closed her eyes.

Tan You was depressed for half a year.

Zhen Mo never saw him smile again, even at his daughter Yujie.

He is drunk. He said to Zhen Mo, "Why can't I be born in an iron-done family?" Married Zhen Zhen. The two of them and He Meimei? I'm sorry for Zhen Zhen. I had to force her to go to that muddy water, which finally killed her! The Tan family owes me two lives. My mother's life. Zhen Zhen's life, I will ask them for it in the future!"

Zhen Mo's heart jumped when he heard it.

The Tan family has many children. The eldest wife of the long room has only Tan You's son...

Listening to Tan You's tone, he doesn't seem to be Mrs. Tan's own.

Zhen Mo didn't dare to delve into it. He could only pretend that he couldn't hear it.

It took Tan You more than half a year to accept the fact that Zhen Zhen has left him...

However, on August 14, Tan You's only daughter, Sister Yu, ran to the outer court to find Tan You, crying that her aunt didn't want her. She saw her aunt, but she ignored her, and her grandmother and sixth aunt scolded her. There was also a strange woman who also shouted about her.

Tan You and Zhen Mo were suddenly in their hearts at that time.

Soon, Tan You figured out what was going on.

A girl who looked like Zhen Zhen appeared at the Tan family's banquet, which surprised everyone.

Zhen Zhen's position in the Tan family is definitely not as simple as his aunt. In Tan You's eyes, Zhen is really his most beloved woman; in the eyes of others, Zhen is really a charming child, making his wife and concubine in the old man's room. The uncle didn't want the main room for her, and his mother didn't recognize her, which made the house restless.

They didn't want to have another Zhenzhen, so when they saw Miss Gu, several young daughters-in-law were a little out of shape.

The woman in the Tan family is both jealous and afraid of Zhen Zhen.

Tan You also remembered Zhen Zhen's deathbed and said that she was reluctant to leave, and she couldn't let Tan You and Sister Yu go.

She also said, "... I heard that when people die, their wishes are not fulfilled, and the ghosts are not dispersed. Don't be afraid if you bump into me in the future. I won't hurt you. I just want you and Sister Yu.

Tan You, a seven-foot man, burst into tears.

Now, she is really back.

Tan You heard that there was a girl who looked like Zhen Zhen, so he inquired a lot about her.

He even knew that her boudoir, Gu Jinzhi, was a famous magic doctor in Beijing. She cured the empress dowager and was married to the king of Luyang.

Because of his young age, he has not been married yet.

She often goes to Gu's Shanyaotang for consultation.

Tan You had the thought of taking a look at Gu Jinzhi with his own eyes.

He has been wandering around Gu's Shanyaotang since August 15, and didn't wait until Gu Jinzhi until today.

He didn't dare to rush in.

Gu Chenzhi, the Gu family, may have seen him.

So today he and Zhen Mo arranged such a thing, just to look at Gu Jinzhi's appearance in the dark without frightening the snake.

I saw it, but it was even more shocking.

Zhen Mofang Buddha saw his sister who had not yet left the cabinet, a young and lovely girl with a soft smile; and Tan You was reluctant to withdraw his eyes.

He seems to have returned to the time when he first met Zhen Zhen...

At that time, Zhen Zhen was so big.

The Buddha turned back in time and returned his lost treasure to him.

This time, he can even marry Gu Jinzhi as his wife, because she is nobler than Zhen Zhen.

First of all, let her get rid of her marriage with King Luyang.

This is a little tricky.

When he went back, Tan You pondered for a long time.

The inevitable idea was not eliminated because Gu Jinzhi was the prospective concubine of the King Luyang. He needs to think of a complete plan.

He really wants to talk to her regardless of everything...

"You can't be too hasty, otherwise you will fail." Tan You suddenly said to Zhen Mo, "The Gu family is not easy to mess with. The King of Luyang is the little son loved by the Empress Dowager, and he needs a long-term plan."

"Your excellency, if you don't forget..." Zhen Mo was worried, "She is not really..."

Tan You's eyes glanced sharply.

Zhen Mo hurriedly stopped talking and didn't dare to say more.