Spring boudoir note

Chapter 243 Perfect

Since he ascended the throne, the emperor has reduced taxes twice.

The first time was the first year of his accession to the throne. The Chief Secretary south of the Yangtze River was exempted from taxes; in the year before last, it was the Secretary of Chief Secretary north of the Yangtze River.

With such an exemption, the people will naturally be grateful.

But the treasury is not so full.

Last year, Hubei and Hunan sent troops to raise taxes once...

Now that there is a war again, it is natural to raise taxes. For prefectures and counties in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, because of the tax reduction north of the Yangtze River last year, the tax was invisibly heavier.

Now the war is levied, and the taxes are heavier. Isn't this forcing the people to be desperate?

If I had known this, it would not have been tax-free.

Tax-free people praise it, but once it gets worse, it will immediately cause people's grievances and even cause turmoil.

Annan's turbulent army and the use of troops in the northwest have almost hollowed out the surplus of last year's treasury...

Nowadays, it is impossible to search for the people again, otherwise the internal affairs will be unstable.

Do you want the princes of the fief to borrow money to borrow food?

The key is whether you can borrow it or not...

The emperor was so furious, except for the incompetence of Annan's rebellion, but also because of these things.

Now, Zhu Zhongjun took the initiative to dedicate his guard to the imperial court, and used the treasury of Luzhou over the years as grain and fodder, which sets an example for the kings of other fiefs.

The king of Luyang is so generous. Do other princes dare not borrow money to borrow soldiers?

In this way, it not only eliminates the power of the vassal prince, but also does not lead to the turbulence of the country. How can the emperor be unhappy?

In fact, he has been thinking about Zhu Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglin in Nanchang in the past two days.

He just didn't expect that Gu Yantao could think of it with him, and he also took the initiative to convince Zhu Zhongjun and Gu Jinzhi, which made the emperor very satisfied.

He has a new understanding of Gu Yantao.

Zhu Zhongjun donated all the stocks of the guard and the treasury of the royal palace of Luzhou over the years, which soon spread.

Ning Xi is concerned about who will be the commander of those reinforcements.

What should I do? It's the worry of the king of Nanchang and other vassals.


When the king of Nanchang received the news, he immediately went to Gu's house to find Zhu Zhongjun to confirm whether the news was true.

Zhu Zhongjun was stupid. How could he know how powerful it was? He immediately told him that it was true. The king of Nanchang felt cold at that time.

It's terrible, his guard is not in protection!

Even his treasury is not guaranteed!

ping ping luan is a matter of the court. How come now, the court does not have to make efforts, but search for these vassal kings? But Zhu Zhongjun started, and the king of Nanchang dared not follow closely. He was afraid that he could not leave the capital in his life.

The emperor imprisoned him in the capital. Isn't he afraid of his troops?

With this excuse, it is estimated that all his troops will be handed over to the court.

Since the news is true, we should try to take the initiative.

Nanchang Wang Lima entered the palace: "I heard that Zhong Jun donated all the guards of the royal palace to help the royal brother. The minister is also willing to donate the guard of the royal palace to help the royal brother calm the chaos. It's just that my brother's fief has always been barren, only afraid of food and fodder..."

He can only keep the army and money now.

It's good to keep the same.

Emperor Long Yan was very happy and immediately said, "I am very gratified that Zhong Lin has this heart. If it's grain and fodder, I'll ask others to borrow it, and Zhonglin can send troops.

Without a word of politeness, he accepted the guard of the King of Nanchang.

A full 60,000 elite soldiers were carefully cultivated by the King of Nanchang.

When he sent it out like this, his heart was bleeding.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that this would happen sooner or later. Otherwise, it is impossible for the emperor to let him leave Beijing. In these days in Beijing, the king of Nanchang gradually figured it out.

The emperor wants to deal with him. There are thousands of ways, even if he has 60,000 elite soldiers.

Therefore, 60,000 elite soldiers can't give him a sense of security.

The emperor wants to doubt him and deal with him. He can only bear it. Thinking of this, the 60,000 elite soldiers have become less difficult to give up.

Besides, isn't Zhong Jun both losing money and soldiers?

Compared with Zhu Zhongjun, he at least saved his treasury...

With someone worse than himself, the king of Nanchang didn't feel miserable, so he went home.

Overnight, everything the emperor was worried about was solved.

The 60,000 elite soldiers in Nanchang Prefecture, which worried him day and night, were also invisibly taken in.

The emperor's mood was better than ever before, and even the defeat of Annan's rebellion army made him not angry. The next step is to take this opportunity to search other uncles and brothers and let them donate money to weaken the power of the vassal land.

Compared with the army, those uncles and brothers should be more willing to donate money.

They only have more than 10,000 guards, which is not harmful.

Throughout September, all kings were ordered to return to Beijing.

When they came, they probably knew the purpose of the trip. As soon as they arrived in Beijing, they cried out of poverty, saying that they had no money, and the harvest of the land was not good, etc.

The emperor looked on coldly.

Either give money or send troops if you don't have money.

How many guards do they have? The emperor is clear, and this can't be relied on.

In the end, the emperor received a large number of donations from all kings.

This money is enough for 120,000 reinforcements for a year.

After arranging the grain troops, we began to consider the generals of the reinforcements.

Jiang Liang, the minister of the Ministry of War, made a fool of himself this time. He was repeatedly scolded by the emperor in the court, and he breathed in his heart. He took the initiative to be the commander-in-chief.

The emperor did not refuse.

Next, there are two pioneers.

One is naturally from the Nanchang royal palace, and the other is from the Luyang royal palace. This is an open thing, representing that the army still belongs to the two royal palaces, but it is only temporarily requisitioned.

The king of Nanchang knew that this was just a formality.

When this army comes back, the vanguard he sent out may not come back. Anyway, all the donations were donated, and the king of Nanchang didn't bother to struggle anymore. He didn't send his commander, but casually sent a general.

On the side of the King of Luyang, the most painful person is Ning Xi.


When Ning Xi learned that the king of Luyang had donated 60,000 guards from the royal palace to the imperial court to serve as reinforcements for Annan's rebellion, Ning Xi lost his temper.

His ambition is all placed in this army.

As a result, the court confiscated it.

Each royal palace may see the guard, which is the ancestral system. Ning Xi couldn't think of any method the court could use. He did not follow the ancestral system and confiscate the army of the royal palace.

As a result, the stupid King Luyang gave the emperor an idea and compensated himself.

Like others, Ning Xi must be making trouble for the Gu family.

In addition to Gu Yantao, who is so harmful to others?

Things can't be turned around. Ning Xi really has no other way but to be angry.

The people of the Ministry of War informed him to return to Luzhou, let him be the vanguard, and made Ning Xi angry again.

This pioneer, unless he can make great contributions, can he come back and talk about it? Ning Xi doesn't want to go! Overnight, he changed from a decent command of 60,000 elite soldiers to a light pole general. How can this not be annoying?

"Your excellency, why don't I go?" The subordinates around him said to Ning Xi, "Someone has to be a pioneer. Naturally, adults can't go. In the future, when the prince returns to Luzhou, he still needs to build a guard army according to the ancestral system, and he still needs the strength of adults..."

To build another guard, the upper limit of 6,000 people is the limit, otherwise the emperor will not agree.

At the beginning, a guard of 60,000 people could be built, which was chartered by the former emperor, so that Luzhou could be used as the backup of Shoucheng.

Each palace can only see three guards, and each guard is a number ranging from 2,000 to 20,000. Although I can't wait. If there are more than 2,000 people, the emperor will stay.

Six thousand people, what's the use?

Ning Xi's ambition suddenly turned into no end.

This made him angry and confused.

"Let Sun Ke go." Ning Xi finally said fiercely, "That boy must have said something bad by the prince's side. Maybe he also came up with an idea this time!"

Soon, Ning Xi reported Sun Ke's name.

The emperor hesitated.

He knew that Zhu Zhongjun liked Sun Ke very much and took Sun Ke to play all day long.

He asked Zhu Zhongjun for his opinion.

Zhu Zhongjun said, "Okay, okay. Sun Ke goes out to play. Will he bring me fun when he comes back?

He doesn't understand this at all.

When the emperor asked, he asked for nothing, so he agreed to let Sun Ke be the vanguard.

Sun Ke can also choose a deputy general.

He chose Yao by mistake.

This makes Ning Xi and others confused.

Everyone knows that Yao Wen's mistake is Ning Xi's cronies, and Sun Ke and Ning Xi are at peace. How can he be Ning Xi's people?

"Don't let him come back again." Ning Xi finally thought that it was actually not bad, so he told Yao that he was wrong, asked him to keep an eye on Sun Ke, and then said, "That boy is not familiar with him, and he is always in bad-minded."

Yao asked the wrong question.

It's already like this, and it's useless to be annoyed.

Ning Xi thought fiercely, who can be sure about what will happen in the future?

Since the royal palace is no longer in the weather, he doesn't want to go back.

But it can't be said that if the empress dowager and the emperor feel that he has ulterior motives in the palace, it will be difficult to argue.

"It's really his bad luck!" Ning Xi chimps.

In his heart, he also completely hated Gu Jinzhi and the Gu family. He just wanted to wait to return to Luzhou and then slowly clean up Gu Jinzhi.

Whoever the fool prince married should have been under Ning Xi's arrangement. As a result, as soon as the Empress Dowager fell ill, the prince was transferred to the capital, and everything was out of control.

Without Gu Jinzhi and the Gu family, the guards of the royal palace could not have done such a big thing!

I can't regret it when I think of it!

Even Qianlan's bright face was particularly annoying to Ning Xi. But now, he can't hate Qianlan anymore. Qianlan's father is the commander of Shoucheng.

In the future, if Gu Jin dies, Qianlan may be the successor of the King of Luyang, and the strength of Shoucheng will become the royal palace again.

The one in the royal palace is his Ningxi.

When he returned to Luzhou, he slowly killed Gu Jinzhi, so that he could get along with this tone, Ning Xi thought.

Everything is smoother than Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun expected.

I thought there would be a lot of deviations in their plan. As a result, their plan hit the emperor's mind.

The emperor helped them implement the plan more perfectly.

Zhu Zhongjun thought that with this incident, he and Gu Jinzhi's marriage should be settled within the year.

Now, the only thing he cares about most is this.

Other things, even if it is life and death, he is willing to put it back.

He wants to marry Gu Jinzhi first, which is what he can't wait for.


The third update. Do you think I will stop? No, I want to update every three hours, the last day of the end of the month! If you ask weakly, can you ask for a pink ticket? Although I'm a scumbag this month... RS