Spring boudoir note

Chapter 246 Causes

The sixth update, ask for a pink ticket.


Mrs. Jiang didn't expect Gu Jinzhi to come.

She looked at Qin Shensi.

Qin Shensi quickly explained, "I went to Gu's house and talked to Miss Seven about Miss Er's illness. Miss Seven said that since she was sick, the lady and the second lady naturally waited anxiously and came in a hurry..."

"Yes." Gu Jin said, "I didn't come uninvited. It's a little abrupt."

Mrs. Jiang hurriedly said, "Where are you talking about? It's too late for me to be grateful."

Then he said, "Little girl, here, Miss Gu, please move."

Gu Jin's way is.

Mrs. Jiang took her in person and went out of the door of the upper house.

Several small oil trucks parked at the door. Gu Jinzhi and Mrs. Jiang got into the carriage and went to the second lady's yard.

The second lady's yard, called Zhuo Lian Yuan, is in the southeast corner of Yuanping Houfu.

There is a pond at the gate of the yard, and a small gazebo has been built. At this moment, it is already the early winter, the lost lotus has already been trimmed, and the surface of the pool is as smooth as a mirror.

Entering the yard, a thick old locust tree was intertwined and towered into the sky. There are stone tables and chairs under the tree, which are spotless, which shows that the second lady likes to sit here.

And on the stone table, there is a blue stone chess.

The leaves of the old locust tree have already withered and fallen yellow, and the branches extend, adding to the loneliness of the winter season.

When Mrs. Jiang saw Gu Jinzhi looking at the yard, she thought of the monotony in the yard, which was not like other girls' yard full of flowers and plants.

A single ancient locust tree is really strange.

Mrs. Jiang whispered, "Our sister Xin has a very strange personality..."

It turns out that the second Miss Jiang's name is Jiang Xin.

It's hard to say that there should be some solitude.

Gu Jinzhi smiled and didn't answer.

When I entered the house, the furnishings were also simple.

Only two white porcelain vases were placed on the table, and dead branches were inserted in the bottle. In this way, it really looks weird.

Qin Shensi has been seeing this second lady for more than a month. He is not surprised.

But Mrs. Jiang is afraid of Gu Jin's feelings. Mrs. Jiang doesn't like girls who are too deviant. She likes regular girls.

Seeing the dead branches in the bottle, her face changed. She winned at the big maid around her and asked her to secretly take down the white porcelain bottle.

And Mrs. Jiang herself regained a smile on her face and entered the inner room of Jiang Xin's boudoir with Gu Jinzhi and Qin Shensi.

Jiang Xin's illness is like this, and he has no longer consulted through the curtain.

Qin Shensi has been here for more than a month. Mrs. Jiang doesn't need him to avoid suspicion. She just wants him to look more carefully and cure her daughter's illness.

The second lady's inner room is also furnished with the same plain, one-colored lake-colored curtain; there is a small kang near the window in the east, and the kangs, bedding and pillows placed on the kang are also plain; there are also two vases on the window sill, with dead branches inserted in the same way

This made Mrs. Jiang very angry.

Jiang Xin is sick, and these maids actually let her fool around like this.

Usually, she is so popular that she likes to do these messy things, and Mrs. Jiang also left it to her. Now that I'm sick like this, it's so unlucky, and I still have to do these...

Mrs. Jiang was burning in her heart, and she couldn't teach her daughter and her maid in front of Gu Jinzhi and Qin Shensi.

She still smiled and asked the maid who came to salute: "Is the girl awake?"

The maid nodded quickly and helped set up the curtain in person.

** in the account, the moon-white sheets and medical money are wrapped in a pale person. Her face was full of absne, and her face was a little deformed, even horrible; her hair was thin and slanted between the pillow seats.

Seeing her daughter like this, Mrs. Jiang's heart was worried again.

Jiang Xin's quirks were immediately thrown behind his mind, and his eyes were full of only his daughter.

She sat in front of her daughter's bed and whispered to her daughter who was dozed off: "Sister Xin, the doctor is coming to see you..."

Jiang Xin slowly opened his eyes.

The eyes are big, but empty, and the eyes are listless.

She can't see clearly, and the people in front of her are just a vague shadow for her. She can still hear her mother's voice.

She shouted in a low voice and said, "Is it Dr. Qin here?"

She is like this, the family should rather she die than let others see her. She thinks the same way.

In case she is seen, she doesn't want to live longer.

"Yes, Dr. Qin, and Miss Seven of the Gu family." Mrs. Jiang said, "Do you know Miss Seven of the Gu family?"

Jiang Xin thought for a moment and asked, "But the Miss Gu who cured Yiyanhou's stroke?"

"Exactly." Mrs. Jiang said with a smile.

Jiang Xin grinned slightly and smiled like crying: "I know she... She is amazing and has good medicine. Her grandmother's letter also said that she has cured her grandmother in Yanling Mansion. Yanling countryside also set up a shrine for her.

In her tone, she was both envious and surprised, and even tried to open her eyes and see Gu Jinzhi clearly.

The result is just in vain.

She was ill and covered her eyes with a layer of white gauze.

This layer of white yarn is getting heavier and heavier. Now she can't even see the people on her face.

"I heard about Miss Gu, and I admire her the most." Jiang Xin's voice was weak, and a few smiles floated on her face full of absne and light eyebrows. "It's good to see what she looks like. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it in the future.

Mrs. Jiang's eyes suddenly floated.

Gu Jin went above and called Miss Er.

"Don't be so pessimistic." Gu Jin said, "There is a cause for all diseases in the world. The reason is the right medicine. It's just that the cause of the second lady may be latent. Let me take your pulse and see how it is?"

Jiang Xin heard Gu Jinzhi's voice.

She was stunned and said, "Your voice... is so young. How old are you?

"Fourteen." Gu Jinzhi replied with a smile.

"Oh, I'm also fourteen." Jiang Xin said, "Can you save the dead and help the wounded? But I'm like a useless person..."

Mrs. Jiang hurriedly said, "Don't talk. Let Miss Gu take your pulse."

Jiang Xin said yes.

Mrs. Jiang got up and gave up the position by the bed to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi sat down, took Jiang Xin's hand, and seriously took her pulse.

She will be covered with absne.

And the pulse, as Qin Shensi said, is thin and jumps very fast, which is undoubtedly the proof of the fire.

Qin Shensi's statement is correct, so the medication should not be wrong.

After Gu Jinzhi finished his pulse diagnosis, he said to Qin Shen, "Uncle Qin, can you show me all your prescriptions?"

Qin Shensi said good.

He took all the prescriptions he opened for Jiang Xin in his medicine box, and there was no need for Mrs. Jiang to look for it.

There are a total of 18 prescriptions.

One of Gu Jin's Zhang's looks are all prescriptions for heat removal and disinfection, and all kinds of methods have been used to get rid of the fire...

She looked very carefully, and her eyebrows were getting heavier and heavier.

Mrs. Jiang's heart is a little heavy in her eyes.

The room suddenly became quiet, silent.

"These prescriptions are very symptomatic." Gu Jinzhi finally looked up and said, "The second lady's disease is caused by the fire evil into the body and the heat and poison. The prescription prescribed by Dr. Qin is all used to remove fire and clear the medicine. This doesn't work..."

Mrs. Jiang's heart immediately sank.

After hearing this, Jiang Xin smiled gently and asked, "I can't get better from this disease, can I?"

No one answered her.

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything.

Jiang Xin's disease is poisonous and evil. The poisonous fire hit the face of the head, so the eyebrows fell off, the bridge of the nose was crooked, and the hair fell off when it disturbed the top of the head.

As for the eyes that can't see, it is also because the poisonous fire in the body is covered with yin blood, and the eyes can only be seen with blood. The yin blood was burned by the poisonous fire, so it could not go up to reach the eyes, so the eyes were blurred and could not be seen clearly.

The abssions all over the body are even more poisonous, damaging the skin. If the flesh is rotten, there will be absne.

This poisonous fire can't go down...

I don't know where her heat evil came from...

After midsummer, some people may be infected with heat poison and send it out in late autumn or next spring. At that time, Hu Jie was also infected with heat poison in autumn, and finally got a throat paralysis syndrome.

But Gu Jinzhi is as stubborn as Miss Jiang's second daughter, and Gu Jinzhi also saw him for the first time.

"Miss Gu, do you have any other ways?" Mrs. Jiang sank a beating heart and tried to calm herself down. She asked Gu Jinzhi, "Sister Xin's disease, please ask you and Dr. Qin."

Gu Jinzhi didn't say anything.

She looked at Jiang Xin lying **, and her face was perfect, and there was a sense of pain in her heart that there was nothing she could do.

After so many years of medical practice, I have encountered such a difficult case for the first time.

Without the previous driving familiarity, looking at the family at a loss and at a loss, Gu Jinzhi's heart suddenly grabbed the doctor with a look of driftwood.

The mentality of youth actually came back...

She bit her lip and didn't answer Mrs. Jiang's words.

Qin Shen was shocked to see Gu Jinzhi in a dilemma.

He looked at Mrs. Jiang and said to her, "Madam, please let Miss Er talk to Miss Gu. Let's go out..."

Mrs. Jiang knows that she has something to say to her alone.

She went out of the inner room with Qin Shensi.

Mrs. Jiang was quite hit, but Jiang Xin was expected.

She said to Gu Jin: "I've been dreaming recently. In my dream, the yard of my house is full of withered branches and leaves... I thought, I'm afraid I saw my own ghosts. Those withered branches and leaves are me. Sure enough, I have been dreaming all night in the past few days, and the dead branches in the dream have gradually dried up and decayed. I'm afraid I can't live..."

The maid who served in the room suddenly covered her face and cried.

Jiang Xin couldn't see who it was, or she glanced blankly.

Gu Jinzhi said, "When I was a child, I often dreamed of strange things..."

"What is it?"

"A dilapidated house is full of dust, and the house is full of fierce ghosts in mourning clothes. Their claws are bright red with blood, and they want to eat me..." Gu Jinzhi said slowly.

Jiang Xin sneered, became interested, and asked, "Then what?"

"Then I ran and ran. I was so tired that I couldn't get out." Gu Jin said, "But those ghosts are going to rush up again. I think, forget it, death is just a very simple thing. If you close your eyes, you won't know. Dead, it's just a blank of loess. Later, I heard a voice..."

"What's the sound?"

"My mother's voice." Gu Jinzhi smiled and said, "She said Sister Jin, if you go, your mother will not live... She has been crying all the time. I can't stand crying, so I have to get up and run again and fight with those female ghosts again. Finally survived. Only then did I know that I had a high fever. After three days and three nights, I almost died..."

Jiang Xin was stunned. He was stunned.

In her ear, there was also her mother's cry.

The cry, sad and desperate, made people feel sad.

She doesn't want to die, and she can't bear to part with her parents.

But she has no hope for the world. She has nothing to like. Since she was a child, she has never loved anything.

Sisters and brothers like to eat, clothes, toys, friends, she doesn't like it.

So she got sick, and she also thought it was good to die.

Although she knows, her parents will be reluctant to part with her...

But her parents' love is not enough for her to summon up the courage to fight against the disease. She feels boring, alive and dead, which is the same thing for her Jiang Xin.

Hearing Gu Jinzhi's words, she suddenly felt a little shocked.

I don't know why my heart was suddenly touched by something, and I was a little sad. My mother's crying, Dad's sigh sitting in front of her bed before the expedition, suddenly poured into his heart.

She narrowed her eyes and stopped talking.

And Qin Shensi is talking to Mrs. Jiang about his thoughts.

"Miss Gu has always been enthusiastic about treating patients and doing her best." Qin Shen said, "I've never seen her in trouble. This time she hesitated so much that I'm afraid she couldn't be sure. Madam, do you want to hire another Gao Ming?

Mrs. Jiang was silent.

Finally, she nodded and said, "Okay, let's have a look again."

As he was talking, Gu Jinzhi had already come out of the inner room.

She said to Mrs. Jiang, "Why don't I try it? The dosage may be a little dangerous. But the second lady's disease, ordinary medicine can no longer work. If your wife is afraid, you might as well ask other doctors to see if there is a good prescription.

Mrs. Jiang hesitated again.

She looked at Qin Shensi.

Qin Shen's four nodded repeatedly.

He has great confidence in Gu Jinzhi.

Mrs. Jiang doesn't want to make her daughter's illness known to everyone. Besides, Jiang Xin's illness is very indecent.

In this era, medical conditions are backward. If outsiders know that Jiang Xin has had a bad disease, I'm afraid that he is unwilling to come to marry, even if Jiang Xin's illness has healed...

Mrs. Jiang was silent for a moment and nodded and said, "Miss Gu."

Gu Jin's way is not troublesome.

Mrs. Jiang asked someone to bring her pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"You go in and talk to the second lady. I'll discuss it with Dr. Qin again." Gu Jin's way.

Mrs. Jiang got up and went into the inner room.

Qin Shen asked Gu Jinzhi, "Miss Seven, have you seen anything? Miss Er's illness, do I have anything left behind?

"No." Gu Jin said, "I just think this second lady is too sad. She may not feel that she wants to live. When she is sick, she will let herself deteriorate, and even look forward to death. On the one hand, the heat poison is too blazing, and on the other hand, her attitude is too pessimistic. She hasn't recovered from her illness for a long time. I can only guess the reason..."


The sixth update, 4,000 words. A total of nearly 20,000 words have been updated today, which is unprecedented (there should be applause here). There are still a few minutes at the end of the month. It's probably too late to ask for a pink ticket. However, if the sisters are moved, please leave me the pink ticket next month. Hey hey O(∩_∩)O~RS