Spring boudoir note

Chapter 247 Faith

Jiang Xin's illness, Gu Jinzhi opened soap horn thorns and rhubarb.

"The soap horn thorn costs two catties, and the rhubarb costs three jin. Make the soap horn thorn cannon into charcoal and take it with rhubarb thick fried soup. Gu Jin's way.

Qin Shen was stunned.

"...You think of all the prescriptions in the world, don't you?" Qin Shensi sighed, "Girls can even think of this kind of prescription."

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

The taste of soap horn thorn is spicy and warm, and it is good at walking the bloodline. It can invigorate the blood and go out with poison. The power of attack and dissipation is very strong. After the cannon is made into charcoal, it can ease the intensity of the drug, and it can restrain the poisonous evil and eliminate it.

Rhubarb is a bitter cold, as long as it can relieve fire and detoxify, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

These two drugs are too fierce.

Qin Shensi hesitated.

If the prescription is made by someone else, Qin Shensi probably dare not give it to Jiang Xin. It is Gu Jinzhi who can make a prescription. Gu Jin is young, but his medication is extremely accurate.

When she used the strong agent, even the old doctor was frightened.

But there is no other way for Jiang Xin's illness. If she drags on, she will also die. Maybe it's a glimmer of vitality.

"I'll make soap horn thorns myself." Qin Shen's four paths.

Gu Jinzhi said good.

After discussing the prescription with Qin Shensi, Gu Jinzhi went into the inner room again and talked to Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Xin.

Mrs. Jiang sat by the bed and talked to Jiang Xin.

And Jiang Xin is no longer lying quietly.

She turned to Mrs. Jiang and didn't say anything. It was a bit like losing her temper.

Compared with her eccentric and indifferent personality in the past, she was a little emotional this time, which made Mrs. Jiang happy. Mrs. Jiang asked softly what she wanted, what she wanted, etc.

Jiang Xin didn't answer.

"... Those dead branches are still thrown away. It's unlucky." Mrs. Jiang said, "I'll change some flowers for you. There are also jasmine and daffodils in the greenhouse.

Jiang Xin sounded a little impatiently.

Just as Gu Jinzhi came in, Jiang Fu stopped talking, got up with a smile, and asked Gu Jinzhi, "Is the prescription ready?"

Gu Jinzhi said it was good.

"Doctor Qin knows how to give medicine to the second lady. It's not early, so I'll go back first. Gu Jin's way.

Mrs. Jiang wants to give her a gift.

The two walked all the way out of Jiang Xin's yard.

"Miss Gu, please tell me the matter. How sure about Sister Xin's illness?" Mrs. Jiang asked Gu Jinzhi.

"She has this disease, which is a little strange. From the perspective of pulse, Dr. Qin's medication is symptomatic, but it makes her worse, which is not common sense. Dr. Qin and I calculated that she had an emotional problem. Gu Jin's way.

Mrs. Jiang was stunned: "What is the emotional problem?"

"That is, she wants to die, but she doesn't want to look for life, for fear of being laughed at. Now that she is sick, she feels relieved. With this idea in my heart, the disease gets worse and worse. Gu Jin said, "This is my guess... Is she worried about anything recently?"

Mrs. Jiang's back is a little cold sweaty.

"No." Mrs. Jiang blurted out, "She has been strange since she was a child. Whether it's with me, the people around her, or brothers and sisters, she can't say a few words..."

Jiang Xin's strangeness can be seen from her furnishings and words.

But such a small child, why is it so strange?

"Did something happen to her when she was a child?" Gu Jin said, "I can't untie the traces in my heart, that's why it's like this?"

Mrs. Jiang thought for a moment and said, "No. In the year of her birth, the marquis happened to win a battle and returned to the court. The marquis said that it was extremely dangerous on the battlefield at that time, and it was a blessing to end the war in half a year. The birth of Sister Xin undoubtedly confirms the words of the marquis. The marquis loved her the most. Even when the princess and her son-in-law were in Beijing, he regarded her as a baby..."

And Mrs. Jiang is naturally Jiang Xin's mother, and she also loves Jiang Xin.

In this way, Jiang Xin should be the pearl in the palm of his hand.

It is not surprising that she has developed a unruly and domineering character.

On the contrary, she is so eccentric, which is really strange.

"Have you never thought about why she is a little weird?" Gu Jin's question.

Mrs. Jiang was silent.

"I didn't think much about it before. She is not strange. Since she was a child, she likes plain things, especially the colorful clothes and materials, and doesn't like flowers and plants. You can also see that there are only old locust trees in her yard, not even a few bamboos..." Mrs. Jiang said.

She said everything about Gu Jinzhi's knowledge, hoping that Gu Jinzhi could find something from it and cure Jiang Xin.

Girls like to be simple and silent. In the eyes of Yuanping Marquis and Mrs. Jiang, it is an advantage...

After all, he doesn't know much about Jiang Xin's living habits, and Gu Jinzhi doesn't say much.

She had to say, "Today's recipe, eat it first. If it still doesn't work, let's think about it again and ask Miss Er if there is anything uncomfortable in her heart..."

Mrs. Jiang nodded slightly.

Gu Jinzhi was sent away, and Qin Shensi also went to the pharmacy. Mrs. Jiang went back to Zhuolianyuan and talked with Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin still turned his back to Mrs. Jiang.

Mrs. Jiang remembered what Gu Jinzhi said. Jiang Xin had no thoughts. His eyes were astringent, and she was heartbroken and aggrieved: "...Isn't my mother sorry for you? When you were a child, your parents loved you more than your elder sister and brothers. If you don't have it, what will your mother do? Your father went on an expedition and didn't come back until a year and a half. Did you ask us white-haired people to send black-haired people?

With that, my heart was even more sad, and I couldn't help crying.

Mrs. Jiang has always been strong.

Mrs. General, there is always a little rigidity.

It was the first time for Jiang Xin to cry in front of Jiang Xin's bed for more than a month.

The maids came to persuade one after another.

It's okay not to persuade, but I can't stop persuading Mrs. Jiang.

She cried and said that she was reluctant to give up on Jiang Xin between the lines.

Jiang Xin lay down with his back to her. Listening to her crying, his heart twitched and the pain was tight. Her father's kind and doting face, her mother's graceful vulnerability, her sister's love for her, and the two brothers held her in the palm of their hands.

She sometimes feels that without her, everyone is the same.

Her parents have not only one daughter, but also a married elder sister.

There are not many of her, and without her, everyone can live.

Now listening to his mother crying, Jiang Xin's heart seems to soften all of a sudden.

She still didn't turn around, but clenched her fist tightly and sighed.

Hearing her sigh, Mrs. Jiang's crying stopped.

Her hand gently rested on Jiang Xin's shoulder and asked her softly, "Sister Xin, why are you not happy? Tell your mother. Mother makes the decision for you. When you were a child, didn't your mother make the decision for you?

Jiang Xin finally turned around.

Her face has been deformed.

The eyebrows fall off, the bridge of the nose is crooked, and the face is full of abssions. It is very terrible, and it has long been no more charming as before. I can't see clearly, and my mother's appearance is only a vague shadow.

She wants to say something.

But when the words came to her mouth, she was silent again.

In the end, she dozed off and only said, "I want to sleep for a while..."

Mrs. Jiang had to get up and come out.

Jiang Xin's wet nurse Wan's mother came forward to serve and helped Mrs. Jiang out.

"Madam, I thought about it. I'm afraid the girl's illness is evil." Wan's mother whispered, "The maidservant listened to the meaning of Dr. Qin and Miss Gu, and also said that the medicine was right. It was the girl who was stunned. Madam thought carefully, the girl was quiet when she was a child. What's the knot in her heart? It's always been fine, but suddenly it's like this..."

Mrs. Jiang's heart jumped.

This is the fourth person who told her that Jiang Xin may have been evil.

The first is her mother-in-law, her mother beside her, and her close friend Mrs. Chuanning Bo Tang.

Mrs. Jiang herself does not believe in Buddhism, nor does she believe in ghosts and gods.

Her marquis is a general who fought on the battlefield and killed countless people. If she had believed in ghosts and gods, she would have been haunted by fierce ghosts. If you don't believe it, you won't have it. This is what Mrs. Jiang has believed in all her life.

But today, especially the well-known Gu Jinzhi also said that Jiang Xin may be an emotional problem, which makes Mrs. Jiang doubt her own faith.

Is it true?

Those fierce ghosts who died under the command of the marquis were entangled with the marquis's favorite little daughter?

Otherwise, why would Jiang Xin be like this? She has lived a carefree life since she was a child, and her family held her in the palm of her hand. What's wrong with her?

Her personality is also becoming more and more lonely...

"Madam, why don't you invite a monk to your home and do some magic?" Wan's mother said again, "If there is any ghost's wish, we will exceed it, and it will probably let the girl go."

Mrs. Jiang was silent again.

Finally, she said, "There is no need to talk about this matter for the time being. The marquis doesn't like to pretend to be a ghost at home. Are there any bodhisattvas in the world?

"But madam..." Wan's mother was a little anxious.

Mrs. Jiang waved her hand and asked her to stop talking.

After about two hours, Qin Shensi boiled the medicine and gave it to Jiang Xin to drink.

Mrs. Jiang was also tired, so she told her subordinates to serve Jiang Xin carefully, and she went back to her room.

Her two sons, one in the western barracks, and the other followed the Marquis of Yuanping to Annan to quell the chaos. The eldest daughter, Jiang Yun, married to the Duke of Zheng.

Nowadays, there are only Jiang Xin and Mrs. Jiang in this family.

Mrs. Jiang hasn't had lunch yet. When she came back, the maids hurried to bring the food.

I just ate half of it, and my eldest daughter Jiang Yun came back.

She came back to see her sister.

"Is it better?" Jiang Yun asked his mother.

Mrs. Jiang shook her head.

She continued to finish the meal before she told her eldest daughter about Gu Jin's door-to-door consultation today.

Jiang Yun has also heard of Gu Jinzhi.

"Mom, did the little sister hit the evil?" Jiang Yun also said, "I heard Miss Gu's meaning, but I'm afraid I feel the same way. Born in a family like ours, the little sister is **. What's on her mind? Can't you look at it so much?

This is the fifth person who told Mrs. Jiang that Jiang Xin had hit the evil.

Mrs. Jiang's back is a little stiff.

She said with a little difficulty, "I don't believe in evil. If our family believes in ghosts and gods, do they still need to survive? Your father and brothers have rolled through the pile of dead people..."


A friend learned that I worked harder yesterday. He got up in the middle of the night and asked me, so will you update tomorrow? _It's too, too messed up! Didn't you agree to be a hard-working bee? Please guarantee the pink ticket, everyone! RS