Spring boudoir note

Chapter 252 Slight

In the winter months, there were two heavy snows, plum blossoms in the garden, brother Xuan and father had a cold, and the rest of the years were quiet and good.

Gu Jinzhi spends more and more days with the old man.

She has a bad feeling.

The old man has been sleeping in recently, and sometimes he sleeps until noon.

This is something that has never been done before.

In the past, the old man always got up at the end of Yin, regardless of winter and summer.

Gu Jinzhi always feels that his heart is blocked, and the eldest brother is also worried.

But the brother and sister didn't tell anyone else.

The powerlessness of life, old age, illness and death made Gu Jinzhi and Gu Chenzhi's mood particularly heavy.

The old man himself has a good mentality.

He even went out of the city to see a doctor in the countryside.

Gu Chenzhi always follows him.

At the end of winter, the fourth sister Gu Shanzhi came to Gu Jinzhi and wanted Gu Jinzhi to help her treat infertility.

Gu Jinzhi took a day to accompany the fourth sister.

She gave Gu Shanzhi the number once in the morning and again in the afternoon, but she didn't find any of the expected situation.

She frowned. She frowned.

Gu Shanzhi was very nervous and asked Gu Jinzhi, "Seventh sister, can I still cure it?"

"You should be fine." Gu Jin's way.

Gu Shan is puzzled.

Gu Jinzhi seriously explained infertility to her.

"In addition to the congenital causes of infertility, there are two kinds of deficiency and lesions. The innate reason is so complicated that I can't see it. Later, the body deficiency is one of them, which is divided into two types: spleen and kidney yang deficiency and liver and kidney yin deficiency. I showed it for you, you don't have this kind of disease; in addition, it's the cold guest's uterus, or body fat and dampness, or liver depression, blood stasis, fourth sister, you don't have..." Gu Jin said, "Your moon is normal, there is no cold in the cell palace, and there is no fat, ph Infertility should not be your problem..."

Gu Shanzhi was stunned.

She was puzzled.

"Fourth sister, infertility is sometimes not the cause of women." Gu Jinzhi said directly, "If the fourth brother-in-law is willing, I will also set a pulse for him to see how his body is. What about the fourth sister?"

Gu Shan's face changed slightly.

"This...this is not good, is it?" Gu Shanzhi said, "Seventh sister, take a closer look for me."

In the cognition of this era, pregnancy is a woman's business. If you can't get pregnant, it is a woman's lack of ability. There can be no reason for men.

All Gu Jinzhi's words made Gu Shanzhi a little unacceptable.

She can predict, and her husband can't accept it.

Gu Jinzhi could vaguely guess her thoughts, and he didn't force anyone to make trouble for her again.

She does not have those symptoms of infertility.

Everyone is more or less sick, and Gu Shanzhi is no exception. She may not have good digestion and poor stomach, but it does not affect her health, let alone pregnancy.

Gu Jinzhi had to tell her the truth.

Gu Shanzhi was very disappointed.

She came happily and went back dejected.

Song Paner also asked Gu Jinzhi how Gu Shanzhi was doing.

Gu Jinzhi told his mother.

Song Pan'er was also slightly surprised: "Do you still need to see your brother-in-law? Is there such a thing?"

She also heard for the first time...

Gu Jinzhi nodded with certainty: "Pregnancy is originally a matter of two people. Otherwise, why do you have to get married and have children?

Song Pan'er opened her eyes wide: "Oh, do you even know this?"

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

"What else do you know? Tell your mother?" Song Paner was shocked and pulled her daughter, "I look at your girl's house and treat your sister-in-law's infertility. It's really like that. Who told you, how do you know?"

"It is said in the book." Gu Jin's way.

Song Pan'er stared at her: "Nonsense, which book says this?"

"The medicine book." Gu Jin said, "Mom, infertility is also a disease. It's a disease, and it's in the medicine book. Do you want me to find it and show it to you?"

Song Pan'er doesn't like reading.

Listening to what Gu Jinzhi said, Song Pan'er had to believe her.

"Then tell your mother again, what's wrong with men to be infertile?" Song Pan'er said.

Gu Jinzhi explained it to her.

Song Pan'er laughed when she heard it.

She always feels that Gu Jinzhi is not like a girl of this age at all in this respect. She is too shy.

Maybe she doesn't understand the relationship between men and women at all.

In her opinion, women and men are both her patients when they are sick...

Silly, Song Pan'er thought.

Gu Jinzhi is so puzzled. Fortunately, she married the King of Luyang, otherwise her future husband would definitely dislike her as a piece of wood.

"...And, giving birth to a boy also depends on men, and women can't work hard." Gu Jin's way.

Song Pan'er is eye-catching.

"This is just nonsense." Song Paner said, "Your second uncle's family, the previous second aunt, gave birth to your third brother in the first child; later, your current second aunt came in and gave birth to three daughters... What does this have to do with men?"

Gu Jin was speechless.

This argument is too strong.

She didn't want to popularize science, so she smiled and drilled into Song Pan'er's arms.

Song Pan'er also laughed and said, "Look, the book is not omnipotent. There are a lot of nonsense books.

Gu Jinzhi also smiled, nodded and said, "My mother is wise and smart."


Mrs. Yuan, Gu Shanzhi's mother-in-law, knows what Gu Shanzhi does when she goes to the third room of the Gu family today.

She also heard Gu Shanzhi talk about the third grandmother of the Gu family, Xia.

I heard that Xia has been infertile for more than a year. Gu Jinzhi has treated her for two months, and now she is pregnant. This confirms that Gu Jinzhi's medical skills in infertility are also available.

Mrs. Yuan is also worried about Gu Shanzhi.

Gu Shanzhi entered the door in September last year, and it has been 14 months now.

Mrs. Yuan also accompanied Gu Shanzhi to worship the Bodhisattva many times.

But Yuan Yuye compares this kind of thing**.

He always said to Mrs. Yuan, "Someone has been in the door for ten years before he has a body. I'm not the eldest son. In the future, there will be a big brother to inherit the family business. If Shanzhi and I really don't have children, we will succeed in the future. You always urge Shanzhi to worship the Bodhisattva, and she cried and talked in her sleep at night!"

Mrs. Yuan didn't dare to say more.

Gu Shan's personality is soft, and she is a very filial and obedient daughter-in-law.

But Mrs. Yuan did not dare to look down on Gu Shan because of her personality and softness.

She has a powerful uncle and a sister who is a concubine in the palace...

Later, the Yuan family never mentioned Gu Shan's infertility again.

This time, it was proposed by Gu Shanzhi himself, and Mrs. Yuan naturally agreed.

Gu Shanzhi went out after breakfast and didn't come back until dusk. As soon as she came back, she went back to her yard and did not come to Mrs. Yuan.

Mrs. Yuan knew that the situation was not good in her heart.

After a while, the maid beside Gu Shanzhi heard the wind and said that Gu Shanzhi's body was a little uncomfortable today, so she didn't come to say no.

Mrs. Yuan pulled the wind and asked, "What's wrong with your grandma?" Did the seventh lady say anything?

Ting Feng shook his head and said, "When Miss Seven talked to Grandma, I was not in front of her. On the carriage that came back, Grandma came back crying and her eyes were swollen..."

Mrs. Yuan was shocked and went to see Gu Shanzhi with Tingfeng.

Yuan Yuye didn't come back. One of Gu Shan's people lay down and cried.

The mothers and maids around me can't be persuaded.

When Mrs. Yuan came in, Gu Shanzhi calmed down a little. She got up and saluted Mrs. Yuan, and her eyes were swollen like peaches.

Mrs. Yuan understood everything in her heart.

She did it by the bedside, took Gu Shanzhi to sit down, wiped her tears for her in person, and asked what was wrong.

Gu Shanzhi's tears came down again.

"... Qimei said that there is nothing wrong with my body. I can't get pregnant. I'm afraid I'm born." Gu Shanzhi choked silently, "Mom, why don't you send me back and choose a good one for the prime minister?"

"Children's words!" Mrs. Yuan's heart jumped straight, and her face was still gentle and calm. "How can anyone be born unable to get pregnant? This kind of thing is blessed by ancestors and Bodhisattvas, and sometimes the doctor can't be sure. Don't worry, my mother will accompany you to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Gu Shanzhi cried for a long time before slowly turning around.

She lay on Mrs. Yuan's shoulder and twitched.

Mrs. Yuan sat with her daughter-in-law for a long time before her son Yuan Yuye came back from the Hanlin Academy.

Gu Shanzhi saw her husband and cried again.

Mrs. Yuan got up and said goodbye.

Out of the yard, Mrs. Yuan frowned slightly.

In a family like the Yuan family, Yuan Yuye is not the eldest son, and the problem of the child is not difficult to solve. As long as you choose a maid and give birth to a child, you will sell the maid. The child is raised in your own name, and it will be the same as your own in the future.

But Gu Shanzhi may not be happy.

Although she is docile and obedient, she is a little strange and doesn't want to put a beautiful maid in the room.

Last time, a maid in front of Mrs. Yuan was so smart that she sent things to Gu Shanzhi twice, and Gu Shanzhi was too careful.

Yuan Yuye told Mrs. Yuan not to let the maid send anything anymore. Gu Shanzhi didn't like it. She looked at her heart and thought that Mrs. Yuan wanted to arrange a room for Yuan Yuye...

Gu Shanzhi may not be happy to let the maid have children.

And this matter is not suitable for the Yuan family to mention.

Mrs. Yuan thought that she would take time to go to Gu's house and ask Gu Jinzhi what was going on.

If she really can't get pregnant, Mrs. Yuan should also visit Mrs. Gu, tell her about this, and ask Mrs. Gu to come forward to talk about the room with Gu Shanzhi.

As long as Gu Shanzhi is willing to let Tongfang have a child, Mrs. Yuan will be satisfied with Gu Shanzhi about how to deal with Tongfang in the future.

I can't live without children in my son's house...

After Mrs. Yuan left, Gu Shanzhi cried and told her what Gu Jinzhi said to her husband.

Yuan Yuye was also stunned.

He paused for a long time and didn't know what to pick up.

"I don't think she may be accurate." Yuan Yuye said in the end.

"She has cured her third sister-in-law. Why can't she be sure?" Gu Shanzhi said, "She also said, maybe it's natural, maybe it's your problem, let you go and have a look."

Yuan Yuye's face suddenly changed.

Gu Shanzhi gamped at her husband with his spare time.

Sure enough, her husband changed his face, so she continued to cry.

Yuan Yuye calmed his face for a long time. He coughed and said, "The matter of having a baby is not under the doctor's control. Shall we listen to our mother?"

Listening to Mrs. Yuan is to worship the Bodhisattva.

Yuan Yuye didn't believe much in Bodhisattva.

But the doctor is too unreliable.

Choose one of the two, but he thinks it is more acceptable to worship Bodhisattva.

The next day, he also told Gu Shanzhi's words to Mrs. Yuan: "You are always simple. As soon as she came back and cried like that, she just wanted me to see and put the responsibility for not having a child on me. She was shrewd.

Mrs. Yuan was stunned.

"Shanzhi doesn't have such ability. Someone taught her behind her back." Mrs. Yuan affirmed.


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