Spring boudoir note

Chapter 262 Family Precepts

The old man fell asleep at the beginning of the New Year's Eve, and still did not wake up at dusk on the second day of the Lunar New Year.

The whole family gathered at the end of the third room.

Except for the old man Gu Yantao.

He heard that the old man couldn't do it and was jumping.

Before, he had never believed that the old man could predict his life and death, so he didn't care about this matter.

Now, seeing that the old man is really not good, Gu Yantao panicked.

He doesn't want to go back to his hometown, but he doesn't dare to be unfilial.

All day long, he has been looking for his students and Qingke to discuss countermeasures.

On the other side of the third room of the Gu family, everyone had their own minds, and no one asked the old man why he didn't come...

Gu Yanzhen went in and gently called the old man twice. The old man did not respond, but he had a breath. Gu Yanzhen felt uncomfortable, and his eyes turned red regardless of the presence of the whole family.

Song Paner had to comfort him first, let him go out for a walk, stabilize his mood, and don't make everyone more uncomfortable.

Gu Yanzhen went out first.

It's very cold outside, and the piercing cold wind hits his face, like an ice knife.

When he walked into the garden, the more he thought about it, the more sad he felt. He cried silently alone.

When I came back, my eyes were even more red.

Gu Jinzhi looked at his father and couldn't stop crying.

Song Paner had to hold her daughter in her arms, and her eyes were slightly wet.

Compared with the big room and the second room, the third room has a deeper relationship with the old man.

The old lady looked at Song Pan's mother and daughter like this, and her eyes also glowed. She wiped her tears with a veil and cheered up.

With such a touch of tears, other people cried whether they were sincere or pretending.

The second lady cried out loud.

The old lady scolded in a low voice, "What is this? Crying in the first month, is it unlucky?

The second lady didn't dare to cry immediately.

After a while, it was updated.

The city is about to have a curfew.

Song Paner got up and said to the first lady, the second lady, the second master and others: "Why don't you go back first? On the old man's side, there are us..."

The old lady thought about it and nodded.

She took everyone back to the old house.

When she got home, the second lady hid in the inner room with the second master.

The two of them are undoubtedly worried about what to do with the title of the old man.

At the beginning, the old man asked the old man to be his son. Now that the old man has been awarded the title of marquis, he definitely does not need to inherit the title of Duke Cheng.

Then, according to the law, the title of the old man can be left to the second son.

It's just that the old man needs to write the book himself.

If the old man falls asleep and the matter of begitive is not completed, will the title be inherited by the uncle?

"Why don't you ask?" The second lady said to the second master, "The old man even counted when he died. Didn't he expect such a big thing as a title? Maybe he has asked to block it, but it's not known..."

"What should I ask?" The second master said, "The officials of the whole dynasty are not the eldest brother's people, but want to flatt the eldest brother. Let's find out the news, and the eldest brother will know immediately. He still thought that we were single-minded about the title of the old man. It spread out that the reputation was not good, and the eldest brother must blame us.

We were just thinking about it, the second lady's slander.

But the meaning of the second master, what should be covered up should be covered up.

If the matter is not settled, no one can be offended.

Although Concubine De is the daughter of the second wife, no one can afford to offend the second wife.

This makes the second master feel that he is very cowardly.

He also has a stronger desire to get the title of viscount.


Until the early morning of the third day of the lunar new year, the old man finally woke up.

He shouted to draw the piano.

The piano has not been sleeping for several days in a row, standing at the door and taking a nap.

When he heard the shout, he immediately jumped up.

It's not just that he was shocked. Gu Yanzhen, Song Pan'er and Gu Jinzhi, who rested outside, were all shocked.

Several people entered the inner room.

The old man looked at the sky outside, which was still dark, and Gu Yanzhen's family was here and asked, "Why are you all here so early in the morning?"

His voice has no strength.

"Dad, you have slept for three days..." Gu Yanzhen choked and said.

The old man smiled like a mirror in his heart and said, "I'm so tired that I just want to sleep more. When you are old, you can't compare with you young people. Have you been here for three days?

Song Paner nodded: "Yes, Dad, you scared us."

"It's okay. Let's all go back." The old man said, thought for a moment, and then said, "Come back at noon." Send someone to the old house to say, call the children to come, and I have a few words to say to them.

This is to explain the afterth.

Gu Yanzhen cried loudly.

The old man frowned.

Gu Jinzhi also cried.

Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan watched their father and sister cry, and they also opened their mouths and cried.

Cry resounded in the room for a while.

The piano is also full of tears.

Song Paner persuaded this and that, but no one paid attention to her. Her heart was getting more and more sore, and she was afraid that the old man would be angry. No matter how much she put up with it, she still couldn't help it.

The old man looked at them helplessly.

He didn't stop and let them cry.

Finally, Gu Yanzhen stopped first, knelt down in front of the old man, and said, "Dad, your medical skills are so good. If you feel uncomfortable, take some medicine. Don't be discouraged, your son will serve you and enjoy the blessings..."

The old man smiled.

"Get up quickly." The old man didn't comfort Gu Yanzhen, but said lightly, "I still want to sleep a little longer. At noon, you come and call me to dinner.

Then wave your hand and let them all go out.

Gu Yanzhen knelt down and refused to get up.

The old man turned over, turned his back to him, fell asleep, and ignored it.

Song Paner persuaded Gu Yanzhen and asked Gu Jinzhi to take his two younger brothers to go first.

Everyone came out of the old man's study and went to the main courtyard.

Song Paner arranged someone to inform the people in the old house and come to have dinner with the old man at noon. She went to the kitchen and told the kitchen to prepare the food.

She can't be idle.

And Gu Jinzhi and Gu Yanzhen have nothing to do. This morning, the father and daughter were very difficult.

The people who went to the old house came back and said that the eldest master and the second master would arrive in a moment.

Sure enough, without a cup of tea, the people in the old house came in a hurry.

Gu Yantao's face turned blue.

The second master pretended to be sad, but he could still see that he was a little happy.

"The old man slept again and said that we would have dinner together at noon." Song Pan'er said to everyone.

The old man's face became more and more ugly.

He forced himself to say nothing.

The old lady asked about the situation, and the second lady came up to ask.

Song Pan'er said one by one.

The maids brought tea up, and everyone had no time to drink it. They asked Song Pan'er and Gu Yanzhen questions.

The sister-in-law who was out of confinement and the third sister-in-law with a big belly called Gu Jinzhi to the warm pavilion and asked her carefully what was going on.

Big brother and third brother also came to listen.

Gu Jinzhi said a few words, and his voice choked.

She cried like a child.

Gu Chenzhi rarely sees Gu Jinzhi crying.

Gu Jin is very mature and sensible most of the time. This time she was like a doll, and she burst into tears, which shows that she is really sad.

Who is not sad to think that the old man is about to leave?

Being cried by Gu Jin, several people were even more uncomfortable.

Lin Manjing gently hugged Gu Jinzhi and comforted her softly.

"Didn't my grandfather wake up?" The third grandmother Xia said, "Seventh sister, don't be sad. Maybe it's a false alarm."

Gu Jinzhi was very clear in his heart that it could not be a false alarm this time.

She still nodded with tears in her eyes and accepted the comfort of the third grandmother.

After talking for a long time, seeing that it was time for lunch, Song Paner sent someone to see if the old man was awake.

As a result, the old man came.

Lunch is placed in the flower hall.

There are two large round tables in the flower hall, and there is no screen, regardless of gender. One table for adults and one table for children.

During the meal, the old man didn't say anything.

The dinner table is very quiet.

After eating, the maids took down the bowls and served tea.

The old man took a sip of tea and then said, "In the Spring Festival, I don't want to spoil you. It's just that I can't stand it when the oil is exhausted. I'm afraid I'm leaving tonight."

As soon as this word came out, it was suddenly dead.

Even the old man suddenly felt sad in his heart.

No matter how much I hate the old man, the old man is also his father. When he was young, he still had some happy times. Those joys have long been put in the corner of my heart. Now, the old man is dying, and those dusty old things have been turned over by the old man.

He didn't answer.

If the old man doesn't open his mouth, it will be even more difficult for others to speak.

The old man didn't wait for everyone to say anything, and continued, "I'm dead, and there's nothing left for you. Just leave a few rules. Since the beginning of our generation, our Gu's men are not sons and bastards, and they are not close to Teng people. Only when they are forty children can they be placed in the side room.

As soon as he said this, Gu Yanzhen was suddenly uncomfortable.

The old man himself has no concubine, no concubine, and no evil son. The eldest master and the second master are even more.

The only person in the family with a concubine and a concubine is Gu Yanzhen.

Gu Yanzhen is embarrassed.

Gu Yuzhi also understood this and lowered his head and dared not look at the old man.

Everyone did not look at Gu Yanzhen and Gu Yanzhi, but only at the old man.

"...Gu's daughter, don't get married." The old man continued.

Women should be loyal to marry, which is the mainstream concept of this era, so the old man's words are nothing special to the daughter of the Gu family.

On the contrary, it is the one that does not have a concubine, and some of them are not in line with the social atmosphere.

But no one refuted him.

For the old man, it is not difficult not to have a concubine. He has no special interest in women.

"That's all." The old man said, "If you are willing to listen to these words, you can engrave them in the ancestral temple as a family motto. If you don't want to listen, just treat it as the old man's nonsense. After saying that, the old man stood up and said, "It's all over. Sister Jin and Brother Chen, come here."

After saying that, he walked out by himself.

Gu Jinzhi and Gu Chenzhi got up quickly and followed out.

The second lady looked at the old man's back and was a little anxious.

Why did the title end without saying anything?

She win-eyed at the second master.

The second master did not dare to talk to her, for fear that the master would see something strange.


Sweat, this is to make up for yesterday's update~~RS