Spring boudoir note

Chapter 264 Heart

"Are you crazy?" Gu Jinzhi asked him, "Did you leave your brain in the palace and forget to bring it back?"

Zhu Zhongjun stared at her.

He had long expected that it would not be so smooth, and it was really not bad.

"I'm very serious." Zhu Zhongjun said, "Do you think about it?"

Gu Jinzhi was really silent for a moment and thought about it.

"I seriously considered it, and I don't agree." Gu Jin said, "If you have to be sincere like this, then I'll tell you the truth, I don't have any sincerity. Being able to marry you is naturally the best choice to know yourself and your enemy..."

When Zhu Zhongjun heard this, his heart warmed and his lips were slightly upturned.

"...But you're not the only choice." Gu Jinzhi continued, "If you retreat and ask for the second place, I can still marry myself. I don't want to hang you on this crooked neck tree.

The warmth in Zhu Zhongjun's heart immediately dissipated.

He looked at Gu Jinzhi coldly.

"You are amazing!" He said, "You are very promising to say such a thing."

"I'm flattered." Gu Jin's way.

The two of them were tit-for-tat.

"You are not even the best choice." Zhu Zhongjun said coldly, "You ask for more and pay less, and you only know how to ask for it. I could be better without you.

Gu Jinzhi listened and was slightly stunned.

From her heart, she did not have the slightest anger, but felt that Zhu Zhongjun's words were reasonable.

She did pay less.

She is not safe with her feelings.

In case he falls in love, Gu Jinzhi can't accept it if he ends up like his boyfriend in his previous life. She likes a person, so she wants to possess it for a long time. Once separated, it is to dig meat from her heart.

And Zhu Zhongjun treats her...

She can't imagine the effort without a response.

I'm not sure that I will have this man's heart. Gu Jinzhi would rather not.

If her ex-boyfriend hadn't chased her so hard, she wouldn't have paid.

To put it bluntly, she is very selfish and cowardly.

"That's what I think." Gu Jin said, "Especially in this era, three wives and four concubines are reasonable, and you are a noble prince. You can live a happy life. Marrying me, you are indeed harder than marrying any woman, I admit..."

Zhu Zhongjun's fist was clenched tightly, and his eyes turned red.

The anger of the past few days was ignited to the bearish situation by Gu Jin's words.

"It's true. Marrying anyone is better than marrying you!" Zhu Zhongjun gritted his teeth and said, "I have a second choice. I will never want you."

After he finished speaking, he quickly walked out.

If he doesn't come out, he has the impulse to beat Gu Jin.

He left Gu's house all the way and went to the street with a guard.

The city was so noisy that Zhu Zhongjun was bored and simply went out of the city to play.

Near the capital in March, the spring is cold.

The goose yellow willows are blooming in the wind.

The cold wind blew on his face, and the cold was a little stiff. Zhu Zhongjun slowly calmed down.

He sat alone on the ward of the wheat field in a daze.

The invisible winter wheat field is quietly bathed in the early spring sunshine.

It is green, just like the lawn in the school.

Zhu Zhongjun couldn't help thinking of what happened when he was young in his previous life.

At a class reunion, he found out about Gu Jinzhi's school where he studied abroad.

Although he wrote a letter to Gu Jinzhi in high school, Gu Jinzhi ignored him, which made him very angry and vowed that he had nothing to do with Gu Jinzhi in the future. But in his heart, he still wanted to see her.

Especially knowing the address of her school, the idea can't be suppressed.

Finally, he skips class and flew thousands of miles to her school.

He met Gu Jinzhi on such a large lawn.

The sun was very good that day. There were a lot of three or two students on the lawn, or fell in love, read and write, and some of them lay so quietly.

Gu Jinzhi was reading at that time.

She sat there reading in a red plaid shirt, dark blue jeans and long hair.

A boy, dozed on her thigh.

She looked at her seriously, and the boy opened his eyes to look at her from time to time...

That was her boyfriend Qian Zhan at that time.

Zhu Zhongjun didn't leave. He sat down and sat not far from her, looking at her.

She never looked up at Zhu Zhongjun.

The sun coated her face with a layer of golden light, and her slender eyelashes were clear and accidentally incited. The thick green silk covered the snow-white face.

She reads books very seriously, and even her boyfriend's harassment from time to time is ignored.

Zhu Zhongjun sat for a whole hour, and it was not until her boyfriend noticed him that he got up and left.

At that time, he thought that his feelings about the girl had never changed. She is still so simple, hard-working and clean, with the smell of sunshine, which is very desirable.

Gu Jinzhi's ex-boyfriend cares about Gu Jinzhi very much. As long as someone approaches her, he will be vigilant.

Zhu Zhongjun thought it was a troublesome opponent.

He stayed at Gu Jinzhi's school for three days.

Qian Zhan also has a lot of classes, and he can't stay with Gu Jinzhi all the time.

So in the day, Gu Jin was left alone for most of the day.

She eats alone, reads alone, and then goes to class. She is very good. Just like when she was in junior high school, she doesn't talk to strangers.

Someone talks to her, and she also looks shy and not good at words.

Zhu Zhongjun followed her for three days.

Several times when he walked on the road, he was beside her, next to her. Gu Jinzhi would also look at him curiously, but he recognized him.

She has probably forgotten Zhu Zhongjun.

This made Zhu Zhongjun very frustrated.

After going back that time, he made up his mind not to entangle that senseless feelings.

So in the following years, he did not inquire about Gu Jinzhi again.

But he was terrible. He once met a good female classmate from junior high school and Gu Jinzhi.

The female classmate told Zhu Zhongjun that Gu Jinzhi had returned to China and she was engaged.

Zhu Zhongjun thought that she was engaged, so what else could that have to do with him?

After thinking about this, he couldn't help thinking about what she has become now. Has she changed and become sophisticated, no longer the simple and real girl?

Has it become very beautiful and learned to dress up, no longer soup noodles?

Is her beautiful and soft hair curled up?

If she becomes like this, Zhu Zhongjun can completely put it down.

He struggled for two days and went to inquire about Gu Jinzhi's internship hospital.

He went to see her again.

Gu Jinzhi is still Gu Jinzhi, except that he has lost some weight.

When the face is small, the eyes look big and energetic, and the eyes are shining brightly. She seemed to be very happy, with a bright smile, and she looked radiant.

He and Gu Jinzhi walked face to face, and Gu Jinzhi hesitated.

She seemed to recognize him.

Her footsteps stopped slightly, and she looked back at Zhu Zhongjun. Seeing that Zhu Zhongjun also stopped to look at her, she seemed to have been burned. She quickly withdrew her eyes in embarrassment. Maybe she didn't see Zhu Zhongjun's appearance at all, so she continued to walk forward.

At that moment, Zhu Zhongjun had mixed feelings.

Seriously, she still didn't recognize Zhu Zhongjun.

For her, Zhu Zhongjun is just a junior high school classmate, a distant and vague shadow. The reason why she turned back that day was just the normal reaction of the girl who saw the handsome man and wanted to peek at him, right?

At that time, Zhu Zhongjun liked Gu Jinzhi.

But he didn't even run to break up other people's marriage for her.

He thought that Gu Jinzhi was Gu Jinzhi, a simple girl. Zhu Zhongjun just hasn't found this type now. One day, she can be replaced.

Crection always plays tricks on people.

When Zhu Zhongjun decided to put it down, something happened to Gu Jinzhi's fiance's home.

God ruined the lives of some people in order to fulfill the happiness of others.

Tianyu did not take the blame. God left Gu Jinzhi to Zhu Zhongjun, and Zhu Zhongjun did not intend to give up again.

While the Qian family was struggling to turn over, the Zhu family was falling into the well.

It should be said that it was Zhu Zhongjun who persuaded his lobby brother to help and fall into the well together.

Children's play doesn't have much effect, but it also has a little impact. Of course, Qian was shot in the end, which had nothing to do with Zhu Zhongjun's small falling into the well.

Qian has offended other dignitaries.

After Gu Jinzhi and Qian Zhan broke up, Zhu Zhongjun went to see her several times.

Secretly, far away, I looked at her several times...

She is so thin that she seems to have collapsed.

In the past, the diligent and kind girl seemed to have been deprived of her soul.

Zhu Zhongjun knew that he could not be too hasty.

He spent two years waiting for Gu Jinzhi to return to calm and normal.

He always pays attention to whether there are other men around her.

Like Qian Zhan at the beginning, he was very vigilant to protect her and let her slowly become his everything.

Later, their blind date was also in Zhu Zhongjun's plan.

The Gu family needs the political power of the Zhu family, and the Zhu family also needs to cultivate some fresh blood, which has great potential.

Zhu Zhongjun is not the eldest son of the family, and his marriage is not that important.

After getting married, he never told Gu Jinzhi about his feelings for her.

I tried to say it several times, but I didn't know how to say it.

Or, it's his own possessiveness, which has nothing to do with whether he loves or not.

At that time, I was busy fighting with my father and my second uncle all day long. If I wanted to climb up and survive, I would trample all the people of the Zhu family under my feet and let them be obedient...

Got Gu Jinzhi, and she was squeezed into a corner by reality and life in Zhu Zhongjun's heart.

For so many years, until now, Zhu Zhongjun often asked himself, if there was another woman, would he like to marry her and have children, and would he like to leave a little corner of his heart to her?

He thought, he couldn't do it.

His heart was tortured by reality.

Gu Jinzhi is just Gu Jinzhi. No matter whether she occupies most of the position, she is irreplaceable.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late. If we don't go back, we will catch the curfew. When Zhu Zhongjun was distracted, the guards around him came over and reminded him in a low voice.

Zhu Zhongjun also suddenly returned to reality.

He looked blankly at the endless wheat field, thinking that he was about to leave the capital and Gu Jinzhi. The original feeling suddenly came back.

He and Gu Jinzhi are reborn. Reason can be controlled, but emotions can't.

He is also experiencing the feelings of his youth...

"Go back." Zhu Zhongjun said.

He turned over his horse and slowly returned to the city.

After coming back, he did not go to Gu Jinzhi, but went to the outer courtyard to rest.

Gu Jinzhi didn't look for him either. She was still sad about her grandfather's death.
