Spring boudoir note

Chapter 267 Minor Disease

When he came back from Yuanxing Temple, Gu Jinzhi was not interested.

Song Pan'er only thought she was tired, and didn't leave her to talk much, so she went back to her room to rest.

The dinner was also sent to her room.

In recent days, she has been tolerant outside her family.

Gu Jinzhi is not polite.

After dinner, she did not take out the needle and thread to do it for a while as usual, but lay down and slept directly.

I wish my mother and a few maids what they wanted to say, but they didn't dare to. They gently put the tents for her.

Gu Jinzhi didn't sleep well.

She had a lot of dreams.

As usual, she dreamed of the old man first. Then, the scene changed and dreamed of Zhu Zhongjun.

It was a mess, and finally I dreamed of Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen was the most prestigious marshal of the military at that time. Gu Jinzhi knew him when he was eighty-nine years old. At the age of nearly 90 years old, Mr. Chen is very old.

However, since he was 80 years old, his gastrointestinal function has deteriorated, indigestion, abdominal distension, stomach pain, and many doctors are helpless.

He also gradually accepted his fate.

After that, Gu Jinzhi recuperated him for a year, and his stomach actually got better.

He lost indigestion, stomach distension and stomachache, and was in a good mood. He also valued Gu Jinzhi very much and specially ordered Gu Jinzhi to be his health consultant.

Although Mr. Chen is a military force, he also has a great influence on politics.

He likes Gu Jinzhi, and even likes Zhu Zhongjun, which has helped Zhu Zhongjun a lot.

Gu Jinzhi is Mr. Chen's health consultant. He often haunts the Chen family. She knows most of the people in the Chen family. Although she is young, she is quite good at seeing a doctor. In order to get close to the old man, the Chen family also happened to have a family relationship with Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi met Chen Chen, the third grandson of Mr. Chen.

It is because of him that the marriage between Gu Jinzhi and Zhu Zhongjun has come to an end.

He is a shadow in Gu Jinzhi's heart.

Later, he committed a crime. The Chen family turned around many times to avoid the disaster of his prison, but he was expelled from the army and sent abroad. Six months later, he died of a strange illness.

He was expelled from the army, which was done by Zhu Zhongjun; his strange disease was done by Gu Jin.

In short, although the man disappeared, his bad influence lingered.

He likes Gu Jinzhi, which is inexplicably strange.

Gu Jinzhi doesn't know where he deserves his likes.

From the first time he saw Gu Jinzhi, the heat in his eyes made Gu Jinzhi very uncomfortable. She is not very sensitive to feelings, but she can also see that Chen Chen is very interested in her.

In order to get Gu Jinzhi, he tried his best, and finally even wanted to ** her.

No one wants to meet such a madman for the second time.

But tonight, Gu Jinzhi dreamed of Mr. Chen and the old house of the Chen family. At the same time, she also dreamed of Chen Chen.

When he met Chen Chen for the first time, he wore a military uniform, and his straight military uniform revealed the majesty and toughness of the soldiers. Seeing Gu Jinzhi, his expression paused slightly, and then smiled gently.

The gentleness in that smile is completely inconsistent with his resolute face.

At that time, Gu Jinzhi was stunned and then smiled back.

When we met for the first time, I didn't know who he was, and I thought he was still good. Later, I didn't have a good impression of him.

Gu Jinzhi seldom dreams of him.

Even if he dreams, he is a demonized shadow, a nightmare.

And today, I dreamed of his pure smile.

Probably because he met Tan You during the day.

Tan You is not similar to Chen Chen. However, they are all soldiers, tall and powerful, and have a similar temperament. However, his eyes were exactly the same as Chen Chen's.

Gu Jinzhi is very familiar with such eyes.

Also, his daughter held Gu Jinzhi's leg and called Gu Jinzhi's aunt first, which made Gu Jinzhi uncomfortable.

She inquired about the aunt of the Tan family.

Tan You spoiled her very much, and even killed his wife for her. Such a man is a little crazy and extreme, and he is also very similar to Chen Chen.

After a messy dream all night, Gu Jinzhi woke up on the fourth watch.

After that, she couldn't sleep anymore.

She opened her eyes wide, and many memories of her previous life surged into her heart.

When it was time to get up, Gu Jinzhi's head hurt a little.

All day long, she suppressed Tan You's matter in her heart.


I went to my mother's yard in the morning, and my father Gu Yanzhen was also there.

He got up early and talked to Song Pan'er about Gu Yuzhi: "... I have entrusted someone to do it. If you don't go, I don't know which year it will be next time.

"Then let's go." Song Pan'er didn't care, "He is not the eldest grandson. Besides, going to study is not a marriage examination. It should not be a problem.

When the grandfather died, according to the law, the grandchildren of the family declined and kept filial piety for one year; and the eldest grandson, as a load-bearing grandson, should be like a son, serve the decline and keep filial piety for three years.

This should be talking about Gu Yuzhi.

Last year, Gu Chenzhi proposed that Gu Yuzhi go to Songshan Academy to study, and Gu Yanzhen was careful.

He entrusted someone to do this again at the end of last year.

I don't know, the old man died in the first month.

By now, this kind of thing has finally been done. But whether you can go or not becomes a problem again.

It should be said that you can't have fun during the period of filial piety, but you can study. It's just that everyone is studying behind closed doors at home. It doesn't count to go to the college to study or not, Gu Yanzhen is not sure.

He is afraid that someone will talk about this in the future, and Gu Yan's career will be hindered.

"If you go, you have to go out after all." Gu Yanzhen said, "It's not easy to go out during filial piety, right?"

"Then don't go." Song Pan'er said.

She can't stand Gu Yanzhen's grinding.

Gu Yanzhen listened to this tone and knew that Song Pan'er didn't care about it. It was useless to tell her, so he didn't say much.

Gu Jinzhi happened to come in and gave his parents a condging.

Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan haven't come yet.

Xiaoshi and Xiao Eleven's wet nurse brought their brothers over first.

Xiao Eleven Yiyi, I want to go to my mother's arms.

Song Pan'er smiled and took over the child.

Gu Jinzhi also brought Xiaoshi over.

"Mom, Brother Yao's hand is sinking a little again." Gu Jinzhi hugged Xiao Shi and said to his mother with a smile.

Song Pan'er also smiled: "This boy is silent, and he doesn't cry all day long. He is desperate..."

Gu Jinzhi's smile.

Gu Yanzhen was beside him, and he also liked it very much. He reached out and touched Brother Yao's arm and said, "He looks solid. Brother Qi is not very long. If only it could be even.

Gu Jinzhi laughed.

Song Pan'er hugged Xiao Eleven and said, "Brother Xuan cries all day long. The strength of breastfeeding needs to cry. How can he have the strength to grow up?"

Xiao Eleven seemed to respond to his mother and hummed gently twice.

Several people laughed.

As he was talking and laughing, Brother Xuan and Brother Xuan came in.

After dinner, they still went to the outer court to study with Mr. You.

During the period of Gu Yanzhen's filial piety, he could not go out to play. He didn't want to study either. He was in the inner house a lot, and sometimes he even clung to Song Pan'er to talk.

Song Pan'er still has a lot of housework to do every day and has no time to talk to him, so Song Pan'er has been annoyed with him recently.

Gu Yanzhen had to tease the children again.

After breakfast, Gu Jinzhi also went back to the room and walked with his father, leading Xiao Shi and Xiao Shi.

Xiao Eleven ran happily, but Xiao Shi was unwilling to move.

After a while, Xiao Eleven ran in a sweat.

The wet nurse's hand was pasted on the copper hand stove for a while. When it was hotter, she dared to touch Xiao Eleven.

As a result, Xiao Eleven's back was covered with sweat.

"Girl, I went to change my little clothes for Brother Yi first." The way of the nursing mother to Gu Jin.

The wet nurse maids of Xiaoshi and Eleven are directly called by their nicknames, which is what Song Paner means. It's easy to feed the young master all day long, but the child is not blessed.

Gu Jinzhi said good.

The wet nurse hugged Xiao Eleven down and called the maid to have a heater. The room was warmer before she dared to change the child's clothes.

Xiao Eleven's back was covered with sweat, and the wet nurse asked for hot water to wipe her body first.

Although he was so careful, Xiao Eleven still sneezed a little in the afternoon and got a little cold.

A one-and-a-half-year-old child is dirty and delicate, and it is best not to take medicine. Gu Jinzhi told the wet nurse not to feed him today, but to be hungry first.

If it doesn't get better, Gu Jinzhi will give him medicine again in the evening.

Xiao Eleven is already weak and has to be very careful.

The wet nurse said yes.

At night, I didn't sneeze much, and there were some signs of improvement. The wet nurse was very happy.

Song Pan'er was also slightly relieved.

Gu Jinzhi still told him, "Don't give him anything to eat at night."

The wet nurse agreed.

But at night, Brother Yi kept crying.

He is very hungry.

The wet nurse panicked and hurried to tell Song Pan'er.

Song Pan'er woke up from her sleep and picked up the child for a while, but still couldn't stop.

"Madam, let's feed it first." The wet nurse said, "Brother Xun is so hungry that she can't sleep. The maidservant looked at it. Brother Sui is ready, and it should be okay to eat something.

Song Paner shook her head and said, "Girls know better than us. Since she said she was hungry, she was hungry first. Brother Yi is young and thin. He is in trouble when he is sick.

The wet nurse said yes.

But Brother Yi cried heartbreakingly, and the nursing mother felt very uncomfortable.

Song Pan'er is also heartbroken.

Brother Yan was very stubborn. He kept crying when he couldn't eat. He cried for an hour.

Not only was Gu Yanzhen woken up, but also the little brother of Shixuan was woken up by him.

Brother Yu didn't cry when he woke up. The wet nurse fed him, and he fell asleep again.

"You can't cry like this all the time." Song Paner said, "Go and call the girl."

Bingao Road is.

So, Gu Jin was shouted in the middle of the night.

When she heard that it was Brother Yi, she got up, quickly put on her clothes, and went up to the room.

Brother Xung's situation has not worsened. He is just hungry.

Gu Jinzhi is slightly relieved.

Seeing that the child is hungry and can't eat, let the nursing mother take some rice porridge and feed it first.

After eating half a bowl of rice porridge, Brother Zun finally fell asleep.

I got up early the next day and was refreshed. There was no problem.

The whole family was relieved.

At noon, he was fed half a bowl of rice porridge.

Gu Jinzhi still ordered, don't give him milk first, and let's get through today.

But at dusk, the weather turned cold. Although Brother Yan was well dressed, he sneezed twice.

This is wind and cold.

Song Pan'er listened to Gu Jinzhi and didn't give him medicine.

Gu Jinzhi did not dare to leave and rested in the warm pavilion at night.

At the second watch, Brother Yi coughed a little.

He really has a cold.

Children who catch a cold are prone to lung disease.

Once you offend the lungs, it will be more troublesome.

It is a medicine to treat wind and cold, and it is not suitable for children's delicate organs. Gu Jin is too afraid.

She thought about it and finally opened the osmanthus soup.

Colds are caused by Yingwei's discord, and their own immunity is reduced, while Guizhi is a warm medicine, which can reconcile Yingwei and enhance their own resistance, so as to fight against colds.

I just don't know if the child can do it...
