Spring boudoir note

Chapter 272 First Snow

Gu Jinzhi sat in Kunning Palace for a while, and then went to Qianqing Palace to see the emperor.

The emperor is resting. There is no one in front of him, and there are only a few confidant servants.

He sat on the couch and was still reading the chapter.

The attendants around him wanted to persuade, but they didn't dare. They all stood aside in silence.

Gu Jinzhi came in and knelt down to comfort the emperor.

The emperor raised his eyes and his face was a little pale. Seeing Gu Jinzhi, he was still happy. He asked her to get up with a smile and said, "I haven't seen Xiaoqi for many days..."

It has been more than July since my grandfather's death.

Calculate, it's more than half a year.

It's been a long time.

"...Yesterday was your birthday, and I also prepared a gift. It's just that the Empress Dowager sent it. If I send it again, it won't be the gift. The emperor didn't wait for Gu Jinzhi to speak and continued, "I will give you a gift in private."

Then he winzzed at Liu Shu, the eunuch beside him, and asked him to get the gift.

Gu Jinzhi knelt down quickly, thanked him first, and then said, "The daughter of the people came to visit your majesty, not to ask for gifts."

The emperor didn't care and waved to Liu Shu to get it.

Liu Shudao is.

After a while, the eunuch Liu Shu folded back, held a small box in his hand and gave it to the emperor.

The emperor gave it to Gu Jinzhi again.

"See if you like it." The emperor said with a smile.

Gu Jinzhi had to open it in person.

Black velvet lining, holding an emerald jade bracelet. Almost transparent emerald, flowing with clear green light.

Everything in the palace is naturally top-quality.

And this emerald bracelet is the best of the best.

Gu Jinzhi accepted it, thanked him, and said he liked it very much.

The emperor's eyes became gentle and his smile was warm.

"Shall I take your pulse?" Gu Jinzhi put the gift on the table and asked the emperor.

The emperor smiled and said good.

Eunuch Liu Shu quickly took a small soft pillow and put it under the emperor's wrist.

Gu Jinzhi stretched out his hand to take the pulse for the emperor.

Angina pectoris may be coronary heart disease.

Coronary heart disease is a cardiovascular disease. Obesity accounts for a large factor in the cause of coronary heart disease.

And the emperor is not thin, but he is well-proportioned and young...

His angina may have other reasons.

Gu Jinzhi thought about this in his heart and seriously diagnosed him.

During this period, the inner hall was quiet.

After Gu Jinzhi's diagnosis, she found that the maids and attendants in the whole inner hall had already retreated, leaving only her and the emperor.

The atmosphere suddenly became unnatural.

Gu Jinzhi was calm and ready to speak, but the emperor smiled first.

He said to Gu Jinzhi, "I'm just a minor illness. Peng Didian also said that it's enough to rest for a few days and work less. It's the queen who is too worried. Xiaoqi, do you think to your heart, why don't I come to you to see it?

Gu Jinzhi didn't think about this.

She is not a doctor.

How to answer properly? Her heart turned around.

Seeing that she was slightly silent, the emperor did not embarrass her and continued, "It's just a minor illness. I can't go beyond the people in the hospital. Otherwise, the hospital will have less and less status and prestige.

The year before last, the Tai Hospital caused Qin Weisi's plot to kill people, which led to a sharp decline in the reputation of the Tai Hospital.

After that, I finally accumulated some prestige.

The emperor himself doesn't trust them, and others don't.

Gu Jinzhi just organized the language in his heart, and the answer was a little slow. He didn't expect the emperor to explain to her like this. She was afraid that the more she talked, the more difficult it would be to deal with, so she immediately said, "The daughters of the people understand it. Taking care of your majesty is originally the matter of the hospital.

"Do you call yourself a civilian girl again?" The emperor laughed and said, "I often haven't walked around the palace for half a year. Are you out of touch with me?"

Gu Jinzhi thought about it secretly.

I feel that the emperor's words are a little strange.

"Your Majesty is in a good mood..." Gu Jinzhi asked, "Is there anything happy?"

The emperor seemed to be very confident in his health, or he trusted Dr. Peng Leyi and did not intend to let Gu Jinzhi diagnose him at all, so he changed the topic again and again and said something irrelevant.

Since he is not interested, Gu Jinzhi is not going to talk about it.

The emperor's body is not serious.

Yesterday's angina was just a temporary qi and blood paralysis. After taking medicine for a period of time, you can recover.

"Seeing Xiaoqi, it's naturally a happy event." The emperor said.

It smells a little like **.

Gu Jinzhi raised his eyes and looked at him.

Suddenly, the eyes of the short soldiers were connected, and the emperor was slightly stunned. His heart was moved by her sudden gaze, and the ripples s sled slightly.

He looked at Gu Jinzhi's eyes and became more and more confused.

Gu Jinzhi was on alert.

She smiled and got up to salute the emperor: "Since your majesty's body is fine, I'm going to restore the empress dowager's life so that the empress dowager can rest assured. The daughter of the people... Xiaoqi has quit."

The emperor did not keep her, but told her: "You have to come to the palace often to walk around and relax with the empress dowager."

Gu Jin's way is.

On the way back from Qianqing Palace, Gu Jinzhi walked quickly and seemed to want to escape from this place quickly.

She is a little uneasy.

When he arrived at Kunning Palace, his whole mood was completely calmed down.

The Empress Dowager asked her how the emperor was.

Compared with the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital, the Empress Dowager trusts Gu Jinzhi more.

If it hadn't been for Gu Jinzhi's visit to the palace today, the Empress Dowager would have planned to announce Gu Jinzhi tomorrow.

"How's it going?" The Empress Dowager asked Gu Jinzhi, "How about the emperor's holy body?"

Gu Jinzhi quickly replied, "It's not a big deal. Your Majesty accidentally had angina, but it was caused by internal depression and qi and blood stasis. Take some medicine to dredge the meridians and collaterals, eliminate silting and dissipate knots, and guide them, and you will get better.

That's what Dr. Peng said.

Now Gu Jinzhi also said so.

The Empress Dowager was relieved.

After talking for a while, Gu Jinzhi got up and left the palace.

Just walked to the gate of the palace, and before he went out, Liu Shu, the eunuch of Qianqing Palace, chased after him.

Gu Jin's heart suddenly sank.

"Miss Gu, you forgot this." Liu Shu gave a small box to Gu Jinzhi.

Gu Jinzhi was in such a hurry that he forgot the birthday gift given to her by the emperor in the Qianqing Palace.

She took it over and thanked her, "Thank you for sending it here."

"This is the internal affairs of the slave." Liu Shu laughed.

Gu Jinzhi thanked him again, and then he left the palace.

The emperor was ill and still went to court with illness. The situation in the court was stable, and the capital was particularly calm.

In August, the golden autumn is full of fruits. The autumn wind is gentle, but it blows down the branches and red leaves, adding desolation.

The emerald bracelet given by the emperor to Gu Jinzhi was hidden at the bottom of the box and was not taken out again.

In a blink of an eye, in September, an autumn rain, a thin curtain was light and cold, and the remnant autumn of trees and barren grass landed on the world.

On the fifth day of September, a prince was added to the palace.

This is the emperor's second son.

The birth of the second prince broke the situation that the eldest prince was the only son. The second prince's biological mother, Cheng Guiren, was awarded the title of Concubine Li, side by side with Concubine Gu De and Concubine Zhang Shu.

The Gu family is still keeping filial piety, and there is no need to go to the palace to congratulate.

But it is inevitable for the family to talk about this matter.

Song Paner went to the old house. When she came back, she talked to Gu Jinzhi about the second prince and the new Cheng Lifei.

"This Concubine Li is very powerful. At the beginning, our Defei was pregnant, and then Dong Guiren and Lu Guiren also had it. The two nobles' backers were not strong enough, and the children were not kept. And Cheng Lifei, who is just the daughter of the Ministry of Ceremonies, was able to save the fetus and give birth to a prince under the eyes of the ladies. Song Pan'er said.

The women in the palace have always been calm on the surface, and the rapids are surging underneath.

At the beginning, Concubine De was able to give birth to the third princess, and Aunt Cheng beside the Empress Dowager played a great role.

Now that the throne has not been determined, and the prince has not been established, the other concubines in the palace should not want the low-level concubines to be pregnant to increase the difficulty of their promotion.

Concubine Cheng unexpectedly gave birth to a child without the support of the family and the empress dowager, so she had to be impressed.

"It's really awesome." Gu Jin's way.

After the second prince washed the third ceremony, he gave a name.

Then, the palace was divided, and the maid and the palace people were customized to take care of him.

Children also grow up healthy.

It's getting colder day by day, and it's October.

On the fifth day of October, the second prince is one month old. But the day before the full moon, the second prince died.

It snowed for the first time that day.

This year's snow came very early.

It snowed in early October, which was a little unusual.

The Empress Dowager fainted in anger. Although the people of Mantai Hospital took care of him, Chang Shun was still ordered to invite Gu Jinzhi to the palace.

The Empress Dowager only believes in Gu Jinzhi.

Not only was the Empress Dowager fainted with anger, but also the emperor was furious and the angina relapsed.

Every one in the Forbidden Palace is in danger.

Gu Jinzhi went to Kunning Palace in the snow to consult the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager was in a hurry, and her blood and qi went hand in hand, resulting in fainting. Although people are awake, they are not energetic and dying.

Gu Jinzhi opened Baiwei soup.

Baiwei soup is composed of Baiwei, Angelica, ginseng and licorice, which can clear the liver and calm the qi and blood.

"I'll serve twice today." Gu Jinzhi prescribed the prescription and told Aunt Cheng how to give medicine to the Empress Dowager. "Take the medicine first and take the next dose; after half an hour, take the next dose. Take it for three days in a row.

Aunt Cheng responded and ordered the attendant to grab the medicine.

Then, she gently pulled Gu Jinzhi's sleeve and whispered to her, "Go in and talk to the Empress Dowager. Don't mention sad things, say something happy..."

The sad thing must be that the second prince died.

From the Empress Dowager's illness, it can be known that the second prince's illness should be artificial. The emperor only had a great prince, and then there were three princesses with thin descendants.

The Empress Dowager and the emperor were very happy with the birth of the second prince.

I can't imagine that I will died before the full moon.

How can this not be painful?

"I know." Gu Jinzhi said to Aunt Cheng, and then went into the inner hall.

The Empress Dowager is keeping her eyes on her mind.

Seeing Gu Jinzhi coming in, she smiled, but did not talk to Gu Jinzhi, but said to Aunt Cheng behind Gu Jinzhi, "You personally accompany Xiaoqi to the Qianqing Palace to see how the emperor is doing. The Ai family fell ill, and the emperor also relapsed, which made the Ai family very worried.

The emperor had angina again, which made the Empress Dowager worried.

But the Empress Dowager also needs to be served by Aunt Cheng.

"Empress Dowager, I'll go by myself." Gu Jin said, "I know the way."

The Empress Dowager reluctantly smiled. After thinking about it, she nodded.

Aunt Cheng called the chambermaid and accompanied Gu Jinzhi to the Qianqing Palace.

The palace is shrouded in a solemn and depressing atmosphere.

The two little attendants who followed Gu Jinzhi to the Qianqing Palace did not dare to make a sound when walking.

In the main hall of the Qianqing Palace, there are already more than a dozen imperial doctors waiting.

Qin Shensi is also in it.

Gu Jinzhi did not dare to squeeze forward. After coming in, he stood behind the crowd.

The eunuch Xiang Liang saw her.

Gu Jin saluted above and said her intention: "The Empress Dowager is very worried about your majesty. Let the daughter of the people come and see how your majesty is..."

The imperial doctors all know that the Empress Dowager only believes in Gu Jinzhi.

Even the imperial doctors did not believe in the diagnosis of the emperor.

Gu Jinzhi had to diagnose it in person, and then tell the Empress Dowager, so that the Empress Dowager could feel at ease.

Xiang Liang also knows it.

He said respectfully, "Miss Gu, wait a moment, and Peng Tidian will ask your majesty again. I'll tell you later..."

Gu Jin's way is.

She didn't dare to disturb Peng Ti to ask for the emperor.
