Spring boudoir note

Chapter 280 Xiaoxiang

The matter of the third master of the Tang family was not covered up in the end.

In a few days, it spread all over the capital.

Even Song Pan'er and Gu Jinzhi also heard about it.

It's just that the third master of the Tang family was arrested, and there was no follow-up.

The princess did not cry or make trouble, and returned to the Tang family from Jian's palace, looking obedient.

The Tang family took Taner, handed it over to Jinxiang Building, and redeemed the 10,000 taels of silver filled in by the third master of the Tang family.

Tan'er redeemed herself at that time, and her value was 40,000 taels. She used all her savings to fill 30,000 taels. Now the Tang family sells her to the original owner's house, but it only costs 10,000 taels of silver. Why doesn't Jinxianglou want to?

Sandalwood is another money tree.

Jinxianglou happily harvested Taner's deed of sale and handed over 10,000 taels of silver to the Tang family.

The Tang family took 10,000 taels of silver and filled nearly 50,000 taels before buying back all the princess's dowries and adding a few.

is almost ruined to make up for it.

The princess was so righteous for the first time that she took something and stopped talking.

However, the third master of the Tang family kept making trouble and insisted on seeing Tan'er. He told his father his kindness with Tan'er in tears, and kept saying that he could not live without Tan'er.

He could guess that the Tang family would not treat Tan'er well, but he didn't know that the Tang family had sold Tan'er. Uncle Tang had to lock him up at home. He sent more than a dozen men and guards inside and outside to take care of him, and he was not allowed to step out of the hospital.

The third master of the Tang family is a talented and romantic scholar, but he has no power to bind chickens. He is guarded and can't resist at all.

Jinxianglou did not arrange for Miss Taner to pick up guests.

With this incident, Taner's reputation became even greater, and many people left with admiration.

Tang Jiayuan hoped to end the matter early, but he didn't expect to take a wrong step, so that things could not calm down. Uncle Tang doesn't go to the brothel and doesn't know the rules of the brothel. He didn't know that Yin Ben did not damage Mingji's reputation, but made more benefactors willing to spend money to see her.

Therefore, the Tang family, who is going to calm down, has a headache.

This matter has been talked about by everyone from the end of the year to the beginning of the year.

There has been no such scandal in Jingli for many years, and no one wants to let it go. We have to say a few words when we meet. Gossip also lost its original appearance.

Mrs. Tang was so angry that she gave the whole family to her eldest daughter-in-law Gu Yuezhi.

The Tang family emptied out the house to buy the princess's dowry, so it is difficult for anyone to cook without rice.

Fortunately, the second grandmother has always been kind and pure, and the third grandmother, Princess Sirou, knows it well. In the future, no one will complain about the thin family business.

Gu Yuezhi was ordered to take over all the housekeeper's affairs.

Mrs. Tang handed over all the housekeeper's cards and accounts to her eldest daughter-in-law, and she had no face to see her third daughter-in-law again. She set up a small ancestral hall in her main courtyard, avoiding everyone's invitations all day long on the grounds of chanting scriptures.

The eldest lady knew that her daughter was in her mother-in-law's house and had to spend a difficult time, so she secretly sold her two dowry houses and took out some private money to subsidize her daughter's 4,000 taels of cash.

Gu Yuezhi was worried about how to spend the Spring Festival without money. Her mother gave it to her, but she did not refuse.

During the Spring Festival, Song Pan'er asked about the Tang family.

The eldest lady also told her, but she didn't mention the matter of subsidizing her daughter's money.

Song Paner sighed, "It's not easy for Sister Yue. Now in charge, I'm afraid it's full of difficulties, and it won't be good in the future.

When the family is separated in the future, everyone will look at the small family property, so they can't help guess that Gu Yue's private money will be filled and will definitely be complained.

The second lady also interrupted and said, "I shouldn't care about it. Her mother-in-law is the most convenient, and she let Sister Yue do all kinds of evil people. Obviously, let Sister Yue be the head of the family, but in fact, let Sister Yue be angry..."

"Yes." Song Pan'er agreed.

It is rare for the two of them to have similar opinions.

The old lady laughed and said, "The family doesn't have to care too much. The in-laws are determined and don't want to take care of the matter. Sister Yue doesn't take it over, and her other two sisters-in-law won't care. Is it possible to let it go? A family is not a family either. I also told Sister Yue that only when he is in charge of the family can others respect you. How can you live a smooth life? If she can carry it this time, she won't be afraid of anything in the future..."

The second lady and Song Pan'er didn't say anything more.


The emperor went to the Lishan Palace to recuperate for more than 20 days. He had a good time and returned to the palace.

The Empress Dowager invited Gu Jinzhi to diagnose the emperor again.

The emperor's health has recovered well.

"... Because I didn't get up and went back and forth a few days ago, Your Majesty is still a little weak." Gu Jin said, "If you take a few doses of medicine to tonify your deficiency, you will be fine. Empress Dowager, don't worry, your majesty's holy body has recovered.

The Empress Dowager breathed a sigh of relief.

The emperor looked at Gu Jinzhi's eyes, and he was a little more confused.

He looked at her several times with a smile.

The Empress Dowager noticed the emperor's eyes and suddenly tightened her heart.

Gu Jinzhi kept bowing his head, followed the Empress Dowager to leave and went to Kunning Palace.

The Empress Dowager did not show any strangeness in front of her.

When Gu Jin left the palace, the Empress Dowager immediately asked Aunt Cheng to investigate. Gu Jin took care of the emperor in the palace a few days ago. What happened?

"Last time Miss Gu rubbed the soles of your feet for your majesty." Aunt Cheng came back and said.

"This is her job as a doctor." The Empress Dowager said.

Gu Jinzhi once rubbed it for the Empress Dowager, and it was easy for the Empress Dowager to fall asleep. Her technique is very sophisticated and accurate, and it is not easy for ordinary people to learn.

Even if she is a doctor for years, she can't learn Gu Jinzhi's technique for a while, so she rubbed it for the emperor herself, and there was nothing.

The doctor has no gender.

"...what else?" The Empress Dowager asked.

Aunt Cheng hesitated and said, "Last time you and your majesty were sick, Miss Gu went to the Qianqing Palace to diagnose your majesty's pulse. After that, His Majesty sent everyone out and only left Miss Gu in the inner hall for about half an hour. I don't know what he said..."

"Go and inquire." The Empress Dowager said.

Aunt Cheng's voice was slightly low and said, "I inquired about it. I can't find out."

The Empress Dowager's face was slightly dark.

Aunt Cheng has always been cautious and thoughtful. She goes to inquire about things, but she won't ask half of them. She said that she couldn't find out, but someone deliberately concealed it.

Why did the emperor deliberately hide the matter between him and Gu Jinzhi in the inner hall?

The Empress Dowager's heart jumped.

She couldn't help thinking, do she really know Gu Jinzhi?

The girl with simple and quiet eyes, who refused to be the noble concubine of the emperor in those years, was willing to sincerely take care of the fool King Luyang, and the Empress Dowager was very satisfied with her.

Is her heart still as pure as before?

"Let's ask again!" The Empress Dowager looked at Aunt Cheng and said, "Even if it's a clue, you have to find out!"

Aunt Cheng said yes.

It was not until dusk that Aunt Cheng came back to recover.

She lowered her head, shook her head and said, but still couldn't find out. There is only one rumor that the emperor and Gu Jinzhi sat quietly in the inner hall for half an hour and did nothing.

The Empress Dowager's heart suddenly sank.

In this deep palace, only the emperor himself can hide things so deeply. And he deliberately concealed it so tightly that even Aunt Cheng couldn't find out. Why?

If it's okay, why hide it?

The Empress Dowager remembered the way he looked at Gu Jinzhi, which was even hotter than when he looked at his concubine.

She took several deep breaths before regaining her calmness slightly.

She decided to stay still first and investigate secretly. Did she misunderstand?

The Empress Dowager still did not believe that Gu Jinzhi and the emperor had a head and tail.

Gu Jinzhi is one of the people she trusts most.

She didn't want to deny Gu Jinzhi easily.


After the New Year, it will be the old man's anniversary.

The grandchildren of the family, except for the eldest brother Gu Chenzhi, who is a load-bearing grandson, needs to be mourned for three years, and all other grandchildren can be removed.

After taking it, Gu Jinzhi can get married. Because of her marriage, she doesn't need to be controlled by her parents, and the Ministry of Ceremonies will do everything well.

And the fifth sister Gu Pozhi can't do it.

She has to wait for another two years, wait for her second uncle to be disqualed and do it for her.

She is three years older than Gu Jinzhi, and she is already 18 years old this year. In another two years, she will be 20 years old.

She used to be the most beautiful girl in the family. Her parents had high expectations, but now she has become the only old girl. This put her in a bad mood.

On the day of the anniversary of Xiaoxiang, she looked unhappy.

Except for Gu Jinzhi, the family's grief over the old man's death has passed away. On the Xiaoxiang ceremony, it was just that Gu Jinzhi was stunned.

She seemed to be trying to control herself, and finally she still cried.

Song Paner saw it and gently hugged her daughter's shoulder.

Xiao Xiangli was over. After returning home, Song Paner left Gu Jinzhi to speak.

"Sister Jin, it's been a year since your grandfather passed away." Song Paner said to Gu Jin, "You haven't been happy this year. My mother can see it. You are still young. What's wrong with this unhappiness? Things that will happen in the future will be heavier than this. Can't you bear it?

The old man is one of Gu Jinzhi's closest people in the world.

He was also the first to leave.

After Gu Jinzhi's rebirth, he was deeply immersed in this emotion.

Mother is right. She should let it go.

She listened in silence.

"Now I'm out of service, and I'm walking around. Go to the Hu family and play with the Jiang family. The little sister made an appointment to talk and had the right to relieve the boredom. Song Pan'er said again.

Gu Jinzhi smiled.

Jiang Xin is okay, and he can occasionally talk and laugh a few words; while Hu Jie, Gu Jinzhi and her have very few common topics.

"Let's talk about it later." Gu Jinzhi said perfunctorily, "There were many medical cases the year before last, which were sorted out by the eldest brother. He told me last time to help with the polishing. If you and your father agree, I want to move to Fujiazhuang and stay for a few days.

Fujiazhuang has the ancestral tomb of the Gu family.

My grandfather was buried there.

Uncle, second uncle and father all laid straw mats at home to guard filial piety. Only the eldest brother went to Fujiazhuang, opened a small medicine stove, and asked for consultation while guarding filial piety.

Lin Yi also followed.

This year, the eldest brother came home by chance.

Last time he came back, he told Gu Jinzhi about the medical case.

It is the medical case of the Gu family. Lin Yi helps to polish it. After all, it is less meaningful. It's better for Gu Jinzhi to do it himself.

It's okay to take the medical case back and have a look. It's just that the pastoral scenery in spring is good, and Gu Jinzhi really wants to relax. Now that her mother said the same thing, she came up with it.

Song Pan'er hesitated.

She can't bear to part with her daughter.

Gu Jinzhi will get married in September this year.

There are not many days at home. Song Paner hopes that she can spend more time with herself. In the future, I will marry in Luzhou, which is far away from the sky, and I can't see it even if I want to see it.

But Gu Jinzhi was always depressed at home, and Song Pan'er was also worried when he looked at it.

Fujiazhuang has Gujia's fields, guanists, and houses. It is only half a day away from the capital, and everything is convenient.

"All right." Song Pan'er agreed, "I'll tell your father that you're going to play with you. After the New Year, Brother Yu also went to Songshan Academy to study. He didn't promise you to go out to play, so I didn't agree with Brother Yan to go to school.

Gu Jinzhi sneered.

"Thank you, mother." She said.

The mother and daughter have agreed.

Gu Yanzhen went to the inner courtyard for dinner in the evening, and Song Pan'er said this to him.

"What's wrong with this?" Gu Yanzhen said, "There are so many houses in Fujiazhuang, you can take seven or eight maids with you. Let's relax and stay for half a month before coming back.

Gu Jin's way of thanks.

I just talked to my mother about Jiang Xin. On the second day, she received an invitation from the Jiang family.

Mrs. Jiang invited Gu Jinzhi and Song Pan'er to visit Jiang's house.

Princess Minghui has entered Beijing.

Princess Minghui is the first nobleman of the Gu family, and she is also from Yanling Mansion. Song Pan'er missed Yanling Mansion very much. When she heard that she was coming, she immediately wrote back to the Jiang family, indicating that she would go on a fixed day.

"Waited, our family will also go back to Yanling Mansion." On the way to Jiang's house, Song Paner sighed to Gu Jinzhi, "No matter how long you live in Beijing, it's not boring. Yanling Mansion is better.


Today is the last day of 2013. Looking back on this year, I got my graduation certificate in June and my marriage certificate in December. I was very relieved to have completed two major events in my life. It's just the update of the spring boudoir. In the last two months, because of illness and marriage and Kavin, it was a little unsatisfactory. I will work hard next year. Thank you for being here all the time.

I wish you all a good mood and a happy New Year on the last day of 2013. RS